Islam forbids

You were done some time ago.
Many muslims like to say " Islam forbids the killing of innocent people"
Please provide Islamic scripture to prove unequivocally non muslims are innocent.
Many muslims like to say " Islam forbids the killing of innocent people"
Please provide Islamic scripture to prove unequivocally non muslims are innocent.

When Mr Fitnuts posts this statement that he repeatly posts.

It's basically like a white flag of surrender.

His arguments have failed and he has nothing to add to the debate.

Mr Fitnuts is at a loss and his mind is locked into an endless loop.

Posting the same two sentences over and over and over :cuckoo:
You were done some time ago.

You're damn right about that. :rofl:
watching you post is like watching a slow motion train wreck, you are a gift.

Many muslims like to say " Islam forbids the killing of innocent people"
Please provide Islamic scripture to prove unequivocally non muslims are innocent.

The ironic hilarity of your remark is lost on you as my past several arguments, including the post I made tonight, remain unaddressed. You're not interested in debate; you've convinced yourself that you're an authority on Islam and that your knowledge of the religion surpasses that of any Muslim, living or dead (a belief which, by the way, is a never-ending source of amusement for me.) Why I've wasted so much time attempting to have a rational discussion with a poster with the cognitive prowess of a three year-old, I'm not sure. If your IQ score catches up to your age and you become capable of posting a response that amounts to more than plugging your ears with your fingers and shrieking, give me a holler. For now, I'll leave you here in your playpen to babble to yourself for a while. :lol:
Wow , most posters try to keep at least a single post between contradiction you just go all in .
You have tried and failed .
You cannot prove non muslims are innocent according to Islamic scripture .

Please invite your imam or spiritual leader to explain Islam to you here on this thread so you can become a true believer.
Many muslims like to say " Islam forbids the killing of innocent people"
Please provide Islamic scripture to prove unequivocally non muslims are innocent.

When Mr Fitnuts posts this statement that he repeatly posts.

It's basically like a white flag of surrender.

His arguments have failed and he has nothing to add to the debate.

Mr Fitnuts is at a loss and his mind is locked into an endless loop.

Posting the same two sentences over and over and over :cuckoo:

There is no debate.
Just prove it .
Wow , most posters try to keep at least a single post between contradiction you just go all in .
Most of us also attempt to type coherently, but I won't judge.

You have tried and failed .
If only repeating that made it so. :lol:

You cannot prove non muslims are innocent according to Islamic scripture .
Already have, kimosabe. I cannot be blamed for your characteristically stupid choice to remain willfully ignorant. You have convinced yourself beyond all doubt that the drivel you post has more intellectual force than a position upheld consistently by the religion's most prominent thinkers, both modern and from throughout history. Meanwhile, an understanding of my religion's most basic tenets continues to elude you. :lol:

Please invite your imam or spiritual leader to explain Islam to you here on this thread so you can become a true believer.
He passed away some 1400 years ago. Fortunately, I was able to become a "true believer" without his direct assistance thanks to the extensive instructions he left with me and my brothers and sisters. :lol:

Incidentally, you should be thankful that I haven't yet leveled that glass house of yours, sir Christian. That anybody can attack the noblest religion while their hand is on one of the most convoluted and, at times, evil texts present on Earth perplexes me. I've trekked my way through several different translations of your Bible; hearing the account of your false Moses instructing his followers to slaughter children and rape little girls never ceases to perturb me, nor does the small-minded misogyny that has been enshrined in both "testaments."
Please link to the post where you prove unequivocally non muslims are innocent according to Islamic scripture .
Please link to the post where you prove unequivocally non muslims are innocent according to Islamic scripture .
Start your owe thread punk,
I don't know why you would think I was a "Christian."
It does not matter what any other "faith" calls for.
Islam is a genocidal hate group that calls for the death of all non muslims.
Islam is a fraud based on lies ,a cult of personality that deserves to be abandon by all free thinking persons.
You know this is true.

Many muslims like to say " Islam forbids the killing of innocent people"
Please provide Islamic scripture to prove unequivocally non muslims are innocent.
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Please link to the post where you prove unequivocally non muslims are innocent according to Islamic scripture .

