I have NEVER seen a TV network promote a presidential candidate like Fox does Trump.

And what does that mean?
That Roger Ailes doesn't actually control Fox?

You know Rupert Murdoch is a globalist, open borders lunatic, right?

That's not an answer, those are questions. Hiring Shep means what?
That Roger Ailes doesn't actually control Fox.

Rupert Murdoch was the original owner of Fox and he hired Shep to demonstrate his actual politics.

All that means is Shep was hired. You guys have to realize that just saying it doesn't make it real. This isn't Jumanji lol
If Shep was hired(despite being blatantly anti-Republican and even anti-Fox) it kind of proves your bullshit theory about Fox being designed "from the ground up" to be Republican is in fact....bullshit.

As I said before, Shep actually had 2 shows for quite a while before Fox decided to promote Megyn and Gretchen(both of whom are not exactly right-wingers, and neither is Greta btw).

Sorry it doesn't kind of prove anything. The only thing it proves it that Shep works there. If you're trying to say him having a job equates to the founders not being Republicans then go on and say it so everyone can have a good har har at your attempt at logic
Here's the thing I always say: Fox News is ADMITTEDLY Republican. Built, founded and directed by. Breitbart ADMITTEDLY Republican.

Then Trump HIRES Roger "bowchicawowwow" Ailey. Who is by the way facing lawsuits from former employees right now. ANNNNNDD The Breitbart idiot to run his campaign!!

Direct link. Add in Hannity who'll say ANYTHING supporting Trump. Bam!

On the other side republicans just say EVERYONE ELSE IS LIBERAL!:bs1:
And this is what they argue and accuse. So now we're all just suppose to deal in this whining fictional reality. Ohhh the Clinton News Network! How? Oh because that's what republicans ACCUSE them of being! Huh?

You might find an anchor or two you don't like but to pretend that's ANY sort of equivilency is silly wingers shit.

Uh...one problem with your scenario- CNN, MSNBC, and all the networks were anti-right long before the big orange clown decided to run for president.

See? All they need is an accusation and you pretend that an accusation is the same as an admission. Its not. Let me make it simple.

One admits to being. "I am a republican"
The other is accused: "You're a Democrat"

See the difference? I bet you say no just because

Look- if I say something that offends you and don't realize it offends you, it could be because I don't understand your values. So when you as a liberal, tell me as as conservative that CNN, or any of the other stations are not at the very least left leaning, you say it without knowing what offends me about their reporting. I can watch Fox and know they are slanted right, because they are so different than all the others whose reporting offends me. If Fox were the sole source we would all be much more conservative because we would not have a perspective from the left.

I think most on the right accept Fox reports from the right, but it seems very difficult for those on the left to acknowledge the others report from the left. I believe it is because the left has owned all the media for so long.

Once again, Because from TOP to BOTTOM they are built, created and ran by Republicans. The other stations are NOT.

Its like someone pleading guilty to murder and then pointing at some random person and screaming "AND THEY ARE TOO!" :badgrin:
Bullshit. The so-called mainstream media is, from TOP to BOTTOM, built, created and ran by Democrats.

Like I said, one has a record of ownership and self admitted republican. The other is accuse by you out of Butthurt and false equivilecies.
So why did Roger Ailes give Democrat shill, Shep Smith 2 shows for years?

Because they are secretly gay lovers...geez, pick up a national enquirer once in a while.
That Roger Ailes doesn't actually control Fox?

You know Rupert Murdoch is a globalist, open borders lunatic, right?

That's not an answer, those are questions. Hiring Shep means what?
That Roger Ailes doesn't actually control Fox.

Rupert Murdoch was the original owner of Fox and he hired Shep to demonstrate his actual politics.

All that means is Shep was hired. You guys have to realize that just saying it doesn't make it real. This isn't Jumanji lol
If Shep was hired(despite being blatantly anti-Republican and even anti-Fox) it kind of proves your bullshit theory about Fox being designed "from the ground up" to be Republican is in fact....bullshit.

As I said before, Shep actually had 2 shows for quite a while before Fox decided to promote Megyn and Gretchen(both of whom are not exactly right-wingers, and neither is Greta btw).
Shep is anti bullshit which is what I like about him
Shep is an idiot spewing the typical Democrat bullshit that MSNBC peddles.

