I Don't See Any Particular Religion As Correct Or Better


Mar 2, 2010
I was raised Christian, my family up north is mostly Catholic, and my family farther down south where I currently live isn't really anything particular but I guess I'd classify them as Baptists/Methodists.

My mother and brother remain active church members and I like the idea of the church environment and people but I just don't follow or get into the ideas of Jesus being Christ and the rest of the religion.

Politically, I actually am very conservative and fully support Christian morals.

But I have a deep mind, I've just put a lot of thought and research into the topic and have come to the conclusion that it simply all just doesn't seem real to me.

It seems very likely to me that religions are just beliefs that were developed mostly during the times where humanity was incredibly more primative than it is now, and was used to keep civilizations in order and to answer questions to the simple-minded as far as how they got there, and what their purpose is, and how to "live after death."

Anyone else in this boat?

Anyone have any comments?
Let me be the first to ask: and you're telling us this because why?

I'm not just trying to be snarky (hell, when have I ever had to TRY?). I honestly have never understood the compulsion so many people have to announce that they find religion silly or wrong or whatever, as though they imagine the whole world has been breathlessly waiting for them to release a statement on the subject.

And I would honestly like one of them to tell me why they think anyone cares what they think about it? Exactly what do you folks believe you're accomplishing with this?
When it comes to religion:

Mine is mine and yours is yours.

And I don't really care what yours has to say. Or not say.
I Don't See Any Particular Religion As Correct Or Better

They are all equally stultifying.
I think the best religion is the one that works for you. The one that really helps your mind and heart. The one that others who are around you can benefit by because you, yourself live the teachings.
Religion was developed by people who needed answers they could not answer with the knowledge of the time.

The felt unalone in their minds.

All people do and its called being self aware.

People needed to have reasurance that their dead loved ones would be seen again and that life was worth it because you got great rewards after it.

I know the feeling of wanting to tell someone what you belive. Thanks for sharing your views. Icould never find any reason to believe it all ether.
The point was obviously to get other people's opinions on the matter and to start a bit of a discussion...
The point was obviously to get other people's opinions on the matter and to start a bit of a discussion...

And again I ask, "Why?" Why do you need "a bit of a discussion" about your dislike of religion, or that of the others who flood to do the same thing like flies on an overturned Port-a-Potty? You don't like or believe in religion, fine. What's it to you if other people do, and why do you think anyone is interested in your disbelief, aside from the aforementioned flies?
I was raised Christian, my family up north is mostly Catholic, and my family farther down south where I currently live isn't really anything particular but I guess I'd classify them as Baptists/Methodists.

My mother and brother remain active church members and I like the idea of the church environment and people but I just don't follow or get into the ideas of Jesus being Christ and the rest of the religion.

Politically, I actually am very conservative and fully support Christian morals.

But I have a deep mind, I've just put a lot of thought and research into the topic and have come to the conclusion that it simply all just doesn't seem real to me.

It seems very likely to me that religions are just beliefs that were developed mostly during the times where humanity was incredibly more primative than it is now, and was used to keep civilizations in order and to answer questions to the simple-minded as far as how they got there, and what their purpose is, and how to "live after death."

Anyone else in this boat?

Anyone have any comments?

From the background you have described, it appears that you are a victim of "religion." True Christianity is free from the doctrines of man and full of the Grace of God.

People don't just get martyred for a fairy tale. So for those who were there to see the resurrection of Christ, it was a no brainier to give their bodies to be burned at the stake or crucified for what was an obvious truth. No one gives their life up at their free will to be tortured for a fairy tale, and coming from the very same generation that witnessed his resurrection, it was that much more of a testimony.

I wonder how many people would give their lives up in the same manner today? Likely, not too many. And I don't doubt the false doctrines that have creeped into churches and watered down the living Gospel have a big part to play in that.
Given the history of the Christian faith, not just Scripture, I'd bank that Jesus is the Only Way to find God and salvation.
I'd bank that Jesus is the Only Way to find God and salvation.

Even Jesus wouldn't agree with that. Good people are good people, regardless of whether they know Christ.
I'm a firm believer in the 11th Commandment:

11. Thou shalt keep thy religion to thyself.
The point was obviously to get other people's opinions on the matter and to start a bit of a discussion...

And again I ask, "Why?" Why do you need "a bit of a discussion" about your dislike of religion, or that of the others who flood to do the same thing like flies on an overturned Port-a-Potty? You don't like or believe in religion, fine. What's it to you if other people do, and why do you think anyone is interested in your disbelief, aside from the aforementioned flies?

Basically, youre asking: why try to have a discussion on a internet message board designed for discussion? and what makes you think you can have an opinion and post that opinion on a message board open to anyone to join and post?

I'm a firm believer in the 11th Commandment:

11. Thou shalt keep thy religion to thyself.

The point was obviously to get other people's opinions on the matter and to start a bit of a discussion...

And again I ask, "Why?" Why do you need "a bit of a discussion" about your dislike of religion, or that of the others who flood to do the same thing like flies on an overturned Port-a-Potty? You don't like or believe in religion, fine. What's it to you if other people do, and why do you think anyone is interested in your disbelief, aside from the aforementioned flies?

