Mueller Lets His Actions Do His Talking

My prediction= They all end up swinging in the breeze.

What if this was 1800?

Where would Hillary and Mueller and Obama be? Swinging in the breeze, you bet your ass they would be.

Next to Holder, Lynch, the Bushes..
The same Deep State operative Robert Mueller that helped to cover up the inside job that was 9/11/01 that leftwingers cussed sideways and frontwards back in 2003 and 2004???? THAT Robert Mueller?????
The same guy that is a republican and did this:

"Mueller, along with deputy attorney general James Comey, threatened to resign from office, in March 2004, if the White House overruled a Department of Justice finding that domestic wiretapping without a court warrant was unconstitutional.[25] Attorney General John Ashcroft denied his consent to attempts by White House Chief of Staff Andrew Card and White House Counsel Alberto Gonzales to waive the Justice Department ruling and permit the domestic warrantless eavesdropping program to proceed. On March 12, 2004, George W. Bush gave his support to changes in the program sufficient to satisfy the concerns of Mueller, Ashcroft and Comey."

You mean the guy that is a patriot and partisan republicans are trying to destroy his integrity because he is investigating the president?

From the beloved leftard website that they love to quote.......

No, Robert Mueller And James Comey Aren't Heroes | HuffPost

Never quoted that website. You do because you agree with the far left.

Ummm, I think the website speaks for itself. I have no use for fabian socialists or neocons that are nothing but tools of the shadow government, Mueller's role in the cover-up of 9/11 speaks for itself. I would GLADLY oversee the execution of all the neocons and leftwing establishment types that allowed it to happen to carry out the PNAC plan that has continued to this day.If Trump supports the overthrow of Assad in Syria then he will be on my "Sack Of Shit" list as well. I know of what I are simply a partisan shill trolling and hoping.
oh the length to which trumpanzees will go for their dear leader.... spin away little ones ~ spin away.....

The same Deep State operative Robert Mueller that helped to cover up the inside job that was 9/11/01 that leftwingers cussed sideways and frontwards back in 2003 and 2004???? THAT Robert Mueller?????
The same guy that is a republican and did this:

"Mueller, along with deputy attorney general James Comey, threatened to resign from office, in March 2004, if the White House overruled a Department of Justice finding that domestic wiretapping without a court warrant was unconstitutional.[25] Attorney General John Ashcroft denied his consent to attempts by White House Chief of Staff Andrew Card and White House Counsel Alberto Gonzales to waive the Justice Department ruling and permit the domestic warrantless eavesdropping program to proceed. On March 12, 2004, George W. Bush gave his support to changes in the program sufficient to satisfy the concerns of Mueller, Ashcroft and Comey."

You mean the guy that is a patriot and partisan republicans are trying to destroy his integrity because he is investigating the president?

LMAO! The illegal surveillance of American citizens never stopped and it has only gotten worse. Mueller nor Comey did diddly squat. Mueller did, however, stonewall any investigation into what the FBI did or did not know about the terrorists doing flight training right under the nose of all the alphabet agencies. Mueller was cursed by the leftwingers back in the early 2000s but now? The man is a CHAMPION of honesty and truth!!!!! ROTFLMAO!!!!!

Mueller does not control surveillance laws and do I really have to post this again:

"Mueller, along with deputy attorney general James Comey, threatened to resign from office, in March 2004, if the White House overruled a Department of Justice finding that domestic wiretapping without a court warrant was unconstitutional.[25] Attorney General John Ashcroft denied his consent to attempts by White House Chief of Staff Andrew Card and White House Counsel Alberto Gonzales to waive the Justice Department ruling and permit the domestic warrantless eavesdropping program to proceed. On March 12, 2004, George W. Bush gave his support to changes in the program sufficient to satisfy the concerns of Mueller, Ashcroft and Comey.[25]"

Does this sound like someone who wants to abuse surveillance laws?

Do I need to repost what I did about Deep State Operative and neocon Robert Mueller did that tried to cover up the FBI's role in the biggest false flag ever that was 9/11/01????
You can post your meth head conspiracy theories all you want, they aren't fact.

