Intel Chiefs To Trump: Russian Operatives Claim To Have Compromising Information About You

More fake news, from chief Lying Weasel.

CIA...the guys who spied on Congress and gave weapons to Al Qaeda and ISIS, which makes them 'enemies'...'threats'...?
Now BuzzFeed News is publishing the full document so that Americans can make up their own minds about allegations about the president-elect that have circulated at the highest levels of the US government.

Read the report here:

These Reports Allege Trump Has Deep Ties To Russia
Trump Intelligence Allegations

They are allegations, are you able to read? Allegations.


  1. a claim or assertion that someone has done something illegal or wrong, typically one made without proof.

You mean like Trump alleging (for 8 years) that Obama was born in Kenya?

That came originally from Hillary Rodham Clinton during the 2008 Democratic Campaign against Obama, Hillary's Camp brought that Kenya situation up first....NOT Donald Trump.
Wrong. It did not come from Clinton.

But if it did come from Clinton, how come the pseudocons and Trump bleeved her and have parroted that bullshit ever since?

Right wing tards blaming Clinton for their birtherism! Priceless. :lol:
Okay. I've read all 37 pages of the report.

Every American should be hoping and praying this is a giant hoax. Because if it is real, this isn't just bad for Trump, it is very bad for our country.

Very, very bad.
Oh my God Trump is totally pissed ....

what is he angry about ?

He is not angry he is just coming back from a "date'....
This is Manchurian candidate shit.

This is worse than Watergate, Iran-Contra, and Teapot Dome combined.

I hope to Christ this is bullshit.
This is Manchurian candidate shit.

This is worse than Watergate, Iran-Contra, and Teapot Dome combined.

I hope to Christ this is bullshit.

The Crimea "little green men" may show up in DC.
The Crimea "little green men" may show up in DC.
After breaking our vow to the Ukraine to help protect it's sovereign borders, instead just sitting back and watching Putin take Crimea - like he let ISIS take over much of Iraq, I wouldn't be surprised to see Barry welcome Russian troops (wearing UN uniforms) into DC.
CNN is reporting on this story right now. It is not fake news.
The Crimea "little green men" may show up in DC.
After breaking our vow to the Ukraine to help protect it's sovereign borders, instead just sitting back and watching Putin take Crimea - like he let ISIS take over much of Iraq, I wouldn't be surprised to see Barry welcome Russian troops (wearing UN uniforms) into DC.

and now Stump wants to hand it officially over to Putin. I wonder why?

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