Do liberals even like this country?

Don't like America MOVE...

Venezuela Travel Brochure
You can voluntarily work for the gubment.
You can dress in black and carry clubs.
You can burn things.
You can beat people up.
You can kill people who don't agree with you.
You can take from others what you want.

Don't let the door hit you in the ass, and
yes were going to lock behind you...:bye1:
So who cares about a bunch of jobless losers that have nothing better to do with their time or their Obama phone? I'd be willing to bet half of them don't even vote, and the other half have no Fn clue what they are protesting.

Yes, Americans are rejecting Democrats. That's how you lost the house, that's how you lost the Senate, that's how you lost the presidency and while all that was going on, you lost 2/3 of the Governorship in this country.

Nobody cares about fake racism except the brainwashed people like yourself who are trained like a monkey to see any opposing view to yours as racist. Trust me, people are sick of it. We are sick of hearing about it, we are sick of reading about it, and we are sick of people making race out of things that have nothing to do with race.

The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. Thank God liberals fit that definition perfectly.
Americans didn't choose their current government, this is what we got stuck with. So take your Nazi sympathizer shit and go to hell.

We won--you lost. This is what America chose. Go to hell yourself.

Okay so you won.
Look what the hell is going on in this country. Being torn apart by a lying, hypocrite, unfit, unethical, amateur, unprofessional and unpredictable childish president. Laughingstock and TOTAL embarrassment all over the world

Dividing this country big time. BIG TIME. What is there to be brag about?

I see you are practicing your liberal talking points. Do your joints hurt after getting your puppet strings tugged on so harshly?

The only way the country is being torn apart is because the snowflakes are melting. They just can't stand the idea that they lost and are losing support all the time. They can't stand the idea that most of America is rejecting Socialism/ Communism ideology.

For the rest of us that don't live in that doom and gloom world, we are happy with our economy. We are pleased with the unemployment rate. It's good to see our labor participation rate increase. We love the fact border crossings have dropped considerably, and that Trump added over 25 new deportation courts. Speaking of courts, we like his nomination to the Supreme Court. Our stock market is doing fine and breaking records. Our enemy in North Korea is beginning to back off after Trump's threats, and China told NK they are staying out of our battle. We like Trump reversing job killing regulations on businesses, and consumer confidence keeps going up.

Sorry, but our President is a success so far and it drives you leftists batty.
What? With quantitive easing, The feds buy treasure bonds with money they don't even have an then charge us tax payers interest...QE lowers interest rates....Get a clue they don't hand money to banks...all the printing presses in America going 24/7 would take like 20 years to produce all the paper money that the feds pumped into the system..

You say "pumped into the system"...HOW? How is it "pumped into the system". They absolutely hand money to the banks. Where do you think all that money is going? Certainly not to you and me. Get a clue. Stop being an idiot.
What? With quantitive easing, The feds buy treasure bonds with money they don't even have an then charge us tax payers interest...QE lowers interest rates....Get a clue they don't hand money to banks...all the printing presses in America going 24/7 would take like 20 years to produce all the paper money that the feds pumped into the system..

You say "pumped into the system"...HOW? How is it "pumped into the system". They absolutely hand money to the banks. Where do you think all that money is going? Certainly not to you and me. Get a clue. Stop being an idiot.

You don't have a clue about QE do you? Once again they buy treasury bonds, lowering the interest rate, you don't have a clue do you how much money it frees up with lower interest.

Jesus do the math they didnt have 90 billion a month to give to the banks, it took an entire cargo plane filled with paper money of just 400 million dollars that Obama gave to Iran in bribe money and we were talking 90 billion a month.

You don't have a clue about QE do you? Once again they buy treasury bonds, lowering the interest rate, you don't have a clue do you how much money it frees up with lower interest.
Jesus do the math they didnt have 90 billion a month to give to the banks, it took an entire cargo plane filled with paper money of just 400 million dollars that Obama gave to Iran in bribe money and we were talking 90 billion a month..

