'Instead of Gaza' | How should we name the new city?

Name any other nation in human history that when so brutally attacked is labeled an aggressor for attempting to prevent a reoccurrance of the attack.

Criticism of Israel isn't a bad thing. Every Israeli does it loudly and constantly.

Holding Israel to an impossible standard while simultaneously excusing what its enemies do and accusing Jews of performong genocide, or worse, reeks of something much different from criticism.

We all know from where that comes.
A big part of the problem is that leftists are quick to side with whom they see as ā€œoppressed,ā€ discounting the facts. Then you combine that with the tendency to blame Jews for everything, and the ā€œuseful idiotsā€ are quick to believe the HAMS propaganda - such as what we hear about ā€œgenocideā€. It is the ignorance of leftists that makes them unable to see that Isrsel is in the right.

And that statement is exactly the point I am making.

Do they have the right to prevent a reoccurrence of an attack? Yes.

Is that an unrestricted right? I donā€™t think so and that applies to ANY nation. For example, the right of a nation to defend itself should not include genocide (just to use an extreme example). At some point self defense is in danger of crossing the line into war crimes. Israel had MASSIVE international support after October 7. Hamas, almost none, including from Arab states. That is not being ā€œbrutally attackedā€.

Support has slid (rightfully in my opinion) as the reality of the devastation wreaked on Gaza has unfolded, born almost entirely by itā€™s civilians...the huge civilian death tolls, and unwillingness of Israelā€™s current government to listen to its allies or consider alternative courses of action (more targeted than the mass bombings) or consider a political solution or plan for afterwards. The unwillingness to address the more extremist voices in their own government who are making it more difficult for some nations to support the war.

Expressing doubts or anger about what we are seeing in Gaza is not ā€brutally attacking Israelā€, but there certainly seems to be a concerted effort to shit the critics down.

There is another bloody war going on right now: Ukraine. And the IS and others are providing support and armsā€¦just like we are Israel. Ukraine is also in an existential battle. Yet it has been relatively careful to limit its attacks on Russian civilian centers. I suspect if it did not, if it wasnā€™t careful to avoid igniting a larger regional conflictā€¦support would have slipped. I also suspect that Ukraine is working with its allies in all this, not publicly dissing them while demanding military aid.

If Israel is being ā€brutally attackedā€ it might behoove you to look a bit more critically at their own actions.

To bad no one else can.

It isnā€™t anm possible standard. It is a standard WE learned the hard way in Afghanistan and Iraq.

Genocide is a tricky accusation. It also isnā€™t entirely unfair one. What is occurring isnā€™t genocide. Yet.

Just because people are Jewish does not mean they are incapable of genocide. They are human after all. And genocide is an ugly truth in human history that no one is exempt from. But, now we canā€™t mention it right? Shutting down discussion.

Oh. I get it. Criticize what Israel is doing in Gaza and itā€™s antisemitic. Your perfect ā€œget out of jail freeā€ card. That is how you shut down any dialogue on what is happening and we NEED that dialogue both pro and con, not just one side.
The Jews are NOT committing genocide. Youā€™re falling for HAMAS and antisemitic propoganda. The question is ā€œwhyā€?

The only people here who are threatening a genocide are the Palestinians and HAMAS. They have said they will continue to commit more October 7ths until every Israeli is dead.
Irony. When people who themselves are descendents of an ethnic group forcibly expelled multiple times now want to forceably expel another ethnic group so they can move in and take over the relestate. Now, to be fair, that view is mainly coming out of Israelā€™s rabid religious right faction.
ā€¦.youā€˜re ignoring that the group youā€™re defending either committed or supported a heinous massacre, worse than Nazis would do, and have threatened to keep doing it until all Jews are dead. Instead, you make it sound as if this ā€œexpulsionā€ came out of the blue.

Israel cannot afford to have a group intent on committing genocide against it in such close proximity, as October 7th proved.
She's not falling for the propaganda... she's openly disseminating it ... even embellishing it.

And it didn't start in October.
I thought she had improved in recent weeks, but her categorization of Israelā€™s defense against attempts to destroy it as an ā€œethnic cleansingā€ tells me otherwise.

I guess an old leftist doesnā€™t change her spots.
Israel should be treated with the same regard for rights and responsibilities as any other nation.
Yes, it should. It is not, though. It is held to ridiculous and impossible standards expected of no other country. It is hauled before the UN and its bodies at a rate that is inexplicable.

And Gaza/Palestine is NOT held to that same standard. Gaza/Palestine gets a pass on all of this. NO UNSC resolutions against it. NO Orders from the ICJ to release the hostages immediately and unconditionally (just a "statement").

Again, if Gaza/Palestine wants to be a State, they have to man up and start acting like one. Didn't Gaza/Palestine say that they would abide by the ICJ ruling? Why don't they? RELEASE. THE. HOSTAGES.
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Where are the calls for Palestine to be hauled before the UN to face their crimes against humanity and genocide? Where have you, Coyote, specifically called for Gaza and/or Palestine to be held accountable by the international community?
The Jews are NOT committing genocide. Youā€™re falling for HAMAS and antisemitic propoganda. The question is ā€œwhyā€?

