Homosexual movement militants threatens these freedoms

Funny how for over 200 years they haven't been unconstitutional but when we get politicians BOUGHT by people or groups interested in pushing more degeneracy on america that all of a sudden changes...again that doesn't work.

"We've always discriminated against these people" is the absolutely stupidest reason for continuing oppression.
There is no discrimination...ANYONE can marry ANYONE else of the opposite sex.
So...gender discrimination.
Lol...libtards never find a cause not worth whining over...
Apparently 'racialists' are the ones who think lynching blacks was a good thing.
No that would be white MEN who decided to not take shit from uppity negro's who tried to rape white women and whistle and grab them...they needed to be taught a lesson.Government has decided to coddle negro's to the detriment of the country as a whole.
Funny how for over 200 years they haven't been unconstitutional but when we get politicians BOUGHT by people or groups interested in pushing more degeneracy on america that all of a sudden changes...again that doesn't work.

"We've always discriminated against these people" is the absolutely stupidest reason for continuing oppression.
There is no discrimination...ANYONE can marry ANYONE else of the opposite sex.
So...gender discrimination.
Lol...libtards never find a cause not worth whining over...
Apparently 'racialists' are the ones who think lynching blacks was a good thing.
No that would be white MEN who decided to not take shit from uppity negro's who tried to rape white women and whistle and grab them...they needed to be taught a lesson.Government has decided to coddle negro's to the detriment of the country as a whole.

Everytime you post that crap you reveal what a racist POS you are.
Again WHAT are faggots banned from doing that everyone else isn't?
Actually its faggots that have declared war on ANY business that refuses service to them instead of doing what ANY other person including me would do and let my money talk and go somewhere else. Its economic terrorism and butt futt activists are domestic terrorists and should be treated as such!

They have been prevented from marrying the consenting adult they are in love with. Trying to denigrate their long term relationships by making it only about sex does not change that.

If there are laws against businesses discriminating against people based on race or sexual orientation, then argue with the politicians who passed those laws. Otherwise, businesses follow the law.

They have been prevented from marrying the consenting adult they are in love with. Trying to denigrate their long term relationships by making it only about sex does not change that.

If there are laws against businesses discriminating against people based on race or sexual orientation, then argue with the politicians who passed those laws. Otherwise, businesses follow the law.
So are people who want to marry their mother or father or brother or sister..so are people who want to marry multiple partners...that argument holds no water.
Odium and his weird compatriots will be the ones to break the law and pay the price for it. We are a nation of laws not public opinions.
If you believe that I feel sorry for you seeing how its merely a handful of judges OPINIONS that are forcing tyranny on the states...not law but OPINION...

You still upset about the tyranny of judges that forced states to allow mixed race marriages aren't you?
States should have been allowed to pass their own laws...
What a shock that this homophobe is also an anti-semite?
Why not an semitephobe since you think everyone is afraid of faggots...I just think they are disgusting degenerates who deserve no place in society.
What a shock that this homophobe is also an anti-semite?
Homophobe is a misnomer.
You are making sense they don't understand that.
I just wanted to say that I'm glad you're allowed to post here as a neo-Nazi. I support absolutely nothing I've seen you say so far, and I'm pretty sure you're as much of a racist ass in real life too, but I'm glad you're proof that USMB is living up to its mission statement of letting all voices be heard. That is all.
Not a Neo Nazi. Not even a "nazi" as that means National Socialist which I am not.

States ARE allowed to make their own laws. What they are not allowed to do is make laws that are unconstitutional. And the laws against same sex marriage are unconstitutional.
Licenses are not constitutional issues.
The first is a slippery slope fail. The second is the judge decides the law and your opinion, Odium, does not matter in terms of the law. You will obey it or pay the price.

That speaks volumes. Elected legislators decide the law and judges are supposed to apply that law and nothing more.

Indeed. That is why the judges apply the 14th amendment to the state laws and strike them down.
That is called legislating from the bench and is beyond a judge's authority.
They have been prevented from marrying the consenting adult they are in love with. Trying to denigrate their long term relationships by making it only about sex does not change that.

If there are laws against businesses discriminating against people based on race or sexual orientation, then argue with the politicians who passed those laws. Otherwise, businesses follow the law.

So are people who want to marry their mother or father or brother or sister..so are people who want to marry multiple partners...that argument holds no water.
Odium and his weird compatriots will be the ones to break the law and pay the price for it. We are a nation of laws not public opinions.
If you believe that I feel sorry for you seeing how its merely a handful of judges OPINIONS that are forcing tyranny on the states...not law but OPINION...

