Income Inequality Is A Myth

Only a blithering idiot would fall for the argument that everyone should be paid exactly the same regardless of their job or experience. You can't actually believe that a person with a 3rd grade education with an I.Q. of 70 deserves to be paid the same as a C.E.O. with post-graduate education.

Some people are ether born into wealth or become wealthy because of their gifts or their ability to produce wealth. To be honest, the knothead in the White House doesn't deserve his own paycheck because he doesn't contribute to the better good. He has caused more trouble for this nation and it's people than most will ever realize.

Ronald Reagan never cashed a single check while President and I think in Obama's case the nation would be better served if he did the same.
Income inequality is a fabrication the Dems used to attack the rich.

My god dude. The wage disaparity between men and women is a completley separate issue from the enormous income inequality between the rich and the middle class. This was seriously supposed to be evidence of that? A 5 minute video about income differences between the genders and races? Lol this forum never ceases to amaze me.

If you think that is a myth, then you are willfully ignorant.

I guess you don't understand what inequality means when a proponent talks about income differences.

They're trying to assert that there is some inherent unfairness in the system.

The system weeds out the pretenders and rewards those who are innovative. What you and other liberals are trying to say is regardless everyone should be paid equally, even if they're the most worthless POS on the planet.
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He really does not know what we are talking about when we discuss income inequality.

It is fucking amazing.

I was fucking with you at the start of this thread, Mud.....but it was warranted. You really don't know what it means.

I feel like I am mocking a retard, here.
He really does not know what we are talking about when we discuss income inequality.

It is fucking amazing.

I was fucking with you at the start of this thread, Mud.....but it was warranted. You really don't know what it means.

I feel like I am mocking a retard, here.

Well, you've made it very clear you haven't a clue.

How do I know?

Because I can fucken read.
Obama has stagnated our incomes at the same time he's pumping $85 billion/mo into the stock market throwing billions at the rich. He's intentionally widening the gap between the rich and the poor.
Income inequality is just the old liberal argument of workplace discrimination on steroids. It's total horseshit.

There is no perfect income equality in any system, including Communism and Socialism.
Income inequality is a fabrication the Dems used to attack the rich.

My god dude. The wage disaparity between men and women is a completley separate issue from the enormous income inequality between the rich and the middle class. This was seriously supposed to be evidence of that? A 5 minute video about income differences between the genders and races? Lol this forum never ceases to amaze me.

If you think that is a myth, then you are willfully ignorant.

I guess you don't understand what inequality means when a proponent talks about income differences.

They're trying to assert that there is some inherent unfairness in the system.

The system weeds out the pretenders and rewards those who are innovative. What you and other liberals are trying to say is regardless everyone should be paid equally, even if they're the most worthless POS on the planet.

As usual a con doesn't understand any issue without it being black-and-white. Nuance just escapes you doesn't. I don't think we should be paid equally. I support the idea of a CEO making much more money than a low level worker. The problem isn't inequality itself. The problem is the enormous disparity that there actually is between the middle class and the mega wealthy. The top 1% controls 40% of the nation's wealth. That is what's wrong. Do you honestly believe that the 1% deserves that much wealth? Do you honestly believe the top 1% EARNED that money? No way.
Income inequality is a fabrication the Dems used to attack the rich.

This made up issue is just another ploy in the lib arsenal. It is designed to pit two groups of people against each other.
One of the tenets of liberalism is that conflict between groups created by libs must be instigated and maintained so that people do not have time to focus on what the elite ruling liberal class is up to.
That is debatable. What is not debatable is the fact that you don't posess the intellect to make any assertions about income inequality.

Therefore, do not claim to have made any such assertions.


What's not debatable is that Mr. Thomas Sowell has more coherent thoughts before he's had his breakfast than what you have all week.

If you believe that Mr. Thomas Sowell is incorrect, please provide your evidence that refutes his points.

No. Done it here before. Find the archives. He is a proven hack. Google it.

You refer to Sowell as a hack because you like all other libs cannot accept an intelligent black person who has either gone off the liberal reservation or never was on it.
Nevertheless, you libs attack conservative black intellectuals with a level of vitriol and viciousness that is unrivaled.
What's not debatable is that Mr. Thomas Sowell has more coherent thoughts before he's had his breakfast than what you have all week.

If you believe that Mr. Thomas Sowell is incorrect, please provide your evidence that refutes his points.

No. Done it here before. Find the archives. He is a proven hack. Google it.

Pot meet kettle.

You cannot refute his findings with any facts. Only feelings.

Democrats use sheeple like you to get elected. They dreamed up some phony assumptions by cherry-picking the variables merely to fool the ignorant masses. It only works at cocktail parties in liberal Meccas like Long Island and San Francisco.

