Kavanaugh Was Picked Before Kennedy Left, Everything About Trumps Search Was A Farce

My vote for Trump is paying off. SCOTUS goes right for at least two decades and leftist tears flowing like Niagara Falls.

Ginsburg takes the eternal nap and it's icing on the cake
I find that karma works really well when one wishes death on others.....how they end up being first....or someone close to them ends up being first. It's uncanny how that works.

I couldn't care less what you find. How's that, cow?
It's like the Sports Illustrated cover curse. Just sayin' But, back to Karma. It just is....regardless of whether could care less about it or not.
NBC is reporting, that Kavanaugh wasn’t just Trump’s pick from the beginning, he was picked before the beginning. Kavanaugh wasn’t even selected by Trump. He was picked by Anthony Kennedy. As part of the unprecedented talks between Trump and Kennedy to net the justice’s retirement, Kennedy was promised that Trump would name his former law clerk to take his chair. It was that reassurance that pushed Kennedy to announce his retirement. There was never a moment of doubt concerning who was going to be picked.

Kavanaugh was picked before Kennedy left, everything about Trump's 'search' was just a farce

Cracks me up that he leaked it.

Also interesting that he told at least two lies last night -

One that trump had looked far and wide. For christs sake - its trump. Even the RWs know he can't even read the newspaper.

Two, that loyalty pledge.

Did anyone miss that?
No reason not trust NBC is there? Uh, hold on....

NBC is reporting, that Kavanaugh wasn’t just Trump’s pick from the beginning, he was picked before the beginning. Kavanaugh wasn’t even selected by Trump. He was picked by Anthony Kennedy. As part of the unprecedented talks between Trump and Kennedy to net the justice’s retirement, Kennedy was promised that Trump would name his former law clerk to take his chair. It was that reassurance that pushed Kennedy to announce his retirement. There was never a moment of doubt concerning who was going to be picked.

Kavanaugh was picked before Kennedy left, everything about Trump's 'search' was just a farce
This is all over my news feeds.

This isn't going away, and that cloud is going to follow him. I believe Trump and his cronies and sycophants think when he is gone, everything is just going to go away like it did for W., because Obama didn't pursue it. Not this time.
A cloud of what?
NBC is reporting, that Kavanaugh wasn’t just Trump’s pick from the beginning, he was picked before the beginning. Kavanaugh wasn’t even selected by Trump. He was picked by Anthony Kennedy. As part of the unprecedented talks between Trump and Kennedy to net the justice’s retirement, Kennedy was promised that Trump would name his former law clerk to take his chair. It was that reassurance that pushed Kennedy to announce his retirement. There was never a moment of doubt concerning who was going to be picked.

Kavanaugh was picked before Kennedy left, everything about Trump's 'search' was just a farce


You just upset Obama was not as smart as Trump ....with Ruth..


From the George Soros supported DailyKOS.

I could NOT make this up!
NBC is reporting, that Kavanaugh wasn’t just Trump’s pick from the beginning, he was picked before the beginning. Kavanaugh wasn’t even selected by Trump. He was picked by Anthony Kennedy. As part of the unprecedented talks between Trump and Kennedy to net the justice’s retirement, Kennedy was promised that Trump would name his former law clerk to take his chair. It was that reassurance that pushed Kennedy to announce his retirement. There was never a moment of doubt concerning who was going to be picked.

Kavanaugh was picked before Kennedy left, everything about Trump's 'search' was just a farce
It's been repudiated by NBC. Old fake news.
My vote for Trump is paying off. SCOTUS goes right for at least two decades and leftist tears flowing like Niagara Falls.

Ginsburg takes the eternal nap and it's icing on the cake
I find that karma works really well when one wishes death on others.....how they end up being first....or someone close to them ends up being first. It's uncanny how that works.

I couldn't care less what you find. How's that, cow?
It's like the Sports Illustrated cover curse. Just sayin' But, back to Karma. It just is....regardless of whether could care less about it or not.

You're a goofy hack....there is that

Now go back and reread, cow. I never wished her dead I said she will be. Fact and once again I've made you look a tool.

You're child's play
Thats already been debunked it was started by NBC News Capitol Hill reporter Leigh Ann Caldwell in a tweet she has since deleted.
“I’ve deleted this tweet because it incorrectly implies a transactional nature in Kennedy’s replacement. I am told by a source who was not directly part of the talks that Kennedy provided Pres. Trump/ WH a list of acceptable replacements,” the NBC News reporter wrote. Another far left fail better luck next time.
NBC is reporting, that Kavanaugh wasn’t just Trump’s pick from the beginning, he was picked before the beginning. Kavanaugh wasn’t even selected by Trump. He was picked by Anthony Kennedy. As part of the unprecedented talks between Trump and Kennedy to net the justice’s retirement, Kennedy was promised that Trump would name his former law clerk to take his chair. It was that reassurance that pushed Kennedy to announce his retirement. There was never a moment of doubt concerning who was going to be picked.

Kavanaugh was picked before Kennedy left, everything about Trump's 'search' was just a farce

Trump answered critics by creating a list of USSC Nominees in case he got the opportunity to pick ONE during his Presidency.

This guy was NOT that pick.

Then Trump ends up getting a SECOND pick....

1st the Snowflakes attack Ruthie Ginsburg for 'screwing Obama and Democrats' by NOT retiring to give Barry at least one pick.... (Jealousy is a bit@h)....

The 2nd thing snowflakes do is to attack Trump for 'picking this guy before Kennedy retired'....

Well No $hit! Before being elected he selected around a DOZEN candidates to choose from if and when he ever got the opportunity to make USSC nominations...

You guys are geniuses....

Way to go - you guys have Trump this time!

Don’t you love it. Trump was going to be like a bull in a china shop and not consult anyone. When he does consult the experts and a slew of others he is only doing the will of the federalist society and is not his own man. There is nothing about the resisters that you can take seriously.
The democrats should have convinced Ginsberg to retire during the Obama administration. Chances are good Trump is going to give that seat to a conservative. The left is dying right before our eyes.
NBC is reporting, that Kavanaugh wasn’t just Trump’s pick from the beginning, he was picked before the beginning. Kavanaugh wasn’t even selected by Trump. He was picked by Anthony Kennedy. As part of the unprecedented talks between Trump and Kennedy to net the justice’s retirement, Kennedy was promised that Trump would name his former law clerk to take his chair. It was that reassurance that pushed Kennedy to announce his retirement. There was never a moment of doubt concerning who was going to be picked.

Kavanaugh was picked before Kennedy left, everything about Trump's 'search' was just a farce
Clinton was picked before even the other candidates filed! Before the first debate! Before the first primary! What's wrong what's good for YOUR team is not good for ours? Fuck off.I don't care HOW he was picked you are just crying bc that hag Clinton can't fuck America up more with her pick!
NBC is reporting, that Kavanaugh wasn’t just Trump’s pick from the beginning, he was picked before the beginning. Kavanaugh wasn’t even selected by Trump. He was picked by Anthony Kennedy. As part of the unprecedented talks between Trump and Kennedy to net the justice’s retirement, Kennedy was promised that Trump would name his former law clerk to take his chair. It was that reassurance that pushed Kennedy to announce his retirement. There was never a moment of doubt concerning who was going to be picked.

Kavanaugh was picked before Kennedy left, everything about Trump's 'search' was just a farce

Oh hell, this is old news - I knew that the US public got rolled two days ago.
Yep, Kavanaugh was picked by Federalist Society, Heritage Foundation, and yep - Tony Kennedy.
If it's a Trump deal, it smells bad - Literally 100% of the time! :wink:

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