Income Inequality Is A Myth

The OP has confused himself. He does not know if he is arguing against the existence of income inequality or the existence of the wage gap.

Would a nutter please put him out if his misery? Have some self respect.

Actually, you're so busy getting mad and throwing insults you haven't even taken the time to figure out what I'm talking about.

All you've done is shown how impertinent you can be.

You do not know what you are talking about......why would I spend any time trying to figure that out?

Is this thread about wage discrimination for white men vs women and minorities? Or is it about the fact that this nations wealth is disproportionately held by the very wealthy?

Which is it?

It's about both.

If you don't like the direction this thread is taking get the fuck out of here.
The OP has confused himself. He does not know if he is arguing against the existence of income inequality or the existence of the wage gap.

Would a nutter please put him out if his misery? Have some self respect.

Actually, you're so busy getting mad and throwing insults you haven't even taken the time to figure out what I'm talking about.

All you've done is shown how impertinent you can be.

Point being that both issues are liberal myths.

Is that the point? Is that what you set out to prove with the OP?

Jesus, you're a bright one.
You're free to leave at any time.
Actually, you're so busy getting mad and throwing insults you haven't even taken the time to figure out what I'm talking about.

All you've done is shown how impertinent you can be.

You do not know what you are talking about......why would I spend any time trying to figure that out?

Is this thread about wage discrimination for white men vs women and minorities? Or is it about the fact that this nations wealth is disproportionately held by the very wealthy?

Which is it?

It's about both.

If you don't like the direction this thread is taking get the fuck out of here.

Why not just admit that you are confused and move on? Dummy nutters never admit when they fuck up. It is embarrassing to witness.

I will gladly discuss the topic.....if you can just decide what it is you want to say.

It's about both? That is ridiculous. The two issues are absolutely unrelated.
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The thread title suggests income inequality but the link suggest wage disparity. They are completely and totally unrelated so some direction would be appreciated.

Gee I actually agree with you for once.

Wage disparity: The idea that men/white men/whatever get paid more than black men/women/whatever just because of their race/gender/ethnicity.
This is unproven and untrue btw.

Income inequality: The idea that because some predetermined percentage of the workforce makes some percentage of the total earned income it is somehow unfair.

This is so absurd as to refute itself.
Whenever this comes up I challenge to libs to explain why income inequality is bad. They never meet the challenge. There is the usual mouthing about SOuth American dictatorships etc. Of course there the inequality is due to gov't actions, not anything else. Precisely what liberals want anyway. So libs actually support policies that create inequality while complaining about it.
To a lib true equality is where everyone is poor and miserable. Like Cuba.

Income inequality doesn't exist. It assumes that women and blacks do not make as much as white males. It's total horseshit. Especially in present times. It may have been true 100 years ago, but not today.

Given the same education level, work experience, and competency level, it doesn't matter what sex you are or what race you are.

Seems Forbes disagrees with you folks who take a partisan economist's word for it. And yes, income inequality is bad. Bad for a consumer driven economy. It's that simple. It's crazy that people fail to see it. No actually it's unbelievable.
How Income Inequality Is Damaging the U.S
How Income Inequality Is Damaging the U.S. - Forbes

Inequality Is Holding Back the Recovery
Whenever this comes up I challenge to libs to explain why income inequality is bad. They never meet the challenge. There is the usual mouthing about SOuth American dictatorships etc. Of course there the inequality is due to gov't actions, not anything else. Precisely what liberals want anyway. So libs actually support policies that create inequality while complaining about it.
To a lib true equality is where everyone is poor and miserable. Like Cuba.

Income inequality doesn't exist. It assumes that women and blacks do not make as much as white males. It's total horseshit. Especially in present times. It may have been true 100 years ago, but not today.

Given the same education level, work experience, and competency level, it doesn't matter what sex you are or what race you are.

Seems Forbes disagrees with you folks who take a partisan economist's word for it. And yes, income inequality is bad. Bad for a consumer driven economy. It's that simple. It's crazy that people fail to see it. No actually it's unbelievable.
How Income Inequality Is Damaging the U.S
How Income Inequality Is Damaging the U.S. - Forbes

Inequality Is Holding Back the Recovery

And an opinion piece in Forbes is not that of a partisan economist?
The article you cite assumes a causal relationship, although it is not proven. And the problem seems to come from gov't interference, according to that same article.
The thread title suggests income inequality but the link suggest wage disparity. They are completely and totally unrelated so some direction would be appreciated.

What does income inequality mean?

It doesn't have to mean what the Democrats twisted it into meaning.

Break it down.

Income is what you earn.

Inequality is discrimination or something that is unequal.

The problem here seems to be that liberals think they own yet another issue, but in fact the issue is a total fallacy invented by the low-lifes in the Democrat Party.

This is an example of Cass Sunstein's idea called "Availability Cascades".

