How DO you guys do it?

There seem to be a pretty fair number of people who just about live their lives on this board. Most of them seem to rail against entitlements of one form or another. I'm thinking that in order to spend the amount of time on here that some people do, they would almost have to be either retired or unemployed. So how do those views square with either receiving Social Security and Medicare or Unemployment?

You forgot VA and Civil Service benefits. Plenty of folks 'round here are relaxing on the blessed assurance of their federal service contract.
There seem to be a pretty fair number of people who just about live their lives on this board. Most of them seem to rail against entitlements of one form or another. I'm thinking that in order to spend the amount of time on here that some people do, they would almost have to be either retired or unemployed. So how do those views square with either receiving Social Security and Medicare or Unemployment?

You forgot VA and Civil Service benefits. Plenty of folks 'round here are relaxing on the blessed assurance of their federal service contract.

Oh shit! I forgot about the Postal Contract. Unlike Civil Service, Postal employees still have a pretty cush deal - and there are plenty of Posties alive and living well on the pre 1984 Post Office Contract.
You know... the answer to pension problems facing cities (like Detroit), states, and the Post Office is Social Security.

Back in the day, politicians got theirs a "better deal" than America at large. Turns out that was a bad idea.
There seem to be a pretty fair number of people who just about live their lives on this board. Most of them seem to rail against entitlements of one form or another. I'm thinking that in order to spend the amount of time on here that some people do, they would almost have to be either retired or unemployed. So how do those views square with either receiving Social Security and Medicare or Unemployment?

Most of the leftards post from their obama phones.
There seem to be a pretty fair number of people who just about live their lives on this board. Most of them seem to rail against entitlements of one form or another. I'm thinking that in order to spend the amount of time on here that some people do, they would almost have to be either retired or unemployed. So how do those views square with either receiving Social Security and Medicare or Unemployment?

I am disabled. So I get SSI. I am also a Stay at home dad. I get oldest off to the school bus get other 2 to pre school by 9 and then its free time once house is fairly cleaned. Wife works nights she sleeps when kids are at school...So I got plenty of time to argue lol...on and off during the day also mostly at night when she is gone to work and kids are asleep
I am all for ALL of the above "entitlements"

Sorry to hear that. You seem intelligent enough, you obviously have a computer and internet service, so why can't you work from home in some capacity?
There seem to be a pretty fair number of people who just about live their lives on this board. Most of them seem to rail against entitlements of one form or another. I'm thinking that in order to spend the amount of time on here that some people do, they would almost have to be either retired or unemployed. So how do those views square with either receiving Social Security and Medicare or Unemployment?

How does being retired make me have to "square" anything?
I dont receive social security or medicare...yet. Not old enough.
But since I paid into the system .....
Why do dems always act like social security is some form of welfare when it's clearly not?
There seem to be a pretty fair number of people who just about live their lives on this board. Most of them seem to rail against entitlements of one form or another. I'm thinking that in order to spend the amount of time on here that some people do, they would almost have to be either retired or unemployed. So how do those views square with either receiving Social Security and Medicare or Unemployment?

How does being retired make me have to "square" anything?
I dont receive social security or medicare...yet. Not old enough.
But since I paid into the system .....
Why do dems always act like social security is some form of welfare when it's clearly not?

its only welfare when republicans and conservatives get it. when dems and libs get it, its owed to them because the system dumped on them. :cuckoo:
There seem to be a pretty fair number of people who just about live their lives on this board. Most of them seem to rail against entitlements of one form or another. I'm thinking that in order to spend the amount of time on here that some people do, they would almost have to be either retired or unemployed. So how do those views square with either receiving Social Security and Medicare or Unemployment?

Stupid question and the answer(s) are obvious if you think about it.

People could be here for many reasons.

