Most Who Think Trump Is Racist Unable To Articulate Clearly Why

And let's not forget how Donald was on the forefront of the birth of movement. That's racist.

You're the nincompoop who thought Muslims are a race...and you expect to be taken serious on race issues? LOL, no, just no
Oh I know it's a religion. But let's face it when you hear Muslim you're thinking about a certain race, just admit it.

point in case libtards are always viewing people by race-gender-income status
Case in point ,none of you have addressed the examples on how Donald is a racist.
And let's not forget how Donald was on the forefront of the birth of movement. That's racist.

You're the nincompoop who thought Muslims are a race...and you expect to be taken serious on race issues? LOL, no, just no
Oh I know it's a religion. But let's face it when you hear Muslim you're thinking about a certain race, just admit it.

I admit nothing, you're the one associating Muslim with race. You really are stupid
Retweeting tweets from white nationalists seems like something that is easily articulated.

Course I don't really think he is racist. I just understand why some say he is
Meh, the left loons are always calling people racists, bigots, homophobe, etc....just laugh at them, it infuriates them
When we see racists, and homophobes we call you on it. And it infuriates you.
You only seem to see racists and homophobe so when it's politically expedient. I could name names in the Democratic Party all day long and you'd never admit it. When it comes to one of your favorites, Muslims, their religion is based totally on racism, bigotry, and Homophobia and you simply ignore it.
Meh, the left loons are always calling people racists, bigots, homophobe, etc....just laugh at them, it infuriates them
When we see racists, and homophobes we call you on it. And it infuriates you.

There is nothing you can call me that would infuriate me, you're on a fool's errand even trying. Going around calling people racist, bigot etc is childish at best....child
And let's not forget how Donald was on the forefront of the birth of movement. That's racist.

You're the nincompoop who thought Muslims are a race...and you expect to be taken serious on race issues? LOL, no, just no
Oh I know it's a religion. But let's face it when you hear Muslim you're thinking about a certain race, just admit it.

I admit nothing, you're the one associating Muslim with race. You really are stupid

leftards are often racist they view everything based on race

it is part of their political platform

In NY yesterday, anti-Trump protestors were asked why they felt Trump was a racist. Many of them couldn't say, and some who did couldn't communicate it rationally. Of the ones who were able to put in words why they felt he was racist, these were some of the reasons:

  1. He wants to deport people who aren't like him
  2. He wants to build a wall
  3. He wants Mexico to pay for it
  4. He wants to stop Muslims from coming here
  5. He talks like a racist

First of all, the only people Trump wants to deport are people who are here illegally, not blacks and other brown people.
Second, he wants to build a wall to keep these people from coming here illegally.
Next, he wants to make the country that is letting all of these people get to our border without stopping them, pay for the wall, because they are the cause of the problem in the first place.
And OMG, he never said he wants to stop all Muslims from coming here, only the ones who want to come here so they can kill us. How many others have said the same thing in a slightly different way? Well, because it's Donald Trump, the Republican front-runner, he's a racist. If this isn't a false rationalization, then the truth doesn't exist.....especially when it comes to Democrats.

I guess National Security is racist then.

This is the American Left. Standing up for criminals and people who would kill them without a second thought. The nerve of this guy (Trump). He should know better than to try to keep the people of this country safe. He should be shunned from every college campus in America.....that rotten bastard.

The last point was that he talks like a racist. I never hear Trump calling anyone the "N" word. He never says "You People'. He doesn't talk about killing Jews like Muslims often do. A guy who was once President of Iran was invited to the campus of Columbia and he received a warm reception, but that guy was a cold-blooded murderer. How many times had he chanted "Death To America", and proudly proclaimed that he would wipe Israel off the map? How many homosexuals did he personally hang in the square in Tehran so he could proudly say 'there are no Gays in Iran'? How many Christians has he personally killed in his lifetime?

I just don't understand how people on the left can be so stupid. And they say We're stupid and they're smart.

