Ending the Ukraine War

Lord Long Rod

Diamond Member
Jan 17, 2023
Here is an novel approach that I have been thinking about today. I have not been thinking too hard about it, but I have been thinking about it. We all want the war to end. Some do not care about what Ukraine looks like post-war, and some do. If the USA stops assisting Ukraine it will save us GOBS of money and the fighting will be over in 2-3 months. Ukraine cannot overcome Russia's strength on their own. Granted, the Russians will brutalize the remaining Ukrainians. But who cares? People get brutalized constantly around the world and nobody lifts a finger or loses a night's sleep, on the right or left. It is not that I want Russia to win. It is that I do not want us to be involved in their war with Ukraine for any reason.

So, we can help Ukraine, which will prolong the war and cost us a lot of money while accomplishing probably nothing; certainly nothing in OUR interest. Or, we can withdraw support, keep our money, and let Russia crush the fuck out of Ukraine. But, there is one more option.

We, including NATO, could, hypothetically finish off those crooked Nazi sympathizers in Ukraine really fast. A few well-placed bombs, 4 or 5 good, strong air-bursts of some very hot munitions over selected cities, and PRESTO!! We bring them to their knees!! Then we have several options. We can force them to the negotiation table. We can take them over and plunder them and take their oil and grain fields. We could also deport Democrats and non-conforming minorities there. Or, number 3, we can just leave and let Putin do whatever he likes.

One thing is for sure. If we strike Ukraine it will probably be much cheaper for us in the long-run. It will also strengthen our position in the world ("Don't fuck with the Yanks, mate. They are fucking CRAZY!!"). Think this helps Putin? Maybe, indirectly. However, if we fuck Ukraine over like this it will STUN Putin. If we do this I would put US troops on the border with Russia for a few weeks just to fucking scare the shit out of him. I would line Abrams tanks up and down the border and blast "Raining Blood" by Slayer over a loud speaker system and toward their troops. It is a magical song, and after a few hours it will hypnotize our soldiers into blood thirsty killing machines. We will have a hard time holding them back from the Ruskies!!! The swarthy Russian peasant soldiers will be shaking in their low-quality boots. Maybe this will destabilize Moscow and cause a civil uproar.

It is just a thought. It may not be the best approach, but it WOULD BE an approach that puts us in the drivers seat of where our money goes and it would be a lot of fun!
Each person in this country has given them around 400 bucks so far. Thats an average of probably 1K a household.
Enough is enough.
This bullshit has nothing to do with us. All we are doing is contributing to more death, and subsidizing their whole fucking country.
Here is an novel approach that I have been thinking about today. I have not been thinking too hard about it, but I have been thinking about it. We all want the war to end. Some do not care about what Ukraine looks like post-war, and some do. If the USA stops assisting Ukraine it will save us GOBS of money and the fighting will be over in 2-3 months. Ukraine cannot overcome Russia's strength on their own. Granted, the Russians will brutalize the remaining Ukrainians. But who cares? People get brutalized constantly around the world and nobody lifts a finger or loses a night's sleep, on the right or left. It is not that I want Russia to win. It is that I do not want us to be involved in their war with Ukraine for any reason.

So, we can help Ukraine, which will prolong the war and cost us a lot of money while accomplishing probably nothing; certainly nothing in OUR interest. Or, we can withdraw support, keep our money, and let Russia crush the fuck out of Ukraine. But, there is one more option.
Wrong! It's America's war against Russia and winning against Russia can guarantee America's future sole hegemony for at least the rest of the 21st. century and beyond.

Losing it means that America plays second fiddle to the Brics alliance.

