Hitler, Fascism and the right wing

He is kind of right...I dont believe in democracy per say . I believe the country needs to revert back to being a constitutional republic by repealing the 16th and 17th amendments that made us into more of democracy and less a republic.
That wouldn't have occured to you before George Bush lost the popular vote to Al Gore.

Proving that your political education came from Fox News, or Rush, or some other kind of crap like that

The Popular Vote is irrelevant in Presidential Elections... which I learned from Mrs. Bryant, in 5th grade.
Now your catching on........

Democracy is all about majority rule, and I am personally in favor of that.

The disadvantages rural folks had in 1760 about their concerns being represented no longer exist, and since there aren't any potential land areas starting their own countries allied with the French or Spanish, dissproportianate representation in Washington has out lived it's purpose. Much to the advantage of righties, and uneducated people.
Democracy is two lions and a lamb deciding on lunch. Libs wouldn't last long in a pure democracy, it's just lip service. Hell, they can't even tolerate it if the majority in a state doesn't want fags to marry.
Ummmm........the GOP's strongest demographics are the fastest shrinking demographics.

If the GOP doesn't figure out how to attract non whites, the idea of people voting, will be a problem for them.

Gerrymandering will only go so far

The GOP isn't interested in attracting anyone. The GOP represents the adherence to the Natural Laws that govern human behavior and which assure the highest probability for success, happiness and the living of a viable, sustainable life.

Those who join us, will reap the benefits of such and those who do not will suffer the consequences.

As a general rule, young'nes tend toward the rejection of such, but after being slammed by their chronic failure, they eventually figure it out, turn from the foolishness common to children and fools and leave the Democrat Party to join us at the Big Table... .

And while we have a few fools in the GOP who clamber on about the need to 'attract' the kids to our table, we run them back to the kiddy table and enjoy ourselves in the comfort of our mature civility.
Ummmm........the GOP's strongest demographics are the fastest shrinking demographics.

If the GOP doesn't figure out how to attract non whites, the idea of people voting, will be a problem for them.

Gerrymandering will only go so far
Ummmmmm....November 4th was so long ago man I can't remember whut happen...pass the bong dude.......
Have you noticed when you pull things out of your ass, they generally stink?

I'd like to see you back this up.
Rural Americans like Democracy less than urban Americans.

If they did like Democracy, they'd be against the idea of the Electoral College, and the Senate.

Rural Americans prefer a Consititutional Republic, to a Democracy.

Or at least that's what they say any time one of their presidential candidates loses the popular vote in an election, but wins the election

Well, that's because rural Americans are actual Americans. Thus they're educated, not indoctrinated, therefore understanding that Democracy is 'the honor system', which can never be a viable system where collectivism has infected the culture. This due to collectivism resting upon relativism, which axiomatically rejects the objectivity that is essential to honor.
Sorry Pal, this map shows 4 year college degrees by percentage of population. Since you're an educated man, I won't have to explain that.

A four year degree?

In what disciplines? “Interrogating Gender: Centuries of Dramatic Cross-Dressing”, “Cyberporn And Society”, “The Feminist Critique Of Christianity”?

Colleges today are merely Leftist indoctrination centers. There're very few people leaving such institutions with anything approaching an 'education'. Education today is largely a function of living. Wherein the Individual who borrows 60-80 large gets out in the world, only to find that very little of what they were 'taught' is relevant to reality. Unlike 30 years ago and prior when college curriculum prepared students with advanced understandings of science, history and the means to communicate effectively.

Today, not so much... .
Yeah...I kinda walked right into, and deserve all that folksy "college boys ain't sh*t" stuff. I better read between the lines better when someone on the right refers to "education"

LOL! Adorable... Please inform the board of the extent of your matriculation. (What degrees do you hold?)
Democracy is all about majority rule, and I am personally in favor of that. The disadvantages rural folks had in 1760 about their concerns being represented no longer exist, and since there aren't any potential land areas starting their own countries allied with the French or Spanish, dissproportianate representation in Washington has out lived it's purpose. Much to the advantage of righties, and uneducated people. [sic]

So you favor Majority Rules?

Naturally then you're a proponent of the majority recognition that Marriage is the joining of one man and one woman?
Ummmm........the GOP's strongest demographics are the fastest shrinking demographics.

If the GOP doesn't figure out how to attract non whites, the idea of people voting, will be a problem for them.

Gerrymandering will only go so far
Ummmmmm....November 4th was so long ago man I can't remember whut happen...pass the bong dude.......
Romney by a landslide!
Have you noticed when you pull things out of your ass, they generally stink?