One of them said "We can't have a bigot in the White House"...

.....too late.


You and people like you not finding Trump a racist, just because he's selective in his hate....than God help us all. Dude, you are fuckin insane!!
Is Trump a racist? Nope, not more than anyone else, black, white or purple. That's just the Regressive Left doing its "you're a racist" thing.

Have his ridiculous campaign comments and behaviors attracted a clearly racist element? Of course they have. Maybe these people were just LOOKING for a national figure to jump in with and he came close enough, who knows.

And he sure as hell hasn't helped, and I'm guessing it's because he really doesn't know what he's doing and he's afraid to piss any supporters off.

Lay with dogs, get up with fleas. He could fix this if he had the balls.

In NY yesterday, anti-Trump protestors were asked why they felt Trump was a racist. Many of them couldn't say, and some who did couldn't communicate it rationally. Of the ones who were able to put in words why they felt he was racist, these were some of the reasons:

  1. He wants to deport people who aren't like him
  2. He wants to build a wall
  3. He wants Mexico to pay for it
  4. He wants to stop Muslims from coming here
  5. He talks like a racist

First of all, the only people Trump wants to deport are people who are here illegally, not blacks and other brown people.
Second, he wants to build a wall to keep these people from coming here illegally.
Next, he wants to make the country that is letting all of these people get to our border without stopping them, pay for the wall, because they are the cause of the problem in the first place.
And OMG, he never said he wants to stop all Muslims from coming here, only the ones who want to come here so they can kill us. How many others have said the same thing in a slightly different way? Well, because it's Donald Trump, the Republican front-runner, he's a racist. If this isn't a false rationalization, then the truth doesn't exist.....especially when it comes to Democrats.

I guess National Security is racist then.

This is the American Left. Standing up for criminals and people who would kill them without a second thought. The nerve of this guy (Trump). He should know better than to try to keep the people of this country safe. He should be shunned from every college campus in America.....that rotten bastard.

The last point was that he talks like a racist. I never hear Trump calling anyone the "N" word. He never says "You People'. He doesn't talk about killing Jews like Muslims often do. A guy who was once President of Iran was invited to the campus of Columbia and he received a warm reception, but that guy was a cold-blooded murderer. How many times had he chanted "Death To America", and proudly proclaimed that he would wipe Israel off the map? How many homosexuals did he personally hang in the square in Tehran so he could proudly say 'there are no Gays in Iran'? How many Christians has he personally killed in his lifetime?

I just don't understand how people on the left can be so stupid. And they say We're stupid and they're smart.

One of them said "We can't have a bigot in the White House"...

.....too late.


You and people like you not finding Trump a racist, just because he's selective in his hate....than God help us all. Dude, you are fuckin insane!!

You are the very last person who should be screaming racist
You know he settled with the Justice Department because he wasn't renting his units to blacks?

The problem is that you right-wingers don't see racism in anything less then someone wearing a white hood and burning across on the lawn.

That cross burning was just exercising your 1st amendment rights... what makes you think it was racist...

As for the white hood, it was sunny earlier and I was just keeping the sun away...

Bet the lefties will think it is all down to racism, they just want to take away my rights to burn crosses and dress in a white hood..

Obama is just a burning cross grabber... Do he not realize we have been burning crosses on their lawns for over a century... The blacks don't mind and with a bit of encouragement they can be coaxed out of there house and watch it the end of a rope in a nearby tree... It is all just harmless fun a games...
But it is our tradition, bet Obama wants to take that off us...
The Democratic Party’s Legacy of Racism | Ashbrook

December 2002

by Mackubin T. Owens

It’s about time that Republicans quit pussy-footing around on the issue of race. They need to point out that in both principle and practice, the Republican Party has a far better record than the Democrats on race. Even more importantly, they need to stress that on the issues that most affect African-Americans today, the Democratic position represents racism of the most offensive sort—a patronizing racism that denigrates Blacks every bit as badly as the old racism of Jim Crow and segregation.

