New Poll: 3 in 10 Republicans believe Trump will be reinstated

Will Trump be reinstated to Office this year?

  • Yes

    Votes: 3 3.8%
  • No

    Votes: 54 69.2%
  • Koolaid

    Votes: 21 26.9%

  • Total voters
Dubya was accused of Crimes against Humanity and war crimes. The Trumpster avoided new wars.
Trump comitted crimes against the American people , the Constitution and Democracy. Dubya was /is no saint and I dispised him at the time. But in many ways he is a statesman did not damage our relationships with our friends or kiss up to our foes . I would support him over the Orange Ogre any day

Dubya stood accused of stealing both the 2000 and 2004 elections, are you backing off of that?

He also did waterboarding, torturing Evil Doers at Abu Ghraib and Gitmo, according to the libs.

Dissed the French with his quest to replace French Fries with Freedom Fries.

Everyone hated W as I remember, at least everyone on the Far Left. Yet all was forgiven when he voted for Sleepy Joe and Hillary?
It's always a good sign when they go after me.
No one is going after you are insignificant....
Time for a reality check silly: Trump is not getting reinstated and you have no clue what will be in 2024.
Never said he would be...but if America still believed in justice and that we elect our own leader in a verifiable way he would be....
But I will say one thing for certain...democrats are about to face a cold winter that could last for 22 the GOP takes control and in 24 the GOP seats Trump or a Trump endorsed president....
Again, you are having trouble separating your fantasies from fact.

You don't know any of that, no one does, it's just wishful thinking.
You are in denial....
I think it would be great for America. Trump was a great POTUS and Biden is an incompetent idiot who's already screwed up the border that Trump had handled very well.

Biden has added 1.9 trillion to the debt and his green shit will cost us up the ass.

Oh yeah. I'd love Trump back in the WH.
Are you one of those three in ten?
I'd say its more that 3 in 10 and it will be 10 in 10 if we make it through four years of the incompetent ass you voted for.
So you believe Trump will be reinstated in August?
You better hope not, because you'd have a stroke if he did. Fact.
This really isn't funny any more.

Trump supporters: Do you think this is intellectually and emotionally healthy? Do you think this is good for America?

It's okay, Vichy Mac. If Trump ever gets back into office, you'll be the first one to suck up to him.
I think it would be great for America. Trump was a great POTUS and Biden is an incompetent idiot who's already screwed up the border that Trump had handled very well.

Biden has added 1.9 trillion to the debt and his green shit will cost us up the ass.

Oh yeah. I'd love Trump back in the WH.

600,000 dead
65 million jobs lost
165,000 businesses closed.
Riots in the streets.

Seriously, you want more of this? Why do you hate America?
Many Americans believe that:


How about you? And what would be the consequence?
The whole stolen election August thing is about money for Scumpty, i.e., keep those cards and letters coming folks (stuffed with cash for his eminence.)
No one's listening to your idiocy... Trump didn't go through leftist Hell for money, otherwise he isn't that stupid....Him trying to restore American industry, military might, community, upholding rights, the constitution, and re-creating or fixing an American nation was his goal. It ain't over unless the evil left attempts to do more evil stuff trying to stop him. The nation is watching closely now, and every move the left makes is seen or expected by patriot's. The poorly built leftist dam will burst eventually.
No one's listening to your idiocy... Trump didn't go through leftist Hell for money, otherwise he isn't that stupid....Him trying to restore American industry, military might, community, upholding rights, the constitution, and re-creating or fixing an American nation was his goal. It ain't over unless the evil left attempts to do more evil stuff trying to stop him. The nation is watching closely now, and every move the left makes is seen or expected by patriot's. The poorly built leftist dam will burst eventually.

Actually, even Republicans are trying to get away from Trump.

Many Americans believe that:


How about you? And what would be the consequence?
The whole stolen election August thing is about money for Scumpty, i.e., keep those cards and letters coming folks (stuffed with cash for his eminence.)
No one's listening to your idiocy... Trump didn't go through leftist Hell for money, otherwise he isn't that stupid....Him trying to restore American industry, military might, community, upholding rights, the constitution, and re-creating or fixing an American nation was his goal. It ain't over unless the evil left attempts to do more evil stuff trying to stop him. The nation is watching closely now, and every move the left makes is seen or expected by patriot's. The poorly built leftist dam will burst eventually.
Trumps alleged goals, how did Guaido achieve them?
Dubya was accused of Crimes against Humanity and war crimes. The Trumpster avoided new wars.
Trump comitted crimes against the American people , the Constitution and Democracy. Dubya was /is no saint and I dispised him at the time. But in many ways he is a statesman did not damage our relationships with our friends or kiss up to our foes . I would support him over the Orange Ogre any day

Dubya stood accused of stealing both the 2000 and 2004 elections, are you backing off of that?

He also did waterboarding, torturing Evil Doers at Abu Ghraib and Gitmo, according to the libs.

Dissed the French with his quest to replace French Fries with Freedom Fries.

Everyone hated W as I remember, at least everyone on the Far Left. Yet all was forgiven when he voted for Sleepy Joe and Hillary?
After 9-11, Bush had unprecedented international and bipartisan support. Democrats gave him free reign and supported whatever he wanted.

It was not till he abandoned the war on terror and unnecessarily invaded Iraq that the world and Democrats turned on him.
I would love to see a real insurrection with the military and police telling Democrats to go fuck themselves and put Trump in the White House. I would love it.

Why? That's a terrible thought. And it would mark the U.S. decline into simply a third world military run dictatorship. Far more certain than even the worst fantasies of many on the left.
This really isn't funny any more.

Trump supporters: Do you think this is intellectually and emotionally healthy? Do you think this is good for America?

Here is another poll. Zero in 10 don't give a damn.

TDS man, get some help, will ya?

It's not really about the former guy, it's about the mentality of a good portion of the GOP.

About 1/3 of the GOP are hard core Trumpies so this sounds about right to me.
I would love to see a real insurrection with the military and police telling Democrats to go fuck themselves and put Trump in the White House. I would love it.

Why? That's a terrible thought. And it would mark the U.S. decline into simply a third world military run dictatorship. Far more certain than even the worst fantasies of many on the left.
Disagree. I'm sure the Americans of 1776 heard the same scare stuff when they signed the Declaration of Independence and prepared for War against the greatest military on the planet.

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