Some are retired and drawing social security. SS is mandatory, regardless of what your income was. It was something people were forced to pay into their entire lives and the amount that most get back in monthly payments don't begin to add up to what they and their employers paid in. Do not ever confuse earned benefits with welfare. Military retirement and social security are true entitlements. People have no choice when it comes to Medicare either. That is the government forcing people into programs and then patting themselves on the back for helping people. Just like Obama and his thugs are praising themselves for forcing Obamacare on people. It's no where near as good as the private sector and they are making things more expensive while reducing the quality. Only the subsidized are happy with government. The people who spend their whole lives paying get short changed. Welfare is NOT an entitlement, it is a hand out, and politicians should be ashamed for treating it like an earned benefit. They rename things to pander to their voters.

Millions of people are unemployed now, though are no longer counted when the unemployment rate is calculated. Many of those exhausted their unemployment benefits or have settled for a part time job. I don't blame them for expressing themselves here or anywhere else. Don't confuse people who lost their jobs and are unable to find another one with those who never wanted a job to begin with.

Some people work from their homes and might blow off steam on their breaks. Deal with it. After all, you claimed to have been here long enough to read enough posts to determine the content and frequency of posts written by a great many members. It's reasonable to assume you have a great deal of time on your hands. Funny that someone who spends a lot of time on a message board has the nerve to pick on others who do the same. So, do you exist on entitlements or welfare?

Then there are those who have time on their hands because they don't attend school or work or they are government dependents (as in collecting benefits they did not earn) and some might even get paid to attack political dissenters and spout talking points. These are the easiest ones to spot because their posts demonstrate a gross lack of intelligence and they are incapable of debate. Their posts lack substance and they rarely engage with anyone who questions them or disagrees with the talking points. Usually, the poster quickly results to name calling.

Of course, your question wasn't asked because you honestly wonder about the employment or retirement status of posters or whether they should somehow feel guilty for getting a little check each month (and have no choice). No one ever asked them how they felt paying in thousands of dollars each year while they were working. Do you wonder how people feel about that?

You merely thought you'd pretend to have completed an intense study of this board in order to take a cheap shot at retirees who collect a measly monthly check that took them a lifetime to earn. Social Security was a liberal idea that is proving to be unsustainable, as many warned at the time. It's a shame that people like Obama's aunt, who is here illegally, manage to collect social security disability while living for free in a nice apartment and handed everything they need. Nothing is free. Someone has to pay and the government takes more and more from the people with little regard to the hardships they cause. While they go out of their way to ensure that the illegal aliens are made comfortable and work shy have everything they need, they give no consideration to the working families who sacrifice more and more just so the politicians can cater to their base and win votes.

Then we have the smart asses, like yourself, who come here and make snide remarks that people posting must be recipients of handouts and, therefore, hypocrites who complain about free loaders. If you don't know the difference between qualifying for social security and welfare, then you are not qualified to discuss true entitlements.

Bingo, I had hoped someone would express these sentiments. Here's the thing, I don't criticize people who collect Social Security or Medicare. Unemployment either for that matter. I'm one of the 'leftists' who think they are necessary in a complex society. It's the right wingers - many of whom are retired and in their own view (if they weren't blind hypocrites) are the takers.

Here's another thing, it's the Republican scumbags who they want to elect who'll try to prevent me from ever collecting on the money that my employers and I have contributed to the system for almost 40 years now.

As for the time I spend here, I'm a fast reader and can skim through a ton of posts in between doing what I get paid to do. Certain patterns emerge...
Bingo, I had hoped someone would express these sentiments. Here's the thing, I don't criticize people who collect Social Security or Medicare. Unemployment either for that matter. I'm one of the 'leftists' who think they are necessary in a complex society. It's the right wingers - many of whom are retired and in their own view (if they weren't blind hypocrites) are the takers.

Here's another thing, it's the Republican scumbags who they want to elect who'll try to prevent me from ever collecting on the money that my employers and I have contributed to the system for almost 40 years now.

As for the time I spend here, I'm a fast reader and can skim through a ton of posts in between doing what I get paid to do. Certain patterns emerge...

