"I hate everyone", Trump seethes as advisers fear he is unravelling

Trump wants business minded people who know how to compete, win and get results. All leeches and activists should leave government in work at a non profit.
How come this great businessman ,this great deal maker dump has had 12.13 people leave him sucking wind?
I had a business for 35-40 years and didn't have that many leave me except for good reasons back to school etc etc

Being President is not a business.

No President in history has had this many key staffers leave in such a short time frame either.

So what? Ever run a business? You hire someone who appears competent and hope for the best. If they don't work out, you fire them and hire someone else. Standard operating procedure.
I don't believe anything the parasite media says anymore but for Dems. it makes for great soap opera.and keeps their seditious hopes alive.
Trump wants business minded people who know how to compete, win and get results. All leeches and activists should leave government in work at a non profit.
How come this great businessman ,this great deal maker dump has had 12.13 people leave him sucking wind?
I had a business for 35-40 years and didn't have that many leave me except for good reasons back to school etc etc

Being President is not a business.

No President in history has had this many key staffers leave in such a short time frame either.

So what? Ever run a business? You hire someone who appears competent and hope for the best. If they don't work out, you fire them and hire someone else. Standard operating procedure.
LOL evidently you haven't I did for over 35 years Successfully may I add Didn't fire in that period of time, more than the idiot has fired in less than a year
Trump wants business minded people who know how to compete, win and get results. All leeches and activists should leave government in work at a non profit.
How come this great businessman ,this great deal maker dump has had 12.13 people leave him sucking wind?
I had a business for 35-40 years and didn't have that many leave me except for good reasons back to school etc etc

Being President is not a business.

No President in history has had this many key staffers leave in such a short time frame either.

So what? Ever run a business? You hire someone who appears competent and hope for the best. If they don't work out, you fire them and hire someone else. Standard operating procedure.
LOL evidently you haven't I did for over 35 years Successfully may I add Didn't fire in that period of time, more than the idiot h
Every American should be concerned about Trump's mental instability.
Who brainwashed you into believing that Trump suffers from mental instability?
hey moe ,,Ever listen to him Unbalanced is all I can say
as fired in less than a year

I have no problem with clearing out the swamp, I wish Democrats could get with the program and quit suckholing failure from both sides. Trump's ready to deal and the Senate in particular is a basket case.
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This board is overrun with 40 and 50 year old American male posters joined the board in 2015 and 16 who are surpassing 10,000 and some 15,000 posts a year. They keep tripping themselves up on American idioms and figures of speech. But no working age person has that kind of time to spend. They're some of the most vehement Trump supporters on this board.
My suggestion is that you go somewhere else then. Mkay?


The point was that you listen to the bots and trolls, thinking they're all average americans. And worse, REPEATING what they say, thinking they're the views of average americans.
Oh.....so only your leftist bots and trolls should be listened to? Personally I don't care what everybody else thinks. I know the difference between right and wrong.

I think what is going on is you're listening to radical leftist fabricators and not listening to your own sense of right and wrong.

I would love to give you a lecture about the difference between right and wrong and sight specific issues that apply but I doubt you'd take the time to read it. The thing I keep seeing is colleges have people like Obama, Bill Ayers, and Hillary Clinton even, teaching our kids their version of right and wrong. Criminals screwing up the minds of our children similar to the brainwashing the Soviets did to cause the Communist Revolution in Russia.
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TrumpCare which it is now is evidence he will not get reelected and most of the Pubs will not either.
How come this great businessman ,this great deal maker dump has had 12.13 people leave him sucking wind?
I had a business for 35-40 years and didn't have that many leave me except for good reasons back to school etc etc

Being President is not a business.

No President in history has had this many key staffers leave in such a short time frame either.

So what? Ever run a business? You hire someone who appears competent and hope for the best. If they don't work out, you fire them and hire someone else. Standard operating procedure.
LOL evidently you haven't I did for over 35 years Successfully may I add Didn't fire in that period of time, more than the idiot has fired in less than a year

You missed the point entirely. It makes little sense to hold an employee whose product is unsuitable or unsatisfactory.

With political loyalties being so fluid these days, Trump's actions don't surprise me in the least.
I have no problem with clearing out the swamp, I wish Democrats could get with the program and quit suckholing failure from both sides. Trump's ready to deal and the Senate in particular is a basket case.

Democrats have their own problems but they are not in power and if things keep going the way they are for them, they are not likely to be in power, anytime soon. Trump and the GOP are in power hence the topic of my post.
I had a business for 35-40 years and didn't have that many leave me except for good reasons back to school etc etc

Being President is not a business.

No President in history has had this many key staffers leave in such a short time frame either.

So what? Ever run a business? You hire someone who appears competent and hope for the best. If they don't work out, you fire them and hire someone else. Standard operating procedure.
LOL evidently you haven't I did for over 35 years Successfully may I add Didn't fire in that period of time, more than the idiot has fired in less than a year

You missed the point entirely. It makes little sense to hold an employee whose product is unsuitable or unsatisfactory.

With political loyalties being so fluid these days, Trump's actions don't surprise me in the least.
But bk wouldn't you think that to qualify for those gov't jobs would require the highest degree of diligence Seems to me just another example of trump shooting from the hip
"In recent days, I’ve spoken with a half dozen prominent Republicans and Trump advisers, and they all describe a White House in crisis as advisers struggle to contain a president who seems to be increasingly unfocused and consumed by dark moods."

"At first it sounded like hyperbole, the escalation of a Twitter war. But now it’s clear that Bob Corker’s remarkable New York Times interview—in which the Republican senator described the White House as “adult day care” and warned Trump could start World War III—was an inflection point in the Trump presidency. It brought into the open what several people close to the president have recently told me in private: that Trump is “unstable,” “losing a step,” and “unraveling.”

