Hispanics Hate Trump

All agreed that these illegals crossed our borders illegally thus qualified to be called criminals.
Most of these people came here to seek a better life, work hard so they can feed their families. And yes there are those who commit heinous crimes which should be deported.
My parents came here in early 30 without papers from Barcelona. They never not committed any crime except traffic ticket due to old age.
Is that mean my parents are criminals?

Oh for crying out loud what a load of crap. The narrative that poor illegals are just good honest hard working people looking for a job is rubbish. The facts do not fit that talking point. Millions of these illegals are committing crime. Not a few not a small percentage a whole big chunk of them.

I imagine you are baffled looking for an example, fine. Research the $4 billion a year scam (that continues to grow each year) where illegals file fraudulent tax returns claiming fraudulent child tax credits to scam tax refunds in the thousands, even over $10,000. A lot bigger than most American's tax refunds I can tell you that. Its a scam, its illegal for them to claim this credit you have to be a US citizen. $4 billion a year and rising.

These illegals have no problem with breaking our laws, none.
Oh cry me river. Millions of these illegals committing crimes?? Your dreaming and justification of your lunacy. If you a hear an illegal commuting heinous crime you multiply by 20? If you see these people on the streets we should rounded up and put them all in jail. Because according to you millions committed crimes.
From your post... I know you will respond...arrest them all.

Being in this country illegally is a crime. Do you understand that?
No, unlawful presence in the country is not a crime. It is a violation of federal immigration law to remain in the country without legal authorization, but this violation is punishable by civil penalties, not criminal. Chief among these civil penalties is deportation or removal, where an unlawful resident may be detained and removed from the country.

Is Illegal Immigration a Crime? Improper Entry v. Unlawful Presence

you are talking in circles. Do you understand what the word 'illegal' means? an illegal act is a crime, whether its a civil crime or a criminal crime or a misdemeaner or a felony does not change it from being a crime.

entering the USA illegally is a crime, staying here illegally is a crime. Giving birth does not negate the crime of the mother.
A civil offense such as unlawful presence in the country is illegal but it is not considered a crime because it is a violation of civil statue not a criminal statue. People staying in the country with expired visas such as work permits are charged with illegal present. They can't be fined or imprisoned but they can be deported and they can be barred from reentry. These action are not punishment according SCOTUS but are administrative procedures.

Improper Entry is a crime, however it is misdemeanor not a felony. The punishment is is a fine up to $250 and up 6 mos. in jail. However, these penalties are almost always waived because the fines don't get paid and imprisonment serves no purpose.

My point in this discussion is not that illegal immigrants aren't doing anything wrong. If we want these people treated as criminals, which I don't agree with, we need criminal statues and the cases should be tried in a criminal court.
Oh for crying out loud what a load of crap. The narrative that poor illegals are just good honest hard working people looking for a job is rubbish. The facts do not fit that talking point. Millions of these illegals are committing crime. Not a few not a small percentage a whole big chunk of them.

I imagine you are baffled looking for an example, fine. Research the $4 billion a year scam (that continues to grow each year) where illegals file fraudulent tax returns claiming fraudulent child tax credits to scam tax refunds in the thousands, even over $10,000. A lot bigger than most American's tax refunds I can tell you that. Its a scam, its illegal for them to claim this credit you have to be a US citizen. $4 billion a year and rising.

These illegals have no problem with breaking our laws, none.
Oh cry me river. Millions of these illegals committing crimes?? Your dreaming and justification of your lunacy. If you a hear an illegal commuting heinous crime you multiply by 20? If you see these people on the streets we should rounded up and put them all in jail. Because according to you millions committed crimes.
From your post... I know you will respond...arrest them all.

Being in this country illegally is a crime. Do you understand that?
No, unlawful presence in the country is not a crime. It is a violation of federal immigration law to remain in the country without legal authorization, but this violation is punishable by civil penalties, not criminal. Chief among these civil penalties is deportation or removal, where an unlawful resident may be detained and removed from the country.