If Fox ever went down Shep would be begging MSNBC for job, and that is despite the fact that MSNBC has engaged in numerous slanderous assaults on his long time employer.
That Roger Ailes doesn't actually control Fox?

You know Rupert Murdoch is a globalist, open borders lunatic, right?

That's not an answer, those are questions. Hiring Shep means what?
That Roger Ailes doesn't actually control Fox.

Rupert Murdoch was the original owner of Fox and he hired Shep to demonstrate his actual politics.

All that means is Shep was hired. You guys have to realize that just saying it doesn't make it real. This isn't Jumanji lol
If Shep was hired(despite being blatantly anti-Republican and even anti-Fox) it kind of proves your bullshit theory about Fox being designed "from the ground up" to be Republican is in fact....bullshit.

As I said before, Shep actually had 2 shows for quite a while before Fox decided to promote Megyn and Gretchen(both of whom are not exactly right-wingers, and neither is Greta btw).

Sorry it doesn't kind of prove anything. The only thing it proves it that Shep works there. If you're trying to say him having a job equates to the founders not being Republicans then go on and say it so everyone can have a good har har at your attempt at logic
You are moving the goalpost again.

At first you claimed Fox was designed "from the ground up" to be a Republican channel, and now that you subconsciously realize how stupid that statement was you are merely asserting the founders of the network are Republicans(like the founders of CNN and MSNBC are Democrats), which doesn't prove anything.
That's not an answer, those are questions. Hiring Shep means what?
That Roger Ailes doesn't actually control Fox.

Rupert Murdoch was the original owner of Fox and he hired Shep to demonstrate his actual politics.

All that means is Shep was hired. You guys have to realize that just saying it doesn't make it real. This isn't Jumanji lol
If Shep was hired(despite being blatantly anti-Republican and even anti-Fox) it kind of proves your bullshit theory about Fox being designed "from the ground up" to be Republican is in fact....bullshit.

As I said before, Shep actually had 2 shows for quite a while before Fox decided to promote Megyn and Gretchen(both of whom are not exactly right-wingers, and neither is Greta btw).

Sorry it doesn't kind of prove anything. The only thing it proves it that Shep works there. If you're trying to say him having a job equates to the founders not being Republicans then go on and say it so everyone can have a good har har at your attempt at logic
You are moving the goalpost again.

At first you claimed Fox was designed "from the ground up" to be a Republican channel, and now that you subconsciously realize how stupid that statement was you are merely asserting the founders of the network are Republicans(like the founders of CNN and MSNBC are Democrats), which doesn't prove anything.

Nope, my original statement stands and so far you have offered nothing but suggestive logic and assertions in response.
Quit watching cable news immediately. That shit is like lead paint chips, sure they may taste good but it rots your brain.
I flip through the channels every night. I see as much MADCOW as I do Hannity. Can't be informed about what the media is doing if I ignore it.
Then how did you miss the fact that every other network is tainting twisting and supporting Hillary? CNN ADMITTED IT.
That Roger Ailes doesn't actually control Fox.

Rupert Murdoch was the original owner of Fox and he hired Shep to demonstrate his actual politics.

All that means is Shep was hired. You guys have to realize that just saying it doesn't make it real. This isn't Jumanji lol
If Shep was hired(despite being blatantly anti-Republican and even anti-Fox) it kind of proves your bullshit theory about Fox being designed "from the ground up" to be Republican is in fact....bullshit.

As I said before, Shep actually had 2 shows for quite a while before Fox decided to promote Megyn and Gretchen(both of whom are not exactly right-wingers, and neither is Greta btw).

Sorry it doesn't kind of prove anything. The only thing it proves it that Shep works there. If you're trying to say him having a job equates to the founders not being Republicans then go on and say it so everyone can have a good har har at your attempt at logic
You are moving the goalpost again.

At first you claimed Fox was designed "from the ground up" to be a Republican channel, and now that you subconsciously realize how stupid that statement was you are merely asserting the founders of the network are Republicans(like the founders of CNN and MSNBC are Democrats), which doesn't prove anything.