You still upset about the tyranny of judges that forced states to allow mixed race marriages aren't you?
States should have been allowed to pass their own laws...
What a shock that this homophobe is also an anti-semite?
Why not an semitephobe since you think everyone is afraid of faggots...I just think they are disgusting degenerates who deserve no place in society.
What a shock that this homophobe is also an anti-semite?
Homophobe is a misnomer.
You are making sense they don't understand that.
I just wanted to say that I'm glad you're allowed to post here as a neo-Nazi. I support absolutely nothing I've seen you say so far, and I'm pretty sure you're as much of a racist ass in real life too, but I'm glad you're proof that USMB is living up to its mission statement of letting all voices be heard. That is all.
Not a Neo Nazi. Not even a "nazi" as that means National Socialist which I am not.

States ARE allowed to make their own laws. What they are not allowed to do is make laws that are unconstitutional. And the laws against same sex marriage are unconstitutional.
Licenses are not constitutional issues.
Is it ok for the government to not issue drivers' licenses to gay people?
That is called legislating from the bench and is beyond a judge's authority.
No, it is called upholding the Constitution.

Did you get hot under the collar about "activist judges" over District of Columbia v Heller?
If you believe that I feel sorry for you seeing how its merely a handful of judges OPINIONS that are forcing tyranny on the states...not law but OPINION...

You still upset about the tyranny of judges that forced states to allow mixed race marriages aren't you?
States should have been allowed to pass their own laws...
What a shock that this homophobe is also an anti-semite?
Why not an semitephobe since you think everyone is afraid of faggots...I just think they are disgusting degenerates who deserve no place in society.
What a shock that this homophobe is also an anti-semite?
Homophobe is a misnomer.
You are making sense they don't understand that.
I just wanted to say that I'm glad you're allowed to post here as a neo-Nazi. I support absolutely nothing I've seen you say so far, and I'm pretty sure you're as much of a racist ass in real life too, but I'm glad you're proof that USMB is living up to its mission statement of letting all voices be heard. That is all.
Not a Neo Nazi. Not even a "nazi" as that means National Socialist which I am not.

States ARE allowed to make their own laws. What they are not allowed to do is make laws that are unconstitutional. And the laws against same sex marriage are unconstitutional.
Licenses are not constitutional issues.
Is it ok for the government to not issue drivers' licenses to gay people?
That's so beyond apples and oranges it can't be compared.
If you believe that I feel sorry for you seeing how its merely a handful of judges OPINIONS that are forcing tyranny on the states...not law but OPINION...

You still upset about the tyranny of judges that forced states to allow mixed race marriages aren't you?
States should have been allowed to pass their own laws...
What a shock that this homophobe is also an anti-semite?
Why not an semitephobe since you think everyone is afraid of faggots...I just think they are disgusting degenerates who deserve no place in society.
What a shock that this homophobe is also an anti-semite?
Homophobe is a misnomer.
You are making sense they don't understand that.
I just wanted to say that I'm glad you're allowed to post here as a neo-Nazi. I support absolutely nothing I've seen you say so far, and I'm pretty sure you're as much of a racist ass in real life too, but I'm glad you're proof that USMB is living up to its mission statement of letting all voices be heard. That is all.
Not a Neo Nazi. Not even a "nazi" as that means National Socialist which I am not.

States ARE allowed to make their own laws. What they are not allowed to do is make laws that are unconstitutional. And the laws against same sex marriage are unconstitutional.
Licenses are not constitutional issues.
Is it ok for the government to not issue drivers' licenses to gay people?
Drivers licenses are certainly no guarantee people can drive. Any of us should know that! Lol.
And everyone has the same privilege granted to marry a person of the opposite sex. Even homos.
This is like Whack-A-Mole. I addressed this idiotic argument pages ago.

"Everyone has the same privilege granted to marry a person of the same race. Even negroes."

Same bullshit. Different decade.

And the same Supreme Court legal argument that outlawed bans on interracial marriage is going to bring that bullshit down for same-sex marriage.
And everyone has the same privilege granted to marry a person of the opposite sex. Even homos.
This is like Whack-A-Mole. I addressed this idiotic argument pages ago.

"Everyone has the same privilege granted to marry a person of the same race. Even negroes."

Same bullshit. Different decade.

And the same Supreme Court legal argument that outlawed bans on interracial marriage is going to bring that bullshit down for same-sex marriage.
Move forward. Get out of the sixties and stop being so backward and illogical. Skin color does not result in the creation of life.
Licenses are not constitutional issues.
Equal protection of the laws is. Marriage licenses are issued by law.
And everyone has the same privilege granted to marry a person of the opposite sex. Even homos.

Homosapiens are not the issue.

