"I hate everyone", Trump seethes as advisers fear he is unravelling

“I Hate Everyone”: Trump Seethes as Advisers Fear He Is “Unraveling”

Actual story - When you appoint people who never supported you and never backed your agenda, they badmouth you to the press.
No, not agendas, policies. His staff supports his agenda. Agendas tend to be broad and flexible policies aren't. Probably everyone on Trump's team seeks a non-nuclear North Korea. However, the policies that might be pursued to accomplish this can vary greatly. Since Trump's policies are written in tweets and change with his mood, it's impossible for any staff to fully support those policies.

Tillerson will make a statement to the press in keeping with what he believes is Trump's policy and Trump will undermine him in a tweet the same day. It's as if Trump was a political commentator, not the president. Apparently he doesn't understand that when he speaks or tweets, he is creating US policy which his staff is expected to carry out.
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I’ve spoken with a half dozen prominent Republicans and Trump advisers, and they all describe a White House in crisis as advisers struggle to contain a president that seems to be increasingly unfocused and consumed by dark moods.

I agree with Steve Bannon. Trump has only a 30% chance of finishing his term.

According to two of the sources, Bannon warned Trump several months ago about the possibility of getting removed from office via the 25th Amendment, prompting Trump to ask, "What's that?"

A stipulation of the 25th Amendment allows the vice president and a majority of the Cabinet; that is, 13 of 24 Cabinet members, to vote the president out of office. Bannon reportedly considered it a more likely scenario than Trump's impeachment.

Steve Bannon reportedly thinks Trump only has a 30% chance of finishing his term
i bet it's hard for Trump to decide whether to pen an epic screed on twitter or just go on a bizarre rant at a rally...
Trump wants business minded people who know how to compete, win and get results. All leeches and activists should leave government in work at a non profit.
Might I remind you Trump picks his staff and advisors.

Rex Tillerson,
CEO Exxon Mobil
Steven Mnuchin
CEO One West Bank
Mark Weinberger

Global chairman and CEO, EY
Paul Atkins
CEO of Patomak Global Partners LLC
Kevin Warsh
Fellow at Hoover Institute, former member of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve
Mary Barra
Chairman and CEO of General Motors
Dan Yergin
Vice chairman of IHS Markit
Toby Cosgrove
CEO, Cleveland Clinic
Jack Welch
Former chairman and CEO, General Electric
Ginni Rometty
Chairman, president and CEO of IBM
Indra Nooyi

Chairperson and CEO of PepsiCo
Doug McMillon
President and CEO, Walmart
Rich Lesser

CEO of Boston Consulting Group
Steven Schwarzman
CEO of Blackstone
Jamie Dimon
CEO of JPMorgan Chase
Brian Krzanich
CEO, Intel Corporation
Ken Frazier
CEO, Merck & Co.,
Kevin Plank
Founder, CEO, chairman, Under Armour
Elon Musk
Founder and CEO of SpaceX and Tesla
Bob Iger
CEO of Disney
Scott Paul
President, Alliance for American Manufacturing
Richard Trumka
President, AFL-CIO
Inge Thulin
Chairman, president, CEO, 3M
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I’ve spoken with a half dozen prominent Republicans and Trump advisers, and they all describe a White House in crisis as advisers struggle to contain a president that seems to be increasingly unfocused and consumed by dark moods.
Trump is a sociopath.

Pardon me, but it should be noted that was a quote from the fake news article, not from me.
I’ve spoken with a half dozen prominent Republicans and Trump advisers, and they all describe a White House in crisis as advisers struggle to contain a president that seems to be increasingly unfocused and consumed by dark moods.

I agree with Steve Bannon. Trump has only a 30% chance of finishing his term.

According to two of the sources, Bannon warned Trump several months ago about the possibility of getting removed from office via the 25th Amendment, prompting Trump to ask, "What's that?"

A stipulation of the 25th Amendment allows the vice president and a majority of the Cabinet; that is, 13 of 24 Cabinet members, to vote the president out of office. Bannon reportedly considered it a more likely scenario than Trump's impeachment.

Steve Bannon reportedly thinks Trump only has a 30% chance of finishing his term

Best of luck with that.
I see online what people's opinions are. They are behind Trump in part because he's saying what they're thinking.

You're reading russian troll bots, and facebook ads paid for in rubles.
And you're a fucking liar of course.

No he's not. This board is overrun with 40 and 50 year old American male posters joined the board in 2015 and 16 who are surpassing 10,000 and some 15,000 posts a year. They keep tripping themselves up on American idioms and figures of speech. But no working age person has that kind of time to spend. They're some of the most vehement Trump supporters on this board.
I see online what people's opinions are. They are behind Trump in part because he's saying what they're thinking.

You're reading russian troll bots, and facebook ads paid for in rubles.
And you're a fucking liar of course.

No he's not. This board is overrun with 40 and 50 year old American male posters joined the board in 2015 and 16 who are surpassing 10,000 and some 15,000 posts a year. They keep tripping themselves up on American idioms and figures of speech. But no working age person has that kind of time to spend. They're some of the most vehement Trump supporters on this board.
My suggestion is that you go somewhere else then. Mkay?

This board is overrun with 40 and 50 year old American male posters joined the board in 2015 and 16 who are surpassing 10,000 and some 15,000 posts a year. They keep tripping themselves up on American idioms and figures of speech. But no working age person has that kind of time to spend. They're some of the most vehement Trump supporters on this board.
My suggestion is that you go somewhere else then. Mkay?


The point was that you listen to the bots and trolls, thinking they're all average americans. And worse, REPEATING what they say, thinking they're the views of average americans.
I see online what people's opinions are. They are behind Trump in part because he's saying what they're thinking.

