Do liberals even like this country?

During a debate with a leftist this morning, I was once again told how much better things are in other places, and that made me ask myself if liberals even like this country yet alone love it?

How great other countries have it is a leftist argument they make all the time. It's beginning to be almost as common as saying the right are racist, sexist, homophobes.

What crossed my mind this morning is something I never thought of before: conservatives never say how much better it is in other places. We have our faults, we have our differences, but you never read a conservative say our country is not as good as X.

Liberals are quite the opposite. They want us to change our healthcare system like "theirs." They want us to have gun restrictions like theirs. They want us to have an education system like theirs. They want us to have a government structure like theirs. They want us to have an immigration system like theirs. They want us to have a justice system like theirs. We should take most of the money from rich people like they do. We need to change our election system like theirs.

So I'm going to ask this question one more time even though I've never gotten an answer before: If it's so good "there" WTF are you doing here?

It's apparent that we on the right love our country and the left does not. So the question I have (especially to you leftists) is if you do even like this country? It sure as hell doesn't seem like it since you want to change every aspect of it.
Honeybunch, you couldn't debate anyone. Go play with your vibrator.

Exactly the reply I expect from a person of limited intelligence.

Obama did not love America.......he loved the transformation of America.

He not only loved it, he ran on it and was elected by Democrats.
So he did. What was accomplished by that? Nothing. What laws did he break? None. But I'm sure that if Hillary had the same opportunity, she would have turned her back on it in a heartbeat. :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
Hillary and most other politicians with a shred of common sense would know that if the Russians offer you secrets

You run the other way

Yes, that woman is so full of integrity. She would never dream of trying to get dirt on Trump no more than she would try to get debate questions before the debate..............WHOOPS!
It is not as much integrity as common sense

Russians come up to you and offer you secrets and you don't suspect it may be a setup?

If it was a setup, I'm sure Hillary was behind it.

No.....only the Trump campaign would be stupid enough to team up with the Russians

With all those smart people, you would think there would be somebody to point out that it might not be a good idea

If the Trump family had always been involved in politics, perhaps you would be correct. In this case, it was a Russian lawyer (not government lawyer) who said she had damaging information on Hil-Liar that he may be able to use to help his father win an election. The meeting had nothing to do with Hillary as he found out. So yeah, I guess we can agree that it was some sort of setup.

How so? You never hear us saying that, do you? So apparently we are not getting fucked by anybody except the government; that's who we complain about fucking us. You on the left keep telling us the rich fucks you, but can't explain how.

Outside of campaign donations (which happens on both sides) what have the Republicans given the rich? Another question you won't be able to answer.

Tax breaks for certain industries apply to all industries that make similar products. After this healthcare thing, Trump will address taxes and lets see what he comes up with. Democrats have never done that except to raise them.

Ray, the extent of my political conversations with right wing people isn't that wide. Just because I don't hear directly from someone, doesn't mean it doesn't happen. But then again, it's besides the point. So, the party of the rich doesn't complain about the rich..... but then some of those who do vote for the Republicans will complain about what happens.

What have the Republicans given the rich? Seriously?

Let's see, because I CAN answer this question.

The only issue here is that what you see as "giving" is different to what I see.

But, I'll try under your view of giving.

First - giving an unfair advantage.

Like I've said before. If you give an unfair advantage to one company over another, it's essentially corruption, favoritism, you scratch my back, I'll scratch yours. There are many ways of expressing this sort of thing.

Tax incentives get Amazon to build fulfillment center in Katy

Tax incentives get Amazon to build fulfillment center in Katy"

This is in Waller County, Texas. Represented in the Texas Senate by a Republican, represented in the Texas House by a Republican. Represented in Federal govt by three Republicans.

I'd say this place is Republican.

"As part of the deal, the county will refund at least 50 percent of the taxes Amazon pays on the facility if the combined value of its property and inventory exceeds $100 million. The agreement requires the company to employ at least 800 people there and hold an annual job fair."

So, Amazon gets to pay half the amount of taxes than other companies. How many people in the area will be able to compete with Amazon? How many businessmen and women will see their business fold because they cannot compete.

You might say this is Amazon's money. I say it's not. I say there money is there for the taking, but Amazon will take it because they have managed to bribe the county into giving them a deal that makes them uber competitive.

""There's no other deal that compares to this," County Judge Trey Duhon said. "This is Amazon, and when you have a Fortune 100 company, it's a whole different ball game.""

Essentially this guy is saying that unless you're a top 100 company, you aren't going to get this kind of deal.