You are completely clueless. You have no idea what you're talking about
The only way the country is being torn apart is because the snowflakes are melting. They just can't stand the idea that they lost and are losing support all the time. They can't stand the idea that most of America is rejecting Socialism/ Communism ideology.

It's not rejecting that. What's it's rejecting is your ideology. That's why all those monuments of Jim Crow are coming down. What did you "win"? The statue of Robert E. Lee came down in Charlottesville. Baltimore removed their Jim Crow monuments in the dead of night. Folks tore down a monument in North Carolina like we did when we "liberated" Baghdad and tore down Saddam's statue. Trump's popularity is the worst of any President, he hasn't passed any legislation (thank God), and he defends Nazis. That's "winning"? How so?

For the rest of us that don't live in that doom and gloom world, we are happy with our economy. We are pleased with the unemployment rate. Our stock market is doing fine and breaking records

The words you're searching for are "thanks, Obama".

Speaking of courts, we like his nomination to the Supreme Court.

Of course you do. Because he's a fucking racist know-nothing, just like you. But it matters little. When Trump is inevitably removed from office, all the people he appointed and nominated will be pulled out too. That includes Gorsuch, who is a Russian collaborator as far as we know.

. Our enemy in North Korea is beginning to back off after Trump's threats, and China told NK they are staying out of our battle. We like Trump reversing job killing regulations on businesses, and consumer confidence keeps going up.

Trump's rate of job growth has been below that of Obama's.
You don't have a clue about QE do you? Once again they buy treasury bonds, lowering the interest rate, you don't have a clue do you how much money it frees up with lower interest.
Jesus do the math they didnt have 90 billion a month to give to the banks, it took an entire cargo plane filled with paper money of just 400 million dollars that Obama gave to Iran in bribe money and we were talking 90 billion a month..

You are completely clueless. You have no idea what you're talking about

Me clueless ? Your the idiot who thinks the feds printed up 90 billion dollars and gave it to the banks a month... Again nim rod the feds make up money out of thin air and buy treasury bonds .. Jesus not that complicated do you even know what a billion. Dollars looks like ? Now picture 90 billion a month..

The feds didn't have that money..


Okay so you won.
Look what the hell is going on in this country. Being torn apart by a lying, hypocrite, unfit, unethical, amateur, unprofessional and unpredictable childish president. Laughingstock and TOTAL embarrassment all over the world

Dividing this country big time. BIG TIME. What is there to be brag about?
We have a President that is being praised by white supremacists, Nazi sympathizers and the Russians. And people who claim to love this country are okay with that?

Hell Yes. Trump sympathizers loved him dearly. David Duke even sent him a Thank you twitter.
Totally incompetent ( Rep. Sen. Bob Corker 8/17/17 ).
It's not rejecting that. What's it's rejecting is your ideology. That's why all those monuments of Jim Crow are coming down. What did you "win"? The statue of Robert E. Lee came down in Charlottesville. Baltimore removed their Jim Crow monuments in the dead of night. Folks tore down a monument in North Carolina like we did when we "liberated" Baghdad and tore down Saddam's statue. Trump's popularity is the worst of any President, he hasn't passed any legislation (thank God), and he defends Nazis. That's "winning"? How so?

When did he ever defend Nazis? I told you not to listen to Democrat pollitians. They are born liars. It's in their blood, it's in their DNA.

Yes, the commies are tearing statues down just like ISIS did. It's the exact same uncivilized behavior we expect from both. Next they will advance to movies I'm sure. Then it will be removing books, and probably try to end up at the US Constitution since that was written by slave holders.

“Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street building has been renamed, every date has been altered. And the process is continuing day by day and minute by minute. History has stopped. Nothing exists except an endless present in which the Party is always right.”

George Orwell, 1984

Quite scary how something like this was predicted decades ago.

The words you're searching for are "thanks, Obama".

I guess so. That Obama is an amazing guy. Everything that went wrong in his administration was Bush's fault and everything that Trump is accomplishing is Obama's doing.

