How much did comey get paid

If talking conspiracy theories then mine would be they saw that Trump's message of a fixed race was resonating with the public. Thus they decided to toss him and his supporters a bone today. For Hillary's supporters the issue will fade away after this weekend, the "fixed" issue will have been successfully put to rest, and after the election the FBI will say nothing of consequence was found.
He will, this will become a bad moment for Comey and the FBI in general. They've just about thrown in the Putin and Assange.
I did not hear you complaining when Comey did not recommend prosecution. This is the same Comey. I do not understand what your last sentence was aimed at?

Thrown in with Putin and Assange. I changed it.

It is an attempt by the FBI to influence an election less than two weeks from polling day. IF the FBI had come out and said "we've looked at these new emails and here is the damning evidence that we need to release" that would have been one thing. But they didn't. Instead they just said (my paraphrasing) "we are looking into emails on other people's computers and we haven't gone through them or vetted them, there may be nothing but we can't pass up this opportunity to influence the election".

That is what they've done. They are attempting to equate 'we're looking into other emails' with 'look out, we're looking into other damaging emails'. They don't have to say it, they know that just saying they are investigating more 'emails' elicits the negative emotional response they want.
If talking conspiracy theories then mine would be they saw that Trump's message of a fixed race was resonating with the public. Thus they decided to toss him and his supporters a bone today. For Hillary's supporters the issue will fad away after this weekend, the "fixed" issue will have been successfully put to rest, and after the election the FBI will say nothing of consequence was found.

That's a pretty good one too, actually. Hey, it's kind of fun indulging in conspiracy theories! I can see why Dale does it so much.
Here's what I think happened, this is my conspiracy theory:

Team Trump have been desperate to get the FBI to reopen the investigation. They searched and searched and searched for something that would give them an excuse to reopen it, couldn't come up with anything, so they contracted with either Wikileaks or hackers to find "something" that they could use, and this Anthony Weiner stuff was the best (and only) thing they could find.

The anonymous hackers notified the FBI of these emails, and in doing so, were able to convince them to reopen the investigation.

Knowing that the content of the emails contained no wrongdoing by Hillary, they didn't care. That wasn't the point. The only goal was to create the illusion that the FBI missed something. By getting them to reopen it without giving any details, they accomplished their goal.

In other words, the FBI's been trolled.


Thoughts, Dale?

Exhibit A

Donald J. Trump on Twitter
He will, this will become a bad moment for Comey and the FBI in general. They've just about thrown in the Putin and Assange.
I did not hear you complaining when Comey did not recommend prosecution. This is the same Comey. I do not understand what your last sentence was aimed at?

Thrown in with Putin and Assange. I changed it.

It is an attempt by the FBI to influence an election less than two weeks from polling day. IF the FBI had come out and said "we've looked at these new emails and here is the damning evidence that we need to release" that would have been one thing. But they didn't. Instead they just said (my paraphrasing) "we are looking into emails on other people's computers and we haven't gone through them or vetted them, there may be nothing but we can't pass up this opportunity to influence the election".

That is what they've done. They are attempting to equate 'we're looking into other emails' with 'look out, we're looking into other damaging emails'. They don't have to say it, they know that just saying they are investigating more 'emails' elicits the negative emotional response they want.

They found possibly more to look at and informed congress that the case has been reopened. That is what the FBI does. You want it to play politics by pretending that they have not found anything until after the election.

It is funny how the left praises Comey for not suggesting charges for Hillary and then suddenly condemns him because more items may have been found.
They were going thru Weiners emails on a device he shared with Huma, and found something from Hillary that could prove the intent they couldn't find in the emails they checked on her server.
There is nothing to report, they stumbled on some new emails with no other information.

Paul Ryan jumped on the band wagon to try to portray these emails as a negative and a 'security risk' when the FBI hasn't said anything about what is in them or if HRC had anything to do with them or even if they are a security risk cause by her.

The Republicans can see the writing on the wall, they're going to lose the election and they are pulling out all the mafia-style underhanded tricks they can think of to harm the opponents campaign. As I thought the Republicans will, after the election if Trump were to somehow win, give him whatever he wants as long as he promises to let them gut the Constitution and install them as the ruling party in perpetuity, making winning elections by the Democrats almost impossible.

