How the rest of the world views our "beloved" President

....and this is from last July......Imagine if the survey were held today....LOL

Only a few countries have positive views of Trump.

In just eight of the 37 nations in the study, roughly half or more say they have confidence in Trump to do the right thing in world affairs. The president gets his best reviews in the Philippines.
Trump also gets mostly positive ratings in sub-Saharan Africa, Russia, Israel and Vietnam.

Most say Trump is arrogant, intolerant and dangerous….

9 charts on how the world sees President Trump

Who gives a damn what other countries think of OUR president:?

Before Trump, OUR President was looked at as leader of the free world

He no longer is
....and this is from last July......Imagine if the survey were held today....LOL

Only a few countries have positive views of Trump.

In just eight of the 37 nations in the study, roughly half or more say they have confidence in Trump to do the right thing in world affairs. The president gets his best reviews in the Philippines.
Trump also gets mostly positive ratings in sub-Saharan Africa, Russia, Israel and Vietnam.

Most say Trump is arrogant, intolerant and dangerous….

9 charts on how the world sees President Trump

Who gives a damn what other countries think of OUR president:?

Before Trump, OUR President was looked at as leader of the free world

He no longer is
Are you referring to Obozo, the laughing stock of the world?
....and this is from last July......Imagine if the survey were held today....LOL

Only a few countries have positive views of Trump.

In just eight of the 37 nations in the study, roughly half or more say they have confidence in Trump to do the right thing in world affairs. The president gets his best reviews in the Philippines.
Trump also gets mostly positive ratings in sub-Saharan Africa, Russia, Israel and Vietnam.

Most say Trump is arrogant, intolerant and dangerous….

9 charts on how the world sees President Trump

Cute try!

Trump Just Overtook Every Major European Leader in Popularity Polls

NOVEMBER 20, 2017 AT 11:52AM

If you listened to the left, you might think that most Americans are unhappy with President Donald Trump’s performance — especially in comparison to Europe’s biggest leaders.

But you would also be wrong.

While the left loves to rub low poll numbers in Trump’s face, what they won’t tell you is that he is doing better in the polls than major European leaders.

Those numbers are bad news for left-wing darlings.

Considering the amount of love that these liberal leaders get from the left and the mainstream media, along with the amount of hate that Trump gets, these numbers are as incredible as they are telling.

Ever since before the presidential election, the left has consistently worked to paint Trump in an unfavorable light.

The media loves to gloat about Trump’s low approval numbers but you can bet they won’t take the time to point out that popular leftists across the ocean aren’t faring any better.

These numbers will no doubt enrage liberals, and it’s doubtful this news will be given much covered from the media.
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PEW's "first global attitudes survey since 2002? Maybe PEW was afraid that Americans would find out that the world viewed Hussein as a pushover?
Bringing home three AMERICANS, seeing them as Americans, despite the near certainty that they were not supporters is an action that shows UNITY, not division.

Note how I made a claim and then backed it up with an example action by the President.

Note how you just made an empty statement with nothing to back it up.

Now, try to think of what that means.

Trump doesn't get brownie points for doing things any decent human being should do.

Considering that you lefties supposedly believe that he is not a decent human being, one would think that evidence he was a decent human being would be interesting to you.

That it is not, shows that you are knowingly lying.

My point about Trump stands. HIs actions showed unity with his fellow Americans, while your attempt to tear him down shows division.

his actions show disdain for 70% of the country. he is not supposed to show unity with only 30%
Before Trump, OUR President was looked at as leader of the free world

He no longer is

Before Trump, OUR President was looked at as leader of the free world

He no longer is
I'm sure they were impressed with Red Lines and cowed by the "Knock it Offs".

Notice how the rest of the world followed The Great Obama on military actions, economic sanctions, environmental policy and trade

Nobody trusts Lying Donnie
Before Trump, OUR President was looked at as leader of the free world

He no longer is
I'm sure they were impressed with Red Lines and cowed by the "Knock it Offs".

Notice how the rest of the world followed The Great Obama on military actions, economic sanctions, environmental policy and trade

Nobody trusts Lying Donnie
I noticed how Obama got spanked by Putin, Assad, and China. If only he had had a decent SoS, eh?
Before Trump, OUR President was looked at as leader of the free world

He no longer is
I'm sure they were impressed with Red Lines and cowed by the "Knock it Offs".