Of course you do. Because he's a fucking racist know-nothing, just like you. But it matters little. When Trump is inevitably removed from office, all the people he appointed and nominated will be pulled out too. That includes Gorsuch, who is a Russian collaborator as far as we know.

If that's what you know, then all you know is liberal propaganda.

So tell us all, why would Pence remove all nominated and appointed people from office once Trump is gone? Pence probably helped Trump pick many of them. And how would Pence be able to remove Gorsuch? Better question, why would he want to?

We all have dreams. I dream of hitting the lottery, but that doesn't mean it's going to happen. You better try and get in touch with reality or at least part of it before you really do yourself some damage.
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Yes, the commies are tearing statues down just like ISIS did. It's the exact same uncivilized behavior we expect from both. Next they will move to movies I'm sure. Then it will be removing books, and probably try to end up at the US Constitution since that was written by slave holders.

What do you mean "just like ISIS did"? I think you meant "Just like our founding fathers did". When we revolted against Britian, down came King George's statues. Granted some people hate America so much they want to pretend we are ISIS.

And lots of different places have taken down lots of different statues and memorials for lots of different reasons. Good and bad. Just because it's honoring someone doesn't mean it has to stay, especially when you look at what they did and why those statues were put up in the first place.

Just because presidents usually don't hold rally's for themselves once in office doesn't mean "Trump is holding rallies after taking power just like Hitler did" carries any weight does it? I mean if you are going to compare the one that means the other is valid right?
So who cares about a bunch of jobless losers that have nothing better to do with their time or their Obama phone? I'd be willing to bet half of them don't even vote, and the other half have no Fn clue what they are protesting.

Yes, Americans are rejecting Democrats. That's how you lost the house, that's how you lost the Senate, that's how you lost the presidency and while all that was going on, you lost 2/3 of the Governorship in this country.

Nobody cares about fake racism except the brainwashed people like yourself who are trained like a monkey to see any opposing view to yours as racist. Trust me, people are sick of it. We are sick of hearing about it, we are sick of reading about it, and we are sick of people making race out of things that have nothing to do with race.

The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. Thank God liberals fit that definition perfectly.
Americans didn't choose their current government, this is what we got stuck with. So take your Nazi sympathizer shit and go to hell.

We won--you lost. This is what America chose. Go to hell yourself.

Okay so you won.
Look what the hell is going on in this country. Being torn apart by a lying, hypocrite, unfit, unethical, amateur, unprofessional and unpredictable childish president. Laughingstock and TOTAL embarrassment all over the world

Dividing this country big time. BIG TIME. What is there to be brag about?

1. I see you are practicing your liberal talking points. Do your joints hurt after getting your puppet strings tugged on so harshly?

2. The only way the country is being torn apart is because the snowflakes are melting. They just can't stand the idea that they lost and are losing support all the time. They can't stand the idea that most of America is rejecting Socialism/ Communism ideology.

3. For the rest of us that don't live in that doom and gloom world, we are happy with our economy. We are pleased with the unemployment rate. It's good to see our labor participation rate increase. We love the fact border crossings have dropped considerably, and that Trump added over 25 new deportation courts. Speaking of courts, we like his nomination to the Supreme Court. Our stock market is doing fine and breaking records.

4. Our enemy in North Korea is beginning to back off after Trump's threats, and China told NK they are staying out of our battle. We like Trump reversing job killing regulations on businesses, and consumer confidence keeps going up.

Sorry, but our President is a success so far and it drives you leftists batty.

1. Purely rubbish.

2. Wrong. We are not doing anything. We are just watching how this lousy little petulant president tearing this country apart. Maybe you should listen to CNN the real news not just Limbaugh and Hannity. Did you see how many Republicans blasted this president because of his resent comments siding with hate groups? Rep. Sen. Bob Corker even said he is incompetent.
Did you see his team of CEOs abandoned this kid then dissolved it entirely?
Don't fucking tell me that's our fault. Those are all self inflicted wounds. Get that straight and stop lying.