And while Waller County might be sitting there looking good, because it's got jobs, how many jobs are going to be lost elsewhere? Lots. Lots of businesses in Texas and all over the US are going to be lost. Republicans are going to lose their businesses (from a previous thread, right, about Republicans getting screwed over by the rich) as well as Democrats, a monopoly is going to be closer and closer as each competitor dies off and Amazon takes another slice of the pie, adding more jobs their their stack, making their power even great, their money to bribe officials to give them a sweet deal.

This is what the Republicans are giving Amazon, a part share in a monopoly, an unfair advantage, a larger share of the market.

Now, Democrats do this too.

Amazon's Tax Breaks

"The Boston Globe has a report on how the internet retailer Amazon has negotiated state and local tax breaks for two warehouses in Massachusetts. Last year, Amazon got $600,000 in state tax credits and $2.89 million in local tax breaks for a facility in Stoughton, Mass. The second facility, in Fall River and Freetown, Mass., will benefit from $11.6 million in real estate and personal property tax breaks, along with a still undisclosed state tax credit."

Now, Norfolk County, MA is mostly Democrat. 35% to 11% officially registered. They haven't voted Republican in a Presidential election since 1984.

So, can we say that Democrats also hand out the cash in this way? Yes, we can. However the system whereby local counties, states etc pay companies to relocate is something very American, it doesn't happen within the EU, there are laws to stop it and I think Google had to pay money because Ireland tried to give them an unfair advantage deal.

Who keeps this sort of system in place? Well, probably the republicans, but maybe Democrats too. But those who do it, are almost certain in the pay of such companies. The companies are controlling this sort of thing.

Thank you for that typical liberal reply demonstrating that you don't understand the difference between "giving" somebody something and "taking less" away. So I'll try to explain this one more time:

If you snuck into your neighbors home once a week and stole $100.00 while he was walking his dog, but then felt guilty after a while and reduced your theft to $50.00 a week, did you give just your neighbor $50.00 a week? Of course not, you just stole less.

Tax incentives to attract new businesses (or keep existing ones) to your city or state is something politicians on both sides of the aisle do. It's a practice that works and is also an investment for the city or state because they will get much more in return. It's how cities and states compete against each other to draw those businesses. So don't say that it's Republicans that do it.

When you "give" somebody something, it means you provided them with something they didn't have before. Our welfare programs are a perfect example of that.

So, if you hand someone a monopoly, is this giving or taking?

If you give someone an unfair advantage, is this giving or taking?

Yes, you've given that nonsense analogy about ten times already, there's no point doing it again and again and again.

Tax incentives attract new businesses. Sure they do. I get what you're saying. You're just not looking BEYOND this.

Look at what the EU has done. It has said to all EU countries, you can set the tax rates however you like, we don't care, 0%, 50%, 150% who cares? But what you cannot do is have a tax rate for everyone, and then give special deals to companies. Simply said everyone in that country pays the rates that are going, or they don't.

The difference here is that in the US companies can get what they want. They can go to counties, they can go to states and basically be like "we'll come to you if we don't pay much in tax" and the counties will be like, "we need jobs".

What this does is it plays off different areas against other areas, within the same country. Essentially the country has rolled over like a useless fucking dog, bearing its nipples and asking to have all the milk sucked out of it.

The impact of this, which you conveniently ignore, is that large companies, like Amazon, will ALWAYS get a cheap deal. What it also means is that smaller companies are (how many times do I have to say this for you not to ignore it?) not playing on a level playing field.

What it also means is that the guys doing the deals with companies, like Amazon, get nice little kickbacks.

So, the politicians get their cash for allowing it to happen, the companies get an unfair competitive advantage, and for some fucking reason, you're loving it every step of the way.

You love politicians getting kickbacks from companies in order for the politicians to do the bidding of the companies, you somehow seem to think that by giving BRIBES (there is no other word to describe what this money is) is great, you seem to think that people who have been elected by THE PEOPLE to represent THE PEOPLE and then turn around and take BRIBES to do the bidding of companies is great.

You love large corporations being able to buy politicians

You love large companies getting unfair advantages

You love small companies getting fucked over on a daily basis because they can't compete with the larger companies

Yes, you have a lot of loving.

And then you come on here and tell me I don't know the difference between giving and taking as if I'm some dumb fuck who hasn't been outside of his fucking village ever.

Then you write "When you "give" somebody something, it means you provided them with something they didn't have before. Our welfare programs are a perfect example of that."

And this is a perfect example of companies GIVING to politicians so politicians GIVE something to companies they didn't have before. Unless of course you're saying that companies had sweet deals before, so it's okay if they carry on bribing the hell out of politicians.