Yeah but there was a conspiracy by Trump and the Rooskies to reveal the corruption of the DNC and their role in child trafficking...THOSE conspiracies you believe in. Trump and the ROOSKIES cheated when they ALLEGEDLY revealed how the leftards were cheating....sure ya wanna go with that one? We already know that it was Seth Rich that leaked the e-mails but the "Russia did it" lie draws attention away from the damning contents of the betcha.
My prediction= They all end up swinging in the breeze.

What if this was 1800?

Where would Hillary and Mueller and Obama be? Swinging in the breeze, you bet your ass they would be.

Next to Holder, Lynch, the Bushes..
Even if it was 1800 in the US people have to be convicted in court before they "swing in the breeze", or at least if you follow the constitution. This isn't Putin's Russia.
My prediction= They all end up swinging in the breeze.

What if this was 1800?

Where would Hillary and Mueller and Obama be? Swinging in the breeze, you bet your ass they would be.

Next to Holder, Lynch, the Bushes..
Even if it was 1800 in the US people have to be convicted in court before they "swing in the breeze", or at least if you follow the constitution. This isn't Putin's Russia.

There would be no corrupt obstructionists to get in the way in 1800.
My prediction= They all end up swinging in the breeze.

What if this was 1800?

Where would Hillary and Mueller and Obama be? Swinging in the breeze, you bet your ass they would be.

Next to Holder, Lynch, the Bushes..
Even if it was 1800 in the US people have to be convicted in court before they "swing in the breeze", or at least if you follow the constitution. This isn't Putin's Russia.

There would be no corrupt obstructionists to get in the way in 1800.
Anyways this is the United States not Putin's Russia so your partisan execution fantasies won't happen. Shame you have no respect for the laws of the United States.
My prediction= Mueller earns himself Federal prison time.

Law and order is back, and there's a backlog of things to get done.
The very concept of America is that no one is above the law. That has been being muddled for quite some time now.

No more than 30 years, though.

That's why America is great because America is good!

What will be found on the DNC server, that is the question. The DNC and the left wing should have STFU instead of creating this unlikely scenario of collusion. But they were not smart enough to beat Trump at anything yet they keep on trying. Kinda like the American Generals keep trying to be the Globe Trotters.
The very concept of America is that no one is above the law. That has been being muddled for quite some time now.

No more than 30 years, though.

That's why America is great because America is good!

Bill Clinton waged war on American citizens at Waco, and that wasn't a problem for the party of the people.

Bill Clinton lied to their faces on TV. Wagging his bony finger in our collective faces. For once I actually believed him, and he shoved that belief.

Hillary hides the Rose Law firm billing records until after the stay of execution and the left is just happy as hell she got away with another crime.

I understand the left acting like petulant children. Petulant children don't like being called out on their bad conduct.
So far, Robert Mueller has remained silent during his investigation into Russia’s interference in the 2016 election. It is the most sensitive, and likely the most important, Justice Department investigation in the last decade or longer.

Since his appointment as special counsel, Mueller has submitted a budget, hired a team of expert investigators, including fifteen Justice Department prosecutors. He will definitely be hiring additional experienced personnel as time wears on and incriminating evidence piles higher and higher.

Even conservatives know the Big Orange Idiot’s administration is corrupt from top to bottom, but their typical denial of facts prevents their admitting it. And as heads begin to roll, it will be interesting to see just how many of the top criminals fall. Or, will enough of Big Orange’s subordinates be willing to fall on their swords to save him and the other higher-ups? This is not likely.

Unlike Nixon’s handful of cohorts in crime who took the rap for him, Big Orange’s gang has too many criminals with loose lips who participated in the many, yet undiscovered, illegal activities that will by uncovered by Mueller and his team.

As the young, spoiled, wealthy, putz, he is, Big Orange’s son-in-law Kushner has too much too lose to willingly spend years in a white collar prison to save his dementia-suffering daddy-in-law’s a$$. Kushner will be the first to sing like a canary to remain free.

After Kushner blabs, the confessions begin to flow freely and the plea-bargains come into play. This will have Mueller shouting “Timmmmberrrrrrr” as he fells the most corrupt administration in U.S. history.

Whether Pence takes Big Orange’s place in the White House is still up in the air. His ascension will depend on how cooperative he is concerning his own involvement in the scandal(s). He is probably in too deep to get any help from Mueller. But, only time will tell. It is certain Paul Ryan has his fingers crossed, hoping to get his shot at the White House before his Trumpcare stupidity has his constituents forcing him out of politics entirely.

