Illinois Governor Goes Full Communist...Says Churches Cannot Open For Over A Year

This is why they wanted to take our guns people:


all he is saying is *everyone* will hold to the same standard. and the entire article is written in a GET THE FUCK MAD ton that is pure bullshit.

i've been out for lunch every single day this week and will do so all week long to see what changes are taking place in the places i commonly go. the entertainment venue has to keep people distant from each other. surround tables with barracades for you to stay in. bands can't come out and interact with the audience.

things, like it or not, have changed. if they were picking on churches i would understand your point but the article flat out says churches are held to the same standard as everyone else.

why is that a problem? are churches better than everyone else?

look, i don't agree with what is going on. not much at all, no. but if i put myself above everyone else, how am i better? what makes ME right just because i *FEEL* it? so shouting FULL BLOWN COMMUNIST is as bad as the left does when they go apeshit over things and push it to the extreme for max emo-benefit.

that shit needs to stop. "emotional journalism" is bullshit. that crap belongs back in hollywood.
Sorry if reporting the abuses by Democrats is upsetting to you.
The media makes a living off of it 24/7 when it comes to you can take your complaints and file them in the nearest circular file. *shitcan*

great. so that makes doing what they do right? what the leftist media does is wrong in that regard but not because it's the leftist media, but because it is wrong.

doing it "in return" is why we're at odds so much. who's gonna grow the fuck up and stop acting like children first?
So on one hand you've accepted it as part of life or the new normal.....but by God don't you dare return the favor?

To heck with that BS.
i have not accepted it at all. accepting it means you incorporate bad behavior into your own to PAYBACK THE BASTARDS.

you tell me - why should a church be different for the rules they're asking everyone to follow? your claim they are communist and attacking churchs falls very short when you read the story and see it's crowd gatherings they're limiting and churches fall under that.

not an honest representation of what is happening but that never seems to matter to you. i bitch when the left goes apeshit on making up what trump is saying or doing so i will bitch when i see the right doing the same thing. taking things out of context so they can "nail themselves to the cross".

have a day.
"Full communist"?

Not even close.

He's telling them that all churches are canceled for the foreseeable future.
That's either Communism or Fascism. Take your pick. Because he singles out religion it's most likely communist.
Its also your right to die from Covid 19.
Thats a pretty weak excuse from a political movement that hates religion in the first place

YOu have every right to go to church and die of covid 19. Every right, I don't want to intrude on your God given right. Rich white men gave you that right, to die in wars, to have mass shootings in churches, schools and synogogues, and to make heaven on earth. Ever think the pandemic was sent by God??
Rich white men
that was a little premature

libs usually wait till someone disagrees with them before retreating behind the race card

It was rich white men. Not the race card, just fact.
Rich white men in Babylon....currently called Iraq. Bunch of rich white guys there.
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And speaking of Trump:

Was that before or after you said Trump wanting to open America back up. A bad idea?
I agreed with his criticism.

So much for your meme. Your hero is a lockdown supporter. That's just a fact, and you guys know it.
Its also your right to die from Covid 19.
You also have right to STFU.
She's just spouting off because religion triggers her.
  • She's not rich.
  • She's not white.
  • She's not a man.
  • She thinks rich white dudes invented God.

3 out of 4 is good. Yes rich white dudes did invent God, and your right I'm not a male and your right I'm not rich, and you wrong I'm Caucasian , European white.
Ok so now we know you are a poor self hating white woman
Unfortunately I can't see the link but I don't understand that period of year...why? :eusa_think:
oh i don't get that either.
i don't get 6'
i don't get telling people to wear a mask constantly but not let them know the hygene risks of reusing old ones because you can't find new ones.

more and more i'm seeing people go WHAT THE FUCK - and in my mind they should. what we're being told isn't adding up to the truth as fast as the conspiracy theories seem to be right now. forcing people to do random "safe" things with no basis to prove their safety is only going to go so long and people can and will fight it.

i don't blame churches if they want to fight this. if so i would encourage them to NOT single themselves out as a lone ranger and join forces with other groups impacted by this and build an entire problem - not a single group screaming. the impact in my mind would be much greater if a dozen groups coordinate a response vs. "the church" screaming FOUL all alone looking like a loon.
"Full communist"?