When you give an unfair advantage to companies like Amazon, is this not giving?

No, it's not giving. It's taking less. You say I told that story a dozen times, yet it still didn't sink into your head.

Yes, cities and states do compete against each other. That's how it's done in a free country. The city that takes the least will likely draw those businesses.

Either you watch too many television movies or you have evidence of these so-calle bribes you speak about. If so, I suggest you turn your evidence over to the FBI. Better still, turn that evidence over to your local news room. They may even offer to pay you for this evidence. Just make sure it's not against Bill or Hillary, otherwise you might end up committing suicide. Can't wait for the breaking news you provided the media any day now.

Big businesses put smaller businesses out of business by selling more to their customers. Larger companies can make better deals with vendors than can smaller companies because of volume. Therefore they can sell their items cheaper and make the same profit as smaller businesses who sell for more.

It's like that liberal urban legend how Walmart put mom and pop stores out of business. Walmart did no such thing. They opened up their store, and people decided they would rather shop at Walmart because they had cheaper prices. The customers put those mom and pop shops out of business--not Walmart.

Just because you tell me something, doesn't me I agree with you.

Again, they're not taking less, they're GIVING people the chance to be uber competitive.

You've completely ignored what I've said about this.

People buy at Walmart because of cheaper prices, how did they manage to get prices CHEAPER? Come on Ray? The govt gives you a massive tax break simply because you'll bribe the politicians, and you think this is fair game. Then they're uber competitive, and they take over the market.

And you LOVE THIS.

Walmart has lower prices because they fight to get lower prices. It doesn't have anything to do with government. In fact Walmart is one of our customers largest customers. We used to pick up material for our customer to make their products for Walmart, but Walmart complained they didn't make it cheap enough. So our customer had to get rid of their vendor here in Cleveland and we lost that delivery; that was about two to three trailer loads a week.

Prior to that they used a company for years that made plastic parts for them. The problem was the company never kept up with automation, so our customer went with another company that did so they could produce cheaper plastic parts. We still have the delivery from the new company (since they were a customer of ours already) but it's a much shorter haul and we make less money on it.

I know all about Walmart.
And how does any thing you posted with your completely errant fantasy meaning justify the government TAKING what one person used his opportunity to create and giving it to a pile of liberal shit who squandered his opportunity? YOU scum are just pure ignorant shit {We the people of the United States in order to form a more perfect union, ESTABLISH JUSTICE (that means that you don't steal what is not yours, including what another person reaps from HIS labors), Insure domestic tranquility (liberals hate this) it means their riots are contrary to the constitution and the us military could be constitutionally used to stop it., Provide for the common defense, (which you liberal scum hate because it protects everyone else from your attacks) Promote the GENERAL WELFARE, (which means to support communities as they need to sustain and protect themselves.), And secure the blessings of liberty to US ( not others, US meaning citizens of this country) and our posterity (OUR CHILDREN).}
The government collects taxes and elected officials decide how that money should be spent

That is not stealing it is democracy

But then if someone comes along "hey, i'll give you one million if you give me a tax break...", that's called a bribe.

If one could only prove it which in most cases never happens.

Proving it isn't hard. The problem is that it has been LEGITIMIZED by the system.

How to funnel money to politicians 101.

There are two ways of giving money to politicians. The first is through channels where people can see what you're giving, and the other is so nobody has a clue what you're giving.

From $25 to $10,000,000: A Guide to Political Donations - Campaign Finance - Election 2012 -

Here's a guide of how to funnel money to politicians.

The Top 10 Things Every Voter Should Know About Money-in-Politics | OpenSecrets


Half of all money comes from large donations from individuals, ie, rich people.

I mean, there are limits on how much you can "officially" give to candidate, but through super PACs and all that nonsense, there's no limit.

And it's just legitimized bribery.

I see. And what you are saying is that only Republicans participate? You're talking about campaign contributions, not bribes which was your original claim. Bribery is secret money given to somebody for personal (not professional) gain.

Who do you think the unions give their money to? Who do you think the trial lawyers give their money to? Who do you think environmentalist organizations give their money to?
Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, welfare, unemployment, Obamacare

Conservatives want to end them all

Of course we want to end unemployment, we want jobs for all, Democrats want to destroy industrys and jobs so people vote for Democrats.


Another lies. Since when a democrats wants destroy industry and jobs?

Maybe you can tell Trump stop hiring foreign workers and give it to Americans. Instead of acting Hypocrite.