Same gender couples use the same court system as everyone else does to fight for their constitutional rights- and they are winning- and that is a good thing.
The first is a slippery slope fail. The second is the judge decides the law and your opinion, Odium, does not matter in terms of the law. You will obey it or pay the price.

That speaks volumes. Elected legislators decide the law and judges are supposed to apply that law and nothing more.

Indeed. That is why the judges apply the 14th amendment to the state laws and strike them down.
That is called legislating from the bench and is beyond a judge's authority.

No that is what you cons call any ruling you disagree with.
You still upset about the tyranny of judges that forced states to allow mixed race marriages aren't you?
States should have been allowed to pass their own laws...
What a shock that this homophobe is also an anti-semite?
Why not an semitephobe since you think everyone is afraid of faggots...I just think they are disgusting degenerates who deserve no place in society.
Homophobe is a misnomer.
You are making sense they don't understand that.
I just wanted to say that I'm glad you're allowed to post here as a neo-Nazi. I support absolutely nothing I've seen you say so far, and I'm pretty sure you're as much of a racist ass in real life too, but I'm glad you're proof that USMB is living up to its mission statement of letting all voices be heard. That is all.
Not a Neo Nazi. Not even a "nazi" as that means National Socialist which I am not.

States ARE allowed to make their own laws. What they are not allowed to do is make laws that are unconstitutional. And the laws against same sex marriage are unconstitutional.
Funny how for over 200 years they haven't been unconstitutional but when we get politicians BOUGHT by people or groups interested in pushing more degeneracy on america that all of a sudden changes...again that doesn't work.

For almost 100 years whites lynched blacks to promote fear and maintain control. Now the people stand up to such terrorism and put a stop to it.
They needed to be taught their place. Worked until white anti whites decided to get in the way. The superior always rule,exactly why the country had gone down the shitter last 75 years
The degeneracy is that blow torch going full blast in your brain that makes you think your tainted beliefs are supreme to the law.
They will be one day or we will bring the world down in flames.
Rosh and Odium have the misfortune to live in country that follows the rule of law not the rule of man.
Funny how these so called rules of law are made by MEN and WOMEN who just happen to be politicians...so same thing and in the end they are wrong.

It is obvious that you look forward to those flames. I do not think they will burn the way the fantasies of your "religion" think they will. Too many people stood by and watched racial terrorists do their evil deeds in the past. We will no longer sit idly by and watch.
If that's what helps you sleep better at night.
We sleep better at night knowing your kind will be put down immediately if you ever raise up.
Lol...sure thing...by the US military right? Same ones that didn't beat Al Qaeda in Iraq,Taliban in Afghanistan or VC in Vietnam!
So someone must be personally harmed in some way to be against this degeneracy? Not even close to being true.
The degeneracy is that blow torch going full blast in your brain that makes you think your tainted beliefs are supreme to the law.
They will be one day or we will bring the world down in flames.
Rosh and Odium have the misfortune to live in country that follows the rule of law not the rule of man.
Funny how these so called rules of law are made by MEN and WOMEN who just happen to be politicians...so same thing and in the end they are wrong.

It is obvious that you look forward to those flames. I do not think they will burn the way the fantasies of your "religion" think they will. Too many people stood by and watched racial terrorists do their evil deeds in the past. We will no longer sit idly by and watch.

I think I found a photo of Odium

Westboro church..bunch of fucking idiots.
They have been prevented from marrying the consenting adult they are in love with. Trying to denigrate their long term relationships by making it only about sex does not change that.
So are people who want to marry their mother or father or brother or sister..so are people who want to marry multiple partners...that argument holds no water.

False analogy.
Nope. its not. ALL of those are consenting adults.

Their place is being able to enjoy the rights of being American citizens. The ignorant terrorists who swore an oath to uphold the US Constitution, and then ignored it, were the ones who should be horse-whipped.
You still upset about the tyranny of judges that forced states to allow mixed race marriages aren't you?
States should have been allowed to pass their own laws...
What a shock that this homophobe is also an anti-semite?
Why not an semitephobe since you think everyone is afraid of faggots...I just think they are disgusting degenerates who deserve no place in society.
Homophobe is a misnomer.
You are making sense they don't understand that.
I just wanted to say that I'm glad you're allowed to post here as a neo-Nazi. I support absolutely nothing I've seen you say so far, and I'm pretty sure you're as much of a racist ass in real life too, but I'm glad you're proof that USMB is living up to its mission statement of letting all voices be heard. That is all.
Not a Neo Nazi. Not even a "nazi" as that means National Socialist which I am not.