You're reading russian troll bots, and facebook ads paid for in rubles.
And you're a fucking liar of course.

No he's not. This board is overrun with 40 and 50 year old American male posters joined the board in 2015 and 16 who are surpassing 10,000 and some 15,000 posts a year. They keep tripping themselves up on American idioms and figures of speech. But no working age person has that kind of time to spend. They're some of the most vehement Trump supporters on this board.


I'm 65, just yesterday, and have been "retired" for 17 years, having done well with both two careers and several investments early on. I still work in a third career, setting my own tasks and time, and leave this board minimized as I work. It's great Cheese Danish entertainment.
Trump knew he would be dealing with swamp critters when he went to DC and said as much. He said it would be difficult because he had to hire people from the DC area to be staffers. There's really no way around that because not many people are willing to relocate to DC.

He knew what he was getting into and is performing excellently.
The media nor anyone else is spinning or being unfair when trump is caught telling a probable lie. That happens every week and often every day. If he is not spreading provable falsehoods, his staff is.
The whole "fake news" mantra is a deflection away from the truth of what trump is saying and doing. He lies and lies and lies. After that, he lies some more.

Trump and his supporters think it is unfair when the media reports his lying to the public. Try to make sense out of that. Why is it unfair to report when the President tells falsehoods and lies?
To a mind-numb Libroid that seems feasible.
However, because it's been clear since Trump first announced that he was running the media became his worst critics and spends most of their time reporting opinions rather than facts, well, that lame excuse just doesn't hold water.

No. His worst critics are the majority of people in America, who unfortunately, do not have the ability to broadcast their distain via the cable airways.

You only see the media's opinion because they are visible.
I see online what people's opinions are. They are behind Trump in part because he's saying what they're thinking.
Nevermind the simple fact that Americans are fed up with liberal media talking-heads trying to tell us how to think.

Real people do not post online. Only wackos like us. The majority of Americans do not post online, and the majority do not agree with Trump.
I see online what people's opinions are. They are behind Trump in part because he's saying what they're thinking.

You're reading russian troll bots, and facebook ads paid for in rubles.
And you're a fucking liar of course.

No he's not. This board is overrun with 40 and 50 year old American male posters joined the board in 2015 and 16 who are surpassing 10,000 and some 15,000 posts a year. They keep tripping themselves up on American idioms and figures of speech. But no working age person has that kind of time to spend. They're some of the most vehement Trump supporters on this board.
My suggestion is that you go somewhere else then. Mkay?


Why? Because idiots like you think it's a good idea for Russians to promote pro Trump propaganda?

Of course, because they agree with you which is your first priority. No honesty for real life for you. You like the fiction that Trump is doing a great job.
Hard working Americans made a statement in November of '16, they'll make another one in November of '18, will you still be in denial then?

In 2016 they voted for better cheaper healthcare, tax cuts and infrastructure.

By 2018 republicans will be running on the same issues, after not getting any of the shit done they promised in 2016.

And you think they are going to elect Democrats again? :laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2:

There are plenty of True Conservatives who will replace them, the Democrats number one problem is the MSM biased, hate filled approach and they continue to defend DC Establishment...
Trump knew he would be dealing with swamp critters when he went to DC and said as much. He said it would be difficult because he had to hire people from the DC area to be staffers. There's really no way around that because not many people are willing to relocate to DC.

He knew what he was getting into and is performing excellently.

Trump filled the swamp with alligators. Lobbyists, Goldman Sachs employees, and people like Betsy DeVos who bought the education secretariat with millions of dollars in donations to the senators who confirmed her.
Trump unleashes himself from would-be handlers, lashing out mornings, nights and weekends

“The president has started to call people more on the weekends, from the cellphone, which he didn’t used to do,” the person said, noting that Trump often calls Hannity after the Fox News host’s nightly show. The person spoke on condition of anonymity to preserve relations with Trump.

“Every time it says on MSNBC or CNN, which you know he watches, ‘This is the adult.… Thank God they stopped him,’ it all gets to him.”

“I can’t think of a president who behaves like he does; there’s really no immediate comparison,” said John A. Farrell, author of the book “Richard Nixon: The Life,” about the president whom Trump has increasingly been compared with,

“Trump is a guy whose inner thoughts are on his sleeve, for better or worse,” said Stanley Renshon, a psychoanalyst and a political scientist at the City University of New York.

“That’s the model Donald Trump has had his whole life: If someone blusters at you you’ve got to be able to stand up to them,” Renshon said, adding, “He had a whole adulthood of doing what he thought best and saying what he thought — that’s what you see here.”

More anonymous sources? I have plenty of reliable anonymous sources that say Vanity Fair uses coded advertisements to aid in human trafficking, but don't quote me on that.
Trump knew he would be dealing with swamp critters when he went to DC and said as much. He said it would be difficult because he had to hire people from the DC area to be staffers. There's really no way around that because not many people are willing to relocate to DC.

He knew what he was getting into and is performing excellently.

Trump filled the swamp with alligators. Lobbyists, Goldman Sachs employees, and people like Betsy DeVos who bought the education secretariat with millions of dollars in donations to the senators who confirmed her.

So what has DeVos done to piss you off?

All things considered, she hasn't really done anything since becoming Secretary of Education and that is about the best that we can hope for.
Trump wants business minded people who know how to compete, win and get results. All leeches and activists should leave government in work at a non profit.

Trump is a con artist not a businessman. He thinks he can run this country like a reality tv show. Going bankrupt is no way to run a business.

So who is going bankrupt? Is your level of morality getting low again?

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