Jan 3rd, Democrats opening 85 investigations into Trump and the GOP. Finally, it's about time!!!!

Democratic hit list: At least 85 Trump investigation targets

  • Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin's business dealings
  • White House staff's personal email use
  • Cabinet secretary travel, office expenses, and other misused perks
  • Discussion of classified information at Mar-a-Lago
  • Jared Kushner's ethics law compliance
  • Dismissal of members of the EPA board of scientific counselors
  • The travel ban
  • Family separation policy
  • Hurricane response in Puerto Rico
Those are Trump stuff.

Then there are all the investigations outside of "Trump stuff".

  1. White House Withholding Information on Deadly Niger Ambush
  2. White House Withholding Documents on Flynn’s Foreign Contacts
  3. White House Withholding Documents on Personal Email Use by Top Aides
  4. Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump Withholding Documents on Emails
  5. White House Withholding Documents on Hurricane Response
  6. Kushner Companies Withholding Documents on Alleged Housing Abuses
  7. White House Withholding Documents on Flynn’s Foreign Contacts
  8. White House Withholding Documents on Personal Email Use by Top Aides
  9. Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump Withholding Documents on Emails
  10. White House Withholding Documents on Hurricane Response
  • The EPA's siding with special interests on matters of public health. (The Hill)
  • Trump's politicization of the military. (AP)
  • Lack of consistent policy for civilian casualties. (AP)
  • Profitability of the Trump International Hotel in Washington and whether it's being used to violate the emoluments clause. (AP)
These are only a few and I haven't even touched on Russia.

Remember, 85! And I bet there's another dozen by Jan. 1st.

I can't wait!

About time the lawlessness ends.

Trump and the GOP have the American people to answer too.

Does anyone have any favorites?

January 1st?

they're not going to wait til they've been sworn in?
I'm sure his ignorance is not limited to knowing basic things like when congress is sworn in...
Yea, because I have that date memorized.

Wow, you're really reaching.

You didn't even care until I didn't give an exact date. Just Jan 1st.

Now, about those 85 investigations. Have a favorite?

You didn't even care until I didn't give an exact date. Just Jan 1st.

Don't worry, I fixed your title.

(after I got finished laughing)
You know you took away a reason for nine tenths of the USMB Republicans to point and scream?
Now, they might actually have to read about what the 85 committees will be looking at.

And here's a new one.

Definition of 'Foreign Corrupt Practices Act' ---- Dear Mafia Don, are you paying attention?

I think that will end up being 86.
Not happening.

Just like with Bush, Pelosi will tell those below her to shut up and work with Trump to get stuff done.

Trump is a Trojan Horse.
Democrats do what's best for America.

Republicans loot.

I bet you write to blagobitch all the time in prison don't you?

View attachment 232774

I actually can't help liking Blago....just for this:

He did try to take down Obama..and got smoked.


The Dem machine was committed to protecting Obabble. That's why so much corruption didn't come to light until after he left office.

Like what? Give us some examples. Not conspiracies.

And you know the Republicans, being the racist party of the Alt White would love nothing better than to go after Obama for something. After the birth certificate thing fell through.
I wonder when the 110th Congress will get around to investigate bush JR?

I blame Obama for that.

Obama, being the eternal optimist refused to investigate how the country was tricked into Iraq. Obama wanted to "bring the country together". He wanted to heal. How did that work out?


You got to give him props for trying, but he was a little too naive. Republicans are a nearly all white racist party.
What is shows is how honorable Obama was that Republicans weren't able to get him for "something". Lord knows they tried.
Democratic hit list: At least 85 Trump investigation targets

  • Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin's business dealings
  • White House staff's personal email use
  • Cabinet secretary travel, office expenses, and other misused perks
  • Discussion of classified information at Mar-a-Lago
  • Jared Kushner's ethics law compliance
  • Dismissal of members of the EPA board of scientific counselors
  • The travel ban
  • Family separation policy
  • Hurricane response in Puerto Rico
Those are Trump stuff.