Prove it? That's easy to do, Boeing in South Carolina, hostesses coal mine jobs...the fruit loops on your side who say a company should close it's doors if they don't "provide a living wage" ( god only knows what that means)

How can alleged conservatives love our Republic, with nothing but repeal.

How can liberals love our Republic with nothing but obstruct...and violent protests.
The leftwing fringe does not have a working majority in Congress, assembled.

Why not end the drug war to pay for health care, right wingers; too liberal for you?

Wow, why the hell didn't Obama end the drug war to pay for health care. Why do you expect conservatives to fix some screwed up program that liberals shoved down our throats. As far as I'm concerned, let Obamacare fail on it's own....then you'll be stuck with that frickken mess.
He was supposed to "bailout blacks", but the rich called dibs under our form of Capitalism.

It is the right wing that Implies, "our government cannot run a drug war right, and should be abolished as a waste of the (other) Peoples' tax monies."
How can alleged conservatives love our Republic, with nothing but repeal.

How can liberals love our Republic with nothing but obstruct...and violent protests.
The leftwing fringe does not have a working majority in Congress, assembled.

Why not end the drug war to pay for health care, right wingers; too liberal for you?

Yes by all means lets end the drug war, as well as every taxpayer funded nickel going toward drug addicts and their addiction programs......
Sounds like a plan !!!!!!!!!!
Just right wing fantasy? Promoting the general welfare means healthcare provided by any means available.

The drug war in just socialism on an inter-national basis.
Nothing wrong with change for the better, as long as it's our way of changing and not another countries way.

There is no hate on the right. That's why we never compare any other country to ours. We believe we have the greatest country in the world in spite of it's problems. We want to make a better USA, and the liberals want to make it an entirely different USA.

We've always been a great and the best Ray. It was Trump who keep saying we are no better than third world countries. Keep that in mind.

What or give us an example ----- What made you say the liberals want to make this country entirely different? Like what?

Yes there are plenty of hates from the right plentyand in this site, rise of alt right movement. Infowars, Brietbart, Fox News, National Enquirer all plugging a lot of hates and lies. ---- That are acceptable to you and your group.

What made you say the liberals want to make this country entirely different? Like what?

1 Obama's apology tour

2. Obama's insitance no to say "radical terrorist

3. Obama's claim Muslims founded this country

4. Obama leading from behind

5. Obama you didn't build that

6. Obama having a temper tantrum when he couldn't get it his way after Sandy Hook

7. Obama trying to run around Congress on the dream act and Paris accord

8. Obama care

9. Obama flip floping gay marriage

10. Obama using the EPA to hinder business

11. Obama using the IRS to go after political enemy's.

12. Obama looking the other way on federal drug laws.

13. Obama dividing this country like we haven't seen in over 30 years.

That's, 13 you want more?

. The rise of racism in this country

That's all do to Obama and the left, the Democrats would fold if they couldn't keep the northern blacks and whites separated...the North is way more racist and segergated then the South is in the year 2017.


I can't wait for the apology tour after Trump leaves office

There will be a lot of fences to mend

I am sure you will lead the crowd, while we file for impeachment of your new Democrat president on the first god damn day..


Trump will be in Federal Prison by then

For what ..Tell us on this doll how Trump hurt you?


Living wage is a bogus euphemism
It's is not the responsibility of employment to provide all your wishes
Own place to live, own car,a small amount of money to spend freely, are not rights, requirements nor obligations. They are achievements
Liberals don't much care for the achieving types, they focus on the melodrama of "the 1%" and try to get productive people to give more money to them
here out Wal-Mart raised their wages to $14 per hour for their employees.....that's the starting wage. That is a very smart business move because now they will get more production from their employees. Now Ray you must cringe at the thought because you always side with the management but to me it makes all the sense in the world. More pay more production better employees apply. Mom wage means the employer expects basically no production.

No Eddie you must cringe at that thought because your dream of being a Walmart greater is now beyond reach for you.


How can alleged conservatives love our Republic, with nothing but repeal.

How can liberals love our Republic with nothing but obstruct...and violent protests.
The leftwing fringe does not have a working majority in Congress, assembled.

Why not end the drug war to pay for health care, right wingers; too liberal for you?

Yes by all means lets end the drug war, as well as every taxpayer funded nickel going toward drug addicts and their addiction programs......
Sounds like a plan !!!!!!!!!!
Just right wing fantasy? Promoting the general welfare means healthcare provided by any means available.

The drug war in just socialism on an inter-national basis.

GTFO , how many more kids are you going to shoot in the back and run over asshole with a skid steer, over weed?

How many more kids are you going to bury 12 foot deep over Mary Jane ?

