"I don't care!" if trump is a criminal!

Again.... Under what circumstance in all of US legal history has a person under investigation had their LAWYER's HOUSE AND OFFICE RAIDED?

Probably happened hundreds of times with Mafia thugs and their lawyers
Cohen has been put in a shitty place.

Were John Gotti's lawyers raided by federal agents?

How about Al Capone's?

Can anyone tell me who has EVER had their lawyer's house RAIDED by US agents in order to get evidence against someone who was under investigation?

Even the soviets didn't do that shit.

Why is that overlooked here?

If you were on trial or just being investigated and the prosecutors RAIDED your lawyer's office, you'd think a judge would lose his shit over that sort of thing...


I agree. My question is what did he stand to gain by his antics today? Again, not saying that makes him credible, but if he would have just shut his mouth Trump may have pardoned him.

What does he have to gain? A shorter sentence, book and movie deals backed by the liberal Hollywood elites. What did Dr. Ford gain by lying? Dem money.

Ford gained nothing.
Cohen has been put in a shitty place.

Were John Gotti's lawyers raided by federal agents?

How about Al Capone's?

Can anyone tell me who has EVER had their lawyer's house RAIDED by US agents in order to get evidence against someone who was under investigation?

Even the soviets didn't do that shit.

Why is that overlooked here?

If you were on trial or just being investigated and the prosecutors RAIDED your lawyer's office, you'd think a judge would lose his shit over that sort of thing...


If a lawyer participates in crimes, he is a criminal. It's not that complicated.

Again.... Under what circumstance in all of US legal history has a person under investigation had their LAWYER's HOUSE AND OFFICE RAIDED?

Under what warrant was Cohen under investigation? What probable cause was there to raid his house independent of being Trump's lawyer?

IF YOU were suspected of dealing meth, and the DEA kicked in your lawyer's door to find evidence of your crime, is that in of itself not a crime committed by the state?

Good Lord... You bed wetting parasites are totally incapable of thinking.

Probably depends on how much that lawyer helped to sell that meth.
The guy could have been viewed as political victim of the left’s gestapo crime spree. If he didn’t badmouth the President there may been a chance of a pardon. It seemed like he had a lot to lose and nothing to gain. Keep in mind, I’m not saying that makes him credible, just really stupid.
So it's all about the pardons huh?

Guess what? He told the truth. Where Trump was innocent he said so.

Mr. Trump never hit Milania
There was no tape concerning a love child
There is no Pee Tape

WHere Trump was guilty he said THAT

Sure, years and years of lying, but now he's telling the truth.
You seem to forget that he lied on BEHALF of and in CONCERT with Trump...also referred to in SD indictments a Person #1
I agree. My question is what did he stand to gain by his antics today? Again, not saying that makes him credible, but if he would have just shut his mouth Trump may have pardoned him.

Jail in a resort or gladiator camp?

I still want to know how the fuck your lawyer gets raided and his office gets searched NO MATTER WHAT you get accused of.

It's totally unprecedented.
No more attorney client privilege..

That now is a myth
Why did Cohen badmouth Trump today?

He was practicing...

He has all ready been sentenced to prison...

He needs to be a really good bitch...

Snitches get stitches...
In case you forgot what happened in 2016, please watch this video, we won't need candles or cults in 2020

Lots of "poorly educated" and naive people voted for Trump in 2016.......NOW, after 2 2fucking years of screw-ups some......except for those who have joined the Trump Cult, like you.......realized what a MISTAKE they made........Check out how "well" your orange clown is doing in MI, PA, WI, etc....

U.S. consumer confidence jumps as current views hit 18-year high

Yeah, big mistake.

U.S. consumer confidence jumps as current views hit 18-year high


Trump cult members will bestow upon their cult leader all of the good economic news.......Yet, such morons fail to see how our economy was improving since 2011-2012.........Besides, if your ONLY gauge of "happiness" is "consumer confidence" you're a fucking idiot.

Perception is everything. Besides, according to economists, we were entering a recession at the end of 2016.


Speaking of "perceptions".......

The fiscal stimulus of the tax cuts have added 1% to GDP in 2018 and will again in 2019, but by 2020 they will no longer provide the extra lift to the economy. Recession will then occur by mid-year 2020, just before the presidential election.

Very possible. But, the tax cuts DID push a recession into the future. Everyone knows that the economy goes thru good times and bad times. Pushing the recession into the future was a good thing.

Probably depends on how much that lawyer helped to sell that meth.

How much did Cohen do to "collude" with Russia and under what probable cause was a warrant issued to raid him?

Lets say you sell meth, rather than just use too much.

Lets even say you sell some of that meth to your lawyers' buddies and your lawyer.

So the DEA raids him, but can't find any evidence against you, but find out he is a tax cheat.

You seriously have no issues with the state raiding your lawyer to find dirt on you, but when they can't he still becomes a credible witness against you after being convicted of perjury in an unrelated case?

Why is critical thinking impossible for bed wetters? I submit proof right here that bed wetting liberals have no frontal cortex.

Again, in what case has anyone ever had their LAWYER RAIDED in US criminal history? Under what circumstance has a LAWYER been forced to testify against a former client?
Cohen, "No."


Everything else, all of it, pure bullshit.


Go fuck yourselves liberals and jam your fucking race cards high and deep.

You dumb losers.
Cohen, "No."


Everything else, all of it, pure bullshit.


Go fuck yourselves liberals and jam your fucking race cards high and deep.

You dumb losers.

The Stone stuff was interesting. When Stone flips after being convicted....I wonder if he'll corroborate?

Your anger is delicious short-stack.
Liberals. :laughing0301:

Cohen, "No."


Everything else, all of it, pure bullshit.


Go fuck yourselves liberals and jam your fucking race cards high and deep.

You dumb losers.

The Stone stuff was interesting. When Stone flips after being convicted....I wonder if he'll corroborate?

Your anger is delicious short-stack.

Yeah, ole Lie-ability is a real hoot.
Shame on her for being a gold digging bitch to boot!

He did? He says he didn't.

Oh well..what's another lie...paying whores, Mexico paying for the wall, NK will denuclearize....

Is this the type of presidency you envisioned when you voted for him?

Let me guess; you don't care about any of that right?

Thank God Obama never lied. :lol:


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