It is certain the conservative-controlled Supreme Court will refuse to hear any case that might hint at voiding the Republicans’ illegal win in the 2016 election. They refused to do so in crooked election of 2000, so why change now?

As usual, average Americans are getting cheated by the fat cats. And, again, the stupid conservatives believe they “won”, along with the billionaires. Now, that's funny!

Special Counsel Mueller Lets His Actions Do The Talking: 15 Hires, More to Come


View attachment 137817

Debating a conservative is like playing chess with a pigeon, they wander around the board aimlessly, sh!t on everything, EVERYTHING, and still believe they won.


Spot on. The thing we the people need to fear is Wag the Dog. Trump's #1 priority is himself, and sending our troops into harms way is a way to change the dialogue.
Mueller is in charge of the investigation whether you agree or not. I'm sure you will agree if Trump is cleared. I will too. Let the investigation play out and stop trying to demean Mueller like you are one of Putin's bitches.
So far, Robert Mueller has remained silent during his investigation into Russia’s interference in the 2016 election. It is the most sensitive, and likely the most important, Justice Department investigation in the last decade or longer.

Since his appointment as special counsel, Mueller has submitted a budget, hired a team of expert investigators, including fifteen Justice Department prosecutors. He will definitely be hiring additional experienced personnel as time wears on and incriminating evidence piles higher and higher.

Even conservatives know the Big Orange Idiot’s administration is corrupt from top to bottom, but their typical denial of facts prevents their admitting it. And as heads begin to roll, it will be interesting to see just how many of the top criminals fall. Or, will enough of Big Orange’s subordinates be willing to fall on their swords to save him and the other higher-ups? This is not likely.

Unlike Nixon’s handful of cohorts in crime who took the rap for him, Big Orange’s gang has too many criminals with loose lips who participated in the many, yet undiscovered, illegal activities that will by uncovered by Mueller and his team.

As the young, spoiled, wealthy, putz, he is, Big Orange’s son-in-law Kushner has too much too lose to willingly spend years in a white collar prison to save his dementia-suffering daddy-in-law’s a$$. Kushner will be the first to sing like a canary to remain free.

After Kushner blabs, the confessions begin to flow freely and the plea-bargains come into play. This will have Mueller shouting “Timmmmberrrrrrr” as he fells the most corrupt administration in U.S. history.

Whether Pence takes Big Orange’s place in the White House is still up in the air. His ascension will depend on how cooperative he is concerning his own involvement in the scandal(s). He is probably in too deep to get any help from Mueller. But, only time will tell. It is certain Paul Ryan has his fingers crossed, hoping to get his shot at the White House before his Trumpcare stupidity has his constituents forcing him out of politics entirely.

It is certain the conservative-controlled Supreme Court will refuse to hear any case that might hint at voiding the Republicans’ illegal win in the 2016 election. They refused to do so in crooked election of 2000, so why change now?

As usual, average Americans are getting cheated by the fat cats. And, again, the stupid conservatives believe they “won”, along with the billionaires. Now, that's funny!

Special Counsel Mueller Lets His Actions Do The Talking: 15 Hires, More to Come


View attachment 137817

Debating a conservative is like playing chess with a pigeon, they wander around the board aimlessly, sh!t on everything, EVERYTHING, and still believe they won.


Spot on. The thing we the people need to fear is Wag the Dog. Trump's #1 priority is himself, and sending our troops into harms way is a way to change the dialogue.
Yes, and we have evidence of that in history. Clinton and Serbia and Obama and Syria.
The same Deep State operative Robert Mueller that helped to cover up the inside job that was 9/11/01 that leftwingers cussed sideways and frontwards back in 2003 and 2004???? THAT Robert Mueller?????

Idiot-gram ^^^ by one of the resident conspiracy promulgators.

I know more than you...not that it takes much to do so...but still? (snicker)
The same Deep State operative Robert Mueller that helped to cover up the inside job that was 9/11/01 that leftwingers cussed sideways and frontwards back in 2003 and 2004???? THAT Robert Mueller?????

Idiot-gram ^^^ by one of the resident conspiracy promulgators.

I know more than you...not that it takes much to do so...but still? (snicker)
Are you the real life Dale Gribble?

I am your worst cyber nightmare, dumb ass...I tell the truth.

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