1. There are NO liberals that will say that other places are better than America. Prove to us who say that. It's people like you that plugged in these kind of lies Ray. It's your unpresidential leader that plugged in a lot of garbage that we are a no better than third world countries.
Who loves America? Let see ---- You have a foreign adversary invaded our democracy during election. That is acceptable to you and the rest of your group. Since when that is acceptable to real conservative? That is traitorism. Your president products are made from foreign countries and workers from foreign countries. At the same time his motto Buy Americans and Hire Americans. That is hypocritism. You supported that. The never ending kissing Putin ass. You and the rest of supported that. We NEVER supported that kind of garbage because we love our country.

Nobody invaded our election system liar. They invaded the DNC server under the leadership of big ears. That's it. Only the MSM has the puppet strings on people like you who promote their lies.

Yes, it is the leftists position that other countries do things better than we do. If you participated in more forums, you'd see it for yourself. Don't expect me to go through hundreds of topics to find them for you. If you don't believe me, fine. Stay ignorant for all I care.

2. Racism. Really Ray? I know you very well about racism. Do you want me to bring it up?

I didn't bring it up--you did. Show me where I said anything about racism in the OP. Liar.

3. Our country is always been great and the best Ray. You got it backwards. Your leader said the other way. Why do you plugged all these lies Ray.

I didn't write any lies. What I said is that you leftists constantly tell us Republicans how much better other countries have it than ours. If that's the way you feel, then you obviously don't love this country because you are always telling us how we are second fiddle to socialist countries.

4.1. Health Care. Really? Who is trying to repeal and replace Obamacare with a garbage Trumpcare? Just to say they repeal and replace Obamacare.

Yes, we are trying to eliminate Commie Care. It's the worst piece and most expensive legislation in decades. It gave some (likely Democrat voters) healthcare and took from others (likely Republican voters) while the only goal was to create as many new government dependents as possible. By the DumBama's own administration, they created over 20 million more new government dependents. Only a liberal would see this as a plus in this country.

4.2. Guns. Nobody will yank your dick from your pants Ray. Trump wants you to believe that. We do believe in 2nd amendment and all we are saying are sensible gun laws. Like this EO by Trump. This is not acceptable.

Trump signs bill reversing Obama rule to ban gun purchases by mentally ill

Right, because we had so many murders by SS people who went crazy and killed people. You don't even know when politics is being played right in front of your eyes.

4.3. Education, Government Structure, Immigration, Justice ------ So what system had you proposed Ray? Like What?

We proposed building a wall. We proposed Kate's law which would imprison returning felons after being deported which the Democrats stopped. Democrats want illegal immigrant felons here killing our people and selling drugs. We don't.

4.4. So you prefer they take money from poor people like YOU a truck driver??

Nearly half of our population don't pay into our income tax system. The enjoy the benefits provided by the other half that do pay into our government system. Perhaps if we all paid federal income tax, and had it increased on everybody when some liberal proposes government healthcare, free college, paid leave, maybe it would give those people something to think about before they support such candidates.

Nothing is free. Free to a liberal is giving people things and making somebody else pay for it.

4.5 Change election system. Like what Ray??Did you or Trump proposed anything garbage? Like let the Russians invade our democracy?

They never invaded our democracy liar. Keep drinking the Kool-Aid.

5.0. So let me ask you this question and I need you to answer it.
What/How/Where/Who ----- made you think Liberals don't love this country? Example?
Who love this country better? See 1.0.

If you love this country so much, why are you always trying to change it to other countries that's already out there?
How can alleged conservatives love our Republic, with nothing but repeal.

How can liberals love our Republic with nothing but obstruct...and violent protests.
The leftwing fringe does not have a working majority in Congress, assembled.

Why not end the drug war to pay for health care, right wingers; too liberal for you?

Yes by all means lets end the drug war, as well as every taxpayer funded nickel going toward drug addicts and their addiction programs......
Sounds like a plan !!!!!!!!!!
Just right wing fantasy? Promoting the general welfare means healthcare provided by any means available.

“Congress has not unlimited powers to provide for the general welfare, but only those specifically enumerated.”
Thomas Jefferson
During a debate with a leftist this morning, I was once again told how much better things are in other places, and that made me ask myself if liberals even like this country yet alone love it?

How great other countries have it is a leftist argument they make all the time. It's beginning to be almost as common as saying the right are racist, sexist, homophobes.

What crossed my mind this morning is something I never thought of before: conservatives never say how much better it is in other places. We have our faults, we have our differences, but you never read a conservative say our country is not as good as X.

