"I hate everyone", Trump seethes as advisers fear he is unravelling

I see online what people's opinions are. They are behind Trump in part because he's saying what they're thinking.

You're reading russian troll bots, and facebook ads paid for in rubles.
And you're a fucking liar of course.

No he's not. This board is overrun with 40 and 50 year old American male posters joined the board in 2015 and 16 who are surpassing 10,000 and some 15,000 posts a year. They keep tripping themselves up on American idioms and figures of speech. But no working age person has that kind of time to spend. They're some of the most vehement Trump supporters on this board.


I'm 65, just yesterday, and have been "retired" for 17 years, having done well with both two careers and several investments early on. I still work in a third career, setting my own tasks and time, and leave this board minimized as I work. It's great Cheese Danish entertainment.

Yes and you're still only posting about 7000 posts a year. These guys are supposedly hard working 40 or 50 something guys who are posting twice as often as you are while running businesses or working for others.

And they were all rabid Trump supporters. Correll is now critical of Trump, as are a few others, but the rest - Trump can do no wrong. Greatest President ever and "lock her up".
I’ve spoken with a half dozen prominent Republicans and Trump advisers, and they all describe a White House in crisis as advisers struggle to contain a president that seems to be increasingly unfocused and consumed by dark moods.

Notice how impressive "half dozen" sounds compared with "6".
“I Hate Everyone”: Trump Seethes as Advisers Fear He Is “Unraveling”

Actual story - When you appoint people who never supported you and never backed your agenda, they badmouth you to the press.

It's a bunch of gossiping bar flies printing the "easy stuff". NOBODY cares about journalism or ethics anymore.
These articles should be treated like DONATIONS to the DNC and recorded accordingly by the FEC..

Spot On. Democrat Fake News has pretty much destroyed American Journalism. Who can trust it? It's very sad.
Yeah, verified facts SUCK. By all means, let's not trust the MSM or facts that threaten our opinion.

Verified? Who? Where? What? When?

You can't answer that, can you?
Trump knew he would be dealing with swamp critters when he went to DC and said as much. He said it would be difficult because he had to hire people from the DC area to be staffers. There's really no way around that because not many people are willing to relocate to DC.

He knew what he was getting into and is performing excellently.

Trump filled the swamp with alligators. Lobbyists, Goldman Sachs employees, and people like Betsy DeVos who bought the education secretariat with millions of dollars in donations to the senators who confirmed her.

So what has DeVos done to piss you off?

All things considered, she hasn't really done anything since becoming Secretary of Education and that is about the best that we can hope for.

She aiming towards withdrawal financial support to public school and shifting enrolment to charter schools. Her family is heavily invested in a company which supplies charter schools.

Neither DeVos nor her children attended a public school so she has no knowledge or experience even in running a school board, and her family stands to profit immensely if the charter school program is expanded nationwide.
Trump wants business minded people who know how to compete, win and get results. All leeches and activists should leave government in work at a non profit.
How come this great businessman ,this great deal maker dump has had 12.13 people leave him sucking wind?
I had a business for 35-40 years and didn't have that many leave me except for good reasons back to school etc etc

Being President is not a business.
Trump wants business minded people who know how to compete, win and get results. All leeches and activists should leave government in work at a non profit.
How come this great businessman ,this great deal maker dump has had 12.13 people leave him sucking wind?
I had a business for 35-40 years and didn't have that many leave me except for good reasons back to school etc etc

Being President is not a business.
And thank goodness for that, or we would all be in Chapter 11
Trump knew he would be dealing with swamp critters when he went to DC and said as much. He said it would be difficult because he had to hire people from the DC area to be staffers. There's really no way around that because not many people are willing to relocate to DC.

He knew what he was getting into and is performing excellently.

Trump filled the swamp with alligators. Lobbyists, Goldman Sachs employees, and people like Betsy DeVos who bought the education secretariat with millions of dollars in donations to the senators who confirmed her.

So what has DeVos done to piss you off?

All things considered, she hasn't really done anything since becoming Secretary of Education and that is about the best that we can hope for.

She aiming towards withdrawal financial support to public school and shifting enrolment to charter schools

Yeah, right! It's at the top of the newsfeed every day.

Why don't you just worry about your own tiny little country and leave us to our own destruction?
You've got that wrong. Trump is, unlike Obama, only out for himself. He is the closest to a dictator that this country has ever seen.

