Is America being black-mailed by the Democratic Party?

My electric bill was delivered two weeks late.

perhaps if the sorting machines weren't taken out, by donny's flying monkey - who, btw, owns bigley stock in competing companies - then that wouldn't have happened.

Never mind the fact that this is a scheduled activity having nothing to do with the president, just keep on promoting the lie.

Here’s why the Postal Service wanted to remove hundreds of mail sorting machines

So now you are claiming it is the postal service doing this. Putting to lie your claim that it is Trump. Try to organize your lies to stay true to their falsity.

LOL. i'm not claiming that at all . you didn't go to the link.... typical poorly educated MAGAT that trump loves long time.

i'm not surprised.

dejoy IS the top guy.

'dejoy' sounds French.

Are you sure you want to trust the post office with delivering the Democrat vote?

In person would be more reliable.

i am personally dropping it off - in a secured receptacle.
I mean Trump says the same thing tho

He says this is all Biden's fault and if we re elect him he'll fix what he can't right now? lol

This line works better when Trump isn't giving out the same line

That dog dont hunt.
Trump has offered to help stop the rioting and the dem mayors refuse to let him and they wont do it themselves.
This is all on the dems.

My electric bill was delivered two weeks late.

perhaps if the sorting machines weren't taken out, by donny's flying monkey - who, btw, owns bigley stock in competing companies - then that wouldn't have happened.
Sorting machine taken out by Trump? Not hardly they were being shutdown under 44 or are you claiming he was Trumps flying monkey.

roughly 3% in 2018.

it's aprox. 13% now ...

in the middle of a pandemic ....

during an election year.

They were being removed because of the changes do to things like email. Don’t you go grocery shopping or do you have everything shipped to you?
they were removing them under 44. They will continue to be removed. I understand that the left wants to hide under the bed but the real world needs to continue.

3% ... versus 13% is a huge jump - in the middle of a pandemic - during election season - that is headed by a dude that has zero experience in the postal service - but who donated bigley cash to donny's campaign - & has stock in competing companies.

noooooooooooooooo----nothing swampy there.. gotta overlook all that....

lol- what ankle grabbing deplorables... lol....
Funny how you think it is just during the election and it was not part of the Postal Services normal operations. I realize that the left don’t understand how dates work but the guy you are attempting to blame for those removals was not in that office while those decisions were being made.
Try actually using one or two brain cells.
We watched you idiots making every excuse for the last guy no matter how many pretzel shapes you had to bend into.
I mean Trump says the same thing tho

He says this is all Biden's fault and if we re elect him he'll fix what he can't right now? lol

This line works better when Trump isn't giving out the same line

Yeah so Trump starts the fire, throws gasoline on it and then tell his cult groupies that he'll grab a firehose and put it out if they re-elect him.
And they're dumb enough to go along with this.

What "fire" did Trump start exactly?
The democrats have been trying as hard as they can to blame Trump for the rioting, violence, and destruction that has been on for 3 months in most of America's big cities. Which are controlled by democrat mayors, governors, city councils, DAs, and judges, who could put have put a stop to this crap but have refused to do so. Instead, they have consistently tried to fault Trump. “This is happening in Donald Trump’s America,” they declare, as though it is he and and not they who actually have the authority and indeed the responsibility to provide public safety and security for their local citizens.

Rather, through the constant drumbeating of their farcical “this is happening in Trump’s America” talking point, the Democrats — the puppet masters of our present anarchy — are offering a quid pro quo to the American people: This violence is happening because Trump is president, so vote for us and we will stop the violence. The unstated but remarkably clear implication is that the looting, rioting and violence will go on if Trump is reelected. If Trump is reelected, the puppet masters will permit the antifa and BLM puppets to continue their free rein, driving a riven nation ever closer to a lethal abyss.

This is a hostage situation. The Democrats are taking the American people hostage, holding a proverbial gun to their heads and issuing a thinly veiled threat to vote for them to make the bloodletting stop — or else the carnage will continue apace.

The implication is quite clear: vote for us and the violence will cease, but if you vote for Trump it won't and will probably get worse. That is akin to blackmail, do as we say or else. Are we cowards to let them get away with that? Furthermore, if they can stop the violence if Biden gets elected, then they can stop the violence right now, true? There's no reason to allow the rioting and destruction to go on, except for the political advantage to the democrats. Truth be told, if you're okay with this then you might as well go for a communist-run country; IMHO, you don't deserve the freedoms and rights you have now if you won't fight for them when threatened. And make no mistake, the democrats are threatening all of us right now.

In recent days, Biden has condemned the rioting and violence and called for it to stop. But he has not called for the democrat mayors, governors, etc., to do their duty to put an end to it by whatever means necessary. He has not called for those arrested to be detained rather than released the next day. Members of his own campaign have donated money to bail rioters out of jail. Question: what is Biden going to do if elected to stop the madness? Will he call out the military? Isn't that the same as what Trump wants to do but is getting vilified by the dems for it?
The Democrats' main problem is that they have created a monster that they can't control...