It means you can espouse a total bullshit position or idea and make it reality by repeating it over and over.
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[ame=]Milton Friedman - Redistribution of Wealth - YouTube[/ame]

This kid's ideas match Obama's. They learned this garbage in school.

They want to apply it to everyone else but not to themselves.
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The thread title suggests income inequality but the link suggest wage disparity. They are completely and totally unrelated so some direction would be appreciated.

What does income inequality mean?

It doesn't have to mean what the Democrats twisted it into meaning.

Break it down.

Income is what you earn.

Inequality is discrimination or something that is unequal.

The problem here seems to be that liberals think they own yet another issue, but in fact the issue is a total fallacy invented by the low-lifes in the Democrat Party.

This is an example of Cass Sunstein's idea called "Availability Cascades".

It means you can espouse a total bullshit position or idea and make it reality by repeating it over and over.

You just had to keep digging in that hole of stupid....and now you have reached the pure bullshit at the bottom.

Nice job.....break it down....der...income is er money u git and inequality means not equal...der.

Three pages into this thread and all I'm seeing are the traditional name-calling and personal insults.

I wonder if I can get a straight, mature, civil answer to this question:

A 45-year old man and a 45-year old woman have identical resumes and backgrounds and have held the same position for the same amount of time. Is there evidence that the man is paid more?

If so, that's obviously wrong. But is there evidence that this is happening nationally?


There is no evidence that the man is paid more when all things are equal.
That's why liberals rely generalities. Instead of comparing apples to apples, they prefer to compare apples to oranges and then bitch about vitamin C levels being unfair.
The thread title suggests income inequality but the link suggest wage disparity. They are completely and totally unrelated so some direction would be appreciated.

What does income inequality mean?

It doesn't have to mean what the Democrats twisted it into meaning.

Break it down.

Income is what you earn.

Inequality is discrimination or something that is unequal.

The problem here seems to be that liberals think they own yet another issue, but in fact the issue is a total fallacy invented by the low-lifes in the Democrat Party.

This is an example of Cass Sunstein's idea called "Availability Cascades".

It means you can espouse a total bullshit position or idea and make it reality by repeating it over and over.

You just had to keep digging in that hole of stupid....and now you have reached the pure bullshit at the bottom.

Nice job.....break it down....der...income is er money u git and inequality means not equal...der.

Get lost Troll.
In the studies of what caused the Great Depression the first thing usually listed is inequality of income.
Actually, there is evidence. You may wish to check on it sometime, because women generally get paid at 70 percent of what men get.

Additionally, if there were a true representative government, women would make up 54 percent of the Senate and the House, because they make up 54 percent of the population.

BTW....................if you wish to check my first point, Google the "Lilly Ledbetter Act", and if you wish to check the second point, Google the percentage of women to men in America.

I don't spew bullshit, I tell facts, and I also tell you where to find them.

And yet, you fail to post the evidence.
Come on smart guy, post proof that in an exactly equal education and experience women are paid less.
From 1945 to the 1960's we had high tax rates on the rich and high wages.

The government used that tax money for infrastructure and education.

The high wages produced high consumer demand and a strong economy.

Then the destruction of the unions began, and now we have low tax rates for the rich and low wages.

70% of the American economy is consumer demand.

More and more money in fewer and fewer hands drains the economy of its life blood.

Trickle down economics does not work. We need to raise the minimum wage, bring back the unions, and tax capital gains as income.
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I guess you don't understand what inequality means when a proponent talks about income differences.

They're trying to assert that there is some inherent unfairness in the system.

The system weeds out the pretenders and rewards those who are innovative. What you and other liberals are trying to say is regardless everyone should be paid equally, even if they're the most worthless POS on the planet.

As usual a con doesn't understand any issue without it being black-and-white. Nuance just escapes you doesn't. I don't think we should be paid equally. I support the idea of a CEO making much more money than a low level worker. The problem isn't inequality itself. The problem is the enormous disparity that there actually is between the middle class and the mega wealthy. The top 1% controls 40% of the nation's wealth. That is what's wrong. Do you honestly believe that the 1% deserves that much wealth? Do you honestly believe the top 1% EARNED that money? No way.

Why is that wrong? Why do you get to say who "deserves" what?

The OP is stating he thinks there should be equalization in pay rates without saying there should be equalization in pay rates...Hence his use of the term "deserve"..
It's just more class envy bullshit.
Oh and of course they have to play the middle class card..
The thread title suggests income inequality but the link suggest wage disparity. They are completely and totally unrelated so some direction would be appreciated.

Gee I actually agree with you for once.

Wage disparity: The idea that men/white men/whatever get paid more than black men/women/whatever just because of their race/gender/ethnicity.
This is unproven and untrue btw.

Income inequality: The idea that because some predetermined percentage of the workforce makes some percentage of the total earned income it is somehow unfair.

This is so absurd as to refute itself.

yes, yes but everything you disagree with is absurd and a lie. Its never happened and it never will blah blah blah.

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