LOL. You're hysterical. Trump gave a million for hurricane relief. How much did Barry and Hillary donate? Zero? Trump isn't taking a check either; neither is Ivanka nor Jared. Can you imagine Hillary or Chelsea not taking a check? ROFLMFAO!

You proved my point.

Anyone publicly donating $1 million, or publicly not taking a salary is doing it to make themselves look good.

You would say the EXACT same thing if a movie star donated $1 million for a given political cause that you disagreed with.

I proved that you're a non-objective, political hack whose purpose here is to shill for the radical left.

Nope, you only proved that YOU are a non-objective, political hack who would drink Trump's cum if it was offered.

That's a liberal thing.
Trump wants business minded people who know how to compete, win and get results. All leeches and activists should leave government in work at a non profit.

Government IS a non-profit.

There is a vast difference between working in government and working in private business, not the least of which is knowing how to wield limited power in a useful manner.

Trump has never worked for anyone but a closely held family corporation. And he has been mostly unsuccessful in that work. To expect him to be successful running the country when he's been a spectacular failure at business is asking too much of a man with limited talents.

OK, that is the post of the day!

You wish you were 1/10th of 1% as successful as Trump has been!

That comment might take the dumbest post of the year award if you don't personally top it!

Oops! I forgot. You are ineligible because you are a Canuck!
“I Hate Everyone”: Trump Seethes as Advisers Fear He Is “Unraveling”

Actual story - When you appoint people who never supported you and never backed your agenda, they badmouth you to the press.

It's a bunch of gossiping bar flies printing the "easy stuff". NOBODY cares about journalism or ethics anymore.
These articles should be treated like DONATIONS to the DNC and recorded accordingly by the FEC..

Spot On. Democrat Fake News has pretty much destroyed American Journalism. Who can trust it? It's very sad.
Yeah, verified facts SUCK. By all means, let's not trust the MSM or facts that threaten our opinion.

Verified? Who? Where? What? When?

You can't answer that, can you?

Verified by the reporters and editors publishing the stories. These are independently owned publications with a job to do - one that is protected by the Constitution of the United States.

What it is not, is Info Wars, conspiracy theorists, or lying pieces of shit rags like Breitbart which exists to push a white supremacist, misogynistic hate machine at people.

You have white supremacists openly marching in the streets who want to strip women, minorities and others of the vote, or any say in running the country and re-institute the rule of white make law throughout the nation.

Good luck with that.
I’ve spoken with a half dozen prominent Republicans and Trump advisers, and they all describe a White House in crisis as advisers struggle to contain a president that seems to be increasingly unfocused and consumed by dark moods.

I agree with Steve Bannon. Trump has only a 30% chance of finishing his term.

According to two of the sources, Bannon warned Trump several months ago about the possibility of getting removed from office via the 25th Amendment, prompting Trump to ask, "What's that?"

A stipulation of the 25th Amendment allows the vice president and a majority of the Cabinet; that is, 13 of 24 Cabinet members, to vote the president out of office. Bannon reportedly considered it a more likely scenario than Trump's impeachment.

Steve Bannon reportedly thinks Trump only has a 30% chance of finishing his term

Just had to chime in and prove your gullibility, didn't you?
“I Hate Everyone”: Trump Seethes as Advisers Fear He Is “Unraveling”

Actual story - When you appoint people who never supported you and never backed your agenda, they badmouth you to the press.

It's a bunch of gossiping bar flies printing the "easy stuff". NOBODY cares about journalism or ethics anymore.
These articles should be treated like DONATIONS to the DNC and recorded accordingly by the FEC..

Spot On. Democrat Fake News has pretty much destroyed American Journalism. Who can trust it? It's very sad.
Yeah, verified facts SUCK. By all means, let's not trust the MSM or facts that threaten our opinion.

Verified? Who? Where? What? When?

You can't answer that, can you?

Verified by the reporters and editors publishing the stories. These are independently owned publications with a job to do - one that is protected by the Constitution of the United States.

What it is not, is Info Wars, conspiracy theorists, or lying pieces of shit rags like Breitbart which exists to push a white supremacist, misogynistic hate machine at people.

