Elizabeth Warren's DNA test results point to Native American heritage

Does this mean she is FINALLY accepted by the Cherokee nation as a member?


Meanwhile her DNA doesn't really help her claim anyway:

Elizabeth Warren Has Statistically Less Native American Blood Than Average White American, According To Study

and this from a real CHEROKEE Indian woman who dug through Warrens baloney with hard evidence that Warren is NOT an Indian:

Elizabeth Warren's Ancestry - Part 1

The Cherokee Nation doesn't accept Warrens claim either.
It does not matter because if a ten ton fact hit you dumbass Trumpette in the head, you would deny it.

What you really meant to say is that you are too lazy to write up a decent argument against what I posted. I see that you reply to others with your nasty replies, not even trying to put up a debate effort.

Why bother. You post shit & demand a detailed argument.
Dimms just admit it, she lied to get preferential treatment. It’s not the end of the world.
Lying fuck. She received no preferential treatment.
She certainly has claimed the 'right' to call herself a 'minority'. :p

Oh yes, my Sistah 'Talking BS' is one of us, one of the Native American minorities, down with our struggles...she knows our pain and frustrations....

Does Trump OWE Senator Warren A MILLION dollars for her taking the DNA test? :dunno:

me thinks he might owe her that money.... put your money where your mouth is, president trump

She took him up on his challenge and proved a native American heritage. All this debate is merely him and his supporters being deadbeats and cheaters.

Elizabeth claimed she is 1/32 Cherokee, now her DNA says she has far less than that. She also claimed her GRANDFATHER is part Cherokee, but the Census records says he is WHITE (no mention of any Indian blood at all)

Elizabeth Warren's Ancestry - Part 1

"The Grandparents

Bethania "Hannie" Crawford, the grandmother of Ms. Warren, was the child of John Houston Crawford and Plina/Paulina Ann Bowen. She was born in Laclede County, Missouri, on October 29, 1875. She was found on the 1880 US Census as Bethena, living in Johnson County, Arkansas with her parents and siblings; race listed as white. She married Harry G. Reed in Sebastian County, Arkansas, on June 2, 1893. She was found on the 1910 US Census living in Muskogee County, Oklahoma with her husband and children; race listed as white. She was found on the 1920 US census living in Hickory Ridge, Okfuskee County, Oklahoma with her husband and children; race listed as white. She was found on the 1930 US Census living in Wetumka, Hughes County, Oklahoma, with her husband and daughter, Pauline; race listed as white. She was found on the 1940 US Census living in Wetumka, Hughes County, Oklahoma, with her husband; race listed as white. She died November 11, 1969 in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma."
Elizabeth Warren's DNA test results point to Native American heritage

nobody cares but RW bigots
1/1024 will never be American Indian
Most everyone of you Caucasians could say that if you go by the Pocahontas standard, in fact most American Caucasians have more have an higher ratio


try that in English next time Gomer.

Does Trump OWE Senator Warren A MILLION dollars for her taking the DNA test? :dunno:

me thinks he might owe her that money.... put your money where your mouth is, president trump

She took him up on his challenge and proved a native American heritage. All this debate is merely him and his supporters being deadbeats and cheaters.

Elizabeth claimed she is 1/32 Cherokee, now her DNA says she has far less than that. She also claimed her GRANDFATHER is part Cherokee, but the Census records says he is WHITE (no mention of any Indian blood at all)

Elizabeth Warren's Ancestry - Part 1

"The Grandparents

Bethania "Hannie" Crawford, the grandmother of Ms. Warren, was the child of John Houston Crawford and Plina/Paulina Ann Bowen. She was born in Laclede County, Missouri, on October 29, 1875. She was found on the 1880 US Census as Bethena, living in Johnson County, Arkansas with her parents and siblings; race listed as white. She married Harry G. Reed in Sebastian County, Arkansas, on June 2, 1893. She was found on the 1910 US Census living in Muskogee County, Oklahoma with her husband and children; race listed as white. She was found on the 1920 US census living in Hickory Ridge, Okfuskee County, Oklahoma with her husband and children; race listed as white. She was found on the 1930 US Census living in Wetumka, Hughes County, Oklahoma, with her husband and daughter, Pauline; race listed as white. She was found on the 1940 US Census living in Wetumka, Hughes County, Oklahoma, with her husband; race listed as white. She died November 11, 1969 in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma."
Warren said one of her grandmothers had Native American blood.
Elizabeth Warren's DNA test results point to Native American heritage

