Is Donald Trump Suborning Sedition?

I'll let you know. I will be a poll watcher.

However, unlike Obama's poll watchers, I won't be wielding a baseball bat.

Let me guess, you'll exercise your 2nd A. Right. You being one of the neo fascists who didn't need to be herded into the fray by Trumps rhetoric; you've been anti American since you first appeared on this message board.
Let me guess: You were with hiLIARy when you both landed under sniper fire.

Idiot-gram ^^^
You're the one that supports her, dumfuk.
It's almost too funny for words....

Clearly you can't produce the words to rebut anything I've posted, that makes you an uneducated Dumb Fuck.
Dude - you support a scraggly old hag to tell you how to think and run your life...
Absolutely pathetic.
Let me guess, you'll exercise your 2nd A. Right. You being one of the neo fascists who didn't need to be herded into the fray by Trumps rhetoric; you've been anti American since you first appeared on this message board.
Let me guess: You were with hiLIARy when you both landed under sniper fire.

Idiot-gram ^^^
You're the one that supports her, dumfuk.
It's almost too funny for words....

Clearly you can't produce the words to rebut anything I've posted, that makes you an uneducated Dumb Fuck.
Dude - you support a scraggly old hag to tell you how to think and run your life...
Absolutely pathetic.

Odd, couldn't one describe Trump as a 'scraggly old hag' and no one would bat an eye?

noun noun: sedition, plural noun: seditions

  • 1. Conduct or speech by Conservatives that causes Liberals to wet their pants, point fingers and make squealy noises.

Conduct by Trump which has incited rational and sagacious patriots to state for the world to hear that Trump is whollly unqualified to serve as POTUS.

Fools like MarathonMike haven't got it yet; the number of conservatives who have joined with Democrats and liberals in making this judgment is continuing to grow, joining with other Republicans who were tossed under the bus years ago and called RINO's. Trump is a demagogue whose appeal is to the set of neo fascists alone.

The so-called "crime" of sedition is a violation of the First Amendment, moron. Although technically it's still on the books, it hasn't been enforced since the Adam's Administration.

18 US Code 2383

To wit:

Whoever incites, sets on foot, assists, or engages in any rebellion or insurrection against the authority of the United States or the laws thereof, or gives aid or comfort thereto, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.

See more at: 18 U.S.C. § 2383 : US Code - Section 2383: Rebellion or insurrection
What's the "New Right"? Is that a thing or did you just make that up? Do you mean Conservatives that aren't thrilled with fat cat politicians of either party? How is that a threat to our nations values? What values are you talking about exactly? America and Americans are first priority?

Clearly this is "normal".

She's clearly joking about something, looks like she is pretending to be surprised about something and obviously over acting.

This is what a seizure looks like:

I now question your gullibility and intelligence and the only thing you should be thinking about now is providing a real source to back up your claim.

Clearly this is "normal".

She's clearly joking about something, looks like she is pretending to be surprised about something and obviously over actinTg.

This is what a seizure looks like:

I now question your gullibility and intelligence and the only thing you should be thinking about now is providing a real source to back up your claim.

You're an idiot and I am fine with that.
The Hildabitch is very ill and you don't care, well neither do I for the record. She is a waste of human flesh and deserves to die a very painful, drawn out death.....with maybe just a little water boarding thrown in for good measure.
Let's make it clear that there is no law against "sedition" and there hasn't been since the last 1918 sedition law signed into law by brain damaged Woodie Wilson or his wife, was repealed in 1920. Every freaking democrat party hero would be guilty of sedition sometime in his or her career if there was a sedition law.

Clearly this is "normal".

She's clearly joking about something, looks like she is pretending to be surprised about something and obviously over actinTg.

This is what a seizure looks like:

I now question your gullibility and intelligence and the only thing you should be thinking about now is providing a real source to back up your claim.

