In 2016... What the hell does "Gay" even mean?

We're not going to get rid of labels. They may change, certainly sexual orientation has gained many new labels in recent years, but people like to use them. I don't know that we can, or even should, do anything about the fact of labelling, and I think that the stigma attached to a label like gay is already being chipped away. I think the important thing isn't to worry about labels so much as the way such labels are used.

I don't know, we seemed to have gotten rid of the N-word and "colored people" without any trouble.

As we can see by Assclap's responses, the labels DO matter... they are a way to attack and denigrate someone because you think it's insulting or offensive.

But we have replaced those words in large part with others. Black or African-American are the common ones today, obviously.

Using labels to attack or denigrate is what I meant when I said we should be concerned about how labels are used.
I think gay is slang for homosexual. How did you get so confused about what gay means?

Well okay.. so what makes one a "homosexual" then? Do you have to engage in homosexual relations? Or is it just the simple attraction that makes you gay? And what if you are some combination of both? Or any of the myriad of examples I presented? Where do we actually define this "gayness" thing?
You should invest in a dictionary or poll people that may be gay. I think you have worked yourself into a lather over this. May I ask why you are so bent out of shape over it? Did you meet a guy that turned you on or something?

Perhaps it is something about reading text as opposed to hearing the spoken word but for some reason you've interpreted my comments to be "bent out of shape" and I can only assure you that is not the case. I am not the least bit "bent out of shape" or "worked into a lather" over this. I am merely positing a topic for discussion among adult people on the forum and you're welcome to interject your opinion.

Since you asked.. I often meet men who I consider sexually attractive. They don't arouse me sexually but I can see how they would arouse a female or someone who is attracted to sexy males. I'm personally attracted to sexy females but I can acknowledge the sexual appeal of another individual. Does that make me gay?

That is odd to me- but okay lets go with that. I certainly see men who appear 'handsome' to me- say George Clooney- but I have never considered any man to be "sexually attractive."

Do you harbor any desire to have sex with the men you find sexually attractive? If you do- and you also find women to be equally sexually attractive to you- then if you absolutely need to indentify yourself, then I would say you are bi-sexual.

If you don't- you are just a hetero man who can recognize male beauty.
I never knew straight men found other men sexually attractive or could pick out a man that women would find sexually attractive naturally. I'm learning something new here.
I can understand what gay means. It means a person is attracted to their same sex. What causes someone to be gay? That's something else, and I don't know. Nobody REALLY knows why.

Now, transgender is another story. I do not understand that at all. Rather than a mistake of nature, I tend to lean towards transgender being more of a problem within the person, such as a chemical imbalance or some other kind of anomaly that has not yet been discovered.
I think gay is slang for homosexual. How did you get so confused about what gay means?

Well okay.. so what makes one a "homosexual" then? Do you have to engage in homosexual relations? Or is it just the simple attraction that makes you gay? And what if you are some combination of both? Or any of the myriad of examples I presented? Where do we actually define this "gayness" thing?
You should invest in a dictionary or poll people that may be gay. I think you have worked yourself into a lather over this. May I ask why you are so bent out of shape over it? Did you meet a guy that turned you on or something?

Perhaps it is something about reading text as opposed to hearing the spoken word but for some reason you've interpreted my comments to be "bent out of shape" and I can only assure you that is not the case. I am not the least bit "bent out of shape" or "worked into a lather" over this. I am merely positing a topic for discussion among adult people on the forum and you're welcome to interject your opinion.

Since you asked.. I often meet men who I consider sexually attractive. They don't arouse me sexually but I can see how they would arouse a female or someone who is attracted to sexy males. I'm personally attracted to sexy females but I can acknowledge the sexual appeal of another individual. Does that make me gay?

That is odd to me- but okay lets go with that. I certainly see men who appear 'handsome' to me- say George Clooney- but I have never considered any man to be "sexually attractive."

Do you harbor any desire to have sex with the men you find sexually attractive? If you do- and you also find women to be equally sexually attractive to you- then if you absolutely need to indentify yourself, then I would say you are bi-sexual.

If you don't- you are just a hetero man who can recognize male beauty.
I never knew men found other men sexually attractive or could pick out a man that women would like naturally. I'm learning something new here.

And why not? Anyone can recognize beauty for goodness sakes! It doesn't mean you are gay. I swear that some of you are just a bunch of 13-year-old children.
...but perhaps it's almost always someone who is truly bisexual but couldn't admit it to themselves who changes orientation.