nobody cares but RW bigots
1/1024 will never be American Indian
Most everyone of you Caucasians could say that if you go by the Pocahontas standard, in fact most American Caucasians have more have an higher ratio


try that in English next time Gomer.
I'll simple it down for you. She has more white in her dna than the average white person. But we know you think, she wants to be a flower. Then she is a flower. Lol
Ask a native american, i believe it does. Lol, liberals cannot do anything right. You elected a negro that was half white.
I believe Trump calling her "Pocahontas" was insulting to Native Americans no matter if she is able to join a tribe or not.
Does Trump OWE Senator Warren A MILLION dollars for her taking the DNA test? :dunno:

me thinks he might owe her that money.... put your money where your mouth is, president trump

She took him up on his challenge and proved a native American heritage. All this debate is merely him and his supporters being deadbeats and cheaters.

Elizabeth claimed she is 1/32 Cherokee, now her DNA says she has far less than that. She also claimed her GRANDFATHER is part Cherokee, but the Census records says he is WHITE (no mention of any Indian blood at all)

Elizabeth Warren's Ancestry - Part 1

"The Grandparents

Bethania "Hannie" Crawford, the grandmother of Ms. Warren, was the child of John Houston Crawford and Plina/Paulina Ann Bowen. She was born in Laclede County, Missouri, on October 29, 1875. She was found on the 1880 US Census as Bethena, living in Johnson County, Arkansas with her parents and siblings; race listed as white. She married Harry G. Reed in Sebastian County, Arkansas, on June 2, 1893. She was found on the 1910 US Census living in Muskogee County, Oklahoma with her husband and children; race listed as white. She was found on the 1920 US census living in Hickory Ridge, Okfuskee County, Oklahoma with her husband and children; race listed as white. She was found on the 1930 US Census living in Wetumka, Hughes County, Oklahoma, with her husband and daughter, Pauline; race listed as white. She was found on the 1940 US Census living in Wetumka, Hughes County, Oklahoma, with her husband; race listed as white. She died November 11, 1969 in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma."
Warren said one of her grandmothers had Native American blood.
her own DNA called her a liar.
Does this mean she is FINALLY accepted by the Cherokee nation as a member?


Meanwhile her DNA doesn't really help her claim anyway:

Elizabeth Warren Has Statistically Less Native American Blood Than Average White American, According To Study

and this from a real CHEROKEE Indian woman who dug through Warrens baloney with hard evidence that Warren is NOT an Indian:

Elizabeth Warren's Ancestry - Part 1

The Cherokee Nation doesn't accept Warrens claim either.
It does not matter because if a ten ton fact hit you dumbass Trumpette in the head, you would deny it.

What you really meant to say is that you are too lazy to write up a decent argument against what I posted. I see that you reply to others with your nasty replies, not even trying to put up a debate effort.

Why bother. You post shit & demand a detailed argument.

No I posted evidence using the US Census reports and that Warrens 1/32 claim has been reduced by her own DNA results to a lower number. :laughing0301:

The Cherokee nation doesn't accept her claims either.

You are a truly dumb person.
Ask a native american, i believe it does. Lol, liberals cannot do anything right. You elected a negro that was half white.
You elected con man that was half assed.
America is doing great! I'll vote for him again and win. Lol, you will probably vote for Hillary again. Lol
lol This was Warren's " I am not a crook!" speech.
And it turns out the Republican really was a crook. How hilarious is that?
Well, Warren really was a crook. She sought preferences by falsely claiming she was a native American, but Havard has said they never believed her. Clearly, the woman was neither honest nor a competent crook.
She still got the job, though, didn't she? So the answer to that question never mattered and the Republicans have been making a huge deal out of nothing for how many years now?
Actually, she raised the issue in an attempt to gain preference as a minority, which shows a failure of character so it is a big deal even if neither Harvard nor anyone else fell for her scam.
Warren never gained shit from her claim.