Then there are all the investigations outside of "Trump stuff".

  1. White House Withholding Information on Deadly Niger Ambush
  2. White House Withholding Documents on Flynn’s Foreign Contacts
  3. White House Withholding Documents on Personal Email Use by Top Aides
  4. Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump Withholding Documents on Emails
  5. White House Withholding Documents on Hurricane Response
  6. Kushner Companies Withholding Documents on Alleged Housing Abuses
  7. White House Withholding Documents on Flynn’s Foreign Contacts
  8. White House Withholding Documents on Personal Email Use by Top Aides
  9. Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump Withholding Documents on Emails
  10. White House Withholding Documents on Hurricane Response
  • The EPA's siding with special interests on matters of public health. (The Hill)
  • Trump's politicization of the military. (AP)
  • Lack of consistent policy for civilian casualties. (AP)
  • Profitability of the Trump International Hotel in Washington and whether it's being used to violate the emoluments clause. (AP)
These are only a few and I haven't even touched on Russia.

Remember, 85! And I bet there's another dozen by Jan. 1st.

I can't wait!

About time the lawlessness ends.

Trump and the GOP have the American people to answer too.

Does anyone have any favorites?

January 1st?

they're not going to wait til they've been sworn in?
I'm sure his ignorance is not limited to knowing basic things like when congress is sworn in...
Yea, because I have that date memorized.

Wow, you're really reaching.

You didn't even care until I didn't give an exact date. Just Jan 1st.

Now, about those 85 investigations. Have a favorite?

You didn't even care until I didn't give an exact date. Just Jan 1st.

Don't worry, I fixed your title.

(after I got finished laughing)
You know you took away a reason for nine tenths of the USMB Republicans to point and scream?
Now, they might actually have to read about what the 85 committees will be looking at.

And here's a new one.

Definition of 'Foreign Corrupt Practices Act' ---- Dear Mafia Don, are you paying attention?

I think that will end up being 86.

We are still waiting and laughing at you for the 110th Congress to lock up bush jr..

The joke is on you ..

Democrats do what's best for America.

Republicans loot.

I bet you write to blagobitch all the time in prison don't you?

View attachment 232774

I actually can't help liking Blago....just for this:

He did try to take down Obama..and got smoked.


The Dem machine was committed to protecting Obabble. That's why so much corruption didn't come to light until after he left office.

Like what? Give us some examples. Not conspiracies.

And you know the Republicans, being the racist party of the Alt White would love nothing better than to go after Obama for something. After the birth certificate thing fell through.

Easy Peasy Lemon Squeezy:

- The Fake dossier
- Collusion with the DNC to spy on Trump
- Covering up hiLIARy's illegal email server
- The sale of 20% of the U.S. uranium supply to Russia
- Giving Iran $Billions for nothing

For starters.
I bet you write to blagobitch all the time in prison don't you?

View attachment 232774

I actually can't help liking Blago....just for this:

He did try to take down Obama..and got smoked.


The Dem machine was committed to protecting Obabble. That's why so much corruption didn't come to light until after he left office.

Like what? Give us some examples. Not conspiracies.

And you know the Republicans, being the racist party of the Alt White would love nothing better than to go after Obama for something. After the birth certificate thing fell through.

Easy Peasy Lemon Squeezy:

- The Fake dossier
- Collusion with the DNC to spy on Trump
- Covering up hiLIARy's illegal email server
- The sale of 20% of the U.S. uranium supply to Russia
- Giving Iran $Billions for nothing

For starters.

Isn't it cute though seeing him try so hard?

I actually can't help liking Blago....just for this:

He did try to take down Obama..and got smoked.


The Dem machine was committed to protecting Obabble. That's why so much corruption didn't come to light until after he left office.

Like what? Give us some examples. Not conspiracies.