No, it's your leftard masters which brainwash you with talking points and you are obviously unable to think for yourself, otherwise any standard adult with a standard IQ and basic knowledge of math and statistics and miniscule critical thinking skills would realize that the SS which was enacted when life expectancy was 62 years won't work when life expectancy is 80+ and the amount of retirees and other "takers" exceeds the amount of "givers" to the system, so the system HAS TO be reformed, otherwise you really won't receive anything.

But the dumbos like yourself are, obviously, lower in their IQ that an average adult and all they can do is parrot the leftard talking points.
Bingo, I had hoped someone would express these sentiments. Here's the thing, I don't criticize people who collect Social Security or Medicare. Unemployment either for that matter. I'm one of the 'leftists' who think they are necessary in a complex society. It's the right wingers - many of whom are retired and in their own view (if they weren't blind hypocrites) are the takers.

Here's another thing, it's the Republican scumbags who they want to elect who'll try to prevent me from ever collecting on the money that my employers and I have contributed to the system for almost 40 years now.

As for the time I spend here, I'm a fast reader and can skim through a ton of posts in between doing what I get paid to do. Certain patterns emerge...

No, it's your leftard masters which brainwash you with talking points and you are obviously unable to think for yourself, otherwise any standard adult with a standard IQ and basic knowledge of math and statistics and miniscule critical thinking skills would realize that the SS which was enacted when life expectancy was 62 years won't work when life expectancy is 80+ and the amount of retirees and other "takers" exceeds the amount of "givers" to the system, so the system HAS TO be reformed, otherwise you really won't receive anything.

But the dumbos like yourself are, obviously, lower in their IQ that an average adult and all they can do is parrot the leftard talking points.

The Repblicans like Romney and Ryan would like to do away with SS. And a lot of the people who are already receiving it seem to think that's a good idea. Talk about brainwashed.
There seem to be a pretty fair number of people who just about live their lives on this board. Most of them seem to rail against entitlements of one form or another. I'm thinking that in order to spend the amount of time on here that some people do, they would almost have to be either retired or unemployed. So how do those views square with either receiving Social Security and Medicare or Unemployment?

Do you get a paycheck? I am guessing you don't since you are oblivious to the fact that Social Security and Medicare are paid for by a lifetime of payroll taxes taken out of your paychecks.

Unemployement is also paid for by insurance taken out of your check, and your employer's income.

Now stop projecting, and go get a job.
There seem to be a pretty fair number of people who just about live their lives on this board. Most of them seem to rail against entitlements of one form or another. I'm thinking that in order to spend the amount of time on here that some people do, they would almost have to be either retired or unemployed. So how do those views square with either receiving Social Security and Medicare or Unemployment?

Do you get a paycheck? I am guessing you don't since you are oblivious to the fact that Social Security and Medicare are paid for by a lifetime of payroll taxes taken out of your paychecks.

Unemployement is also paid for by insurance taken out of your check, and your employer's income.

Now stop projecting, and go get a job.

This post really is beneath you. Where's the guy who'd like to see Eisenhower Republicans return to power? I like that guy.
Bingo, I had hoped someone would express these sentiments. Here's the thing, I don't criticize people who collect Social Security or Medicare. Unemployment either for that matter. I'm one of the 'leftists' who think they are necessary in a complex society. It's the right wingers - many of whom are retired and in their own view (if they weren't blind hypocrites) are the takers.

Here's another thing, it's the Republican scumbags who they want to elect who'll try to prevent me from ever collecting on the money that my employers and I have contributed to the system for almost 40 years now.

As for the time I spend here, I'm a fast reader and can skim through a ton of posts in between doing what I get paid to do. Certain patterns emerge...

No, it's your leftard masters which brainwash you with talking points and you are obviously unable to think for yourself, otherwise any standard adult with a standard IQ and basic knowledge of math and statistics and miniscule critical thinking skills would realize that the SS which was enacted when life expectancy was 62 years won't work when life expectancy is 80+ and the amount of retirees and other "takers" exceeds the amount of "givers" to the system, so the system HAS TO be reformed, otherwise you really won't receive anything.