Nope, my original statement stands and so far you have offered nothing but suggestive logic and assertions in response.
I have offered inescapable facts that blow your ridiculous assertions away.
Quit watching cable news immediately. That shit is like lead paint chips, sure they may taste good but it rots your brain.
I flip through the channels every night. I see as much MADCOW as I do Hannity. Can't be informed about what the media is doing if I ignore it.
Then how did you miss the fact that every other network is tainting twisting and supporting Hillary? CNN ADMITTED IT.
I didn't miss anything. This thread isn't about CNN. Try to pay attention
All that means is Shep was hired. You guys have to realize that just saying it doesn't make it real. This isn't Jumanji lol
If Shep was hired(despite being blatantly anti-Republican and even anti-Fox) it kind of proves your bullshit theory about Fox being designed "from the ground up" to be Republican is in fact....bullshit.

As I said before, Shep actually had 2 shows for quite a while before Fox decided to promote Megyn and Gretchen(both of whom are not exactly right-wingers, and neither is Greta btw).

Sorry it doesn't kind of prove anything. The only thing it proves it that Shep works there. If you're trying to say him having a job equates to the founders not being Republicans then go on and say it so everyone can have a good har har at your attempt at logic
You are moving the goalpost again.

At first you claimed Fox was designed "from the ground up" to be a Republican channel, and now that you subconsciously realize how stupid that statement was you are merely asserting the founders of the network are Republicans(like the founders of CNN and MSNBC are Democrats), which doesn't prove anything.

Nope, my original statement stands and so far you have offered nothing but suggestive logic and assertions in response.
I have offered inescapable facts that blow your ridiculous assertions away.

Your only fact is that Shep had a show. The rest is bullshit.
If Shep was hired(despite being blatantly anti-Republican and even anti-Fox) it kind of proves your bullshit theory about Fox being designed "from the ground up" to be Republican is in fact....bullshit.

As I said before, Shep actually had 2 shows for quite a while before Fox decided to promote Megyn and Gretchen(both of whom are not exactly right-wingers, and neither is Greta btw).

Sorry it doesn't kind of prove anything. The only thing it proves it that Shep works there. If you're trying to say him having a job equates to the founders not being Republicans then go on and say it so everyone can have a good har har at your attempt at logic
You are moving the goalpost again.

At first you claimed Fox was designed "from the ground up" to be a Republican channel, and now that you subconsciously realize how stupid that statement was you are merely asserting the founders of the network are Republicans(like the founders of CNN and MSNBC are Democrats), which doesn't prove anything.

Nope, my original statement stands and so far you have offered nothing but suggestive logic and assertions in response.
I have offered inescapable facts that blow your ridiculous assertions away.

Your only fact is that Shep had a show. The rest is bullshit.
He had 2 shows genius.

One at 3:00 pm, and another one at 7:00 pm right before Bill.
For the last week or so it seems like he has either had an hour long "Trump special" on every night or Hannity can't stop drooling over him every night Trump isn't on his program.

I don't want Hillary to win but at the same time I don't want a media that is in the hen house of a candidate like this. I get that the liberal media is in the tank for Hillary but you don't solve that PROBLEM by putting Trump on air every night. What happens after this election? The bar is now being established for are future elections and I don't like the direction we're heading.

The media is supposed to be a watchdog not a lapdog.
This laughable. Shows how blind and stupid looney left is. CNN and MSNBC are puppets for Clinton campaign? Are you this fucking ignorant? Stop posting if your this fucking retarded.
For the last week or so it seems like he has either had an hour long "Trump special" on every night or Hannity can't stop drooling over him every night Trump isn't on his program.

I don't want Hillary to win but at the same time I don't want a media that is in the hen house of a candidate like this. I get that the liberal media is in the tank for Hillary but you don't solve that PROBLEM by putting Trump on air every night. What happens after this election? The bar is now being established for are future elections and I don't like the direction we're heading.

The media is supposed to be a watchdog not a lapdog.
You are not that fucking stupid are you?
For the last week or so it seems like he has either had an hour long "Trump special" on every night or Hannity can't stop drooling over him every night Trump isn't on his program.