The proxy war using Ukraine as the cannon fodder was a brilliant idea that it worth many more hundreds of billions. It might not work but it's a bet America must take. It's in fact, the culmination of all America's wars that were meant to destroy the Russian superpower. Until Russia is neutralized, China can't be nextl!
We, including NATO, could, hypothetically finish off those crooked Nazi sympathizers in Ukraine really fast. A few well-placed bombs, 4 or 5 good, strong air-bursts of some very hot munitions over selected cities, and PRESTO!! We bring them to their knees!! Then we have several options. We can force them to the negotiation table. We can take them over and plunder them and take their oil and grain fields. We could also deport Democrats and non-conforming minorities there. Or, number 3, we can just leave and let Putin do whatever he likes.
The US has no super weapons to finish the Ukraine that Russia doesn't have. And fwiw, Russia's weapons could be superior to America's.
It is just a thought. It may not be the best approach, but it WOULD BE an approach that puts us in the drivers seat of where our money goes and it would be a lot of fun!
No, it's meaningless drivel, spam, and trolling because you have nothing to do.
That’s the kind of ignorant world view I expect from a fucking Canadian.
Not really.
Crimea is Ukraine....controlled by Ukraine and supplied by Ukraine. All of Crimea's fresh water supplies come from Ukraine by means of an artificial canal.

The most valuable assets and resources in Ukraine are in territory currently held by Russia.

The military hardware and ammunition currently going to Ukraine is not so much cash but equipment that is slated for retirement because of the new generation of equipment which is replacing what we are sending to Ukraine. Where it has a dollar value....it's in truth a loan that Ukraine has to pay back in the future. Back in 2000 the UK finally paid back the final installment for equipment that we gave them during WW2.

How we deal with Ukraine will set a new agenda for the future if we pull out.

Any current or future treaties won't be worth the paper they are written on.

And the USA's assets of factories, stocks, and investments in Taiwan will be gone because PRC will seize the island and its banks full of desperately needed cash for their debt crisis. Then PRC will almost completely control the entire semiconductor market. Because they will have the world's assets. Fighting will be pointless at that point...

We flinched in the face of nuclear threats.

Russia is a border nation with the USA. That 20 miles of ocean between us is a nothing. Wanna give back Alaska because Russia claims we bought it too cheap?
There will be no end until Russia has at minimum achieved SMO objectives .

US is fast backing out .

"Nobody" is aware what happened in Oxford , England a few days ago . Assumed "D" type notice applied.

Possible first use of a satellite directed laser to obliterate infrastructure that NATO believed was un-attackable because of the colossal defence systems between London and Birmingham .
Nowhere reported in the MSM other than as a huge fire caused by a lightning strike . ROFL .
Biggest fire in England for many decades and the target literally disintegrated with unusual blue light clearly visible immediately before and after .
Ring any bells ?
Money money money money...........MONEY. We got to keep those govt contractors fat and happy.

Money money money money...........MONEY. We got to keep those govt contractors fat and happy.

MIC McConnell: Senator discloses that the indefinite proxy war in Ukraine is purposed with 'reindustrializing' the arms industry...

“As a result of the weapons transfers that we’ve made to Ukraine, we are reindustrializing our base here in the United States,” McConnell added. “And we’re employing a significant number of Americans, in this country, building our industrial base again.”

Translation: The war in Ukraine is a government jobs program. It’s good for business, especially for the defense industry, as it justifies continuing purchase orders.

MIC McConnell: Senator discloses that the indefinite proxy war in Ukraine is purposed with 'reindustrializing' the arms industry...

“As a result of the weapons transfers that we’ve made to Ukraine, we are reindustrializing our base here in the United States,” McConnell added. “And we’re employing a significant number of Americans, in this country, building our industrial base again.”

Translation: The war in Ukraine is a government jobs program. It’s good for business, especially for the defense industry, as it justifies continuing purchase orders.

Oh yeah, its great business for reps, senators, contractors. They don't even hide it anymore. We must continue at all costs is the mantra and narrative as the laundromat works in overdrive.
Here is an novel ---------------------

It is just a thought. It may not be the best approach, but it WOULD BE an approach that puts us in the drivers seat of where our money goes and it would be a lot of fun!
Guess most of us have unhinged moments , Rod , but we mostly keep them private for fear of being ridiculed.
You most certainly are not offering a solution , merely offering us a petulant child's reaction when a toy is not working properly or the child is not getting its own way --- smash out and start crying.
Flush that one down the toilet with the day's other refuse . .

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