Republicans can begin by observing that their Party was founded on the basis of principles invoked by Abraham Lincoln. He himself recurred to the principles of the American Founding, specifically the Declaration of Independence, so we can say that the principles of the Republican Party are the principles of the nation. In essence these principles hold that the only purpose of government is to protect the equal natural rights of individual citizens. These rights inhere in individuals, not groups, and are antecedent to the creation of government. They are the rights invoked by the Declaration of Independence—life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness—not happiness, but the pursuit of happiness.

We should remember that the Republican Party was created in response to a crisis arising from the fact that American public opinion on the issue of slavery had drifted away from the principles of the Founding. While the Founders had tolerated slavery out of necessity, many Americans, especially within the Democratic Party, had come to accept the idea that slavery was a "positive good." While Thomas Jefferson, the founder of what evolved into the Democratic Party, had argued that slavery was bad not only for the slave but also for the slave owner, John C. Calhoun, had turned this principle on its head: slavery was good not only for the slave holder, but also for the slave.

Calhoun’s fundamental enterprise was to defend the institution of slavery. To do so, he first had to overturn the principles of the American Founding. He started with the Declaration of Independence, arguing that "[the proposition ’all men are created equal’] as now understood, has become the most false and dangerous of all political errors….We now begin to experience the danger of admitting so great an error to have a place in the declaration of independence." Thus Calhoun transformed the Democratic Party of Jefferson into the Party of Slavery.

The most liberal position among ante-bellum Democrats regarding slavery was that slavery was an issue that should be decided by popular vote. For example, Stephen Douglas, Lincoln’s opponent in the 1858 Illinois senate race and the 1860 presidential campaign, advocated "popular sovereignty." He defended the right of the people in the territories to outlaw slavery, but also defended the right of Southerners to own slaves and transport them to the new territories.

The Democratic Party’s war against African-Americans continued after the Civil War (which many Democrats in fact opposed, often working actively to undercut the Union war effort). Democrats, both north and south fought the attempt to implement the equality for African-Americans gained at such a high cost. This opposition was often violent. Indeed, the Ku Klux Klan operated as the de facto terrorist arm of the national Democratic Party during Reconstruction.

Democrats defeated Reconstruction in the end and on its ruins created Jim Crow. Democratic liberalism did not extend to issue of race. Woodrow Wilson was the quintessential "liberal racist," a species of Democrat that later included the likes of William Fulbright of Arkansas, Sam Ervin of North Carolina, and Albert Gore, father of Al, of Tennessee.

In the 1920s, the Republican Party platform routinely called for anti-lynching legislation. The Democrats rejected such calls in their own platforms. When FDR forged the New Deal, he was able to pry Blacks away from their traditional attachment to the Party of Lincoln. But they remained in their dependent status, Democrats by virtue of political expediency, not principle.

As the incomparable Ann Coulter has observed, when Strom Thurmond, the praise of whom landed Sen. Lott in hot water, ran a segregationist campaign in 1948, he ran as a Dixie-CRAT, not a Dixie-CAN. When he lost, he went back to being a Democrat. He only repudiated his segregationist views when he later became a Republican

Even the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which supposedly established the Democrats’ bona fides on race, was passed in spite of the Democrats rather than because of them. Republican Senate Minority Leader Everett Dirksen pushed the bill through the Senate, despite the no-votes of 21 Democrats, including Gore Sr. and Robert Byrd, who remains a powerful force in the Senate today. In contrast, only four Republicans opposed the bill, mostly like Barry Goldwater on libertarian principles, not segregationist ones.

Indeed, the case of Sen. Byrd is instructive when it comes to the double standard applied to the two parties when it comes to race. Even those Democrats who have exploited the Lott affair acknowledge that he is no racist. Can the same be said about Sen. Byrd, who was a member of the KKK and who recently used the "n" word on national TV?