Just look at what is happening to some of them (like the mayor of Portland, who was driven from his home, in spite of the fact that he actually joined the rioters)...

And the longer the Democrats refuse to put a stop to the violence, the worse it will get....

Polls show that support for the Democrats is dropping due to the violence, and it will only get worse for over the next 2 months....

It's over for the Democrats....

So you think the people in portland are gonna start voting republican? ? ?

I'd say a good percentage of them will.

My electric bill was delivered two weeks late.

perhaps if the sorting machines weren't taken out, by donny's flying monkey - who, btw, owns bigley stock in competing companies - then that wouldn't have happened.
Sorting machine taken out by Trump? Not hardly they were being shutdown under 44 or are you claiming he was Trumps flying monkey.

roughly 3% in 2018.

it's aprox. 13% now ...

in the middle of a pandemic ....

during an election year.

They were being removed because of the changes do to things like email. Don’t you go grocery shopping or do you have everything shipped to you?
they were removing them under 44. They will continue to be removed. I understand that the left wants to hide under the bed but the real world needs to continue.

3% ... versus 13% is a huge jump - in the middle of a pandemic - during election season - that is headed by a dude that has zero experience in the postal service - but who donated bigley cash to donny's campaign - & has stock in competing companies.

noooooooooooooooo----nothing swampy there.. gotta overlook all that....

lol- what ankle grabbing deplorables... lol....
Funny how you think it is just during the election and it was not part of the Postal Services normal operations. I realize that the left don’t understand how dates work but the guy you are attempting to blame for those removals was not in that office while those decisions were being made.
Try actually using one or two brain cells.
We watched you idiots making every excuse for the last guy no matter how many pretzel shapes you had to bend into.

i didn't say that at all. i'm saying THIS year at THIS time of year by THIS postmaster general.

he's the top guy - & can get them all returned JUST for fucking PR sake, if not for anything else.

HE is refusing to sign off on it - so HE is responsible for mail being late, dead livestock, spoiled food & medicine not being delivered.
I mean Trump says the same thing tho

He says this is all Biden's fault and if we re elect him he'll fix what he can't right now? lol

This line works better when Trump isn't giving out the same line

Joe's been a politician for nearly 50 years, so yeah, these problems ARE because of people like him.

My electric bill was delivered two weeks late.

perhaps if the sorting machines weren't taken out, by donny's flying monkey - who, btw, owns bigley stock in competing companies - then that wouldn't have happened.
Sorting machine taken out by Trump? Not hardly they were being shutdown under 44 or are you claiming he was Trumps flying monkey.

roughly 3% in 2018.

it's aprox. 13% now ...

in the middle of a pandemic ....

during an election year.

They were being removed because of the changes do to things like email. Don’t you go grocery shopping or do you have everything shipped to you?
they were removing them under 44. They will continue to be removed. I understand that the left wants to hide under the bed but the real world needs to continue.

3% ... versus 13% is a huge jump - in the middle of a pandemic - during election season - that is headed by a dude that has zero experience in the postal service - but who donated bigley cash to donny's campaign - & has stock in competing companies.

noooooooooooooooo----nothing swampy there.. gotta overlook all that....

lol- what ankle grabbing deplorables... lol....
Funny how you think it is just during the election and it was not part of the Postal Services normal operations. I realize that the left don’t understand how dates work but the guy you are attempting to blame for those removals was not in that office while those decisions were being made.
Try actually using one or two brain cells.
We watched you idiots making every excuse for the last guy no matter how many pretzel shapes you had to bend into.

i didn't say that at all. i'm saying THIS year at THIS time of year by THIS postmaster general.

he's the top guy - & can get them all returned JUST for fucking PR sake, if not for anything else.

HE is refusing to sign off on it - so HE is responsible for mail being late, dead livestock, spoiled food & medicine not being delivered.
So now you are claiming that you want them replaced because. Got it. It doesn’t fit your agenda so no matter the cost your agenda needs to be met. You can’t seem to keep track of exactly what you are claiming.
Ok, so how about the idea that everyone votes for the President in a USMB poll?

We can totally trust this online stuff.

sure can - just ask vlad. he'll vouch for the security.

It is ok if you curse at me...I will not take offense.

what the fuck 'n fuck are you fucking talking about?

Voting in person is reliable.

only as reliable as the machines. some don't have paper back up...

My electric bill was delivered two weeks late.

perhaps if the sorting machines weren't taken out, by donny's flying monkey - who, btw, owns bigley stock in competing companies - then that wouldn't have happened.
Sorting machine taken out by Trump? Not hardly they were being shutdown under 44 or are you claiming he was Trumps flying monkey.

roughly 3% in 2018.

it's aprox. 13% now ...

in the middle of a pandemic ....

during an election year.

They were being removed because of the changes do to things like email. Don’t you go grocery shopping or do you have everything shipped to you?
they were removing them under 44. They will continue to be removed. I understand that the left wants to hide under the bed but the real world needs to continue.