The only people here who are threatening a genocide are the Palestinians and HAMAS. They have said they will continue to commit more October 7ths until every Israeli is dead.
Actually Lisa, if you READ my post, I did not say they were committing genocide, NOR are the Palestinians so give it a rest. BUT the conditions are there for genocide to occur if we donā€™t start looking for a political solution.
Where are the calls for Palestine to be hauled before the UN to face their crimes against humanity and genocide? Where have you, Coyote, specifically called for Gaza and/or Palestine to be held accountable by the international community?
Well Shusha, I have stated that HAMAS committed war crimes (crimes against humanity) previously, is it a requirement that it be endlessly repeated? I have stated Hamas is a terrorist organization and needs to be eradicated. Again, how many times do I need to repeat it?

How about YOU? Any calls for accountability on the part of Israel ā€¦any? So far it looks like ā€œanything goesā€ and that justifies anything Israel does (and any disagreement is antisemitic). It sure looks like it.
Yes, it should. It is not, though. It is held to ridiculous and impossible standards expected of no other country. It is hauled before the UN and its bodies at a rate that is inexplicable.
It SHOULD be held to the same standards as any other nation both for the good and the bad, but it isnā€™t. And just as it is unfairly maligned at times it also supported for actions that would be condemned in any other comparable country. It is noteworthy that everytime it is ā€œhauled beforeā€ the UNā€¦.it gets a free pass.

And Gaza/Palestine is NOT held to that same standard. Gaza/Palestine gets a pass on all of this. NO UNSC resolutions against it.

Is Gaza/Palestine a nation?

NO Orders from the ICJ to release the hostages immediately and unconditionally (just a "statement").

In 2014 276 Nigerian school girls were kidnapped, raped and abused by the terrorist group Boko Haram.

In Sri Lanka, 2006, LTTE terrorists held thousands of civilians hostage.

Currently, there are thousands of people held hostage by various militia and terrorist groups in Somalia, Congo, and west Africa.

Were there any ICJ ā€œordersā€ to release them immediately and unconditionally?

Again, if Gaza/Palestine wants to be a State, they have to man up and start acting like one. Didn't Gaza/Palestine say that they would abide by the ICJ ruling? Why don't they? RELEASE. THE. HOSTAGES.
Is Israel abiding?
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It SHOULD be held to the same standards as any other nation both for the good and the bad, but it isnā€™t. And just as it is unfairly maligned at times it also supported for actions that would be condemned in any other comparable country. It is noteworthy that everytime it is ā€œhauled beforeā€ the UNā€¦.it gets a free pass.

Is Gaza/Palestine a nation?

In 2014 276 Nigerian school girls were kidnapped, raped and abused by the terrorist group Boko Haram.

In Sri Lanka, 2006, LTTE terrorists held thousands of civilians hostage.

Currently, there are thousands of people held hostage by various militia and terrorist groups in Somalia, Congo, and west Africa.

Were there any ICJ ā€œordersā€ to release them immediately and unconditionally?

Coyote, it is a WAR CRIME to take hostages. Why does no one mention that?
Ethnicity has nothing to do with this.

This new city is going to be from all Israelis - to all humanity.

I don't mind the idea of giving every IDF hero preference in property.
Is your military leader messiah going to build it?
Coyote, it is a WAR CRIME to take hostages. Why does no one mention that?
It has been mentioned. No one is saying otherwise nor is anyone disputing the fact that Hamas committed war crimes.
It has been mentioned. No one is saying otherwise nor is anyone disputing the fact that Hamas committed war crimes.

It has been mentioned. No one is saying otherwise nor is anyone disputing the fact that Hamas committed war crimes.

Ok, no one is holding THEM accountable for their continuing war crime. Thus, Israel has every right to prosecute the war as violently as possible, to inflict the maximum amount of damage as possible to ham-ass.

Until ham-ass halts their continuing war crime they have no legal, moral, nor ethical leg to stand on.
Ok, no one is holding THEM accountable for their continuing war crime. Thus, Israel has every right to prosecute the war as violently as possible, to inflict the maximum amount of damage as possible to ham-ass.

Until ham-ass halts their continuing war crime they have no legal, moral, nor ethical leg to stand on.
What do you mean ā€œno one is holding them accountableā€? Hamas is being exterminated with international support.
ā€¦.youā€˜re ignoring that the group youā€™re defending either committed or supported a heinous massacre, worse than Nazis would do, and have threatened to keep doing it until all Jews are dead. Instead, you make it sound as if this ā€œexpulsionā€ came out of the blue.

Israel cannot afford to have a group intent on committing genocide against it in such close proximity, as October 7th proved.
I am not defending Hamas, Lisa.

Expulsion, or ethnic cleansing, of a native population IS a war crime Lisa. If you justify thatā€¦what makes you any different than those who want to drive out the Jews?
I am not defending Hamas, Lisa.

Expulsion, or ethnic cleansing, of a native population IS a war crime Lisa. If you justify thatā€¦what makes you any different than those who want to drive out the Jews?
You need F18s & Nukes to drive out teh Jooooos
What do you mean ā€œno one is holding them accountableā€? Hamas is being exterminated with international support.

The UN hasn't done a thing. Now that it is proven that the UN reps were active participants that is easy to see why.

So, ham-ass has no pressure, save from Israel, to halt the war crimes they are continuing to commit.

Thus, like I said, whatever befalls them is on THEIR head.

No one elses.
I am not defending Hamas, Lisa.

Expulsion, or ethnic cleansing, of a native population IS a war crime Lisa. If you justify thatā€¦what makes you any different than those who want to drive out the Jelse's.

What evidence do you have for your claim?

Reports made by a group that started this whole mess by committing and continuing to commit war crimes?

Sorry Charly, they have ZERO credibility.

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