Liberals are quite the opposite. They want us to change our healthcare system like "theirs." They want us to have gun restrictions like theirs. They want us to have an education system like theirs. They want us to have a government structure like theirs. They want us to have an immigration system like theirs. They want us to have a justice system like theirs. We should take most of the money from rich people like they do. We need to change our election system like theirs.

So I'm going to ask this question one more time even though I've never gotten an answer before: If it's so good "there" WTF are you doing here?

It's apparent that we on the right love our country and the left does not. So the question I have (especially to you leftists) is if you do even like this country? It sure as hell doesn't seem like it since you want to change every aspect of it.

Well Ray there are some on both sides that hate this country when their political party is not in power...

Now what is wrong with looking at other nations to see if they are doing it better than us?

Nothing wrong with change for the better, as long as it's our way of changing and not another countries way.

There is no hate on the right. That's why we never compare any other country to ours. We believe we have the greatest country in the world in spite of it's problems. We want to make a better USA, and the liberals want to make it an entirely different USA.

We've always been a great and the best Ray. It was Trump who keep saying we are no better than third world countries. Keep that in mind.

What or give us an example ----- What made you say the liberals want to make this country entirely different? Like what?

Yes there are plenty of hates from the right plentyand in this site, rise of alt right movement. Infowars, Brietbart, Fox News, National Enquirer all plugging a lot of hates and lies. ---- That are acceptable to you and your group.

What made you say the liberals want to make this country entirely different? Like what?

1 Obama's apology tour

2. Obama's insitance no to say "radical terrorist

3. Obama's claim Muslims founded this country

4. Obama leading from behind

5. Obama you didn't build that

6. Obama having a temper tantrum when he couldn't get it his way after Sandy Hook

7. Obama trying to run around Congress on the dream act and Paris accord

8. Obama care

9. Obama flip floping gay marriage

10. Obama using the EPA to hinder business

11. Obama using the IRS to go after political enemy's.

12. Obama looking the other way on federal drug laws.

13. Obama dividing this country like we haven't seen in over 30 years.

That's, 13 you want more?

. The rise of racism in this country

That's all do to Obama and the left, the Democrats would fold if they couldn't keep the northern blacks and whites separated...the North is way more racist and segergated then the South is in the year 2017.


Wrong answer Bear. I didn't ask for Obama's record. Keep trying.

From you rebuttal. Let me give you a homework.
1. Link?
2. What difference does it make if he calls them ISIL? Does it change anything?
3,4, 5----- Link?
6. So you support Sandy hook massacre of children?
7. So what? I admired him for going around congress. What did US gain from withdrawing from Paris Accord except stupidity and ignorance? Did you hear anyone supporting Trump by pulling out from PA? None.
8. Obamacare------- Obama cannot be perfect.
9. Link?
10. Really? Like what Bear? Link?
11. Really? Link. So how come he has not expose Trump tax returns?
12. Link?
13. You got it backwards. This country is divided because of Trump unpresidential behavior. He is dividing this country big time. Family against family, friends against friends all because stupidity and ignorance. The whole world is laughing at us.
This is NOT Making America Great. Dude we are going the wrong direction.

Racism is sky rocketing all over America, rise of alt right group movement and hatred against minority since Trump was elected. That's a fact.

Hate in America: Dallas-Area Minors Burned With Acid in Alleged Racist Attack

Racist Incidents Are Up Since Donald Trump's Election. These Are Just a Few of Them

Trump’s election has created “safe spaces” for racists: Southern Poverty Law Center’s Heidi Beirich on the wave of hate crimes
Last edited:
Hopefully the repub party doesn't last that long

And that hope of yours has been the same the last 30 years or so, yet Republicans gain power all the time. Better worry about your party lasting that long.
Worry about the ah in our WH
Trump accuses Jon Huntsman of giving the US away to China.
So guess who nominates Huntsman for ambassador of Russia?

Donald Trump

This non-stop Russia thing is going to continue to kill your party just like the racist, sexist, homophobe deplorables did.
So Ray blues and the rest of your ilk ,,,we're just supposed to turn away ,keep on walking when we see this AH in our WH act just like the ass he is What president speaks to an enemy in private with only the Russian translator available AND doesn't even report it?? This WH from the president on down to his Freddo son is a den of iniquity and you nitwits support him SHAME

1. Look fool Hillary and Bill raked in millions from Russia to line their own pockets. 2. Naturally when people like you flap your big mouth about Trump and Russia we just roll our eyes at you.

1. That's funny. Prove it.
2. Really? Maybe you are forgetting something. It's republicans investigating Trump. Several GOPs are blasting Trump because of his never ending love to Putin. You may want to read this link from Republican senator blasting Trump. But please keep your eyes rolling.