What's it to you that he wants to engage in a discussion? What the fuck is up with smug assholes? Did someone put fecal cubes in your coffee as opposed to sugar?
I'd bank that Jesus is the Only Way to find God and salvation.

Even Jesus wouldn't agree with that. Good people are good people, regardless of whether they know Christ.

And all good people are going to Hell if they don't accept Jesus as their Savior.

All the ways of a man are clean in his own eyes; but the LORD weigheth the spirits.
-Proverbs 16:2

And he laid his hands on them, and departed thence. And, behold, one came and said unto him, Good Master, what good thing shall I do, that I may have eternal life? And he said unto him, Why callest thou me good? there is none good but one, that is, God: but if thou wilt enter into life, keep the commandments.
-Matthew 19:15-17

They are all gone out of the way, they are together become unprofitable; there is none that doeth good, no, not one.
-Romans 3:12

For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;
-Romans 3:23

For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.
-Romans 6:23

And just so we don't think that our good works are something worth getting us to heaven...

But we are all as an unclean thing, and all our righteousnesses are as filthy rags; and we all do fade as a leaf; and our iniquities, like the wind, have taken us away.
-Isaiah 64:6

In fact, he even told us that if we think we can do it our own way that we are a liar.

Who is a liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ? He is antichrist, that denieth the Father and the Son. Whosoever denieth the Son, the same hath not the Father: but he that acknowledgeth the Son hath the Father also.
-1 John 2:22-23

Jesus loved us so much that he even gave us a instruction manual telling us which way to choose and yet people still try to go about it their own way.

Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.
-Matthew 7:13-14

He even told us which gate the narrow gate is just to keep us from having to guess. ;)

Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.
-John 14:6

But there are many who still choose the broad way which he tells us what that is too.

There is a way that seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death.
-Proverbs 16:25

And you know what, all of this is nothing new. It all started ~6000 years ago in the garden of eden when Adam and Eve were decieved into eating from the tree of good works.

Now the serpent was more subtle than any beast of the field which the LORD God had made. And he said unto the woman, Yea, hath God said, Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden? And the woman said unto the serpent, We may eat of the fruit of the trees of the garden: But of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, God hath said, Ye shall not eat of it, neither shall ye touch it, lest ye die. And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die: For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil. And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree to be desired to make one wise, she took of the fruit thereof, and did eat, and gave also unto her husband with her; and he did eat.
-Genesis 3:1-6

Become as gods, huh?:rolleyes:

And God even gave them instructions too of which they, like many of us today, were fully aware of but completely ignored.



Even Jesus wouldn't agree with that. Good people are good people, regardless of whether they know Christ.

I was raised Christian, my family up north is mostly Catholic, and my family farther down south where I currently live isn't really anything particular but I guess I'd classify them as Baptists/Methodists.

My mother and brother remain active church members and I like the idea of the church environment and people but I just don't follow or get into the ideas of Jesus being Christ and the rest of the religion.

Politically, I actually am very conservative and fully support Christian morals.

But I have a deep mind, I've just put a lot of thought and research into the topic and have come to the conclusion that it simply all just doesn't seem real to me.

It seems very likely to me that religions are just beliefs that were developed mostly during the times where humanity was incredibly more primative than it is now, and was used to keep civilizations in order and to answer questions to the simple-minded as far as how they got there, and what their purpose is, and how to "live after death."

Anyone else in this boat?

Anyone have any comments?

Because of the childhood I had, I ended up going to several different churches.......Catholic, Lutheran, Episcopalian, Baptist, just to name a few.

Every place I went, the people there told me that if I didn't believe as they did, I was going to go to Hell.

By the time I was 16, I'd turned my back on religion, because nobody could agree.

Around 1994, I came across a philosophy and way of looking at the world, and it was called Tao. Interestingly enough, it didn't tell me what I HAD to believe, rather showed me a different way of thinking.

I then had a friend introduce me to Judaism, and it's similar in thought to Tao.

Yeshua (Jesus) incidentally, was a good Jewish boy.

In a lot of differing religions, the supreme being is generally referred to as "light". In the Bible, it states that God is The Light, and it also states that humans cannot look upon Him, because of His Glory (which is probably His Light).

Now........if you're walking around the in bright daylight, you don't walk around without sunglasses, because eventually you'd go blind.

Anyone ever think that the various religions are filters with which we can see God? And, not everyone likes Rayban Wayfarers (I prefer Oakley myself), and there are MANY different ways of looking at God, why should anyone try to restrict the world to just 1 kind of sunglasses?

I mean.......we've all got our own individual style.......
Catholics and Baptists are probably the worst extremes of the two facets (Catholic and Protestant), Rob.

Catholics because of all the ritualistic crap you have to do and some of the fear tactics they use.

Baptists because of their holier-than-thou attitudes and religious snobbery that is probably second to Catholics.
Anyone ever think that the various religions are filters with which we can see God? And, not everyone likes Rayban Wayfarers (I prefer Oakley myself), and there are MANY different ways of looking at God, why should anyone try to restrict the world to just 1 kind of sunglasses?

I mean.......we've all got our own individual style.......

I can just see sending my tax forms to the IRS filled out in my own style.

....bu...bu...but officer, we all have our own style.:lol:

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