3. Wrong. Unemployment has come down in 2015 and 2016 then 2017, economy in 2015 and 2016 then 2017 has improved tremendously because of Obama not Trump.
You are a very dishonest person. Do you honestly believe the economy will miraculously get better in 2017 without the 2015 & 2016 improvement?

Border crossing. That's funny border crossing has come down in last several years. Since you are so obsessed with Obama you don't know what is going on at the border. On top of that Mexico's economy has improved last year and this year. Trump lied all the time------- How do you know those Trump numbers are accurate?

4. Wrong. North Korea has threatened his neighbors several times then back off without Trump childish bluff. So what's new? Those tough rhetoric doesn't mean a diddly squat. You may want to read the link came that from president Moon telling Trump bullshit and to STFU.
China----- You lied China never said anything like that. China's Xi ping warned Trump any preemptive strike against NK China will side with North Korea. See link.
All those tough talk only showed to the world that Trump means bluffing.

Job killing business regulations. I asked you this question before I will ask you again. Like WHAT JOB KILLING BUSINESS REGULATIONS ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT RAY?

China pledges neutrality - unless US strikes North Korea first

The president of South Korea has a strong message for Trump - Vox
So who cares about a bunch of jobless losers that have nothing better to do with their time or their Obama phone? I'd be willing to bet half of them don't even vote, and the other half have no Fn clue what they are protesting.

Yes, Americans are rejecting Democrats. That's how you lost the house, that's how you lost the Senate, that's how you lost the presidency and while all that was going on, you lost 2/3 of the Governorship in this country.

Nobody cares about fake racism except the brainwashed people like yourself who are trained like a monkey to see any opposing view to yours as racist. Trust me, people are sick of it. We are sick of hearing about it, we are sick of reading about it, and we are sick of people making race out of things that have nothing to do with race.

The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. Thank God liberals fit that definition perfectly.
Americans didn't choose their current government, this is what we got stuck with. So take your Nazi sympathizer shit and go to hell.

We won--you lost. This is what America chose. Go to hell yourself.

Okay so you won.
Look what the hell is going on in this country. Being torn apart by a lying, hypocrite, unfit, unethical, amateur, unprofessional and unpredictable childish president. Laughingstock and TOTAL embarrassment all over the world

Dividing this country big time. BIG TIME. What is there to be brag about?

1. I see you are practicing your liberal talking points. Do your joints hurt after getting your puppet strings tugged on so harshly?

2. The only way the country is being torn apart is because the snowflakes are melting. They just can't stand the idea that they lost and are losing support all the time. They can't stand the idea that most of America is rejecting Socialism/ Communism ideology.

3. For the rest of us that don't live in that doom and gloom world, we are happy with our economy. We are pleased with the unemployment rate. It's good to see our labor participation rate increase. We love the fact border crossings have dropped considerably, and that Trump added over 25 new deportation courts. Speaking of courts, we like his nomination to the Supreme Court. Our stock market is doing fine and breaking records.

4. Our enemy in North Korea is beginning to back off after Trump's threats, and China told NK they are staying out of our battle. We like Trump reversing job killing regulations on businesses, and consumer confidence keeps going up.

Sorry, but our President is a success so far and it drives you leftists batty.

1. Purely rubbish.

2. Wrong. We are not doing anything. We are just watching how this lousy little petulant president tearing this country apart. Maybe you should listen to CNN the real news not just Limbaugh and Hannity. Did you see how many Republicans blasted this president because of his resent comments siding with hate groups? Rep. Sen. Bob Corker even said he is incompetent.
Did you see his team of CEOs abandoned this kid then dissolved it entirely?
Don't fucking tell me that's our fault. Those are all self inflicted wounds. Get that straight and stop lying.

3. Wrong. Unemployment has come down in 2015 and 2016 then 2017, economy in 2015 and 2016 then 2017 has improved tremendously because of Obama not Trump.
You are a very dishonest person. Do you honestly believe the economy will miraculously get better in 2017 without the 2015 & 2016 improvement?

