Make All Drugs Legal.


VIP Member
Feb 17, 2023
Not only that, but have them produced by the government so they would be cheaper than what could be bought from places like mexico. The U.S wants to hurt the cartels? I think the government is making too much money off it to do that. But if they really wanted to do it, that would be the way to do it. I heard that they made drugs legal in Portugal. What happened? Drug use dropped! I did a thread on homelessness and my solution to it. Everybody basically said that the homeless were basically drug addicts and deserved to be where they are. So there was no sense in helping them. Well what do you think of this plan. It worked in Portugal.
Not only that, but have them produced by the government so they would be cheaper than what could be bought from places like mexico. The U.S wants to hurt the cartels? I think the government is making too much money off it to do that. But if they really wanted to do it, that would be the way to do it. I heard that they made drugs legal in Portugal. What happened? Drug use dropped! I did a thread on homelessness and my solution to it. Everybody basically said that the homeless were basically drug addicts and deserved to be where they are. So there was no sense in helping them. Well what do you think of this plan. It worked in Portugal.

Here's an idea for you.
Make a prison like set up where the junkies can get all the drugs they want for free,with the stipulation that once they enter they cant leave unless they can go without drugs for six months while surrounded by free drugs.
Sounds fair to me.
Not only that, but have them produced by the government so they would be cheaper than what could be bought from places like mexico. The U.S wants to hurt the cartels? I think the government is making too much money off it to do that. But if they really wanted to do it, that would be the way to do it. I heard that they made drugs legal in Portugal. What happened? Drug use dropped! I did a thread on homelessness and my solution to it. Everybody basically said that the homeless were basically drug addicts and deserved to be where they are. So there was no sense in helping them. Well what do you think of this plan. It worked in Portugal.
Yeah....The gubmint is world famous for making everything cheaper!

San Francisco thought legalization and decriminalization would help. So did Portland and Los Angeles. It didn't. If anything the cartels are making more money than ever. If the government gave drugs away free it wouldn't help. The cartels can always come up with something to increase the high and be deadlier.

Because the results of drug use are becoming so nightmarish, it might be better to match the cartels. They come up with fentanyl, we give fentanyl away free. They add xylazine, we add xylazine, free. The added benefit is that xylazine renders opiod antidotes completely ineffective and causes the flesh at injection sites to rot. Yes, the cartels will come up with something new. Or, the Chinese will. Meanwhile free federal provided drugs can start cleaning out the users and the homeless.

Legalization is starting to look good.
Not only that, but have them produced by the government so they would be cheaper than what could be bought from places like mexico. The U.S wants to hurt the cartels? I think the government is making too much money off it to do that. But if they really wanted to do it, that would be the way to do it. I heard that they made drugs legal in Portugal. What happened? Drug use dropped! I did a thread on homelessness and my solution to it. Everybody basically said that the homeless were basically drug addicts and deserved to be where they are. So there was no sense in helping them. Well what do you think of this plan. It worked in Portugal.

I think we can all look to you as an example and a warning of what the tragic consequences would be of legalizing all drug abuse.
Not only that, but have them produced by the government so they would be cheaper than what could be bought from places like mexico. The U.S wants to hurt the cartels? I think the government is making too much money off it to do that. But if they really wanted to do it, that would be the way to do it. I heard that they made drugs legal in Portugal. What happened? Drug use dropped! I did a thread on homelessness and my solution to it. Everybody basically said that the homeless were basically drug addicts and deserved to be where they are. So there was no sense in helping them. Well what do you think of this plan. It worked in Portugal.
This ain't Portugal.

200,000 Americans have been murdered by cartels selling drugs laced with fentanyl from China, and the 200,000 deaths start count from 2021 after Joe Biden welcomed millions and millions more of people, thousands of whom were prisoners dumpees, criminal insane assylum lifers, unwanted orphans, active criminals, serial rapists, and cartel employees to threaten drug storekeepers to drum up more drug business than they already have to line the pockets of the drug kingpins.

We need to consider the drug trade a war against the people and their families, and do a little bombing buzzes on their headquarters to halt the trade in its entirity. We need to close the border and/or annex countries that cannot control the drug terrorists that have developed to terrorize American people with horrific drug deaths and murders.

Some people just can't say "no" to drugs, and they need us to get rid of the problem. That takes guts. Biden doesn't have what it takes to stop the traffic.
Yes .. I agree .. make them legal, cheap and let all those addicts just kill themselves off .. They are such a burden to society, and produce little if any value to their community. They steal, loot, cheat, rob or whatever measure it takes to get their next fix.
All drugs should not be legal. Decriminalize simple possession because once drugs are bought by the user that particular battle in the drug war is over.
Guns kill people, make them illegal.

Drugs kill people, make them legal.
the war on drugs certainly hasn't worked. we should try what Portugal did... remember they also have a mental health system for God's sake That actually works. our homeless are mainly off their meds....
the war on drugs certainly hasn't worked. we should try what Portugal did... remember they also have a mental health system for God's sake That actually works. our homeless are mainly off their meds....
legalized dope makes sense....let the useless junkies kill themselves faster
legalized dope makes sense....let the useless junkies kill themselves faster
actually we could test it for fentanyl so we wouldn't have 80,000 dead a year And 10 times as many prisoners per capita as anywhere else. Great job GOP!
I heard that they made drugs legal in Portugal.


Drugs are not legal in Portugal. They were decriminalized. There is a difference.

You should educate yourself prior to trying to discuss a topic. You probably will not come off as less imbecilic, but at least you may not be caught lying.
Not only that, but have them produced by the government so they would be cheaper than what could be bought from places like mexico. The U.S wants to hurt the cartels? I think the government is making too much money off it to do that. But if they really wanted to do it, that would be the way to do it. I heard that they made drugs legal in Portugal. What happened? Drug use dropped! I did a thread on homelessness and my solution to it. Everybody basically said that the homeless were basically drug addicts and deserved to be where they are. So there was no sense in helping them. Well what do you think of this plan. It worked in Portugal.
Portugal legalized pot many years ago, and it was followed by reduced use by youngsters of pot. That must be 20 years ago now.

There is no question prohibition makes things worse. We presumably learned that lesson with the Volstead Act a century ago, but politicians like to keep the prohibition in place. The CIA benefits from it and so does the Bureau Of Prisons.

So nothing is going to change because those in control very much like the criminal status quo.

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