And you know the Republicans, being the racist party of the Alt White would love nothing better than to go after Obama for something. After the birth certificate thing fell through.

Easy Peasy Lemon Squeezy:

- The Fake dossier
- Collusion with the DNC to spy on Trump
- Covering up hiLIARy's illegal email server
- The sale of 20% of the U.S. uranium supply to Russia
- Giving Iran $Billions for nothing

For starters.

Isn't it cute though seeing him try so hard?


Indeed. He's so misguidedly wrong, but ever persistently so.
Yeah, damage, like save the car companies and save the economy and take down bin Laden and stuff like that. Little stuff. Stuff that started with Republicans.

Failed former President Barack Hussein Obama didn't save the car companies. He saved the AUTO UNIONS. Chrysler is now an Italian automaker. General Motors still owes us billions and are moving their manufacturing out of the country.

Obama saved the economy? Even you know better. He brought back the Carter created term for the state of the economy, MALAISE! President Barack Hussein Obama, first president in history to NOT have a single year of growth above 3% during his entire term.

What did taking down bin Laden really accomplish? Obama nixed THREE plans to take him out at that location before approving one. Obama never approved the Seals take out the pirates holding the captain hostage on the lifeboat. Finally, when the captain of our warship believed the captain of the pirated ship was in imminent danger he ordered the seals to go. They killed all three pirates and rescued the captain unharmed.

What happened with Iraq when President Obama, against advice, pulled all our troops out of Iraq? Who filled the vacuum? ISIS and Russia. How'd that work out? He had to put our troops back, and ISIS was still controlling large parts of Iraq until President Donald Trump.

Keep up the good work!
We all know the Trump Tower in Moscow was going to be "money laundering" central.

The question is how much money does President KFC Trump launder for former KGB, Vladimir Putin.

You seem to have President Trump confused with Queen Hillary, who actually took tens of millions from Russia.
Prove it.

Why? You called Kav a rapist with ZERO proof. Hypocrite. Deantard.
If "Kav" was so innocent, the GOP would have been thrilled to have an investigation that would exonerate him. Instead, they had a limited FBI investigation handcuffed by the president. That's not how innocent people act you st**** f***.




You're embarrassing yourself.
Yea, because I have that date memorized.

Wow, you're really reaching.

You didn't even care until I didn't give an exact date. Just Jan 1st.

Now, about those 85 investigations. Have a favorite?


Proven fact that Congressmen can't walk and chew gum at the same time. They're spoiled rotten by their luxurious lifestyle. They work a couple days a week, a couple hours a day. A committee meeting, WOW that's a major chore so, without doubt, they have to rest up after all that work.

With all those investigative committees meetings, they won't have time to do squat besides those senseless meetings.

Democratic hit list: At least 85 Trump investigation targets

  • Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin's business dealings
  • White House staff's personal email use
  • Cabinet secretary travel, office expenses, and other misused perks
  • Discussion of classified information at Mar-a-Lago
  • Jared Kushner's ethics law compliance
  • Dismissal of members of the EPA board of scientific counselors
  • The travel ban
  • Family separation policy
  • Hurricane response in Puerto Rico
Those are Trump stuff.

Then there are all the investigations outside of "Trump stuff".

  1. White House Withholding Information on Deadly Niger Ambush
  2. White House Withholding Documents on Flynn’s Foreign Contacts
  3. White House Withholding Documents on Personal Email Use by Top Aides
  4. Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump Withholding Documents on Emails
  5. White House Withholding Documents on Hurricane Response
  6. Kushner Companies Withholding Documents on Alleged Housing Abuses
  7. White House Withholding Documents on Flynn’s Foreign Contacts
  8. White House Withholding Documents on Personal Email Use by Top Aides
  9. Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump Withholding Documents on Emails
  10. White House Withholding Documents on Hurricane Response
  • The EPA's siding with special interests on matters of public health. (The Hill)
  • Trump's politicization of the military. (AP)
  • Lack of consistent policy for civilian casualties. (AP)
  • Profitability of the Trump International Hotel in Washington and whether it's being used to violate the emoluments clause. (AP)
These are only a few and I haven't even touched on Russia.

