I think Obama's plan to lower the corperate is good


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
I think Obama's plan to lower the corperate is good. On top of this we could work on filling in all the loop holes and only accept "useful" projects that have to do with infrastructure, manufacturing and research.

Refund our science programs to 2011 levels
Fund our infrastructure to 2010 levels
Move our troops out of the nation building for good ;)

Sounds pretty fucking good to me.

We can cut hundreds of billions of waste out of the system and end all nation building. ;) This would probably end up lowing our deficit + keeping us on top. ON TOP of the fact that he went to bring jobs back to AMERICA!

Who else is doing it???? I don't like Obama very much but on this one he's putting up good idea's.

Obama Offers New Deal on Corporate Taxes, Jobs - WSJ.com

A White House proposal to pair a corporate tax overhaul with new domestic spending elevated the contentious issue of tax policy to the fore in budget negotiations and appeared to give a shot of momentum to changes long supported by some of the largest U.S. companies.

1. Lower the corperate tax
2. Start laying out a more fair trade plan ;)
3. Fix the cluster fuck that want into place last year. We should of never cut some things as we did.
4. Set up a plan to bring jobs back to America
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I heard a little bit of Obama's speech in front of his fan club today....
Speech # 1,025 since he took over the WH...

What I got from it was he is in favor of doing something to simplify the tax code if businesses will
hire people...

Why not fix the tax code...
Why the strings attached.

Fix the tax code because it needs to be fixed.
Matthew would bend over and take it if Obama promised to study tort reform.

The corporate tax code is a mess. Simplifying it and keeping rates the same would provide effectively a tax break, since less time would be spent trying to figure out ways around it. But Obama, the smartest man in the room, hasn't figured that out yet.

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