What is this "admit it to themselves" thing that keeps getting mentioned. You've done it and Assclap did it... and I don't understand. Why would you have sexual desires and not admit them to yourself? How does that work? I can see how you wouldn't admit your secret desires to others but to yourself? Seems like it's self-evident that IF you have said desires, you are admitting it to yourself, else, what do you call the desire?

Technically yes, but I don't think that people's sexual appetites change that drastically moment to moment. But yes, I do think a person can be gay at one point in their life and not be gay at another point.

How do you know about people's sexual appetites and what difference does the appetite make with regard to attraction? You started by saying that it's not about anything more than attraction to the same gender, now it seems to be about an appetite for sex. Seems like you are jumping around quite a bit on what constitutes gayness.

I think that you're discovering it's not as easy to define as you thought but you want to make it easy so you don't have to admit my point. That's cool, I just hope others here are seeing the same thing I am.

Again, the point of the OP is, why do we need to define these orientations at all in 2016? Can't we just accept people as they are without categorizing what they are? Why do certain men have this hang up with acknowledging the sexual attractiveness in other men? Is that homophobia? Women don't seem to have that problem. As time goes by, it seems clearer and clearer that these labels we apply are simply a way to put people in stereotypical boxes and discriminate against them.

I used appetites to replace attraction. Perhaps that was a poor choice.

I think it's very easy to define gay. I've done so more than once in this thread. What can be difficult is determining if a person fits with that label.

Why do we need to define orientations? I went over this a bit in another post, but simply put, using a label can be easier.
Why do you care so much to start a thread about it?

Because I don't like the insidious bigotry of people like AssClap, who use labels to denigrate and attack others. Because I think we are in a new era, with a generation of young people who don't view sexuality as a big deal the way we once did or our parents did. The lines are blurred... it's not so easy to define. I thought it might make an interesting topic for sophisticated adults to discuss but the thread was quickly bombarded by backward-thinking bigots who want to label people "gay" and insult them.
Well okay.. so what makes one a "homosexual" then? Do you have to engage in homosexual relations? Or is it just the simple attraction that makes you gay? And what if you are some combination of both? Or any of the myriad of examples I presented? Where do we actually define this "gayness" thing?
You should invest in a dictionary or poll people that may be gay. I think you have worked yourself into a lather over this. May I ask why you are so bent out of shape over it? Did you meet a guy that turned you on or something?

Perhaps it is something about reading text as opposed to hearing the spoken word but for some reason you've interpreted my comments to be "bent out of shape" and I can only assure you that is not the case. I am not the least bit "bent out of shape" or "worked into a lather" over this. I am merely positing a topic for discussion among adult people on the forum and you're welcome to interject your opinion.

Since you asked.. I often meet men who I consider sexually attractive. They don't arouse me sexually but I can see how they would arouse a female or someone who is attracted to sexy males. I'm personally attracted to sexy females but I can acknowledge the sexual appeal of another individual. Does that make me gay?

That is odd to me- but okay lets go with that. I certainly see men who appear 'handsome' to me- say George Clooney- but I have never considered any man to be "sexually attractive."

Do you harbor any desire to have sex with the men you find sexually attractive? If you do- and you also find women to be equally sexually attractive to you- then if you absolutely need to indentify yourself, then I would say you are bi-sexual.

If you don't- you are just a hetero man who can recognize male beauty.
I never knew men found other men sexually attractive or could pick out a man that women would like naturally. I'm learning something new here.

And why not? Anyone can recognize beauty for goodness sakes! It doesn't mean you are gay. I swear that some of you are just a bunch of 13-year-old children.
I've never seen a beautiful guy nor do I know of any other straight guy that that has seen a beautiful guy. I wouldnt even use the word beautiful to describe a man.
Why do you care so much to start a thread about it?

Because I don't like the insidious bigotry of people like AssClap, who use labels to denigrate and attack others. Because I think we are in a new era, with a generation of young people who don't view sexuality as a big deal the way we once did or our parents did. The lines are blurred... it's not so easy to define. I thought it might make an interesting topic for sophisticated adults to discuss but the thread was quickly bombarded by backward-thinking bigots who want to label people "gay" and insult them.
but you keep missing the fact that gay people made up the term gay and a lot of them wish to be addressed using that label. Youre weird. Its like a white person getting mad because a Black person says to call them Black.
Why do you care so much to start a thread about it?