Remember, 85! And I bet there's another dozen by Jan. 1st.

I can't wait!

About time the lawlessness ends.

Trump and the GOP have the American people to answer too.

Does anyone have any favorites?
This will be a colossal waste of time.
Has trump been money laundering Russian money?

And what about all the hundreds of millions that he got from Saudi Arabia?

Is trumps family business driving American foreign policy?

I want to know.
85 investigations? That’s a lot to talk about!
Then there’s all the new stuff coming up along with the Russians stuff and the new lawsuits.
Can’t wait!

Yes, you talk about it all the time.

Mueller's nothingburger probably has you in ecstacy.
I bet you write to blagobitch all the time in prison don't you?

View attachment 232774

I actually can't help liking Blago....just for this:

He did try to take down Obama..and got smoked.


The Dem machine was committed to protecting Obabble. That's why so much corruption didn't come to light until after he left office.

Like what? Give us some examples. Not conspiracies.

And you know the Republicans, being the racist party of the Alt White would love nothing better than to go after Obama for something. After the birth certificate thing fell through.

Easy Peasy Lemon Squeezy:

- The Fake dossier
- Collusion with the DNC to spy on Trump
- Covering up hiLIARy's illegal email server
- The sale of 20% of the U.S. uranium supply to Russia
- Giving Iran $Billions for nothing

For starters.

Mueller shows not all Republicans are incompetent.

Too bad you guys didn't have him investigate Hillary for the last 30 years you've been going after her.

He's spent less than two years on Trump and has dozens of indictments and have a dozen felons.

I actually can't help liking Blago....just for this:

He did try to take down Obama..and got smoked.


The Dem machine was committed to protecting Obabble. That's why so much corruption didn't come to light until after he left office.

Like what? Give us some examples. Not conspiracies.

And you know the Republicans, being the racist party of the Alt White would love nothing better than to go after Obama for something. After the birth certificate thing fell through.

Easy Peasy Lemon Squeezy:

- The Fake dossier
- Collusion with the DNC to spy on Trump
- Covering up hiLIARy's illegal email server
- The sale of 20% of the U.S. uranium supply to Russia
- Giving Iran $Billions for nothing

For starters.

Mueller shows not all Republicans are incompetent.

Too bad you guys didn't have him investigate Hillary for the last 30 years you've been going after her.

He's spent less than two years on Trump and has dozens of indictments and have a dozen felons.


Blah blah blah blah so sleepy.....zzzzzzzz

I bet you give yourself an auto-atomic wedgie when the next Dem president starts office with a Pertual Special Counsel looking for any crime with which bring down his Presidency. Cuz, these are the New Rules you loons have put in place.
He did try to take down Obama..and got smoked.


The Dem machine was committed to protecting Obabble. That's why so much corruption didn't come to light until after he left office.
Like what? Give us some examples. Not conspiracies.

And you know the Republicans, being the racist party of the Alt White would love nothing better than to go after Obama for something. After the birth certificate thing fell through.

Easy Peasy Lemon Squeezy:

- The Fake dossier
- Collusion with the DNC to spy on Trump
- Covering up hiLIARy's illegal email server
- The sale of 20% of the U.S. uranium supply to Russia
- Giving Iran $Billions for nothing

For starters.
Mueller shows not all Republicans are incompetent.

Too bad you guys didn't have him investigate Hillary for the last 30 years you've been going after her.

He's spent less than two years on Trump and has dozens of indictments and have a dozen felons.


Blah blah blah blah so sleepy.....zzzzzzzz

I bet you give yourself an auto-atomic wedgie when the next Dem president starts office with a Pertual Special Counsel looking for any crime with which bring down his Presidency. Cuz, these are the New Rules you loons have put in place.
It's the meds.

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