You have white supremacists openly marching in the streets who want to strip women, minorities and others of the vote, or any say in running the country and re-institute the rule of white make law throughout the nation.

Good luck with that.
Trump knew he would be dealing with swamp critters when he went to DC and said as much. He said it would be difficult because he had to hire people from the DC area to be staffers. There's really no way around that because not many people are willing to relocate to DC.

He knew what he was getting into and is performing excellently.

Trump filled the swamp with alligators. Lobbyists, Goldman Sachs employees, and people like Betsy DeVos who bought the education secretariat with millions of dollars in donations to the senators who confirmed her.

So what has DeVos done to piss you off?

All things considered, she hasn't really done anything since becoming Secretary of Education and that is about the best that we can hope for.

She aiming towards withdrawal financial support to public school and shifting enrolment to charter schools

Yeah, right! It's at the top of the newsfeed every day.

Why don't you just worry about your own tiny little country and leave us to our own destruction?

Because every time the US sneezes, the rest of the world gets a bad case of the economic flu and so it is in our best interest that you don't screw over the world's economy - again.

I fear we're getting into a "too late" category here, hastened by the hurricane season but the total decline of your economy is well under way.
“I Hate Everyone”: Trump Seethes as Advisers Fear He Is “Unraveling”

Actual story - When you appoint people who never supported you and never backed your agenda, they badmouth you to the press.

It's a bunch of gossiping bar flies printing the "easy stuff". NOBODY cares about journalism or ethics anymore.
These articles should be treated like DONATIONS to the DNC and recorded accordingly by the FEC..

Spot On. Democrat Fake News has pretty much destroyed American Journalism. Who can trust it? It's very sad.
Yeah, verified facts SUCK. By all means, let's not trust the MSM or facts that threaten our opinion.

Verified? Who? Where? What? When?

You can't answer that, can you?

Verified by the reporters and editors publishing the stories. These are independently owned publications with a job to do - one that is protected by the Constitution of the United States.

What it is not, is Info Wars, conspiracy theorists, or lying pieces of shit rags like Breitbart which exists to push a white supremacist, misogynistic hate machine at people.

You have white supremacists openly marching in the streets who want to strip women, minorities and others of the vote, or any say in running the country and re-institute the rule of white make law throughout the nation.

Good luck with that.

No, they were not! Who said these statements? You have no answers. Those people have the same rights to say what they wish as anyone else. I don't agree with them at all, but I defend their right to be assholes!

Let's try it on a personal level. I'll write an article about you in your local paper being arrested as a crack whore, but I won't name any sources or provide any evidence. How would you like them apples?
It's a bunch of gossiping bar flies printing the "easy stuff". NOBODY cares about journalism or ethics anymore.
These articles should be treated like DONATIONS to the DNC and recorded accordingly by the FEC..

Spot On. Democrat Fake News has pretty much destroyed American Journalism. Who can trust it? It's very sad.
Yeah, verified facts SUCK. By all means, let's not trust the MSM or facts that threaten our opinion.

Verified? Who? Where? What? When?

You can't answer that, can you?

Verified by the reporters and editors publishing the stories. These are independently owned publications with a job to do - one that is protected by the Constitution of the United States.

What it is not, is Info Wars, conspiracy theorists, or lying pieces of shit rags like Breitbart which exists to push a white supremacist, misogynistic hate machine at people.

You have white supremacists openly marching in the streets who want to strip women, minorities and others of the vote, or any say in running the country and re-institute the rule of white make law throughout the nation.

Good luck with that.
Trump knew he would be dealing with swamp critters when he went to DC and said as much. He said it would be difficult because he had to hire people from the DC area to be staffers. There's really no way around that because not many people are willing to relocate to DC.

He knew what he was getting into and is performing excellently.

Trump filled the swamp with alligators. Lobbyists, Goldman Sachs employees, and people like Betsy DeVos who bought the education secretariat with millions of dollars in donations to the senators who confirmed her.

So what has DeVos done to piss you off?

All things considered, she hasn't really done anything since becoming Secretary of Education and that is about the best that we can hope for.

She aiming towards withdrawal financial support to public school and shifting enrolment to charter schools

Yeah, right! It's at the top of the newsfeed every day.

Why don't you just worry about your own tiny little country and leave us to our own destruction?

Because every time the US sneezes, the rest of the world gets a bad case of the economic flu and so it is in our best interest that you don't screw over the world's economy - again.

