It's an Anomally, but Trump has become a Folk Hero

In yer wet wild dreams homeboy. Trump will be relegated to the likes of Benedict Arnold.
I can for see a new era of songsters. Singing anti Prog socialist tyranny songs. Dylan like.
LOL...Yeas like the Ballad of Hurricane Carter right?

Too bad for Dylan...Carter was actually a viscious murderer and bragged about it in jail
I disagree.

In my view, Trump is merely riding the wave of a mindset that he did very little to create or advance, himself personally.

ok---but he is able to do it standing upright and
even steering it-------long after Bibidense would
have fallen into the sea

I don't intend to take anything away from any of the credit for things that trump deserves credit for.

That said, the conservative movement and agenda is bigger than any one man who might be at the helm.
President Trump is indeed a hero! :clap:

I will not give up on him.
It remains a mystery as to how conservatives can support Donald Trump. Taking personal responsibility is the foundation of conservatism yet they support a man who has avoided taking responsibility for his failures his entire life, blaming the banks, blaming the economy, blaming his wife, blaming Clinton, blaming Obama, blaming the democrats, blaming the FBI, blaming the CDC, blaming China, blaming the WHO, etc, etc... Blaming election fraud for his loss is as natural for Trump as breathing. The man has never had the courage to admit failure and I doubt he ever will.
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Trumps a ex game show host turned cult leader nothing more ... what a bunch of losers

What good for the country has Biden accomplished in his 47 YEARS in elected office?

Trump, in spite of all his personal flaws has done more in 4 years, with the biased media using every tool (like you) they had to bring him down.

Enjoy the blowback.

You earned it .
In 47 years Biden managed to get elected and not stage an insurrection because he lost.

In 47 years, Biden managed to get re-elected and re-elected whilst his state fell apart like a pile of dog feces infested with dungbeetles. He also managed to accrue to himself a fortune in real estate at the expense of his hapless, nearly unconscious, supporters.
There is no other folk hero in American history of his stature, and his exception also is that he was not born a common man. He is a man for the ages, and will always remain so,
The members of the Manson Family consider Charlie an "American Hero." You know, he dreamed of a race war just like Cap'n Cheeto.
Charlie---was a communist you know like the dems are...
Manson didn't stab anyone, but people died. Words can move people.
That has to be one of the most inane equivalencies I have ever seen.
Trump is responsible for five deaths so far, including the DC cop.

Word is, more is on the way.

Inane? No. Maybe understated. I guess we'll find out soon enough, huh?
Art reflecting life or life reflecting art? I think Trump is a reflection of the deplorables, he didn’t make them. He just knows how to use them.
There is no other folk hero in American history of his stature, and his exception also is that he was not born a common man. He is a man for the ages, and will always remain so,

Nope.. ALL our folk heroes were heroes not cowards and they all had character traits that Americans admire like honesty, loyalty, bravery, humility.
He is the best president in recent American history, and among the first who actually defended American values.

He could have done the activities he was elected to do more effectively though. Draining the swamp especially.
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In yer wet wild dreams homeboy. Trump will be relegated to the likes of Benedict Arnold.
It is a serious subject if you understood its context, but you are far too much a fool.

LOLOL.. Trump is trash and none to bright.

The Anatomy of Leadership - A Sun Tzu perspective | CSO Online
In The Art of War, Sun Tzu characterized leadership as a mix of five traits: Intelligence, Credibility, Humaneness, Courage, and Discipline. Every organization is characterized by processes and...
I disagree.

In my view, Trump is merely riding the wave of a mindset that he did very little to create or advance, himself personally.

I have to agree. Trump never cared what people thought of him and in his four years he's tried to do everything he can to help America. Folk hero?? Nah just a guy who was very good at what he did while being hounded by Dems for four years. If folks want to call him a folk hero I'm sure he won't mind but he will never call himself one. He's just a guy as he will tell you.
I disagree.

In my view, Trump is merely riding the wave of a mindset that he did very little to create or advance, himself personally.

I have to agree. Trump never cared what people thought of him and in his four years he's tried to do everything he can to help America. Folk hero?? Nah just a guy who was very good at what he did while being hounded by Dems for four years. If folks want to call him a folk hero I'm sure he won't mind but he will never call himself one. He's just a guy as he will tell you.

Trump cares deeply.. He needs adulation and he needs to dominate or humiliate others. He has NO leadership strengths or ethics.
I disagree.

In my view, Trump is merely riding the wave of a mindset that he did very little to create or advance, himself personally.

I have to agree. Trump never cared what people thought of him and in his four years he's tried to do everything he can to help America. Folk hero?? Nah just a guy who was very good at what he did while being hounded by Dems for four years. If folks want to call him a folk hero I'm sure he won't mind but he will never call himself one. He's just a guy as he will tell you.

Trump cares deeply.. He needs adulation and he needs to dominate or humiliate others. He has NO leadership strengths or ethics.

Bull shit. Trump couldn't care less what anyone thinks of him. He has tons of leadership strengths and loads of ethics. Unlike you Dem idiots.
I disagree.

In my view, Trump is merely riding the wave of a mindset that he did very little to create or advance, himself personally.

I have to agree. Trump never cared what people thought of him and in his four years he's tried to do everything he can to help America. Folk hero?? Nah just a guy who was very good at what he did while being hounded by Dems for four years. If folks want to call him a folk hero I'm sure he won't mind but he will never call himself one. He's just a guy as he will tell you.

Trump cares deeply.. He needs adulation and he needs to dominate or humiliate others. He has NO leadership strengths or ethics.

Bull shit. Trump couldn't care less what anyone thinks of him. He has tons of leadership strengths and loads of ethics. Unlike you Dem idiots.

Trump has NEVER cared about anyone but himself.. That's why he's been a liar and a cheat his whole life.

He couldn't lead a horse to water. Most of his businesses failed because he didn't do his due diligence and went with his hunches.. followed by blaming others and revenge. His patterns the past 40 years are unquestionable.

Do you even know what leadership looks like?

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