You're an idiot and I am fine with that.
The Hildabitch is very ill and you don't care, well neither do I for the record. She is a waste of human flesh and deserves to die a very painful, drawn out death.....with maybe just a little water boarding thrown in for good measure.

You have no evidence. You just want her to be ill and there are plenty of frauds on the far right to tell you what you want to hear. You've been provided ample time to find a credible source and you can't do it. So, my guess now is you'll go back to the old fall back and claim there is a conspiracy afoot to hide 'the truth'. Promise me you won't shut up about this, it makes conservatism look bad and I am fine with that.
ROFL! That is hilarious coming from a HIllary supporter. Do you people ever take a good look at the criminal you defend?

The press has been wallowing through Clinton's garbage for years. Trump, on a daily basis says ridiculous things, he is a fucking joke and you guys just don't get the punchline.

Don't you have another outlier poll to post showing Trump in the lead that let's you sleep at night, Ned?

Hillary is a fucking criminal. She is the most corrupt politician ever to run for the office of President, or any political office, for that matter. The press has been covering up for her for years. She is a liar and a commie. She's also suffering from Parkinson's.

The only reason she's still in this rate is the sycophantic adoration of the press and its obvious jihad against Trump.

The press has covered every misstep Clinton has made. It just so happens, Trump makes more. A commie? You're a relic from the fifties, fat ass.

Utter horseshit. The press devoted 5 times more air time to Trumps 2nd amendment remark than it spent on Hillary having the Al Qaeda supporting father of a jihadi mass murderer sitting directly behind her on the stage.

Clinton has nothing to do with the father (he doesn't support al Qaeda either) Trump made those idiotic comments on his own.

You know what has been covered less? Having Mark Foley, who Trump personally knows sitting behind Trump during an event. Haven't seen a lot of coverage on that .

The mass murderers father that sat behind Hillary supports the Taliban. Mark Foley is a gay man. Why do you have a problem with that?

Clearly this is "normal".

She's clearly joking about something, looks like she is pretending to be surprised about something and obviously over actinTg.

This is what a seizure looks like:

I now question your gullibility and intelligence and the only thing you should be thinking about now is providing a real source to back up your claim.

You're an idiot and I am fine with that.
The Hildabitch is very ill and you don't care, well neither do I for the record. She is a waste of human flesh and deserves to die a very painful, drawn out death.....with maybe just a little water boarding thrown in for good measure.

You have no evidence. You just want her to be ill and there are plenty of frauds on the far right to tell you what you want to hear. You've been provided ample time to find a credible source and you can't do it. So, my guess now is you'll go back to the old fall back and claim there is a conspiracy afoot to hide 'the truth'. Promise me you won't shut up about this, it makes conservatism look bad and I am fine with that.

First of all there is no "sedition " law so left wingers need to take that fantasy off the table. The second rather peculiar thing that the media doesn't seem concerned about Hillary's mental or physical health and for some reason they aren't anxious to confront her in a Q&A press conference. Why would that be?

Clearly this is "normal".

She's clearly joking about something, looks like she is pretending to be surprised about something and obviously over actinTg.

This is what a seizure looks like:

I now question your gullibility and intelligence and the only thing you should be thinking about now is providing a real source to back up your claim.

You're an idiot and I am fine with that.
The Hildabitch is very ill and you don't care, well neither do I for the record. She is a waste of human flesh and deserves to die a very painful, drawn out death.....with maybe just a little water boarding thrown in for good measure.

You have no evidence. You just want her to be ill and there are plenty of frauds on the far right to tell you what you want to hear. You've been provided ample time to find a credible source and you can't do it. So, my guess now is you'll go back to the old fall back and claim there is a conspiracy afoot to hide 'the truth'. Promise me you won't shut up about this, it makes conservatism look bad and I am fine with that.

Honey you look more stupid here than you even know. You really think that anyone cares what you think I is a "credible source" ?
You are vastly over estimating your influence and self worth. Clearly you think your shit doesn't stink ;)
She will be lucky to get through to the Election and if she wins she will never make it through her first term. Karma is a bitch and Hillary has more bad Karma than anyone I've ever witnessed before.You may well be number two ;)
Very brave of her to wear white pants with a potty problem.