Click on a random page number and you're bound to find one. This thread's like a low-stakes roulette wheel. :lol:
Start your owe thread punk,
I don't know why you would think I was a "Christian."
Because you are one.

It does not matter what any other "faith" calls for.
I recommend turning to chapter eight of the book of John.

Islam is a genocidal hate group that calls for the death of all non muslims.
So you keep saying. :lol:

Islam is a fraud based on lies ,a cult of personality that deserves to be abandon by all free thinking persons.
Islam is nothing short of the ideal way of life. Perhaps your obsessive, irrational detestation of the religion stems from anxiety over the realization that, in accordance with the will of Allah (SWT), Islam will continue to be embraced by humankind.

You know this is true.
On the contrary, I think you know that what I'm saying is true, along with everybody else who is able to read and comprehend English. You simply lack intellectual honesty.

Many muslims like to say " Islam forbids the killing of innocent people"
Please provide Islamic scripture to prove unequivocally non muslims are innocent.
At this point, tacking that on to all of your posts will only succeed in making your dishonesty and asininity immediately obvious to any poster who has the misfortune of stumbling upon this thread.
"Concerning the saying of Allah, 'Fight in the way of Allah against those who fight you and do not trangress the limits. Indeed, Allaah does not love those who trangress': The killing of women and children is included within this, and so are those who are not involved in warfare."

- Umar ibn Abd al-Aziz, an-Nawadir wa az-Ziyadat, vol. III, p. 57
Muslims fight with each other when they run out of infidels to attack.

That is not arbitrary , Straightening out muslims is so they can kill non muslims is a primary goal of fundamental muslims many muslims fail to undertake their obligations


From the Reliance of the Traveller (Book Q)

[The Reliance of the Traveller is a book every English-speaking Muslim should have, even if they are not Shafi`i, because it contains much that is necessary for every morally responsible person to know…]


q0.1 (n: The discussion and analysis that follow are Imam Ghazali's, edited by the Hanbali scholar Ibn Qudama Maqdisi from an earlier abridgement of Ghazali's Ihya' `ulum al-din by `Abd al-Rahman ibn Jawzi, which Maqdisi shortened to a single volume whose conciseness, if less vivid than the Ihya', better lends itself to the purpose of the present section, which is to discuss the practical implications of an important aspect of Scared Law.)

q0.2 (Ibn Qudama Maqdisi:) One should know that commanding the right and forbidding the wrong is the most important fundamental of the religion, and is the mission that Allah sent the prophets to fulfill. If it were folded up and put away, religion itself would vanish, dissolution appear, and whole lands come to ruin.

I have to say, the Muslims who justify murdering even unarmed non-Muslims (oh, its ok as long as we say it is in the name of Allah because Allah LOVES seeing his own creations blown to smithereens and even the blood of a little child dripping down the walls as long as the murderer says he did it all for Allah) -really don't do a lot to make the religion look very attractive to non-Muslims. In fact, they make it look like a pack of blood-thirsty, inhumane, woman-hating, goat loving, insecure men with a need to saw off heads and kick the shit out of other people in order to feel better about themselves. (Oh, all in the name of Allah of course because any murder is automatically "cleaned up" if the murdering thug says he did it in Allah's name.) Muslims expect the rest of us to treat them in a humane fashion even as they justify their inhumanity to everyone else. (Because Allah LIKES seeing non-Muslims treated inhumanely of course -empathy for another human being is a one-way street apparently.) And hey -when they manage to be the most vicious murdering Muslim thugs willing to kill the most to grab power, no surprise about how they rule then is it? A real hell on earth that is not a good place for living things. Oh sure Allah created us all so we could live the most mean, depressing, deprived existence scrabbling around in the dirt, deprived of free will because other Muslims who always claim to know Allah's will better than YOU possibly could is right there to make sure you don't make the "wrong" decision, refuse to educate women, ban them from schools and the workplace - then when her husband dies and she ends up begging on the streets, go find that verse again about how wonderful Islam is -and tell yourself it just doesn't get any better than this.