The cabal that has aligned against this democracy of Putin, Trump, the Republicans, Assange, and a bunch of angry hillbilies is a real danger to the Republic.
for his scam today?

there are emails....we don't know what they are and we're not telling you....

and he only tells the GOP hacks in the House....

11 days before the election.

he should investigate donald bribing prosecutors

and he should lose his job for trying to allow putin to manipulate our election by helping dumb donald.
We should have waited to release that trump tape. Maybe we got more
for his scam today?

there are emails....we don't know what they are and we're not telling you....

and he only tells the GOP hacks in the House....

11 days before the election.

he should investigate donald bribing prosecutors

and he should lose his job for trying to allow putin to manipulate our election by helping dumb donald.

There is something very fishy about the whole thing. Really weird.

they have to have something on him... or have threatened him.

It's hard for me to even fathom this being the case, but the whole thing is just so bizarre that it seems like something has been going on behind the scenes. The bottom line is he needs to state exactly what is going on with these emails, this hit and run bullshit 11 days from election day is totally unprofessional and only raises suspicion.

exactly right.. .this is a pathetic hail mary by the trumpeter loons.
Again tell us how the RNC controls the FBI today and they didn't in July. Please do.
They were going thru Weiners emails on a device he shared with Huma, and found something from Hillary that could prove the intent they couldn't find in the emails they checked on her server.

Eh, except the emails were not sent by Hillary.

Try again.

You sure?

Didn't know you already knew what is in the emails

If so, perhaps the emails were from someone else that shows intent by Hillary.
There is nothing to report, they stumbled on some new emails with no other information.

Paul Ryan jumped on the band wagon to try to portray these emails as a negative and a 'security risk' when the FBI hasn't said anything about what is in them or if HRC had anything to do with them or even if they are a security risk cause by her.

The Republicans can see the writing on the wall, they're going to lose the election and they are pulling out all the mafia-style underhanded tricks they can think of to harm the opponents campaign. As I thought the Republicans will, after the election if Trump were to somehow win, give him whatever he wants as long as he promises to let them gut the Constitution and install them as the ruling party in perpetuity, making winning elections by the Democrats almost impossible.

The cabal that has aligned against this democracy of Putin, Trump, the Republicans, Assange, and a bunch of angry hillbilies is a real danger to the Republic.

If that be the case then Comey should go to jail for what he did today.

I think he is too smart to do something like this and have nothing to back it. But then again it could be an actual false flag operation designed to help Hillary.
They were going thru Weiners emails on a device he shared with Huma, and found something from Hillary that could prove the intent they couldn't find in the emails they checked on her server.

Eh, except the emails were not sent by Hillary.

Try again.

You sure?

Didn't know you already knew what is in the emails

If so, perhaps the emails were from someone else that shows intent by Hillary.

I'm just going by what's been reported.
Here's what I think happened, this is my conspiracy theory:

Team Trump have been desperate to get the FBI to reopen the investigation. They searched and searched and searched for something that would give them an excuse to reopen it, couldn't come up with anything, so they contracted with either Wikileaks or hackers to find "something" that they could use, and this Anthony Weiner stuff was the best (and only) thing they could find.

The anonymous hackers notified the FBI of these emails, and in doing so, were able to convince them to reopen the investigation.

Knowing that the content of the emails contained no wrongdoing by Hillary, they didn't care. That wasn't the point. The only goal was to create the illusion that the FBI missed something. By getting them to reopen it without giving any details, they accomplished their goal.

In other words, the FBI's been trolled.


Thoughts, Dale?
They were going thru Weiners emails on a device he shared with Huma, and found something from Hillary that could prove the intent they couldn't find in the emails they checked on her server.

Eh, except the emails were not sent by Hillary.

Try again.

You sure?

Didn't know you already knew what is in the emails

If so, perhaps the emails were from someone else that shows intent by Hillary.

I'm just going by what's been reported.

by who?

(pssst, so am I)

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