How Liberals Use Black People

Okay, kiddies. Time for a cultural lesson.

Liberals use of black people

Do you just post links or do you have any actual thoughts of your own?

Why, sure I have my own thoughts. I share them here all the time. What's on your mind?

Really? Which thoughts were those? All the thoughts you posted on this thread belong to other people. Have you ever had a thought that didn't originate with Rush Limbaugh or FOX News? No evidence of any original thinking so far.

Did you come here just to whine in your piss soaked diaper about thoughts?

I'm just curious to see if you have any thoughts........or do you simply repeat what ever you hear from Bill O'Reilly or Sean Hannity?
Still waiting to see on High School drop out stats for the USA. A claim was made that somehow, black people are receiving a "fradulent education" because, well, well, well, Benghazi or something like that....

Just curious to see if a Rightie is actually willing to step up to the plate and for once in his life, bring some facts into what could be a very interesting discussion.

This is the problem that happens when low-info, FOX-infected Righties take what is essentially an OP-ED in a Right Wing leaning publication like the one quoted in the OP, and don't even consider looking for a fact or two to undergird what they want to say. That is no way to carry on an adult conversation.

The more you talk, the more you prove the OP is right on. Carry on.

So, you have no stats to offer. Got it.

I told you to pick any big liberal run city and give us the crime stats by race. How about your President's hometown.

You are not real smart about how this works, now are you. You started this thread, the onus is on YOU to provide information. Otherwise, you are simply full of shit, which I consider to be very likely. Once you have provided information, others can then add or dispute said information. It's called a conversation, something that real adults do. Now, scamp along and play with your barbie or ken dolls, junior.

Which of the two got 4000+ Americans needlessly killed in Iraq?
So know you going to say Captain potter was a liberal also?

In terms of how he was portrayed? I'd say Col Potter was a conservative who was definitely middle of the road. I thought it was Pierce you were a fan of.

Okay, kiddies. Time for a cultural lesson.

Liberals use of black people

Do you just post links or do you have any actual thoughts of your own?

Why, sure I have my own thoughts. I share them here all the time. What's on your mind?

Really? Which thoughts were those? All the thoughts you posted on this thread belong to other people. Have you ever had a thought that didn't originate with Rush Limbaugh or FOX News? No evidence of any original thinking so far.

Did you come here just to whine in your piss soaked diaper about thoughts?

I'm just curious to see if you have any thoughts........or do you simply repeat what ever you hear from Bill O'Reilly or Sean Hannity?
I am curious to know if you just have any other thoughts then MSNBC because fox is lame compared to the blaze. But of course you wouldnt know this, to busy on your xbox
What does the OP believe is the best way to grab 30% of the "black vote" away from the Democrats?

Education. That's why democrats do all they can to keep blacks stupid. Easier to get them to act up when needed by the Al Sharptons.

Poor stupid simple darkies, I wonder why they aren't smart enough to become Republicans? Why aren't Republicans more persuasive?
What does the OP believe is the best way to grab 30% of the "black vote" away from the Democrats?

Education. That's why democrats do all they can to keep blacks stupid. Easier to get them to act up when needed by the Al Sharptons.

Poor stupid simple darkies, I wonder why they aren't smart enough to become Republicans? Why aren't Republicans more persuasive?
It just might have something to do with, oh I don't know, calling them stupid ******* all the time?

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