But the dumbos like yourself are, obviously, lower in their IQ that an average adult and all they can do is parrot the leftard talking points.

It's the TPM holding up reform. Obama, incompetent as he is, has agreed to up the ages and even means test. But, doing something requires both sides compromise. And the TPM will primary any goper who'd agree to something like hiking the cap on taxes. And, seriously, if you want a free market for healthcare decsions when one in three seniors will have some form of dementia, you are seriously out of your mind.
There seem to be a pretty fair number of people who just about live their lives on this board. Most of them seem to rail against entitlements of one form or another. I'm thinking that in order to spend the amount of time on here that some people do, they would almost have to be either retired or unemployed. So how do those views square with either receiving Social Security and Medicare or Unemployment?

Social Security and unemployment are funds that a person pays into. It's not like welfare which is available to those who never paid a dime and never worked.

It is like a person that saves for years, retires and lives off his own money, is the bank supporting this man with free money, or did he work for it?
Bingo, I had hoped someone would express these sentiments. Here's the thing, I don't criticize people who collect Social Security or Medicare. Unemployment either for that matter. I'm one of the 'leftists' who think they are necessary in a complex society. It's the right wingers - many of whom are retired and in their own view (if they weren't blind hypocrites) are the takers.

Here's another thing, it's the Republican scumbags who they want to elect who'll try to prevent me from ever collecting on the money that my employers and I have contributed to the system for almost 40 years now.

As for the time I spend here, I'm a fast reader and can skim through a ton of posts in between doing what I get paid to do. Certain patterns emerge...

No, it's your leftard masters which brainwash you with talking points and you are obviously unable to think for yourself, otherwise any standard adult with a standard IQ and basic knowledge of math and statistics and miniscule critical thinking skills would realize that the SS which was enacted when life expectancy was 62 years won't work when life expectancy is 80+ and the amount of retirees and other "takers" exceeds the amount of "givers" to the system, so the system HAS TO be reformed, otherwise you really won't receive anything.

But the dumbos like yourself are, obviously, lower in their IQ that an average adult and all they can do is parrot the leftard talking points.

The Repblicans like Romney and Ryan would like to do away with SS. And a lot of the people who are already receiving it seem to think that's a good idea. Talk about brainwashed.

keep parroting the idiocy :lol:

the dimocraps kicking the can down the road are only causing the system to go away by itself by 2025.
Enjoy your retirement without SS :lol:
Bingo, I had hoped someone would express these sentiments. Here's the thing, I don't criticize people who collect Social Security or Medicare. Unemployment either for that matter. I'm one of the 'leftists' who think they are necessary in a complex society. It's the right wingers - many of whom are retired and in their own view (if they weren't blind hypocrites) are the takers.

Here's another thing, it's the Republican scumbags who they want to elect who'll try to prevent me from ever collecting on the money that my employers and I have contributed to the system for almost 40 years now.

As for the time I spend here, I'm a fast reader and can skim through a ton of posts in between doing what I get paid to do. Certain patterns emerge...

No, it's your leftard masters which brainwash you with talking points and you are obviously unable to think for yourself, otherwise any standard adult with a standard IQ and basic knowledge of math and statistics and miniscule critical thinking skills would realize that the SS which was enacted when life expectancy was 62 years won't work when life expectancy is 80+ and the amount of retirees and other "takers" exceeds the amount of "givers" to the system, so the system HAS TO be reformed, otherwise you really won't receive anything.

But the dumbos like yourself are, obviously, lower in their IQ that an average adult and all they can do is parrot the leftard talking points.

It's the TPM holding up reform. Obama, incompetent as he is, has agreed to up the ages and even means test. But, doing something requires both sides compromise. And the TPM will primary any goper who'd agree to something like hiking the cap on taxes. And, seriously, if you want a free market for healthcare decsions when one in three seniors will have some form of dementia, you are seriously out of your mind.

that is a lie. it is the dimocraps like reid and pelosi who won't touch the entitlements - and they say that openly.
but your brainwashing machine does not tell you that :lol:

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