I don't want Hillary to win but at the same time I don't want a media that is in the hen house of a candidate like this. I get that the liberal media is in the tank for Hillary but you don't solve that PROBLEM by putting Trump on air every night. What happens after this election? The bar is now being established for are future elections and I don't like the direction we're heading.

The media is supposed to be a watchdog not a lapdog.
He's the fucking nominee stupid fucking bozo. You want Fox to ignore him?
For the last week or so it seems like he has either had an hour long "Trump special" on every night or Hannity can't stop drooling over him every night Trump isn't on his program.

I don't want Hillary to win but at the same time I don't want a media that is in the hen house of a candidate like this. I get that the liberal media is in the tank for Hillary but you don't solve that PROBLEM by putting Trump on air every night. What happens after this election? The bar is now being established for are future elections and I don't like the direction we're heading.

The media is supposed to be a watchdog not a lapdog.
really, you never heard of CBS, NBC or ABC? you should diversify your watch time. Ever hear of Dan Rather? Tom Brokaw? Chris Mathew's? Really? are you telling us you only watch Fox?


See? Just throw in everybody and say EVERYONE ELSE is against you. Troll level is super high. Whats the proof? Oh...IDK, feelings n shit!
Why do you care so much about what trump supporters like? It truly bugs the piss out of you! LOL
Here's the thing I always say: Fox News is ADMITTEDLY Republican. Built, founded and directed by. Breitbart ADMITTEDLY Republican.

Then Trump HIRES Roger "bowchicawowwow" Ailey. Who is by the way facing lawsuits from former employees right now. ANNNNNDD The Breitbart idiot to run his campaign!!

Direct link. Add in Hannity who'll say ANYTHING supporting Trump. Bam!

On the other side republicans just say EVERYONE ELSE IS LIBERAL!:bs1:
And this is what they argue and accuse. So now we're all just suppose to deal in this whining fictional reality. Ohhh the Clinton News Network! How? Oh because that's what republicans ACCUSE them of being! Huh?

You might find an anchor or two you don't like but to pretend that's ANY sort of equivilency is silly wingers shit.

Uh...one problem with your scenario- CNN, MSNBC, and all the networks were anti-right long before the big orange clown decided to run for president.

See? All they need is an accusation and you pretend that an accusation is the same as an admission. Its not. Let me make it simple.

One admits to being. "I am a republican"
The other is accused: "You're a Democrat"

See the difference? I bet you say no just because

Look- if I say something that offends you and don't realize it offends you, it could be because I don't understand your values. So when you as a liberal, tell me as as conservative that CNN, or any of the other stations are not at the very least left leaning, you say it without knowing what offends me about their reporting. I can watch Fox and know they are slanted right, because they are so different than all the others whose reporting offends me. If Fox were the sole source we would all be much more conservative because we would not have a perspective from the left.

I think most on the right accept Fox reports from the right, but it seems very difficult for those on the left to acknowledge the others report from the left. I believe it is because the left has owned all the media for so long.

Once again, Because from TOP to BOTTOM they are built, created and ran by Republicans. The other stations are NOT.

Its like someone pleading guilty to murder and then pointing at some random person and screaming "AND THEY ARE TOO!" :badgrin:
Bullshit. The so-called mainstream media is, from TOP to BOTTOM, built, created and ran by Democrats.

Like I said, one has a record of ownership and self admitted republican. The other is accuse by you out of Butthurt and false equivilecies.

Dumbass, you're the one who claims Republicans built the mainstream media. You're the one claiming an equivalence.
That's not an answer, those are questions. Hiring Shep means what?
That Roger Ailes doesn't actually control Fox.

Rupert Murdoch was the original owner of Fox and he hired Shep to demonstrate his actual politics.

All that means is Shep was hired. You guys have to realize that just saying it doesn't make it real. This isn't Jumanji lol
If Shep was hired(despite being blatantly anti-Republican and even anti-Fox) it kind of proves your bullshit theory about Fox being designed "from the ground up" to be Republican is in fact....bullshit.

As I said before, Shep actually had 2 shows for quite a while before Fox decided to promote Megyn and Gretchen(both of whom are not exactly right-wingers, and neither is Greta btw).
Shep is anti bullshit which is what I like about him
Shep is an idiot spewing the typical Democrat bullshit that MSNBC peddles.