Really? Are you going to regale us again with photoshopped images that pass as fact in your tiny bubble of influence?
I don't have any photoshopped images but this photo looks rather old. She is much heavier now and her jackets are much much longer almost coat length. The speed that she gained this much weight isn't a normal weight gain. It may be due to a severe thyroid problem. Her coats are cut to minimize her wearing diapers. She is one very sick puppy. That's why she's just taking a few days off.

noun noun: sedition, plural noun: seditions

  • 1. Conduct or speech by Conservatives that causes Liberals to wet their pants, point fingers and make squealy noises.

Conduct by Trump which has incited rational and sagacious patriots to state for the world to hear that Trump is whollly unqualified to serve as POTUS.

Fools like MarathonMike haven't got it yet; the number of conservatives who have joined with Democrats and liberals in making this judgment is continuing to grow, joining with other Republicans who were tossed under the bus years ago and called RINO's. Trump is a demagogue whose appeal is to the set of neo fascists alone.

The so-called "crime" of sedition is a violation of the First Amendment, moron. Although technically it's still on the books, it hasn't been enforced since the Adam's Administration.

18 US Code 2383

To wit:

Whoever incites, sets on foot, assists, or engages in any rebellion or insurrection against the authority of the United States or the laws thereof, or gives aid or comfort thereto, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.

See more at: 18 U.S.C. § 2383 : US Code - Section 2383: Rebellion or insurrection
That's rebellion and insurrection, not "sedition," fuckwit.
The press has been wallowing through Clinton's garbage for years. Trump, on a daily basis says ridiculous things, he is a fucking joke and you guys just don't get the punchline.

Don't you have another outlier poll to post showing Trump in the lead that let's you sleep at night, Ned?

Hillary is a fucking criminal. She is the most corrupt politician ever to run for the office of President, or any political office, for that matter. The press has been covering up for her for years. She is a liar and a commie. She's also suffering from Parkinson's.

The only reason she's still in this rate is the sycophantic adoration of the press and its obvious jihad against Trump.

The press has covered every misstep Clinton has made. It just so happens, Trump makes more. A commie? You're a relic from the fifties, fat ass.

Utter horseshit. The press devoted 5 times more air time to Trumps 2nd amendment remark than it spent on Hillary having the Al Qaeda supporting father of a jihadi mass murderer sitting directly behind her on the stage.

Clinton has nothing to do with the father (he doesn't support al Qaeda either) Trump made those idiotic comments on his own.

You know what has been covered less? Having Mark Foley, who Trump personally knows sitting behind Trump during an event. Haven't seen a lot of coverage on that .

The mass murderers father that sat behind Hillary supports the Taliban. Mark Foley is a gay man. Why do you have a problem with that?

I actually don't have a problem with the father or Mark Foley who harassed under aged pages (try to keep up sparky) sitting behind the candidates. On the Democrats side it wasn't planned, they didn't know who he was, however on the Republican side Trump actually knows and has met Foley.

But, what you are really trying to do is accuse me of homophobia. Fuck you.

Clearly this is "normal".

She's clearly joking about something, looks like she is pretending to be surprised about something and obviously over actinTg.

This is what a seizure looks like:

I now question your gullibility and intelligence and the only thing you should be thinking about now is providing a real source to back up your claim.

You're an idiot and I am fine with that.
The Hildabitch is very ill and you don't care, well neither do I for the record. She is a waste of human flesh and deserves to die a very painful, drawn out death.....with maybe just a little water boarding thrown in for good measure.

You have no evidence. You just want her to be ill and there are plenty of frauds on the far right to tell you what you want to hear. You've been provided ample time to find a credible source and you can't do it. So, my guess now is you'll go back to the old fall back and claim there is a conspiracy afoot to hide 'the truth'. Promise me you won't shut up about this, it makes conservatism look bad and I am fine with that.