I'd like to see you back this up.
He is kind of right...I dont believe in democracy per say . I believe the country needs to revert back to being a constitutional republic by repealing the 16th and 17th amendments that made us into more of democracy and less a republic.
That wouldn't have occured to you before George Bush lost the popular vote to Al Gore.

Proving that your political education came from Fox News, or Rush, or some other kind of crap like that

The Popular Vote is irrelevant in Presidential Elections... which I learned from Mrs. Bryant, in 5th grade.
Now your catching on........

Democracy is all about majority rule, and I am personally in favor of that.

The disadvantages rural folks had in 1760 about their concerns being represented no longer exist, and since there aren't any potential land areas starting their own countries allied with the French or Spanish, dissproportianate representation in Washington has out lived it's purpose. Much to the advantage of righties, and uneducated people.

So you favor Majority Rules?

Naturally then you're a proponent of the majority recognition that Marriage is the joining of one man and one woman?
Yep, if put to a poular vote, and that's how people feel.

What I am against is any legislation that prevents people from voting on that issue in the future
Rural Americans like Democracy less than urban Americans.

If they did like Democracy, they'd be against the idea of the Electoral College, and the Senate.

Rural Americans prefer a Consititutional Republic, to a Democracy.

Or at least that's what they say any time one of their presidential candidates loses the popular vote in an election, but wins the election

Well, that's because rural Americans are actual Americans. Thus they're educated, not indoctrinated, therefore understanding that Democracy is 'the honor system', which can never be a viable system where collectivism has infected the culture. This due to collectivism resting upon relativism, which axiomatically rejects the objectivity that is essential to honor.
Sorry Pal, this map shows 4 year college degrees by percentage of population. Since you're an educated man, I won't have to explain that.

A four year degree?

In what disciplines? “Interrogating Gender: Centuries of Dramatic Cross-Dressing”, “Cyberporn And Society”, “The Feminist Critique Of Christianity”?

Colleges today are merely Leftist indoctrination centers. There're very few people leaving such institutions with anything approaching an 'education'. Education today is largely a function of living. Wherein the Individual who borrows 60-80 large gets out in the world, only to find that very little of what they were 'taught' is relevant to reality. Unlike 30 years ago and prior when college curriculum prepared students with advanced understandings of science, history and the means to communicate effectively.

Today, not so much... .
Yeah...I kinda walked right into, and deserve all that folksy "college boys ain't sh*t" stuff. I better read between the lines better when someone on the right refers to "education"

LOL! Adorable... Please inform the board of the extent of your matriculation. (What degrees do you hold?)
I don't have a college degree.

Thanks for the help with matriculation...I'd of had to look that up too.
Ummmm........the GOP's strongest demographics are the fastest shrinking demographics.

If the GOP doesn't figure out how to attract non whites, the idea of people voting, will be a problem for them.

Gerrymandering will only go so far
Ummmmmm....November 4th was so long ago man I can't remember whut happen...pass the bong dude.......
Romney by a landslide!

(Sugar, Romney wasn't on the ballot, anywhere, on November 4th).
Well, that's because rural Americans are actual Americans. Thus they're educated, not indoctrinated, therefore understanding that Democracy is 'the honor system', which can never be a viable system where collectivism has infected the culture. This due to collectivism resting upon relativism, which axiomatically rejects the objectivity that is essential to honor.
Sorry Pal, this map shows 4 year college degrees by percentage of population. Since you're an educated man, I won't have to explain that.

A four year degree?

In what disciplines? “Interrogating Gender: Centuries of Dramatic Cross-Dressing”, “Cyberporn And Society”, “The Feminist Critique Of Christianity”?

Colleges today are merely Leftist indoctrination centers. There're very few people leaving such institutions with anything approaching an 'education'. Education today is largely a function of living. Wherein the Individual who borrows 60-80 large gets out in the world, only to find that very little of what they were 'taught' is relevant to reality. Unlike 30 years ago and prior when college curriculum prepared students with advanced understandings of science, history and the means to communicate effectively.

Today, not so much... .
Yeah...I kinda walked right into, and deserve all that folksy "college boys ain't sh*t" stuff. I better read between the lines better when someone on the right refers to "education"

LOL! Adorable... Please inform the board of the extent of your matriculation. (What degrees do you hold?)
I don't have a college degree.

Thanks for the help with matriculation...I'd of had to look that up too.

Well, at least you're tryin'. I would suggest that a person of your limited means should read more and type less.
Ummmm........the GOP's strongest demographics are the fastest shrinking demographics.