So you showed us the cherry picked verses any Muslim needs to justify slaughtering non-Muslims. I wonder how that all fits in with the nasty truth of history and the fact that no other religion has been responsible for killing as many Muslims as..........other Muslims. Where are the verses about how Allah likes that too? Just one big happy family, right? Like the Hatfields and McCoys. Seems to me some Muslims can find the justification for killing whoever they want whenever they want. But I'm pretty sure they would never accept those verses from any other religion -so it shouldn't be a surprise to any Muslim in the least that non-Muslims tend to strongly disagree about their claim to have a right to slaughter us. Normal people really don't believe we were put on this earth so Muslims with a penchant for butchering others could have plenty of opportunities for target practice.

I have some real objections to any religion where the punishment for murdering a member of that religion is far harsher than the murder of someone who is not a member of that religion. I only know of one religion that does that. Which is another mark against it in my book and goes in the "inhumane" column. Right next to executing a rape victim for "adultery" -while of course the goat lover who did it walks away alive. It wold be really nice if Muslims cleaned up their own house first before looking to destroy mine -one the grounds they believe Allah thinks I'm the one with the dirty house.
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Mr. Fitnah is not a Muslim; he is desperately trying to be a critic of the religion.
"Concerning the saying of Allah, 'Fight in the way of Allah against those who fight you and do not trangress the limits. Indeed, Allaah does not love those who trangress': The killing of women and children is included within this, and so are those who are not involved in warfare."

- Umar ibn Abd al-Aziz, an-Nawadir wa az-Ziyadat, vol. III, p. 57

And fight them until there is no more Fitnah (disbelief and worshipping of others along with Allâh) and (all and every kind of) worship is for Allâh (Alone).[] But if they cease, let there be no transgression except against Az-Zâlimûn (the polytheists, and wrong-doers, etc.)
The Noble Quran : Surat 2

let there be no transgression except against Az-Zâlimûn
let there be no transgression except against Az-Zâlimûn
let there be no transgression except against Az-Zâlimûn
let there be no transgression except against Az-Zâlimûn

Is there an Arabic word for these oppressors ?

The Noble Quran's Search Results:

Seems there is little doubt as to the use of the word oppressor in this verse.
In the Arabic the word is Zâlimûn
Polytheists and wrong-doers and unjust.

The Noble Quran's Search Results:

Apparently the same arabic word is used to describe oppresors in 2:193 and 2:254

Quraan Transliteration

That means disbelief is oppresion
Mr. Fitnah

The reason no one is responding to your posts.

Is because it is not clear as to what you are saying or what exactly your point is?

Islam forbids just about everything that is American.
Last time we had a picnic for all of the muslim familys at the mosque.

A couple of the women had baked apple pies for dessert after lunch.

Later in the afternoon, we played a game of baseball.

Apple pie and baseball

Can get more American than that!!! :lol:

I think your comment says more than you intended. You may think it is a joke, but what it takes to be an American goes way beyond playing baseball and eating apple pie. It isn't about what you DO, it is about whether you have adopted and share the core values that makes this country what it is and Americans what they are. The same thing millions from around the world have done since the founding of this nation -immigrating from everywhere in the world and still figured out how to BE an American too. While realizing that doing so takes nothing away from their heritage, their faith, their family or who they are as a person.

If you want to move here but turn it into another copy of the place you just left -then why move here at all instead of staying where you obviously think you belong and is a much better fit for you? WE don't want to turn it into another copy of the place some immigrant just left -this is OUR home and OUR culture and OUR heritage. We have always welcomed immigrants to our shores -but NOT so they can turn OUR country into an imitation of the one they just left or demand WE assimilate to THEM. It is with the expectations that you intend to become one of us and not the other way around.

I eat yue-shiang beef and play Mahjongg but it will never make me Chinese.
Your silly posts really make me laugh Mr Fitnuts :lol: :lol: :lol:

Clearly, we should subscribe to his "interpretation" over that which has been consistently upheld by Islam's foremost thinkers since the religion's advent. :lol:

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