States ARE allowed to make their own laws. What they are not allowed to do is make laws that are unconstitutional. And the laws against same sex marriage are unconstitutional.
Funny how for over 200 years they haven't been unconstitutional but when we get politicians BOUGHT by people or groups interested in pushing more degeneracy on america that all of a sudden changes...again that doesn't work.

For almost 100 years whites lynched blacks to promote fear and maintain control. Now the people stand up to such terrorism and put a stop to it.
They needed to be taught their place. Worked until white anti whites decided to get in the way. The superior always rule,exactly why the country had gone down the shitter last 75 years
The degeneracy is that blow torch going full blast in your brain that makes you think your tainted beliefs are supreme to the law.
They will be one day or we will bring the world down in flames.
Rosh and Odium have the misfortune to live in country that follows the rule of law not the rule of man.
Funny how these so called rules of law are made by MEN and WOMEN who just happen to be politicians...so same thing and in the end they are wrong.

It is obvious that you look forward to those flames. I do not think they will burn the way the fantasies of your "religion" think they will. Too many people stood by and watched racial terrorists do their evil deeds in the past. We will no longer sit idly by and watch.
If that's what helps you sleep better at night.
We sleep better at night knowing your kind will be put down immediately if you ever raise up.
Lol...sure thing...by the US military right? Same ones that didn't beat Al Qaeda in Iraq,Taliban in Afghanistan or VC in Vietnam!
So someone must be personally harmed in some way to be against this degeneracy? Not even close to being true.
The degeneracy is that blow torch going full blast in your brain that makes you think your tainted beliefs are supreme to the law.
They will be one day or we will bring the world down in flames.
Rosh and Odium have the misfortune to live in country that follows the rule of law not the rule of man.
Funny how these so called rules of law are made by MEN and WOMEN who just happen to be politicians...so same thing and in the end they are wrong.

It is obvious that you look forward to those flames. I do not think they will burn the way the fantasies of your "religion" think they will. Too many people stood by and watched racial terrorists do their evil deeds in the past. We will no longer sit idly by and watch.

I think I found a photo of Odium

Westboro church..bunch of fucking idiots.
They have been prevented from marrying the consenting adult they are in love with. Trying to denigrate their long term relationships by making it only about sex does not change that.
So are people who want to marry their mother or father or brother or sister..so are people who want to marry multiple partners...that argument holds no water.

False analogy.
Nope. its not. ALL of those are consenting adults.

Not necessarily by the US Military. Citizens will happily put you down.

And your false analogy is laughable. The military took care of the North Vietnamese when they were allowed to fight them. The politicians didn't want the war won. And the VC were backed by China. Your group of miscreants have no such backing.
You forgot that the VC viet cong beat the US,Al Qaeda beat them,Taliban beat them,oh and believe me some nation would gladly recognize freedom fighters against the US if it comes to that. Just to piss the US off.
They have been prevented from marrying the consenting adult they are in love with. Trying to denigrate their long term relationships by making it only about sex does not change that.

If there are laws against businesses discriminating against people based on race or sexual orientation, then argue with the politicians who passed those laws. Otherwise, businesses follow the law.

So are people who want to marry their mother or father or brother or sister..so are people who want to marry multiple partners...that argument holds no water.
Odium and his weird compatriots will be the ones to break the law and pay the price for it. We are a nation of laws not public opinions.
If you believe that I feel sorry for you seeing how its merely a handful of judges OPINIONS that are forcing tyranny on the states...not law but OPINION...

You still upset about the tyranny of judges that forced states to allow mixed race marriages aren't you?
States should have been allowed to pass their own laws...
What a shock that this homophobe is also an anti-semite?
Why not an semitephobe since you think everyone is afraid of faggots...I just think they are disgusting degenerates who deserve no place in society.
What a shock that this homophobe is also an anti-semite?
Homophobe is a misnomer.
You are making sense they don't understand that.
I just wanted to say that I'm glad you're allowed to post here as a neo-Nazi. I support absolutely nothing I've seen you say so far, and I'm pretty sure you're as much of a racist ass in real life too, but I'm glad you're proof that USMB is living up to its mission statement of letting all voices be heard. That is all.
Not a Neo Nazi. Not even a "nazi" as that means National Socialist which I am not.

States ARE allowed to make their own laws. What they are not allowed to do is make laws that are unconstitutional. And the laws against same sex marriage are unconstitutional.
Licenses are not constitutional issues.

Equal Protection under the law is a constitutional issue.
You forgot that the VC viet cong beat the US,Al Qaeda beat them,Taliban beat them,oh and believe me some nation would gladly recognize freedom fighters against the US if it comes to that. Just to piss the US off.

Okay let us review who Odium is again:
Homosexual hating

Is there anyone this POS doesn't hate or want harm to come to?

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