Notice how the rest of the world followed The Great Obama on military actions, economic sanctions, environmental policy and trade

Nobody trusts Lying Donnie
I noticed how Obama got spanked by Putin, Assad, and China. If only he had had a decent SoS, eh?

Seems the Great Obama put crippling sanctions on Putin

Sanctions Crooked Donnie offered to lift for help winning the election
Before Trump, OUR President was looked at as leader of the free world

He no longer is
I'm sure they were impressed with Red Lines and cowed by the "Knock it Offs".

Notice how the rest of the world followed The Great Obama on military actions, economic sanctions, environmental policy and trade

Nobody trusts Lying Donnie
I noticed how Obama got spanked by Putin, Assad, and China. If only he had had a decent SoS, eh?

Seems the Great Obama put crippling sanctions on Putin

Sanctions Crooked Donnie offered to lift for help winning the election
OK, if you insist. The "Great Obama" got spanked by Putin.
His point is that his tirades about China apply to others and not him

So, nothing regarding policy or Trump's administration. Got it.


Trump has been President for a year

Show where he has reduced imports

I don't know that he has yet.

I'm glad he pulled out of TPP, and I hoping he takes a strong line in Nafta talks.

I hope we have some results to judge him on by the mid terms.

Don't you?

Time is slipping away for signature legislation

Most Presidents strike while the iron is hot, right after they take office
The first 100 days is usually full of promised legislation

Trump has sputtered........No repeal and replace, No lock her up, no Mexico paying for a wall, no balanced budget, no tax reform

Next year is an election year. If Republican Congressmen were reluctant to stick their necks out in 2017, few will endorse unpopular legislation with an election on the line

NOt sure why you think that a trade deal that is designed to NOT fuck America for a change would be unpopular, but, I respectfully disagree.

THough your point on the congressional republicans being gutless cowards is well taken. THEy really need to give up on you libs liking them.
Did someone say "globalist"?

It's part of making America great

Do you understand his point, and if so, what is it?
His point is that his tirades about China apply to others and not him

So, nothing regarding policy or Trump's administration. Got it.

All you have is Trump's lying words he utters for you rubes so you'll be stupid enough to fellate him.

I've posted his actions. He's the textbook definition of a globalist.


You posted a past action, with no explanation on why you think it is relevant.

Do you understand how you did not make a point?
The rest of the world looks at us electing Donald J Trump and says....WTF????
His point is that his tirades about China apply to others and not him

So, nothing regarding policy or Trump's administration. Got it.


Trump has been President for a year

Show where he has reduced imports

I don't know that he has yet.

I'm glad he pulled out of TPP, and I hoping he takes a strong line in Nafta talks.

I hope we have some results to judge him on by the mid terms.

Don't you?

Time is slipping away for signature legislation

Most Presidents strike while the iron is hot, right after they take office
The first 100 days is usually full of promised legislation

Trump has sputtered........No repeal and replace, No lock her up, no Mexico paying for a wall, no balanced budget, no tax reform

Next year is an election year. If Republican Congressmen were reluctant to stick their necks out in 2017, few will endorse unpopular legislation with an election on the line

NOt sure why you think that a trade deal that is designed to NOT fuck America for a change would be unpopular, but, I respectfully disagree.

THough your point on the congressional republicans being gutless cowards is well taken. THEy really need to give up on you libs liking them.
We are talking Donnie Dealmaker here
The Greatest Dealmaker EVER

Where has he gotten us a better deal?
Link to where he said that.

He didn't have to.......that is what actually happened

Bush abandoned the war on terror to engage in a disasterous invasion of Iraq

It took The Great Obama to actually kill bin Laden

That's a nice analysis. Now support it with something other than your hatred of republicans.

The Great Obama killed bin Laden.....It was in all the papers

THat in no way supports your conclusion.

YOu do realize that, right?

You asked for me to support my usual, you do not like the result

The Great Obama killed bin Laden

Your conclusion was that Bush abandoned the War on Terror.

Obama ordering US troops to kill Bin Laden does not support your conclusion.

You are implying something, but you are stopping short of actually STATING, it, for obvious reasons.

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