First of all there is no "sedition " law so left wingers need to take that fantasy off the table. The second rather peculiar thing that the media doesn't seem concerned about Hillary's mental or physical health and for some reason they aren't anxious to confront her in a Q&A press conference. Why would that be?

There is nothing to report about her health outside of the far rights Alex Jones conspiracy theories. Only a biased media would cover it.

Clearly this is "normal".

She's clearly joking about something, looks like she is pretending to be surprised about something and obviously over actinTg.

This is what a seizure looks like:

I now question your gullibility and intelligence and the only thing you should be thinking about now is providing a real source to back up your claim.

You're an idiot and I am fine with that.
The Hildabitch is very ill and you don't care, well neither do I for the record. She is a waste of human flesh and deserves to die a very painful, drawn out death.....with maybe just a little water boarding thrown in for good measure.

You have no evidence. You just want her to be ill and there are plenty of frauds on the far right to tell you what you want to hear. You've been provided ample time to find a credible source and you can't do it. So, my guess now is you'll go back to the old fall back and claim there is a conspiracy afoot to hide 'the truth'. Promise me you won't shut up about this, it makes conservatism look bad and I am fine with that.

Honey you look more stupid here than you even know. You really think that anyone cares what you think I is a "credible source" ?
You are vastly over estimating your influence and self worth. Clearly you think your shit doesn't stink ;)
She will be lucky to get through to the Election and if she wins she will never make it through her first term. Karma is a bitch and Hillary has more bad Karma than anyone I've ever witnessed before.You may well be number two ;)

I'm asking you to care what a credible source is. You obviously don't have one and you're relying on youtube videos taken out of context because you want it to be true. You have provided zero evidence.
Very brave of her to wear white pants with a potty problem.

Really? Are you going to regale us again with photoshopped images that pass as fact in your tiny bubble of influence?
I don't have any photoshopped images but this photo looks rather old. She is much heavier now and her jackets are much much longer almost coat length. The speed that she gained this much weight isn't a normal weight gain. It may be due to a severe thyroid problem. Her coats are cut to minimize her wearing diapers. She is one very sick puppy. That's why she's just taking a few days off.

What does the age of the photo have to do with it? Anyway, allow me to save you from yourself.


Also, Clinton is of about average weight for her age. Trump on the other hand is pretty tubby. However in the end who cares?
Last edited:
Hillary is a fucking criminal. She is the most corrupt politician ever to run for the office of President, or any political office, for that matter. The press has been covering up for her for years. She is a liar and a commie. She's also suffering from Parkinson's.

The only reason she's still in this rate is the sycophantic adoration of the press and its obvious jihad against Trump.

The press has covered every misstep Clinton has made. It just so happens, Trump makes more. A commie? You're a relic from the fifties, fat ass.

Utter horseshit. The press devoted 5 times more air time to Trumps 2nd amendment remark than it spent on Hillary having the Al Qaeda supporting father of a jihadi mass murderer sitting directly behind her on the stage.

Clinton has nothing to do with the father (he doesn't support al Qaeda either) Trump made those idiotic comments on his own.

You know what has been covered less? Having Mark Foley, who Trump personally knows sitting behind Trump during an event. Haven't seen a lot of coverage on that .

The mass murderers father that sat behind Hillary supports the Taliban. Mark Foley is a gay man. Why do you have a problem with that?

I actually don't have a problem with the father or Mark Foley who harassed under aged pages (try to keep up sparky) sitting behind the candidates. On the Democrats side it wasn't planned, they didn't know who he was, however on the Republican side Trump actually knows and has met Foley.

But, what you are really trying to do is accuse me of homophobia. Fuck you.

What other reason could there possibly be? Trump knows an openly gay man and you shit your pants and you defend a man that openly supports the Taliban. If 'they' didn't know who he was, there had to be a serious breakdown in Hillary's security.

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