If the GOP doesn't figure out how to attract non whites, the idea of people voting, will be a problem for them.

Gerrymandering will only go so far
Ummmmmm....November 4th was so long ago man I can't remember whut happen...pass the bong dude.......
Romney by a landslide!

(Sugar, Romney wasn't on the ballot, anywhere, on November 4th).
Of course not, but righties pulled the same kind of over reach in 2010, whereby they declared liberalism dead, and assumed a mandate that they've been given the green light to show their true colors, and that's why Obama won in 2012
Sorry Pal, this map shows 4 year college degrees by percentage of population. Since you're an educated man, I won't have to explain that.

A four year degree?

In what disciplines? “Interrogating Gender: Centuries of Dramatic Cross-Dressing”, “Cyberporn And Society”, “The Feminist Critique Of Christianity”?

Colleges today are merely Leftist indoctrination centers. There're very few people leaving such institutions with anything approaching an 'education'. Education today is largely a function of living. Wherein the Individual who borrows 60-80 large gets out in the world, only to find that very little of what they were 'taught' is relevant to reality. Unlike 30 years ago and prior when college curriculum prepared students with advanced understandings of science, history and the means to communicate effectively.

Today, not so much... .
Yeah...I kinda walked right into, and deserve all that folksy "college boys ain't sh*t" stuff. I better read between the lines better when someone on the right refers to "education"

LOL! Adorable... Please inform the board of the extent of your matriculation. (What degrees do you hold?)
I don't have a college degree.

Thanks for the help with matriculation...I'd of had to look that up too.

Well, at least you're tryin'. I would suggest that a person of your limited means should read more and type less.
Sorry Pal...you're just going to have to prove me wrong about things, but then....nah forget it, I still won't stop typing
(Sugar, Romney wasn't on the ballot, anywhere, on November 4th).
Of course not, but righties pulled the same kind of over reach in 2010, whereby they declared liberalism dead, and assumed a mandate that they've been given the green light to show their true colors, and that's why Obama won in 2012

I have no idea what you're talking about... Romney wasn't on the ballot in 2010 either.

But in 2010, the Left (Democrats) netted a loss of seats in the House AND the Senate... you also netted losses in governorships and seats throughout state and local government. Ya did so again in 2012 and 2014...

Democrats have established a net loss of over a thousand positions of governance, since obama was elected.
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A four year degree?

In what disciplines? “Interrogating Gender: Centuries of Dramatic Cross-Dressing”, “Cyberporn And Society”, “The Feminist Critique Of Christianity”?

Colleges today are merely Leftist indoctrination centers. There're very few people leaving such institutions with anything approaching an 'education'. Education today is largely a function of living. Wherein the Individual who borrows 60-80 large gets out in the world, only to find that very little of what they were 'taught' is relevant to reality. Unlike 30 years ago and prior when college curriculum prepared students with advanced understandings of science, history and the means to communicate effectively.

Today, not so much... .
Yeah...I kinda walked right into, and deserve all that folksy "college boys ain't sh*t" stuff. I better read between the lines better when someone on the right refers to "education"

LOL! Adorable... Please inform the board of the extent of your matriculation. (What degrees do you hold?)
I don't have a college degree.

Thanks for the help with matriculation...I'd of had to look that up too.

Well, at least you're tryin'. I would suggest that a person of your limited means should read more and type less.
Sorry Pal...you're just going to have to prove me wrong about things, but then....nah forget it, I still won't stop typing

Again... you'd be well served to type less and read more.
(Sugar, Romney wasn't on the ballot, anywhere, on November 4th).
Of course not, but righties pulled the same kind of over reach in 2010, whereby they declared liberalism dead, and assumed a mandate that they've been given the green light to show their true colors, and that's why Obama won in 2012

I have no idea what you're talking about... Romney wasn't on the ballot in 2010 either.

But in 2010, the Left (Democrats) netted a loss of seats in the House AND the Senate... you also netted losses in governorships and seats throughout state and local government. Ya did so again in 2012 and 2014...

Democrats have established a net loss of over a thousand positions of governance, since obama was elected.
Unless the GOP comes up with a candidate who polls better than Hillary.

The GOP will miss they're opportunity to practice their as of yet untested Tea Party style austerity.

They've enjoyed 6 years of political back seat driving, like a nagging old house-wife.