GOP Rep. Gowdy slams Trump team for 'amnesia' on Russia meetings

He expressed frustration over the failure to disclose the meeting up until now, citing "the amnesia of people that are in the Trump orbit."

"Someone close to the president needs to get everyone connected with that campaign in a room and say: From the time you saw 'Doctor Zhivago' until the moment you drank vodka with a guy named Boris, you list every single one of those, and we are going to turn them over to the special counsel," Gowdy said during an interview Tuesday on "The Story with Martha MacCallum" on Fox News.
Worry about the ah in our WH
Trump accuses Jon Huntsman of giving the US away to China.
So guess who nominates Huntsman for ambassador of Russia?

Donald Trump

This non-stop Russia thing is going to continue to kill your party just like the racist, sexist, homophobe deplorables did.
So Ray blues and the rest of your ilk ,,,we're just supposed to turn away ,keep on walking when we see this AH in our WH act just like the ass he is What president speaks to an enemy in private with only the Russian translator available AND doesn't even report it?? This WH from the president on down to his Freddo son is a den of iniquity and you nitwits support him SHAME

Look fool Hillary and Bill raked in millions from Russia to line their own pockets. Naturally when people like you flap your big mouth about Trump and Russia we just roll our eyes at you.
That line their pockets is BS They've done more for countries where the poor suffered than probably all your republicans have

Ahahaha what countries Haiti? They hate the Clintons guts, goddamn lib don't stop drinking the liberal Kool-Aid cold turkey it could be dangerous.

Hate to disappoint you bud but that is just one country Haiti.
But look how many countries protested against Trump. One link say 60 countries, one link say around the globe and 2 millions protested worldwide during inauguration.

People in more than 60 countries are protesting Trump with the Women’s March

Protests against Trump are unrolled around the world Saturday

Two million protest against Trump's inauguration worldwide
Hopefully the repub party doesn't last that long

And that hope of yours has been the same the last 30 years or so, yet Republicans gain power all the time. Better worry about your party lasting that long.
Worry about the ah in our WH
Trump accuses Jon Huntsman of giving the US away to China.
So guess who nominates Huntsman for ambassador of Russia?

Donald Trump

This non-stop Russia thing is going to continue to kill your party just like the racist, sexist, homophobe deplorables did.
So Ray blues and the rest of your ilk ,,,we're just supposed to turn away ,keep on walking when we see this AH in our WH act just like the ass he is What president speaks to an enemy in private with only the Russian translator available AND doesn't even report it?? This WH from the president on down to his Freddo son is a den of iniquity and you nitwits support him SHAME

Here's the deal: people get sick of BS stories and stories that don't mean a damn thing. Every time somebody that even knew Trump farted near a Russian, some loser leftist wrote a story about it like it mattered. So how many Russian stories have we been treated to here on USMB that didn't amount to squat, like 20 or more?

It's the boy that cried wolf and nobody even cares anymore. It just makes the left look really really bad to people that are not true leftists.

The investigation is on going Ray.

Nobody cares? Maybe you can explain that to the republicans investigating Trump.
During a debate with a leftist this morning, I was once again told how much better things are in other places, and that made me ask myself if liberals even like this country yet alone love it?

How great other countries have it is a leftist argument they make all the time. It's beginning to be almost as common as saying the right are racist, sexist, homophobes.

What crossed my mind this morning is something I never thought of before: conservatives never say how much better it is in other places. We have our faults, we have our differences, but you never read a conservative say our country is not as good as X.

Liberals are quite the opposite. They want us to change our healthcare system like "theirs." They want us to have gun restrictions like theirs. They want us to have an education system like theirs. They want us to have a government structure like theirs. They want us to have an immigration system like theirs. They want us to have a justice system like theirs. We should take most of the money from rich people like they do. We need to change our election system like theirs.

So I'm going to ask this question one more time even though I've never gotten an answer before: If it's so good "there" WTF are you doing here?

It's apparent that we on the right love our country and the left does not. So the question I have (especially to you leftists) is if you do even like this country? It sure as hell doesn't seem like it since you want to change every aspect of it.

Well Ray there are some on both sides that hate this country when their political party is not in power...

Now what is wrong with looking at other nations to see if they are doing it better than us?

Nothing wrong with change for the better, as long as it's our way of changing and not another countries way.

There is no hate on the right. That's why we never compare any other country to ours. We believe we have the greatest country in the world in spite of it's problems. We want to make a better USA, and the liberals want to make it an entirely different USA.