Because I don't like the insidious bigotry of people like AssClap, who use labels to denigrate and attack others. Because I think we are in a new era, with a generation of young people who don't view sexuality as a big deal the way we once did or our parents did. The lines are blurred... it's not so easy to define. I thought it might make an interesting topic for sophisticated adults to discuss but the thread was quickly bombarded by backward-thinking bigots who want to label people "gay" and insult them.

And what about all the people in the 60s and 70s? The era of free love and sex? Lol. I think it is pretty easy to define, bossy. It is when you feel an "attraction" towards a person of your same sex. Then there are bisexual people who are capable of feeling attractions to either men or women.
...but perhaps it's almost always someone who is truly bisexual but couldn't admit it to themselves who changes orientation.

What is this "admit it to themselves" thing that keeps getting mentioned. You've done it and Assclap did it... and I don't understand. Why would you have sexual desires and not admit them to yourself? How does that work? I can see how you wouldn't admit your secret desires to others but to yourself? Seems like it's self-evident that IF you have said desires, you are admitting it to yourself, else, what do you call the desire?

Technically yes, but I don't think that people's sexual appetites change that drastically moment to moment. But yes, I do think a person can be gay at one point in their life and not be gay at another point.

How do you know about people's sexual appetites and what difference does the appetite make with regard to attraction? You started by saying that it's not about anything more than attraction to the same gender, now it seems to be about an appetite for sex. Seems like you are jumping around quite a bit on what constitutes gayness.

I think that you're discovering it's not as easy to define as you thought but you want to make it easy so you don't have to admit my point. That's cool, I just hope others here are seeing the same thing I am.

Again, the point of the OP is, why do we need to define these orientations at all in 2016? Can't we just accept people as they are without categorizing what they are? Why do certain men have this hang up with acknowledging the sexual attractiveness in other men? Is that homophobia? Women don't seem to have that problem. As time goes by, it seems clearer and clearer that these labels we apply are simply a way to put people in stereotypical boxes and discriminate against them.

Why wouldn't someone want to admit their sexual orientation to themselves? Do you honestly need that question answered? Shame, pressure from family/friends, the stigma of society, their own self image.

It's also possible that a person might not be self aware enough to realize the full extent of their sexual attractions.

These are just possibilities I'm pointing out to highlight that I don't know or claim to know exactly how sexual orientation works.
You should invest in a dictionary or poll people that may be gay. I think you have worked yourself into a lather over this. May I ask why you are so bent out of shape over it? Did you meet a guy that turned you on or something?

Perhaps it is something about reading text as opposed to hearing the spoken word but for some reason you've interpreted my comments to be "bent out of shape" and I can only assure you that is not the case. I am not the least bit "bent out of shape" or "worked into a lather" over this. I am merely positing a topic for discussion among adult people on the forum and you're welcome to interject your opinion.

Since you asked.. I often meet men who I consider sexually attractive. They don't arouse me sexually but I can see how they would arouse a female or someone who is attracted to sexy males. I'm personally attracted to sexy females but I can acknowledge the sexual appeal of another individual. Does that make me gay?

That is odd to me- but okay lets go with that. I certainly see men who appear 'handsome' to me- say George Clooney- but I have never considered any man to be "sexually attractive."

Do you harbor any desire to have sex with the men you find sexually attractive? If you do- and you also find women to be equally sexually attractive to you- then if you absolutely need to indentify yourself, then I would say you are bi-sexual.

If you don't- you are just a hetero man who can recognize male beauty.
I never knew men found other men sexually attractive or could pick out a man that women would like naturally. I'm learning something new here.

And why not? Anyone can recognize beauty for goodness sakes! It doesn't mean you are gay. I swear that some of you are just a bunch of 13-year-old children.
I've never seen a beautiful guy nor do I know of anyone else that that has seen a beautiful guy. I wouldnt even use the word beautiful to describe a man.

Okay, good looking, hot, handsome, nice bod, whatever. That was not the point of my post.
Perhaps it is something about reading text as opposed to hearing the spoken word but for some reason you've interpreted my comments to be "bent out of shape" and I can only assure you that is not the case. I am not the least bit "bent out of shape" or "worked into a lather" over this. I am merely positing a topic for discussion among adult people on the forum and you're welcome to interject your opinion.

Since you asked.. I often meet men who I consider sexually attractive. They don't arouse me sexually but I can see how they would arouse a female or someone who is attracted to sexy males. I'm personally attracted to sexy females but I can acknowledge the sexual appeal of another individual. Does that make me gay?