3% ... versus 13% is a huge jump - in the middle of a pandemic - during election season - that is headed by a dude that has zero experience in the postal service - but who donated bigley cash to donny's campaign - & has stock in competing companies.

noooooooooooooooo----nothing swampy there.. gotta overlook all that....

lol- what ankle grabbing deplorables... lol....
Funny how you think it is just during the election and it was not part of the Postal Services normal operations. I realize that the left don’t understand how dates work but the guy you are attempting to blame for those removals was not in that office while those decisions were being made.
Try actually using one or two brain cells.
We watched you idiots making every excuse for the last guy no matter how many pretzel shapes you had to bend into.

i didn't say that at all. i'm saying THIS year at THIS time of year by THIS postmaster general.

he's the top guy - & can get them all returned JUST for fucking PR sake, if not for anything else.

HE is refusing to sign off on it - so HE is responsible for mail being late, dead livestock, spoiled food & medicine not being delivered.
So now you are claiming that you want them replaced because. Got it. It doesn’t fit your agenda so no matter the cost your agenda needs to be met. You can’t seem to keep track of exactly what you are claiming.

wow - english your second language? not anywhere in any of my replies did i say i wanted them replaced.

now you're just making crap up.
They are now operating an extortion racket just like the mafia does. The mafia goes into a neighborhood and sells "protection" from the criminals, everybody knowing full well they ARE the criminals. Democrats send in the brownshirts to destroy business and then demand they be voted into office in order to make it stop.
Ok, so how about the idea that everyone votes for the President in a USMB poll?

We can totally trust this online stuff.

sure can - just ask vlad. he'll vouch for the security.

It is ok if you curse at me...I will not take offense.

what the fuck 'n fuck are you fucking talking about?

Voting in person is reliable.

only as reliable as the machines. some don't have paper back up...

The most reliable aspect of the voting process is that it is locally controlled..distributed among thousands of individual precincts. All with their own rules.

This makes it better than having a Federal entity controlling the process.

Heck...then Al Gore or Donald Trump could determine the outcome.
Last edited:

My electric bill was delivered two weeks late.

perhaps if the sorting machines weren't taken out, by donny's flying monkey - who, btw, owns bigley stock in competing companies - then that wouldn't have happened.
Sorting machine taken out by Trump? Not hardly they were being shutdown under 44 or are you claiming he was Trumps flying monkey.

roughly 3% in 2018.

it's aprox. 13% now ...

in the middle of a pandemic ....

during an election year.

They were being removed because of the changes do to things like email. Don’t you go grocery shopping or do you have everything shipped to you?
they were removing them under 44. They will continue to be removed. I understand that the left wants to hide under the bed but the real world needs to continue.

3% ... versus 13% is a huge jump - in the middle of a pandemic - during election season - that is headed by a dude that has zero experience in the postal service - but who donated bigley cash to donny's campaign - & has stock in competing companies.

noooooooooooooooo----nothing swampy there.. gotta overlook all that....

lol- what ankle grabbing deplorables... lol....
Funny how you think it is just during the election and it was not part of the Postal Services normal operations. I realize that the left don’t understand how dates work but the guy you are attempting to blame for those removals was not in that office while those decisions were being made.
Try actually using one or two brain cells.
We watched you idiots making every excuse for the last guy no matter how many pretzel shapes you had to bend into.

i didn't say that at all. i'm saying THIS year at THIS time of year by THIS postmaster general.

he's the top guy - & can get them all returned JUST for fucking PR sake, if not for anything else.

HE is refusing to sign off on it - so HE is responsible for mail being late, dead livestock, spoiled food & medicine not being delivered.
So now you are claiming that you want them replaced because. Got it. It doesn’t fit your agenda so no matter the cost your agenda needs to be met. You can’t seem to keep track of exactly what you are claiming.

wow - english your second language? not anywhere in any of my replies did i say i wanted them replaced.

now you're just making crap up.
I take it you did not pay attention to what you typed. You stated and I quote “ he is the top guy and he could have them all returned if he wanted to”. I am not going to go trough your whole post. Want to know what you typed look it up.
you act as if mail has never been late in all the years of the postal services history. Got news for you sweetums it was late even when they had all the sorters working. There was mail that was never delivered. There was mail that went to wrong addresses.
Hopefully a majority of the country knows that the two "major" parties are locked in a destructive party-over-country squabble and don't deserve any real respect.
One party is, and it's the Democrats. The Democrats keep issuing thinly veiled barely legal threats to continue burning, looting and murding and otherwise hurting the economy unless Americans support them.

Instead of acquiescing to the Democrat threats, Americans are arming themselves.


My electric bill was delivered two weeks late.

perhaps if the sorting machines weren't taken out, by donny's flying monkey - who, btw, owns bigley stock in competing companies - then that wouldn't have happened.

Sorting? Sounds like an excuse for being lazy.

i read each machine can sort 36,000 pieces of mail per hour.

& the postmaster general decided that was too efficient i guess.

So the concept is to put the post office in charge of counting votes..and chads...and paperclips...and stuff...

no. just like homebound citizens & our military don't.

but hey - by all means, mask up & stand 6 feet away from yer fellow americans who would rather vote in person.

Vote in an honest election? Okay.

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