Is Illegal Immigration a Crime? Improper Entry v. Unlawful Presence

you are talking in circles. Do you understand what the word 'illegal' means? an illegal act is a crime, whether its a civil crime or a criminal crime or a misdemeaner or a felony does not change it from being a crime.

entering the USA illegally is a crime, staying here illegally is a crime. Giving birth does not negate the crime of the mother.
A civil offense such as unlawful presence in the country is illegal but it is not considered a crime because it is a violation of civil statue not a criminal statue. People staying in the country with expired visas such as work permits are charged with illegal present. They can't be fined or imprisoned but they can be deported and they can be barred from reentry. These action are not punishment according SCOTUS but are administrative procedures.

Improper Entry is a crime, however it is misdemeanor not a felony. The punishment is is a fine up to $250 and up 6 mos. in jail. However, these penalties are almost always waived because the fines don't get paid and imprisonment serves no purpose.

My point in this discussion is not that illegal immigrants aren't doing anything wrong. If we want these people treated as criminals, which I don't agree with, we need criminal statues and the cases should be tried in a criminal court.

We'll fix all that. "Interpretations" of laws change with every new president. Brace yourself.
Not all of them hate him. The ones I know, are pissed at illegals getting a free ride when they had to do it the way our families did it when colonizing this country. The hard way.
All agreed that these illegals crossed our borders illegally thus qualified to be called criminals.
Most of these people came here to seek a better life, work hard so they can feed their families. And yes there are those who commit heinous crimes which should be deported.
My parents came here in early 30 without papers from Barcelona. They never not committed any crime except traffic ticket due to old age.
Is that mean my parents are criminals?

It depends on your answer: Are they here legally?
Against immigration law????
But why are you branded them ALL I mean ALL as murderer criminals and drug dealers, rapist? When my parents have not done any kinds of criminal activity. This in 1930.
Why is that?

Nope. No all crimes are the same.

You can leave an old washing machine in the front yard or not pay your parking ticket and in some states those are considered misdemeanor criminal offenses. Catch out-of-season fish is criminal offense and you will pay fine and maybe end up in jail.

Illegal aliens broke a law by being here illegally, and that is a crime. You might feel offended for using the same word for illegal aliens, murderers, poachers, but sorry, whoever breaks the law is a criminal.
The children that are born here are citizens, and that will not change.

There parents are here, and that will not change.

The great majority will not be deported, and that will not change.

A wall will not be built a la Trump.

Immigration reform, border security, and business hiring changes must happen.
All agreed that these illegals crossed our borders illegally thus qualified to be called criminals.
Most of these people came here to seek a better life, work hard so they can feed their families. And yes there are those who commit heinous crimes which should be deported.
My parents came here in early 30 without papers from Barcelona. They never not committed any crime except traffic ticket due to old age.
Is that mean my parents are criminals?

It depends on your answer: Are they here legally?
Against immigration law????
But why are you branded them ALL I mean ALL as murderer criminals and drug dealers, rapist? When my parents have not done any kinds of criminal activity. This in 1930.
Why is that?

Nope. No all crimes are the same.

You can leave an old washing machine in the front yard or not pay your parking ticket and in some states those are considered misdemeanor criminal offenses. Catch out-of-season fish is criminal offense and you will pay fine and maybe end up in jail.

Illegal aliens broke a law by being here illegally, and that is a crime. You might feel offended for using the same word for illegal aliens, murderers, poachers, but sorry, whoever breaks the law is a criminal.
Despite all of that, there will be no mass deportation.
Oh for crying out loud what a load of crap. The narrative that poor illegals are just good honest hard working people looking for a job is rubbish. The facts do not fit that talking point. Millions of these illegals are committing crime. Not a few not a small percentage a whole big chunk of them.

I imagine you are baffled looking for an example, fine. Research the $4 billion a year scam (that continues to grow each year) where illegals file fraudulent tax returns claiming fraudulent child tax credits to scam tax refunds in the thousands, even over $10,000. A lot bigger than most American's tax refunds I can tell you that. Its a scam, its illegal for them to claim this credit you have to be a US citizen. $4 billion a year and rising.

These illegals have no problem with breaking our laws, none.
Oh cry me river. Millions of these illegals committing crimes?? Your dreaming and justification of your lunacy. If you a hear an illegal commuting heinous crime you multiply by 20? If you see these people on the streets we should rounded up and put them all in jail. Because according to you millions committed crimes.
From your post... I know you will respond...arrest them all.