That is odd to me- but okay lets go with that. I certainly see men who appear 'handsome' to me- say George Clooney- but I have never considered any man to be "sexually attractive."

Do you harbor any desire to have sex with the men you find sexually attractive? If you do- and you also find women to be equally sexually attractive to you- then if you absolutely need to indentify yourself, then I would say you are bi-sexual.

If you don't- you are just a hetero man who can recognize male beauty.
I never knew men found other men sexually attractive or could pick out a man that women would like naturally. I'm learning something new here.

And why not? Anyone can recognize beauty for goodness sakes! It doesn't mean you are gay. I swear that some of you are just a bunch of 13-year-old children.
I've never seen a beautiful guy nor do I know of anyone else that that has seen a beautiful guy. I wouldnt even use the word beautiful to describe a man.

Okay, good looking, hot, handsome, nice bod, whatever. That was not the point of my post.
I wouldnt use any of those words either except maybe handsome and it wouldnt be in a sexual way.
...but perhaps it's almost always someone who is truly bisexual but couldn't admit it to themselves who changes orientation.

What is this "admit it to themselves" thing that keeps getting mentioned. You've done it and Assclap did it... and I don't understand. Why would you have sexual desires and not admit them to yourself? How does that work? I can see how you wouldn't admit your secret desires to others but to yourself? Seems like it's self-evident that IF you have said desires, you are admitting it to yourself, else, what do you call the desire?

Technically yes, but I don't think that people's sexual appetites change that drastically moment to moment. But yes, I do think a person can be gay at one point in their life and not be gay at another point.

How do you know about people's sexual appetites and what difference does the appetite make with regard to attraction? You started by saying that it's not about anything more than attraction to the same gender, now it seems to be about an appetite for sex. Seems like you are jumping around quite a bit on what constitutes gayness.

I think that you're discovering it's not as easy to define as you thought but you want to make it easy so you don't have to admit my point. That's cool, I just hope others here are seeing the same thing I am.

Again, the point of the OP is, why do we need to define these orientations at all in 2016? Can't we just accept people as they are without categorizing what they are? Why do certain men have this hang up with acknowledging the sexual attractiveness in other men? Is that homophobia? Women don't seem to have that problem. As time goes by, it seems clearer and clearer that these labels we apply are simply a way to put people in stereotypical boxes and discriminate against them.

Why wouldn't someone want to admit their sexual orientation to themselves? Do you honestly need that question answered? Shame, pressure from family/friends, the stigma of society, their own self image.

It's also possible that a person might not be self aware enough to realize the full extent of their sexual attractions.

These are just possibilities I'm pointing out to highlight that I don't know or claim to know exactly how sexual orientation works.

That is odd to me- but okay lets go with that. I certainly see men who appear 'handsome' to me- say George Clooney- but I have never considered any man to be "sexually attractive."

Do you harbor any desire to have sex with the men you find sexually attractive? If you do- and you also find women to be equally sexually attractive to you- then if you absolutely need to indentify yourself, then I would say you are bi-sexual.

If you don't- you are just a hetero man who can recognize male beauty.
I never knew men found other men sexually attractive or could pick out a man that women would like naturally. I'm learning something new here.

And why not? Anyone can recognize beauty for goodness sakes! It doesn't mean you are gay. I swear that some of you are just a bunch of 13-year-old children.
I've never seen a beautiful guy nor do I know of anyone else that that has seen a beautiful guy. I wouldnt even use the word beautiful to describe a man.

Okay, good looking, hot, handsome, nice bod, whatever. That was not the point of my post.
I wouldnt use any of those words either except maybe handsome and it wouldnt be in a sexual way.

Whatever, you still admit that you can recognize "beauty" in another person of the same sex. That doesn't make someone gay.
Question. Can you look at a random guy and know he is sexy to women? I cant but Boss seems to think its something natural.

Of course it's natural. You're in denial because you're a homophobe. Afraid someone might think you'r gay if you admit another man is sexy looking. You know what makes a man sexy looking, you're a man who is trying to attract women, so you have to know... it's natural. Just as women know what makes a woman sexy looking to men... they have to know if they're going to attract a male.

So for you to sit here and try to claim you're totally oblivious to that is a clear indication you're either a freak of nature and probably homosexual... OR you're a bigoted homophobe.
...but perhaps it's almost always someone who is truly bisexual but couldn't admit it to themselves who changes orientation.