Border crossing. That's funny border crossing has come down in last several years. Since you are so obsessed with Obama you don't know what is going on at the border. On top of that Mexico's economy has improved last year and this year. Trump lied all the time------- How do you know those Trump numbers are accurate?

4. Wrong. North Korea has threatened his neighbors several times then back off without Trump childish bluff. So what's new? Those tough rhetoric doesn't mean a diddly squat. You may want to read the link came that from president Moon telling Trump bullshit and to STFU.
China----- You lied China never said anything like that. China's Xi ping warned Trump any preemptive strike against NK China will side with North Korea. See link.
All those tough talk only showed to the world that Trump means bluffing.

Job killing business regulations. I asked you this question before I will ask you again. Like WHAT JOB KILLING BUSINESS REGULATIONS ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT RAY?

China pledges neutrality - unless US strikes North Korea first

The president of South Korea has a strong message for Trump - Vox

Yes, that's what I said, China is staying out of it. Of course if China gets involved, we won't have to. That's the point! NK can no longer use China as their protector against the US. As for South Korea, from your article:

"His remarks may actually resonate with Trump’s own views, though, according to Georgetown University nuclear expert Matthew Kroenig. “The Trump administration has called on allies to take on more responsibility, and while Washington's commitment to Seoul is ironclad, it also supports South Korean steps to enhance its security,” he said in an interview."

Now, to your lies: As I asked Derp, what comment has Trump made that sided with hate groups? Name one. Maybe your problem is YOU DO listen to CNN who broadcasts lies on a daily basis.

As to the economy, and I reiterate: Presidents don't create jobs. Never has and never will. The private sector creates jobs. All government can do is make it more or less inviting for the private sector to create jobs. DumBama has been the most anti-business President in our lifetime. The private sector struggled even with him in charge to create those jobs. DumBama did absolutely nothing for the private sector.

And as I told Derp, Obama is an amazing guy. Anything that happened negative during his two terms was Bush's fault, and now anything good that happens while he's not in charge is his doing even though he's been gone seven months now. And knowing the mentality of leftists, if we continue this path two years from now, you'll still be telling us how Obama is responsible.

As for the border:

“What we’re seeing is really about perception,” said Faye Hipsman, a policy analyst at the Migration Policy Institute, a nonpartisan think tank based in Washington, D.C.: “The orders offer the possibility of very meaningful changes at the border — increased detentions, more people subject to rapid deportations — so that creates a perception that it’s more difficult to reach the United States. More importantly, there’s a lot of fear inside the U.S., and those feedback loops reach people who are thinking about making the journey.”

Number of immigrants caught at Mexican border plunges 40% under Trump

"Over the last six months the Trump administration has made good on its promise to enhance border security and enforce our immigration laws. In the first half of 2017, illegal border crossings fell by an estimated 70 percent."

Reps. McCaul, Goodlatte: Better border security and immigration enforcement is on the way

So there you go, two sources, one from the left and one from the right.
What do you mean "just like ISIS did"? I think you meant "Just like our founding fathers did".

I expected that people like you and others that are racist people here will come up with these kind of disgusting and dishonest propaganda.

For you to compare the Anti hatred group to ISIS that are fighting against these animals NAZIs, KKK and ALT Right that are not up to no good is beyond comprehension.
From your post ^^^ I also expected that racist people like you support KKK, NAZIs and other hate groups.

Just lIke what I've been saying all along------ Racist are not good people.

Right now Trump is facing a major major backlash from all over because of incompetents. Even foreign leaders blasting Trump.

Mitt Romney (@MittRomney) on Twitter

Having created a natl inflection point of consequence, POTUS must apologize & repudiate the racists.

No, not the same. One side is racist, bigoted, Nazi. The other opposes racism and bigotry. Morally different universes.
5:14 PM · Aug 15, 2017
I know some very addled and non impartial dipshits here do not like affirming posts regarding white people as threads regarding such have been removed all day
Sad and disputable misuse of moderation powers. Racist to coin a popular phrase

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