Not even close.

He's telling them that all churches are canceled for the foreseeable future.
That's either Communism or Fascism. Take your pick. Because he singles out religion it's most likely communist.
he's telling all groups of a set # or more they can't do this, including churches. churches are NOT being singled out despite the fun rally cry you are carrying on.
"Full communist"?

it's the very same as when obama supporters instantly call people racist for disagreeing with obama. we can't take things at face value, we must extremify them for our side and whine when the other side does the same.
This is why they wanted to take our guns people:

So he says churches CAN open, just not with over 50 people in them for potentially a year or more.

ITMT, I want to see the science behind this and what magically happens when you go from 49 to 50 or 51 people.

The science on all of this is weak unfortunately. Much of it is spit balling or working from incomplete, imperfect data. Even how far someone should be isn't etched in stone, I've seen videos showing that if someone sneezes in a grocery store aisle, the person in the aisle beside them can still catch it, and/or the moisture in the sneeze lingers in that area for a period of time.

I think we are being wrong headed about this when we go to extremes, but nobody wants to be the leader that is wrong.
"Full communist"?

it's the very same as when obama supporters instantly call people racist for disagreeing with obama. we can't take things at face value, we must extremify them for our side and whine when the other side does the same.
I agree, the two ends of the spectrum can be comically similar in their behaviors.

What I don't understand is why both ends are so willing to be so similar to those they so loathe.

And speaking of Trump:

The New York times?

Might as well be Mad Magazine
Fake news! Don't look it up!

"Full communist"?

it's the very same as when obama supporters instantly call people racist for disagreeing with obama. we can't take things at face value, we must extremify them for our side and whine when the other side does the same.
I agree, the two ends of the spectrum can be comically similar in their behaviors.

What I don't understand is why both ends are so willing to be so similar to those they so loathe.
they do exactly what they hate others doing, but it's ok for their purposes.

it's the most fucked up circle of stupid in existence.

And speaking of Trump:

Was that before or after you said Trump wanting to open America back up. A bad idea?
I agreed with his criticism.

So much for your meme. Your hero is a lockdown supporter. That's just a fact, and you guys know it.
He is back tracking, but he will come around and so will our economy.

And speaking of Trump:

Was that before or after you said Trump wanting to open America back up. A bad idea?
I agreed with his criticism.

So much for your meme. Your hero is a lockdown supporter. That's just a fact, and you guys know it.
You dumb fuck!!!

Trump says it's time to begin reopening the country, yet you lie that he's wanting us to stay shut down?

Fuck that BS.
YOu have every right to go to church and die of covid 19. Every right, I don't want to intrude on your God given right. Rich white men gave you that right, to die in wars, to have mass shootings in churches, schools and synogogues, and to make heaven on earth. Ever think the pandemic was sent by God??
For the love of Odin and Thor.

You are one bitter, ass-hurt individual. You seem determined to make everyone else miserable too.

Name this "rich white" dude who broke you.

Name this guy who sent you to war.

Who was the rich white dude who forced poor, innocent models of humanity to take up arms and kill unarmed civilians in gun-free zones?

As for the pandemic, it was not sent from "God" or Odin or Allah or any other fairy-tale character. At best, SHIT HAPPENS. At worst, it was a bio-attack. The more likely scenario is that this pandemic was caused by U.S. researchers who were, by law, no longer allowed to research dangerous pathogens, so they entered a contract with a Wuhan lab to hyper-force-mutate the SARS virus into the future about 800 years, so they could study how it mutates and learn how to properly treat it. Either it was deliberately released by China in response to Orange Don's trade war, or more likely than that, it was just an accident. Some lab worker was negligent.

Does that sound reasonable to you?


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