What is this "admit it to themselves" thing that keeps getting mentioned. You've done it and Assclap did it... and I don't understand. Why would you have sexual desires and not admit them to yourself? How does that work? I can see how you wouldn't admit your secret desires to others but to yourself? Seems like it's self-evident that IF you have said desires, you are admitting it to yourself, else, what do you call the desire?

Technically yes, but I don't think that people's sexual appetites change that drastically moment to moment. But yes, I do think a person can be gay at one point in their life and not be gay at another point.

How do you know about people's sexual appetites and what difference does the appetite make with regard to attraction? You started by saying that it's not about anything more than attraction to the same gender, now it seems to be about an appetite for sex. Seems like you are jumping around quite a bit on what constitutes gayness.

I think that you're discovering it's not as easy to define as you thought but you want to make it easy so you don't have to admit my point. That's cool, I just hope others here are seeing the same thing I am.

Again, the point of the OP is, why do we need to define these orientations at all in 2016? Can't we just accept people as they are without categorizing what they are? Why do certain men have this hang up with acknowledging the sexual attractiveness in other men? Is that homophobia? Women don't seem to have that problem. As time goes by, it seems clearer and clearer that these labels we apply are simply a way to put people in stereotypical boxes and discriminate against them.

Why wouldn't someone want to admit their sexual orientation to themselves? Do you honestly need that question answered? Shame, pressure from family/friends, the stigma of society, their own self image.

It's also possible that a person might not be self aware enough to realize the full extent of their sexual attractions.

These are just possibilities I'm pointing out to highlight that I don't know or claim to know exactly how sexual orientation works.

I never knew men found other men sexually attractive or could pick out a man that women would like naturally. I'm learning something new here.

And why not? Anyone can recognize beauty for goodness sakes! It doesn't mean you are gay. I swear that some of you are just a bunch of 13-year-old children.
I've never seen a beautiful guy nor do I know of anyone else that that has seen a beautiful guy. I wouldnt even use the word beautiful to describe a man.

Okay, good looking, hot, handsome, nice bod, whatever. That was not the point of my post.
I wouldnt use any of those words either except maybe handsome and it wouldnt be in a sexual way.

Whatever, you still admit that you can recognize "beauty" in another person of the same sex. That doesn't make someone gay.
Handsome doesnt mean beauty to me. I use it to describe someone that doest look weird to me.
...but perhaps it's almost always someone who is truly bisexual but couldn't admit it to themselves who changes orientation.

What is this "admit it to themselves" thing that keeps getting mentioned. You've done it and Assclap did it... and I don't understand. Why would you have sexual desires and not admit them to yourself? How does that work? I can see how you wouldn't admit your secret desires to others but to yourself? Seems like it's self-evident that IF you have said desires, you are admitting it to yourself, else, what do you call the desire?

Technically yes, but I don't think that people's sexual appetites change that drastically moment to moment. But yes, I do think a person can be gay at one point in their life and not be gay at another point.

How do you know about people's sexual appetites and what difference does the appetite make with regard to attraction? You started by saying that it's not about anything more than attraction to the same gender, now it seems to be about an appetite for sex. Seems like you are jumping around quite a bit on what constitutes gayness.

I think that you're discovering it's not as easy to define as you thought but you want to make it easy so you don't have to admit my point. That's cool, I just hope others here are seeing the same thing I am.

Again, the point of the OP is, why do we need to define these orientations at all in 2016? Can't we just accept people as they are without categorizing what they are? Why do certain men have this hang up with acknowledging the sexual attractiveness in other men? Is that homophobia? Women don't seem to have that problem. As time goes by, it seems clearer and clearer that these labels we apply are simply a way to put people in stereotypical boxes and discriminate against them.

Why wouldn't someone want to admit their sexual orientation to themselves? Do you honestly need that question answered? Shame, pressure from family/friends, the stigma of society, their own self image.

It's also possible that a person might not be self aware enough to realize the full extent of their sexual attractions.

These are just possibilities I'm pointing out to highlight that I don't know or claim to know exactly how sexual orientation works.

And why not? Anyone can recognize beauty for goodness sakes! It doesn't mean you are gay. I swear that some of you are just a bunch of 13-year-old children.
I've never seen a beautiful guy nor do I know of anyone else that that has seen a beautiful guy. I wouldnt even use the word beautiful to describe a man.

Okay, good looking, hot, handsome, nice bod, whatever. That was not the point of my post.
I wouldnt use any of those words either except maybe handsome and it wouldnt be in a sexual way.