The conversation among some of the president’s longtime confidantes, along with the character of some of the leaks emerging from the White House has shifted. There’s a new level of concern. NBC News published a report that Trump shocked his national security team when he called for a nearly tenfold increase in the country’s nuclear arsenal during a briefing this summer. One Trump adviser confirmed to me it was after this meeting disbanded that Secretary of State Rex Tillerson called Trump a “moron.”

In recent days, I spoke with a half dozen prominent Republicans and Trump advisers, and they all describe a White House in crisis as advisers struggle to contain a president who seems to be increasingly unfocused and consumed by dark moods. Trump’s ire is being fueled by his stalled legislative agenda and, to a surprising degree, by his decision last month to back the losing candidate Luther Strange in the Alabama Republican primary. “Alabama was a huge blow to his psyche,” a person close to Trump said. “He saw the cult of personality was broken.” -- Source

Who didn't see this coming? His own party is starting to fire back at Trump, leaving him bitter, isolated and very much alone in this world.

Old story, unsourced and debunked.

Corker's one of many establishment politicians attempting to undermine the "interloper" and position their members to maintain their status quo.
TrumpCare which it is now is evidence he will not get reelected and most of the Pubs will not either.

I have to see how this all plays out but at least on paper, trumpcare is already universality disliked by those, democrat or republican, who are going to be affected by it.
What happens to a country when criminals run the government?
They turn into California.

California is essentially becoming Mexico.

Then the government causes a disaster in their state, which forces people out of their state and the former Californians move to other states and try to institute their insane beliefs in other states. Then the radicals move in and take over. This is how liberalism/Socialism spreads. Like a cancer.
“I Hate Everyone”: Trump Seethes as Advisers Fear He Is “Unraveling”

Actual story - When you appoint people who never supported you and never backed your agenda, they badmouth you to the press.

It's a bunch of gossiping bar flies printing the "easy stuff". NOBODY cares about journalism or ethics anymore.
These articles should be treated like DONATIONS to the DNC and recorded accordingly by the FEC..

Spot On. Democrat Fake News has pretty much destroyed American Journalism. Who can trust it? It's very sad.
Yeah, verified facts SUCK. By all means, let's not trust the MSM or facts that threaten our opinion.

Verified? Who? Where? What? When?

You can't answer that, can you?

Verified by the reporters and editors publishing the stories. These are independently owned publications with a job to do - one that is protected by the Constitution of the United States.

What it is not, is Info Wars, conspiracy theorists, or lying pieces of shit rags like Breitbart which exists to push a white supremacist, misogynistic hate machine at people.

You have white supremacists openly marching in the streets who want to strip women, minorities and others of the vote, or any say in running the country and re-institute the rule of white make law throughout the nation.

Good luck with that.

So no valid credible verification. Exactly what the other poster said. Movin on...
"In recent days, I’ve spoken with a half dozen prominent Republicans and Trump advisers, and they all describe a White House in crisis as advisers struggle to contain a president who seems to be increasingly unfocused and consumed by dark moods."

"At first it sounded like hyperbole, the escalation of a Twitter war. But now it’s clear that Bob Corker’s remarkable New York Times interview—in which the Republican senator described the White House as “adult day care” and warned Trump could start World War III—was an inflection point in the Trump presidency. It brought into the open what several people close to the president have recently told me in private: that Trump is “unstable,” “losing a step,” and “unraveling.”

The conversation among some of the president’s longtime confidantes, along with the character of some of the leaks emerging from the White House has shifted. There’s a new level of concern. NBC News published a report that Trump shocked his national security team when he called for a nearly tenfold increase in the country’s nuclear arsenal during a briefing this summer. One Trump adviser confirmed to me it was after this meeting disbanded that Secretary of State Rex Tillerson called Trump a “moron.”

In recent days, I spoke with a half dozen prominent Republicans and Trump advisers, and they all describe a White House in crisis as advisers struggle to contain a president who seems to be increasingly unfocused and consumed by dark moods. Trump’s ire is being fueled by his stalled legislative agenda and, to a surprising degree, by his decision last month to back the losing candidate Luther Strange in the Alabama Republican primary. “Alabama was a huge blow to his psyche,” a person close to Trump said. “He saw the cult of personality was broken.” -- Source

Who didn't see this coming? His own party is starting to fire back at Trump, leaving him bitter, isolated and very much alone in this world.
WOW! Like most weak-minded party of slavery supporters, you sure are easily brainwashed by fake news.
You're reading russian troll bots, and facebook ads paid for in rubles.
And you're a fucking liar of course.

No he's not. This board is overrun with 40 and 50 year old American male posters joined the board in 2015 and 16 who are surpassing 10,000 and some 15,000 posts a year. They keep tripping themselves up on American idioms and figures of speech. But no working age person has that kind of time to spend. They're some of the most vehement Trump supporters on this board.


I'm 65, just yesterday, and have been "retired" for 17 years, having done well with both two careers and several investments early on. I still work in a third career, setting my own tasks and time, and leave this board minimized as I work. It's great Cheese Danish entertainment.

Yes and you're still only posting about 7000 posts a year. These guys are supposedly hard working 40 or 50 something guys who are posting twice as often as you are while running businesses or working for others.

And they were all rabid Trump supporters. Correll is now critical of Trump, as are a few others, but the rest - Trump can do no wrong. Greatest President ever and "lock her up".
Can you give one good reason why Clinton should not be tried and sent to prison. The FBI said she violated the espionage act over 100 times fer cripes sakes.
Because there is no good evidence of amy crime, and no, the FBI did not say that.

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