I fear we're getting into a "too late" category here, hastened by the hurricane season but the total decline of your economy is well under way.

What does any of that have to do with the price of tea in China?

Are you back to playing "I deflect from my topic since I am losing my ass, and hopefully no one will notice how fucking ignorant I am"?
I see online what people's opinions are. They are behind Trump in part because he's saying what they're thinking.

You're reading russian troll bots, and facebook ads paid for in rubles.
And you're a fucking liar of course.

No he's not. This board is overrun with 40 and 50 year old American male posters joined the board in 2015 and 16 who are surpassing 10,000 and some 15,000 posts a year. They keep tripping themselves up on American idioms and figures of speech. But no working age person has that kind of time to spend. They're some of the most vehement Trump supporters on this board.


I'm 65, just yesterday, and have been "retired" for 17 years, having done well with both two careers and several investments early on. I still work in a third career, setting my own tasks and time, and leave this board minimized as I work. It's great Cheese Danish entertainment.

Yes and you're still only posting about 7000 posts a year. These guys are supposedly hard working 40 or 50 something guys who are posting twice as often as you are while running businesses or working for others.

And they were all rabid Trump supporters. Correll is now critical of Trump, as are a few others, but the rest - Trump can do no wrong. Greatest President ever and "lock her up".
Can you give one good reason why Clinton should not be tried and sent to prison. The FBI said she violated the espionage act over 100 times fer cripes sakes.
“I Hate Everyone”: Trump Seethes as Advisers Fear He Is “Unraveling”

Actual story - When you appoint people who never supported you and never backed your agenda, they badmouth you to the press.

It's a bunch of gossiping bar flies printing the "easy stuff". NOBODY cares about journalism or ethics anymore.
These articles should be treated like DONATIONS to the DNC and recorded accordingly by the FEC..

Spot On. Democrat Fake News has pretty much destroyed American Journalism. Who can trust it? It's very sad.
Yeah, verified facts SUCK. By all means, let's not trust the MSM or facts that threaten our opinion.

No. We mean a constant barrage of "unidentified, unverfiable sources".. Like the bartenders at the DC watering holes... Like the "Trump wants to expand the nuclear arsenal ten-fold story" Or "General Kelly quitting/getting fired" stories.
I'm serious. Trump missed the boat here. Shouldn't have brought up licensing at all. He SHOULD have simply said the FEC is gonna treat their news programs like donations to the DNC and requiring them to REPORT THE FUCKING donations. .
Trump knew he would be dealing with swamp critters when he went to DC and said as much. He said it would be difficult because he had to hire people from the DC area to be staffers. There's really no way around that because not many people are willing to relocate to DC.

He knew what he was getting into and is performing excellently.
The whole idea of hiring people without knowledge or experience to advise and carry out policy for a president who lacks both is pure lunacy. Even a president with years of experience in politics and government needs people who not only understand how government works but know how to make things happen.
Trump knew he would be dealing with swamp critters when he went to DC and said as much. He said it would be difficult because he had to hire people from the DC area to be staffers. There's really no way around that because not many people are willing to relocate to DC.

He knew what he was getting into and is performing excellently.
The whole idea of hiring people without knowledge or experience to advise and carry out policy for a president who lacks both is pure lunacy. Even a president with years of experience in politics and government needs people who not only understand how government works but know how to make things happen.
Trump obviously has plenty of knowledge, wisdom and experience.

Trump had 45 YEARS of executive experience before accepting his job as Chief Executive of the USA. That's much more executive experience than any recent president, and perhaps any US president in history.

Trump also has an ivy league degree in economics from Wharton. And he used his very deep understanding of economics to become a tremendously successful businessman.

Where did you come up with this ridiculous notion that Trump has no knowledge or experience? Who fed that bullshit to you and why did you so eagerly eat up that disgusting shit?
“I Hate Everyone”: Trump Seethes as Advisers Fear He Is “Unraveling”

Actual story - When you appoint people who never supported you and never backed your agenda, they badmouth you to the press.

I think he was unraveling during the campaign season.


Trump is really mentally UNFIT to be POTUS. I have no idea why they aren't using the 25th amendment on him right now.
A neuroscientist explains: Trump has a mental disorder that makes him a dangerous world leader

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