"Ah, but this is all in the past," say the Democrats. "Now we push a pro-African-American agenda." But the reality differs significantly from the claim.

Take the issue of education. The single biggest obstacle to the achievement of true equality in the United States is not poverty, but education. If Democrats sincerely wished to help the minority children on whose behalf they claim to labor, they would embrace school choice to help such children escape the trap of sub-standard schools. But that would offend the teachers’ unions upon which the Democrats depend for financial and "in-kind" support. So as has often been the case with the group politics of the Democratic party, African-American interests are sacrificed to other groups who have more pull.

"Affirmative action" has become the touchstone of Democratic racial politics. Democrats portray anyone who opposes affirmative action as racist. But affirmative action, as currently practiced, is racist to the core. It is based on the assumption that African-Americans are incapable of competing with whites. It represents the kind of paternalistic racism that would have done honor to Calhoun. For the modern liberal Democratic racist as for the old-fashioned one, blacks are simply incapable of freedom. They will always need Ol’ Massa’s help. And woe be to any African-American who wanders off of the Democratic plantation. Ask Clarence Thomas, Thomas Sowell, Shelby Steele, or Ward Connerly. Although they echo the call for a "color-blind society" that once characterized the vision of Martin Luther King Jr., they are pilloried as "Uncle Toms" of "Oreos" by such enforcers of the Democratic plantation system as Jesse Jackson or Al Sharpton.

Read more here....The Democratic Party’s Legacy of Racism | Ashbrook
Funny...these stupid liberals, leftists, femminists think he's racist just because he said immigrants are too many and they should be deported.
I'm sure he said that just because he wants to gain voters from those who know what immigration is but he's absolutely right

In NY yesterday, anti-Trump protestors were asked why they felt Trump was a racist. Many of them couldn't say, and some who did couldn't communicate it rationally. Of the ones who were able to put in words why they felt he was racist, these were some of the reasons:

  1. He wants to deport people who aren't like him
  2. He wants to build a wall
  3. He wants Mexico to pay for it
  4. He wants to stop Muslims from coming here
  5. He talks like a racist

First of all, the only people Trump wants to deport are people who are here illegally, not blacks and other brown people.
Second, he wants to build a wall to keep these people from coming here illegally.
Next, he wants to make the country that is letting all of these people get to our border without stopping them, pay for the wall, because they are the cause of the problem in the first place.
And OMG, he never said he wants to stop all Muslims from coming here, only the ones who want to come here so they can kill us. How many others have said the same thing in a slightly different way? Well, because it's Donald Trump, the Republican front-runner, he's a racist. If this isn't a false rationalization, then the truth doesn't exist.....especially when it comes to Democrats.

I guess National Security is racist then.

This is the American Left. Standing up for criminals and people who would kill them without a second thought. The nerve of this guy (Trump). He should know better than to try to keep the people of this country safe. He should be shunned from every college campus in America.....that rotten bastard.

The last point was that he talks like a racist. I never hear Trump calling anyone the "N" word. He never says "You People'. He doesn't talk about killing Jews like Muslims often do. A guy who was once President of Iran was invited to the campus of Columbia and he received a warm reception, but that guy was a cold-blooded murderer. How many times had he chanted "Death To America", and proudly proclaimed that he would wipe Israel off the map? How many homosexuals did he personally hang in the square in Tehran so he could proudly say 'there are no Gays in Iran'? How many Christians has he personally killed in his lifetime?

I just don't understand how people on the left can be so stupid. And they say We're stupid and they're smart.

One of them said "We can't have a bigot in the White House"...

.....too late.


You and people like you not finding Trump a racist, just because he's selective in his hate....than God help us all. Dude, you are fuckin insane!!

You are the very last person who should be screaming racist

I own my racism, all of it. I hate dumb stupid pathetic conservatives...own it. Now you need to own yours. Trump is a racist white motherfucker, end of story.

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