And character????? A Trumpette talking about character????? hahahahahahahahaahahha
In other words you are saying it is acceptable to you to have Democratic politicians lie and cheat their way through life but even the hint of scandal about a Republican is too much for you to bear. That explains why you supported the Clintons and Obama.
Ask a native american, i believe it does. Lol, liberals cannot do anything right. You elected a negro that was half white.
She never claimed to be pary of a tribe, so why does it matter?
The percent of blood is not relavent to be a Cherokee. You have to trace your ancestry back to at least one of a group of people. Warren has too many holes in her ancestry so she can not show it.
No. She paid some Stanford liberal to find she may be 1.56% Indian. LOL! What a FRAUD!

The test result page does say that the person working on the sample did not know the identity of the sample donor at the time the work was done. Absent any proof otherwise, I will give them the benefit of the doubt.

However, if you read all the way down to the bottom of the report, you find this interesting segment: "For Native American references, we used sample within the 1000 Genomes project of Native American ancestry; these samples come from Mexico, Peru, and Colombia. (It is not possible to use Native American reference sequences from inside the United States, since Native American groups within the US have not chosen to participate to participate in recent population genetics studies.)"

So she had her DNA tested to prove her tale of Native American ancestry - which has always focused on US Native Americans - by a group whose reference samples don't actually include any US Native Americans.

And at that, her claim to "Native American" is actually about half what your average white American can claim. Hell, I'M more Native American than she is, and you don't see ME going to around claiming to be one. You certainly don't hear me telling tall tales about how "my parents had to elope to escape racism because my mother was Native American" or asking my employers to list me as Native American ethnicity.
that's gonna leave a mark.
Yep, The test proves that she is even less of the ratio that most Caucasians in this country are...
But she has high cheekbones
Proves her original story as written in her book about having a distant Grandmother who was native American is credible due to scienrific evidence.
Most Caucasians in this country have a higher ratio then she has, the Loopy kunt has no credibility
Do you think kunt with a k is somehow cleverer than ****?

Say **** like you own it.

Oh, I see. Well that’s just stupid. There is no point censoring slurs if the board isn’t policing this kind of nonsense.

Just let people swear like grownups do.
Ask a native american, i believe it does. Lol, liberals cannot do anything right. You elected a negro that was half white.
I believe Trump calling her "Pocahontas" was insulting to Native Americans no matter if she is able to join a tribe or not.
Really? I think her claiming to be indian to get a minority job, stopping a real minority from getting it. Would be far more insulting than calling her a name. Tell me, are you outraged about the name washinton redskins?
"Massachusetts Democratic Senate candidate Elizabeth Warren isn't backing down from her claim of Native American ancestry, despite the apparent lack of primary documents proving that she's 1/32nd Cherokee."

Minority Rules: Who Gets To Claim Status As A Person Of Color?

Lizzy just gave us proof she had no business checking the box.

Thank you!
checking what box on her application for the Harvard job? Did she check a box on her application for the Harvard job or NOT?

I'll answer that for you, Warren DID NOT check any box on her application for the Harvard professor position she applied for....to indicate she should get native American preference.

PLEASE STOP with your bull crap Frankie....
Pocahontas is a fraud she has no credibility
how is she a fraud???

explain this thinking
how about you put I MUST PROVE THIS TRUE aside and just look at the facts around it. how is she native american, how about you prove this thinking also? i'll go first.

White? Black? A Murky Distinction Grows Still Murkier
On average, the scientists found, people who identified as African-American had genes that were only 73.2 percent African. European genes accounted for 24 percent of their DNA, while .8 percent came from Native Americans.

Latinos, on the other hand, had genes that were on average 65.1 percent European, 18 percent Native American, and 6.2 percent African. The researchers found that European-Americans had genomes that were on average 98.6 percent European, .19 percent African, and .18 Native American.
looks like you can find "native american" in all of us to a very small degree. blacks can be .8%, latinos .18% and warren was a whopping .097%, less than blacks or latinos in generic studies.

so it really proves nothing at all except about what people thought they'd find and now people are going NEENER NEENER TOLD YOU SHE HAD INDIAN HERITAGE w/o even looking to see what the #'s hold and how to interpret them. she has in fact 1/2 the average amount in the standard european.

in short, this does not prove she has indian heritage but is a mutt like the rest of us.

Now prepare yourself for an onslaught of personal insults. Not only are you an American Indian hater you have now also become a misogynist, a heritage denier, a gene abuser, a naysayer and a blind Partisan!

For shame sir! You are hereby given your marching orders and must report without delay to the nearest Readjustment camp for further assessment of your rebellious nature and refusal to bend to the left wing will of the progressive Borg!:1peleas:


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