We've always been a great and the best Ray. It was Trump who keep saying we are no better than third world countries. Keep that in mind.

What or give us an example ----- What made you say the liberals want to make this country entirely different? Like what?

Yes there are plenty of hates from the right plentyand in this site, rise of alt right movement. Infowars, Brietbart, Fox News, National Enquirer all plugging a lot of hates and lies. ---- That are acceptable to you and your group.

What made you say the liberals want to make this country entirely different? Like what?

1 Obama's apology tour

2. Obama's insitance no to say "radical terrorist

3. Obama's claim Muslims founded this country

4. Obama leading from behind

5. Obama you didn't build that

6. Obama having a temper tantrum when he couldn't get it his way after Sandy Hook

7. Obama trying to run around Congress on the dream act and Paris accord

8. Obama care

9. Obama flip floping gay marriage

10. Obama using the EPA to hinder business

11. Obama using the IRS to go after political enemy's.

12. Obama looking the other way on federal drug laws.

13. Obama dividing this country like we haven't seen in over 30 years.

That's, 13 you want more?

. The rise of racism in this country

That's all do to Obama and the left, the Democrats would fold if they couldn't keep the northern blacks and whites separated...the North is way more racist and segergated then the South is in the year 2017.


Wrong answer Bear. I didn't ask for Obama's record. Keep trying.

From you rebuttal. Let me give you a homework.
1. Link?
2. What difference does it make if he calls them ISIL? Does it change anything?
3,4, 5----- Link?
6. So you support Sandy hook massacre of children?
7. So what? I admired him for going around congress. What did US gain from withdrawing from Paris Accord except stupidity and ignorance? Did you hear anyone supporting Trump by pulling out from PA? None.
8. Obamacare------- Obama cannot be perfect.
9. Link?
10. Really? Like what Bear? Link?
11. Really? Link. So how come he has not expose Trump tax returns?
12. Link?
13. You got it backwards. This country is divided because of Trump unpresidential behavior. He is dividing this country big time. Family against family, friends against friends all because stupidity and ignorance. The whole world is laughing at us.
This is NOT Making America Great. Dude we are going the wrong direction.

Racism is sky rocketing all over America, rise of alt right group movement and hatred against minority since Trump was elected. That's a fact.

Hate in America: Dallas-Area Minors Burned With Acid in Alleged Racist Attack

Racist Incidents Are Up Since Donald Trump's Election. These Are Just a Few of Them

Trump’s election has created “safe spaces” for racists: Southern Poverty Law Center’s Heidi Beirich on the wave of hate crimes

. So what? I admired him for going around congress. What did US gain from withdrawing from Paris Accord except stupidity and ignorance? Did you hear anyone supporting Trump by pulling out from PA? None.

What you admired him for going around Congress? Obama was supposed to be a constitutional lawyer.. Jesus Christ pal we didn't elect a dictator.. what is wrong with you?
Worry about the ah in our WH
Trump accuses Jon Huntsman of giving the US away to China.
So guess who nominates Huntsman for ambassador of Russia?

Donald Trump

This non-stop Russia thing is going to continue to kill your party just like the racist, sexist, homophobe deplorables did.
So Ray blues and the rest of your ilk ,,,we're just supposed to turn away ,keep on walking when we see this AH in our WH act just like the ass he is What president speaks to an enemy in private with only the Russian translator available AND doesn't even report it?? This WH from the president on down to his Freddo son is a den of iniquity and you nitwits support him SHAME

Here's the deal: people get sick of BS stories and stories that don't mean a damn thing. Every time somebody that even knew Trump farted near a Russian, some loser leftist wrote a story about it like it mattered. So how many Russian stories have we been treated to here on USMB that didn't amount to squat, like 20 or more?

It's the boy that cried wolf and nobody even cares anymore. It just makes the left look really really bad to people that are not true leftists.
So we should just ignore that meeting with trump jr,the son in law etc etc with russians who promised dirt on hillary??? Real patriots?? and they don't say a word about the meeting and lie about who was there ?? This bunch of crooks and con men in our WH was cleaning the swamp?

So he did. What was accomplished by that? Nothing. What laws did he break? None. But I'm sure that if Hillary had the same opportunity, she would have turned her back on it in a heartbeat. :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

You are forgetting something Ray. Russia is a well known adversary of US not a friendly ally of US.
Any meeting with adversary such as Russia is not a good idea.
With so much secret meetings then lie after lie about Russians you should ask yourself. Why and WTF is going on?
Unfortunately you seems not to understand any of that. Will it make any difference if he has a meeting with Hitler?

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