Liberals: Shut Up About Trump's "Substance" !

Trump won't win. There's not enough morons around to vote him in.
I hope you're right. I think being on this forum makes me think there are more complete morons in the country than there actually are.
You hope he's right. So does ISIS, the Muslim Brotherhood (CAIR, ISNA, MSA, etc), La Raza, Mexico, Iran, Al Sharpton, Black Lives Matter. You're in bad company.

Actually I think most of not all of those entities would be drooling with anticipation over the prospect.
You have no substance, protectionist, only a misunderstanding of the 1st Amendment and apparently you believe you can ignore it.
Oh but I DO have substance Jokey. It's in the OP and it's links. And you can pretend all you want, that doesn't change anything. Maybe I should give you a QUIZ on Trump's substance, so you can show us all how ignorant you are. OK. Here's your first 3 questions >>

What is Trump's position on these things ??? >> (and do you even know what they are ?) :laugh:

1. Project Exile

2. Federal Student Loan Program.

3. China exports, America, & the EU

Oh there's no doubt about that -- Rump definitely has issues. First and foremost of which is being a serial panderer. He's exactly what my sigline is about.
You are ignorant of his issues too, I'll wager. Here's YOUR QUIZ >>>

What is Trump's position on these things ??? >>

1. Fracking and ND, PA, & OH.

2. Stanford University Center for Research on Educational Outcomes

3. Bill Gates and renewable energy

Got any knowledge ? Got any clues ? Got anything ? :badgrin:
my cat knows more about foreign policy than Trump does. Mr. Trump is a loose cannon.

YOU shut up about Trump having substance.

The Donald is all about attention so he's running for the highest position in the country to make sure he gets some, and that subjects him to everyone's opinion.

Trump clearly understands the rudiments of a coherent American FOREIGN POLICY far better than Shrillary "former Sec'y of State" Rotten Clinton.

It involves things she does not comprehend or refuses to admit.

Either way, she is even dumber than your cat.

If the Dumbocrap notion of substance is evidenced by Shrillary, then Benghazi is an illustration of her complete lack of qualification for the job of President.

^^^That's an attorney talking. Must be smart. ^^^
First of all even if these Christian terrorist organizations (if they even are that) were "just as bad if not worse, than ISIS.", which of course they aren't (do we see millions of refugees running from one continent to another to escape them ?), there still is the basic question of supremacism. The Muslim jihad is a world threat because it's doctrine (the Koran) demands political supremacism, which is illegal under our Constitution (Article 6, Section 2) and violates US codes (2384 & 2385) Christianity has no such political supremacism demand.

Sorry, but I just wiped out your whole Post # 69. So what do we do about the so-called Christian terrorist groups ?
We stop them from committing crime.
Of course it does. Trump hates the Constitution.

Your understanding of law and the Constitution is illegal.

You have no points to make that means anything to anyone.
Sure I do. And one of them is your QUIZ about Trump's substance. I'm wagering you flunk. You need to get 2 out of 3 to pass. I'll give you an HOUR from now. That's plenty of time to Google up something, and pretend it's an answer. Anyone want to bet Jokey gets a ZERO ? :badgrin:
Trump has no substance.

He agrees that a registry for Muslims must be created.

But that won't happen, he won't be president, and you will continue to be a failure.
And Trump knows more about foreign policy than Obama. Just take a look around us, Obama is a failure.
Obama is the worst foreign policy ZERO that has ever come along. He is a 100% DOMESTIC oriented community organizer. I think even a county would be too big a jurisdiction for him to handle.
He has a great foreign policy because it is not based on how many troops he can get killed . Unlike GOP foreign policy .
He has a great foreign policy because it is not based on how many troops he can get killed . Unlike GOP foreign policy .
That's exactly why his policy is so bad. He refuses to put troops out in the field. Reality Check. You don't put them out when you don't have to. You do when you have to. Obama violates this. Thank goodness he wasn't president in 1941.
You want substance, bitches! I've got substance!

What's more substance than watching TV to make military policy?

Todd asked, “Who do you talk to for military advice right now?”

Trump answered, “Well, I watch the shows. I mean, I really see a lot of great — you know, when you watch your show, and all of the other shows, and you have the generals, and you have certain people –.”​

Trump: I Get My Military Advice from Watching Shows - Breitbart

Tele-fucking-vision. It's got everything there.

He should also go on the Internet, too.

Or get on hillary's email list. Hell you would get all the classified info one would need to run.

Seems even her daughter gets the straight poop while Hillary lies to the American public
Trump has no substance.
He agrees that a registry for Muslims must be created.
But that won't happen, he won't be president, and you will continue to be a failure.

If Muslims' doctrine wasn't genocidal (among other criminalities), and if large numbers of them weren't seditionist, they wouldn't need a registry. Actually, they shouldn't be in America AT ALL.

Waiting for your response to your QUIZ questions. Having trouble ? Weren't you saying that you knew Trump's substance levels ? Waiting waiting ....tick tock....tick tock.
  • The Paris attacks have only made Donald Trump stronger
    The Washington Post ^ | 11/22/2015 | Philip Bump
    Not to unduly stress out Reince Priebus and the other members of the Republican establishment, but there are only 71 days until the Iowa caucuses, and only eight more days after that until New Hampshire. That's of now, Sunday, Nov. 22, a day on which a slew of new polls show that Donald Trump has improved his leads in both of those states and nationally. Seventy-one days ago, the national Republican front-runner was ... Donald Trump, who led by 13.8 points in the Real Clear Politics polling average. Seventy-one days before that, though, the front-runner was Jeb Bush. If you...
He has a great foreign policy because it is not based on how many troops he can get killed . Unlike GOP foreign policy .
That's exactly why his policy is so bad. He refuses to put troops out in the field. Reality Check. You don't put them out when you don't have to. You do when you have to. Obama violates this. Thank goodness he wasn't president in 1941.

I'm glad he got us out of Iraq . A decade of death and trillions of dollars were enough .

You conservatives want perpetual war . And you say u care about the troops? Bullshitt !
I'm glad he got us out of Iraq . A decade of death and trillions of dollars were enough .

You conservatives want perpetual war . And you say u care about the troops? Bullshitt !
I AM the troops. I was there in Iraq August 2015-October 2015, as a volunteer. What you are "glad: about has brought about the rise and huge danger to us of ISIS. They are now he worst threat this country has ever faced. And Obama created it by pulling the troops out in 2011. and creating the vacuum that ISIS filled.
What you don't seem to get is there is an international jihad whose goal it is to anniilate America, and htis is in a time of nuclear weapons. You want to ignore that ? That is madness.
He has a great foreign policy because it is not based on how many troops he can get killed . Unlike GOP foreign policy .
That's exactly why his policy is so bad. He refuses to put troops out in the field. Reality Check. You don't put them out when you don't have to. You do when you have to. Obama violates this. Thank goodness he wasn't president in 1941.
Fallacy of false equivalency. No, we don't send brigades to Syria and Iraq. We continue to arm Iraqis, Kurds, Jordanians, etc., plus coordinating with France and Russia on intelligence and air strikes.

Let protectionist run the war, and we will all be speaking Arabic in one year.

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