Long Island libs.. I live here in the South and we are surrounded by these mini van driving helicopter parent cat turds.
They come down here, as I did over 20 years ago, to escape the high cost of living. The first thing these nasal toned fucks do is start complaining about how there isn't enough government services, there aren't enough restaurants or ( this one is rich) the taxes should be higher. No kidding.
I actually had one of these yuppie fucks tell me that we don't pay enough taxes.
I told this prick "hey sunshine, I-95 has northbound lanes too. You are free to use them."
My god dude. The wage disaparity between men and women is a completley separate issue from the enormous income inequality between the rich and the middle class. This was seriously supposed to be evidence of that? A 5 minute video about income differences between the genders and races? Lol this forum never ceases to amaze me.

If you think that is a myth, then you are willfully ignorant.

I guess you don't understand what inequality means when a proponent talks about income differences.

They're trying to assert that there is some inherent unfairness in the system.

The system weeds out the pretenders and rewards those who are innovative. What you and other liberals are trying to say is regardless everyone should be paid equally, even if they're the most worthless POS on the planet.

As usual a con doesn't understand any issue without it being black-and-white. Nuance just escapes you doesn't. I don't think we should be paid equally. I support the idea of a CEO making much more money than a low level worker. The problem isn't inequality itself. The problem is the enormous disparity that there actually is between the middle class and the mega wealthy. The top 1% controls 40% of the nation's wealth. That is what's wrong. Do you honestly believe that the 1% deserves that much wealth? Do you honestly believe the top 1% EARNED that money? No way.

Why is that wrong? Why do you get to say who "deserves" what?

Three pages into this thread and all I'm seeing are the traditional name-calling and personal insults.

I wonder if I can get a straight, mature, civil answer to this question:

A 45-year old man and a 45-year old woman have identical resumes and backgrounds and have held the same position for the same amount of time. Is there evidence that the man is paid more?

If so, that's obviously wrong. But is there evidence that this is happening nationally?

Actually, there is evidence. You may wish to check on it sometime, because women generally get paid at 70 percent of what men get.

Additionally, if there were a true representative government, women would make up 54 percent of the Senate and the House, because they make up 54 percent of the population.

BTW....................if you wish to check my first point, Google the "Lilly Ledbetter Act", and if you wish to check the second point, Google the percentage of women to men in America.

I don't spew bullshit, I tell facts, and I also tell you where to find them.
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Actually, there is evidence. You may wish to check on it sometime, because women generally get paid at 70 percent of what men get.

Additionally, if there were a true representative government, women would make up 54 percent of the Senate and the House, because they make up 54 percent of the population.

BTW....................if you wish to check my first point, Google the "Lilly Ledbetter Act", and if you wish to check the second point, Google the percentage of women to men in America.

I don't spew bullshit, I tell facts, and I also tell you where to find them.

Yeah, 70-77% is the range I usually see. The problem I have is that the studies I read say general things like "women on average earn $11,235 per year less than men" (I just Googled it and looked a few articles), but I can never find information that gets specific as I do on my question. I'd just like to see a few examples of that.

I wouldn't be stunned to learn it's true, but I just haven't found it yet.

My god dude. The wage disaparity between men and women is a completley separate issue from the enormous income inequality between the rich and the middle class. This was seriously supposed to be evidence of that? A 5 minute video about income differences between the genders and races? Lol this forum never ceases to amaze me.

If you think that is a myth, then you are willfully ignorant.

I guess you don't understand what inequality means when a proponent talks about income differences.

They're trying to assert that there is some inherent unfairness in the system.

The system weeds out the pretenders and rewards those who are innovative. What you and other liberals are trying to say is regardless everyone should be paid equally, even if they're the most worthless POS on the planet.

As usual a con doesn't understand any issue without it being black-and-white. Nuance just escapes you doesn't. I don't think we should be paid equally. I support the idea of a CEO making much more money than a low level worker. The problem isn't inequality itself. The problem is the enormous disparity that there actually is between the middle class and the mega wealthy. The top 1% controls 40% of the nation's wealth. That is what's wrong. Do you honestly believe that the 1% deserves that much wealth? Do you honestly believe the top 1% EARNED that money? No way.

The top 1% pays more than 40% of the taxes. And yes, in most cases, they earned that wealth. Being wealthy is no cakewalk. Owning property is a constant struggle to prevent others from taking it away from you. There are very few examples of a rich person that spends all of his time golfing.

Well.......I can think of one.......

You need to watch this video to understand the truth of my assertion that income inequality is simply a liberal myth.

Thomas Sowell Dismantles Feminism and Racialism in under 5 Minutes - YouTube

like i've said these ass clown republicans, the stupid people, keep following stupid people ... its like a moth drawn to a light... these republican ass clowns can't help themselves ... hey ass clown republicans that bulb is hot!!!

As opposed to the assclown Democrats.

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