FBI special agent that opened investigation on Trump is escorted out of Bureau HQ

Trump will almost certainly be indicted for some "crime" related to obstruction or espionage. IF the jury is seated in DC, he WILL LOSE. Then it will go to SCOTUS and if SCOTUS also nukes him, the fight will be on. The other half of America is FED THE HELL UP!

No he won't.

This was never about trying to nail him on something. This was all about showing his house with armed fbi agents and police lights on the news as they "stormed his home in search of classified documents he stole from the country and endangered us all" and nothing else.

It's a big show put on for the cameras in an attempt to make him look bad before midterms. When they raided him they were also on the news talking about bidens polls were up for cancelling student debt, talking about how Biden is lowering gas prices, how bidens employment rate is up, Biden was calling Republicans "semi fascist". It's all just a psychological campaign to prep for midterms. Plus it also said to other conservative politicians "this is what happens. We send the fbi to your home if you go against us".
Y'all did that for the whole 4 years Trump was in office. Stop the stupid shit.
We didn't say he wasn't the president for 4 years, Clinton did not go out obsessively and campaign, lying to her voters that trump and his supporters, stole the election..... She won! Trump is not President! The vote should not be counted! Our vote machines are corrupted by Hugo Chavez, Did she? Heck no!

Your what about-ism, is failing! :)
We didn't say he wasn't the president for 4 years, Clinton did not go out obsessively and campaign, lying to her voters that trump and his supporters, stole the election..... She won! Trump is not President! The vote should not be counted! Our vote machines are corrupted by Hugo Chavez, Did she? Heck no!

Your what about-ism, is failing! :)
The Left claimed Trump wasn't the legitimate president for the entire time he was in office.

"Hillary Clinton: Trump is an ‘illegitimate president’"

This is one of my favs...

Even Biden said Trump was an illegitimate president...

So, stop lying that the Democrats accepted Trump as a legitimate president.
You don't even know the charged, but you know he's guilty?
I don't know if he's guilty, and I don't know if he is not.... That's for a jury to decide, if he were ever charged with anything!

I have an opinion of my own, based on the limited facts we do have access to, but by no means do I state such opinion of mine, as being fact.
Without capitalists you would have no place to work, no place to make your IRA account grow, no place to buy food or any other product you need to survive.
That's an odd thing to say. I have been to every former Communist country in Europe during the Cold War and my wife was born in Czechoslovakia. EVERYONE there during Communism had a job, a home, an income and enough food - albeit no delicacies. So, you are talking out of your rectum.
C'mon 'round heanh, boy. Allow me to introduce you to Mr. Bull Shark.
He'll be happy to meet ya..and eat ya. Ofc we could truss ya up and take you further south to meet Mr. Tiger Shark, oh man I hate them fucking things like Diamondbacks. They are fucking nasty. Bull sharks are nowhere near as bad as Tigers. Tigers are the worst POS shark ever. "Great White"? Fuck you, a couple Tiger sharks would kill a Great White. They're like a pitbull shark from hell. I've seen one twist a 1/4" steel gaff hook up like a coat hanger just by chomping on it. And as I slung it out the boat by the tail, it was trying to get me. If it didn't go over the side, it woulda sunk that snapping shit into my arm about 5" wide. Bastard!
Don't you speak English? I don't understand a thing you are saying.
That's an odd thing to say. I have been to every former Communist country in Europe during the Cold War and my wife was born in Czechoslovakia. EVERYONE there during Communism had a job, a home, an income and enough food - albeit no delicacies. So, you are talking out of your rectum.
Yeah, life was awesome in the commie countries...lol

He needs to see MAJOR prison time.

Yea, as if that will ever happen. He’ll be given a nice job on CNN so he can talk about how “dangerous” constitutional conservatives are.
Yea, as if that will ever happen. He’ll be given a nice job on CNN so he can talk about how “dangerous” constitutional conservatives are.

But if it's his ass or Wray's/Garland's, he's in deep shit.
Except in Trump world!

In trumps world, you get to claim you won the vote, when you LOST the vote! :eek:
In Democrat world, you get to claim a guy that hid in his basement, didn't campaign for the last 3 weeks of an election, and had the enthusiasm of a slug got the most votes ever in America.

Many of us don't believe that and with valid reason. No one with objective reasoning would.
We didn't say he wasn't the president for 4 years, Clinton did not go out obsessively and campaign, lying to her voters that trump and his supporters, stole the election..... She won! Trump is not President! The vote should not be counted! Our vote machines are corrupted by Hugo Chavez, Did she? Heck no!

Your what about-ism, is failing! :)
Tick tick tick...whine while you can.

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