Whatever, you still admit that you can recognize "beauty" in another person of the same sex. That doesn't make someone gay.
Handsome doesnt mean beauty to me. I use it to describe someone that doest look weird to me.

Alright, alright. Enough already. You are just being silly now, as per usual. :rolleyes: Can't converse with a troll.
Question. Can you look at a random guy and know he is sexy to women? I cant but Boss seems to think its something natural.

Of course it's natural. You're in denial because you're a homophobe. Afraid someone might think you'r gay if you admit another man is sexy looking. You know what makes a man sexy looking, you're a man who is trying to attract women, so you have to know... it's natural. Just as women know what makes a woman sexy looking to men... they have to know if they're going to attract a male.

So for you to sit here and try to claim you're totally oblivious to that is a clear indication you're either a freak of nature and probably homosexual... OR you're a bigoted homophobe.
Like I said it may be natural to you because you are gay or bi but its not natural nor does it serve any purpose for a straight guy to see another man as sexually attractive. I already explained to you that I dont try to attract women. It just happens. Why would thinking another man is sexually attractive be useful to me in trying to attract a woman anyway?
...but perhaps it's almost always someone who is truly bisexual but couldn't admit it to themselves who changes orientation.

What is this "admit it to themselves" thing that keeps getting mentioned. You've done it and Assclap did it... and I don't understand. Why would you have sexual desires and not admit them to yourself? How does that work? I can see how you wouldn't admit your secret desires to others but to yourself? Seems like it's self-evident that IF you have said desires, you are admitting it to yourself, else, what do you call the desire?

Technically yes, but I don't think that people's sexual appetites change that drastically moment to moment. But yes, I do think a person can be gay at one point in their life and not be gay at another point.

How do you know about people's sexual appetites and what difference does the appetite make with regard to attraction? You started by saying that it's not about anything more than attraction to the same gender, now it seems to be about an appetite for sex. Seems like you are jumping around quite a bit on what constitutes gayness.

I think that you're discovering it's not as easy to define as you thought but you want to make it easy so you don't have to admit my point. That's cool, I just hope others here are seeing the same thing I am.

Again, the point of the OP is, why do we need to define these orientations at all in 2016? Can't we just accept people as they are without categorizing what they are? Why do certain men have this hang up with acknowledging the sexual attractiveness in other men? Is that homophobia? Women don't seem to have that problem. As time goes by, it seems clearer and clearer that these labels we apply are simply a way to put people in stereotypical boxes and discriminate against them.

Why wouldn't someone want to admit their sexual orientation to themselves? Do you honestly need that question answered? Shame, pressure from family/friends, the stigma of society, their own self image.

It's also possible that a person might not be self aware enough to realize the full extent of their sexual attractions.

These are just possibilities I'm pointing out to highlight that I don't know or claim to know exactly how sexual orientation works.

I've never seen a beautiful guy nor do I know of anyone else that that has seen a beautiful guy. I wouldnt even use the word beautiful to describe a man.

Okay, good looking, hot, handsome, nice bod, whatever. That was not the point of my post.
I wouldnt use any of those words either except maybe handsome and it wouldnt be in a sexual way.

Whatever, you still admit that you can recognize "beauty" in another person of the same sex. That doesn't make someone gay.
Handsome doesnt mean beauty to me. I use it to describe someone that doest look weird to me.

Alright, alright. Enough already. You are just being silly now, as per usual. :rolleyes: Can't converse with a troll.
I think youre being silly trying to claim a man is beautiful to another man.
And what about all the people in the 60s and 70s? The era of free love and sex? Lol. I think it is pretty easy to define, bossy. It is when you feel an "attraction" towards a person of your same sex. Then there are bisexual people who are capable of feeling attractions to either men or women.

I understand it's easy to define for the individual... that's why I am puzzled by this notion that Assclap thinks I am somehow grappling with my sexuality or something. Makes no sense at all. I am sexually attracted to women, always have been, never have been attracted to men... BUT... I can recognize and acknowledge a sexy looking man just like you can recognize and acknowledge a sexy looking woman.... Assclap is AFRAID of that... he's a homophobe who thinks if he admits that, people will think he is gay! He telegraphs this sentiment by saying that I am "probably gay" because I admit that I have no problem acknowledging a sexy-looking man.
Like I said it may be natural to you because you are gay or bi...

But I am not gay or bi and I've told you that repeatedly... STILL insist that I am... based on what? Your homophobia! That's all!

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