Yes millions of them are committing this crime. Its been debated on the US Senate floor. Its been reported on NBC News. Since you are ignorant on this topic you should avoid discussing it and looking a fool. After you get your shit together on the child tax credit scam illegals are running then go research the National Geographic documentary on how illegals have take over the Meth trade in this country. Your dumb ass "oh illegals are just poor hard working honest people looking for work" is a crock of shit.
Nope you are ignorant because you don't see fucking and understand the reality. I saw them all over here in Ca. I don't see them all running around selling meth. I have several anchor babies working for me with masters degree. Go in the corner and sick you dick asshole.

Ah maybe you should consider taking a English as a second language course. Sorry I burst your bubble with facts, look on the bright side you are less ignorant now.
I was talking to you in the civilized way then you come back with a toilet mouth. Because you didn't like and don't even understand the reality. Grow up kid.

LMAO if only you had not quoted your own post. "Oh cry me a river" ring a bell? "Your dreaming and justification of your lunacy" jog your memory?

Look I get it, you are a mindless drone who wanders through life parroting somebody else's talking points. Then I burst your world view with facts you cannot dispute so you get upset. Child tax credit refund scam, $4 billion a year, care to refute this? No I didn't think so. You keep dishing the talking points and I'll keep destroying you with facts.
Gee, I told you so. They absolutely despise the man. They have a much more favorable view of the other candidates.

Hispanics Frown on Trump, but Not Rest of GOP Field

Run Trump. You lose.

"Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results."

Why would we want a system candidate, anyways?
What you want is what keeps the system stable. Slow, steady, progress. Anything else upsets the capitalists, which upsets the markets. No radical change, no reactionary change. Moderation in all things.
Breaking: Liberals being freaking out over Trump. I drove into town this evening and the car in front of me had this written on their rear window, "Trump is Evil, Dump the Trump". Can you imagine the frustration required to move someone to actually write that on the back window of their car? :laugh:
Breaking: Liberals being freaking out over Trump. I drove into town this evening and the car in front of me had this written on their rear window, "Trump is Evil, Dump the Trump". Can you imagine the frustration required to move someone to actually write that on the back window of their car? :laugh:
Guess he doesn't want this, again...

Can't say as I blame him (although it ain't happenin').
Breaking: Liberals being freaking out over Trump. I drove into town this evening and the car in front of me had this written on their rear window, "Trump is Evil, Dump the Trump". Can you imagine the frustration required to move someone to actually write that on the back window of their car? :laugh:
Guess he doesn't want this, again...

Can't say as I blame him (although it ain't happenin').

I often wonder if you know you are crazy?
Gee, I told you so. They absolutely despise the man. They have a much more favorable view of the other candidates.

Hispanics Frown on Trump, but Not Rest of GOP Field

Run Trump. You lose.

"Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results."

Why would we want a system candidate, anyways?
What you want is what keeps the system stable. Slow, steady, progress. Anything else upsets the capitalists, which upsets the markets. No radical change, no reactionary change. Moderation in all things.

That's a nice way to talk-up that you want thee same shitty status quo.
Breaking: Liberals being freaking out over Trump. I drove into town this evening and the car in front of me had this written on their rear window, "Trump is Evil, Dump the Trump". Can you imagine the frustration required to move someone to actually write that on the back window of their car? :laugh:
Guess he doesn't want this, again...

Can't say as I blame him (although it ain't happenin').

I often wonder if you know you are crazy?
A funny thing about sanity, most people have little to any ability to judge. To them the sun still orbits the earth, sundown, sunrise.

For example, you are given a deformed and suffering newborn who is soon to die regardless of what can be done to help them. What is the humane, therefore sane, thing to do for them?
Gee, I told you so. They absolutely despise the man. They have a much more favorable view of the other candidates.

Hispanics Frown on Trump, but Not Rest of GOP Field

Run Trump. You lose.

"Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results."

Why would we want a system candidate, anyways?
What you want is what keeps the system stable. Slow, steady, progress. Anything else upsets the capitalists, which upsets the markets. No radical change, no reactionary change. Moderation in all things.

That's a nice way to talk-up that you want thee same shitty status quo.
Most of life needs to be that way, for most people. They fear change, whether for the good or not. Take a tip from the Buddhists - after ecstasy, the laundry.

We need a new moon landing, but not a new Vietnam or a new Prohibition. We need, but don't deserve, a break from the last 20 years of partisan crap...

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