It's time to put the theories to test
If you find the United States so indecent why don't you go to hell? Isn't that where others like you who bear false witness against others end up? I doubt any place else would welcome a bum like you.
Except records showed macarthy was right about communist spies higj in the administration. To bad it took fifty years to prove him right because idiots like you seem to not know the truth



"During a speech in Wheeling, WV, Senator Joseph McCarthy (Republican-Wisconsin) claims that he has a list with the names of over 200 members of the Department of State that are "known communists." The speech vaulted McCarthy to national prominence and sparked a nationwide hysteria about subversives in the American government."

Link: McCarthy says communists are in State Department mdash History.com This Day in History mdash 2 9 1950

Name all 200, along with the evidence of the truth of his statement! Do it now or STFU and acknowledge you're not only a liar but also a fool.
Yes and guess what????? They were. Maybe you need to look up the truth. I mean several books were written on it

Yep, and authors sometimes have agendas. Post the names of the 200 hundred with probative evidence that they were spies for the USSR. Dullards believe everything they read which supports their belief system; even the average thinker isn't so biddable and questions the putative.

The 1930's were a time of economic chaos around the world, demagogues peddled nostrum as fear spread; new ideas and solutions were discussed and appealed to both the hoi polloi and the elite. See the review of "The God That Failed" here:

Amazon.com Customer Reviews The God That Failed

Of course the dolts/partisan hacks above seem incapable of putting time and place into the perspective necessary to understand the now deceased; they view history through a distorted lens, framed by today's demagogues, and like those fooled by the appeal of Marxism during a time of chaos, they have adopted an ideology contrary to the principles outlined in our Declaration of Independence and the Preamble to the COTUS (Compare our Preamble to the Libertarian's in their Party Platform).
I had to look up "putative"

Thanks, now I know someone read it.
Yeah...I kinda walked right into, and deserve all that folksy "college boys ain't sh*t" stuff. I better read between the lines better when someone on the right refers to "education"

LOL! Adorable... Please inform the board of the extent of your matriculation. (What degrees do you hold?)
I don't have a college degree.

Thanks for the help with matriculation...I'd of had to look that up too.

Well, at least you're tryin'. I would suggest that a person of your limited means should read more and type less.
Sorry Pal...you're just going to have to prove me wrong about things, but then....nah forget it, I still won't stop typing

Again... you'd be well served to type less and read more.
Riiiight....because I obviously can't read.

Actaully I'm a genius, and my degrees are honorary.

But I don't like to brag.
(Sugar, Romney wasn't on the ballot, anywhere, on November 4th).
Of course not, but righties pulled the same kind of over reach in 2010, whereby they declared liberalism dead, and assumed a mandate that they've been given the green light to show their true colors, and that's why Obama won in 2012

I have no idea what you're talking about... Romney wasn't on the ballot in 2010 either.

But in 2010, the Left (Democrats) netted a loss of seats in the House AND the Senate... you also netted losses in governorships and seats throughout state and local government. Ya did so again in 2012 and 2014...

Democrats have established a net loss of over a thousand positions of governance, since obama was elected.
Unless the GOP comes up with a candidate who polls better than Hillary.

The GOP will miss they're opportunity to practice their as of yet untested Tea Party style austerity.

They've enjoyed 6 years of political back seat driving, like a nagging old house-wife.

It's time to put the theories to test

Well, you cling to that... I'll only add this noteworthy Presidential aspiration crusher:

That's kind of delusional.

You actually think you know "the truth"?

RealClearPolitics - 2016 Presidential Race
Well, you cling to that... I'll only add this noteworthy Presidential aspiration crusher:

You actually think you know "the truth"?

What I know is that: "the Truth" is essential to the service of justice and, where one has no concern for truth, one has no interests in the service of justice.

That's kind of delusional.

What 'that' is..., is a fact. A fact which has Bubba's Wife informing the Legislators overseeing the investigation into the murder of 4 Americans, along with the severe injury to dozens more, all of whom's safety was the responsibility of Bubba's wife, and her testimony that she has no interests in the pursuit of the truth.

A fact which we can now join with the identical sentiment from one of her supporters.

Thus clearly identifying "The truth", In terms of Identifying: THE PROBLEM."
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National Socialism emerged out of a decadent liberal and secular society lacking a conservative order with the collapse of the Monarchy and the rise of the Weimar Republic in Germany. Its a non-conservative reaction to the excesses of liberal democracy and capitalism.

National Socialism doesn't emerge in conservative societies with stability and continuity.
I want to hear more about this decadent post WWI liberalism in Germany.

First I've heard of it.
Look up the Weimar republic for a start. I am not going to give you a history lesson.
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