If Fox ever went down Shep would be begging MSNBC for job, and that is despite the fact that MSNBC has engaged in numerous slanderous assaults on his long time employer.
I guess we are watching two separate sheps. Or perhaps you just get butthurt when he calls your righty pals out on their bullshit. Which he does to the lefties as well.
Sorry it doesn't kind of prove anything. The only thing it proves it that Shep works there. If you're trying to say him having a job equates to the founders not being Republicans then go on and say it so everyone can have a good har har at your attempt at logic
You are moving the goalpost again.

At first you claimed Fox was designed "from the ground up" to be a Republican channel, and now that you subconsciously realize how stupid that statement was you are merely asserting the founders of the network are Republicans(like the founders of CNN and MSNBC are Democrats), which doesn't prove anything.

Nope, my original statement stands and so far you have offered nothing but suggestive logic and assertions in response.
I have offered inescapable facts that blow your ridiculous assertions away.

Your only fact is that Shep had a show. The rest is bullshit.
He had 2 shows genius.

One at 3:00 pm, and another one at 7:00 pm right before Bill.

He can have 10 shows and that wouldnt change Roger Ailes and Rupert Murdochs political affiliations
Here's the thing I always say: Fox News is ADMITTEDLY Republican. Built, founded and directed by. Breitbart ADMITTEDLY Republican.

Then Trump HIRES Roger "bowchicawowwow" Ailey. Who is by the way facing lawsuits from former employees right now. ANNNNNDD The Breitbart idiot to run his campaign!!

Direct link. Add in Hannity who'll say ANYTHING supporting Trump. Bam!

On the other side republicans just say EVERYONE ELSE IS LIBERAL!:bs1:
And this is what they argue and accuse. So now we're all just suppose to deal in this whining fictional reality. Ohhh the Clinton News Network! How? Oh because that's what republicans ACCUSE them of being! Huh?

You might find an anchor or two you don't like but to pretend that's ANY sort of equivilency is silly wingers shit.

Uh...one problem with your scenario- CNN, MSNBC, and all the networks were anti-right long before the big orange clown decided to run for president.

See? All they need is an accusation and you pretend that an accusation is the same as an admission. Its not. Let me make it simple.

One admits to being. "I am a republican"
The other is accused: "You're a Democrat"

See the difference? I bet you say no just because

Look- if I say something that offends you and don't realize it offends you, it could be because I don't understand your values. So when you as a liberal, tell me as as conservative that CNN, or any of the other stations are not at the very least left leaning, you say it without knowing what offends me about their reporting. I can watch Fox and know they are slanted right, because they are so different than all the others whose reporting offends me. If Fox were the sole source we would all be much more conservative because we would not have a perspective from the left.

I think most on the right accept Fox reports from the right, but it seems very difficult for those on the left to acknowledge the others report from the left. I believe it is because the left has owned all the media for so long.

Once again, Because from TOP to BOTTOM they are built, created and ran by Republicans. The other stations are NOT.

Its like someone pleading guilty to murder and then pointing at some random person and screaming "AND THEY ARE TOO!" :badgrin:
Bullshit. The so-called mainstream media is, from TOP to BOTTOM, built, created and ran by Democrats.

Like I said, one has a record of ownership and self admitted republican. The other is accuse by you out of Butthurt and false equivilecies.

Dumbass, you're the one who claims Republicans built the mainstream media. You're the one claiming an equivalence.

You're lost. I said they created Fox and you're mad so now you're lashing out
For the last week or so it seems like he has either had an hour long "Trump special" on every night or Hannity can't stop drooling over him every night Trump isn't on his program.

I don't want Hillary to win but at the same time I don't want a media that is in the hen house of a candidate like this. I get that the liberal media is in the tank for Hillary but you don't solve that PROBLEM by putting Trump on air every night. What happens after this election? The bar is now being established for are future elections and I don't like the direction we're heading.

The media is supposed to be a watchdog not a lapdog.
This laughable. Shows how blind and stupid looney left is. CNN and MSNBC are puppets for Clinton campaign? Are you this fucking ignorant? Stop posting if your this fucking retarded.
CNN just spent the past few days reporting in the Clinton foundation pay for play situation... How is that promoting Clinton?

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