No, don't impeach,,,,but also don't let up....

Trump's advisors (the few left he may have who can still think rationally) are begging for impeachment to start since that may be the ONLY way to make Trump into a "martyr" and get re-elected by his fired up base....and maybe a percentage of independent voters. Impeachment is a VERY divisive issue that can only benefit Trump.....and maybe lose the House majority for democrats.

So, don't impeach Trump........Compel Mueller to testify even if only to read before a TV audience what is spelled out in his report (since Trump cult members refuse to read it.)

Also, compel testimony from the remainder of Mueller's team and let Trump's acolytes lawyer-up as they defy subpoenas brought before a court of jurisdiction.

If democrats can present ambitious bills (such as infrastructure, the lowering prescription drug costs, etc.) AND also taint Trump as the low-life demagogue on a daily basis, democrats will gain the WH, keep control of the House and gain about 10 to 15 seats in the Senate.

Impeachment accomplishes nothing and will only serve to benefit Trump.

Trump needs to be voted out of office.
Trump's advisors (the few left he may have who can still think rationally) are begging for impeachment to start since that may be the ONLY way to make Trump into a "martyr" and get re-elected by his fired up base....and maybe a percentage of independent voters. Impeachment is a VERY divisive issue that can only benefit Trump.....and maybe lose the House majority for democrats.

So, don't impeach Trump........Compel Mueller to testify even if only to read before a TV audience what is spelled out in his report (since Trump cult members refuse to read it.)

Also, compel testimony from the remainder of Mueller's team and let Trump's acolytes lawyer-up as they defy subpoenas brought before a court of jurisdiction.

If democrats can present ambitious bills (such as infrastructure, the lowering prescription drug costs, etc.) AND also taint Trump as the low-life demagogue on a daily basis, democrats will gain the WH, keep control of the House and gain about 10 to 15 seats in the Senate.
I disagree, they MUST impeach, otherwise you're sending the message to future Presidents that they can be as lawless and unconstrained as they want to be.

No I say. No.
Trump's advisors (the few left he may have who can still think rationally) are begging for impeachment to start since that may be the ONLY way to make Trump into a "martyr" and get re-elected by his fired up base....and maybe a percentage of independent voters. Impeachment is a VERY divisive issue that can only benefit Trump.....and maybe lose the House majority for democrats.

So, don't impeach Trump........Compel Mueller to testify even if only to read before a TV audience what is spelled out in his report (since Trump cult members refuse to read it.)

Also, compel testimony from the remainder of Mueller's team and let Trump's acolytes lawyer-up as they defy subpoenas brought before a court of jurisdiction.

If democrats can present ambitious bills (such as infrastructure, the lowering prescription drug costs, etc.) AND also taint Trump as the low-life demagogue on a daily basis, democrats will gain the WH, keep control of the House and gain about 10 to 15 seats in the Senate.
I disagree, they MUST impeach, otherwise you're sending the message to future Presidents that they can be as lawless and unconstrained as they want to be.

No I say. No.

I agree, if you believe the right thing to do is to impeach, then you impeach. I'd have a lot more respect for a party that would conduct business this way.
I am not so sure about that.

What if several of the D candidates for POTUS decided to leave the party and start a new party? Clearly the D Party is anti-progressive and a corporatist Party. That just might kill the D Party once and for all. It might also cause the death of the R Party. A win-win for all Americans, but those in the 1%.

Because of course the 1% aren't Americans....

Class envy is still class envy, be it from the right or left.
That’s hilarious. You must know who benefits the most from the duopoly. If not, I can’t help you.

Every system has people at the top of it. Thinking changing that can happen just results in different people at the top, and usually with more power.
Yeah. Let’s just forget about it.

Why do you support the criminals in the transnational capitalist class? You have nothing in common with them.

1st, they are not all criminals. Just because they have more $$ than you do doesn't mean they got it through criminal means.

I'm not a jealous wanna-be revolutionary.

And I don't begrudge people their own property when acquired legally.

There will always be people more well off than me, or more powerful than me, or both.
I not jealous or begrudging. I’m just more aware of the truth than you are.
Because of course the 1% aren't Americans....

Class envy is still class envy, be it from the right or left.
That’s hilarious. You must know who benefits the most from the duopoly. If not, I can’t help you.

Every system has people at the top of it. Thinking changing that can happen just results in different people at the top, and usually with more power.
Yeah. Let’s just forget about it.

Why do you support the criminals in the transnational capitalist class? You have nothing in common with them.

1st, they are not all criminals. Just because they have more $$ than you do doesn't mean they got it through criminal means.

I'm not a jealous wanna-be revolutionary.

And I don't begrudge people their own property when acquired legally.

There will always be people more well off than me, or more powerful than me, or both.
I not jealous or begrudging. I’m just more aware of the truth than you are.

Keep telling yourself that.
So, don't impeach Trump........Compel Mueller to testify even if only to read before a TV audience what is spelled out in his report (since Trump cult members refuse to read it.)

Which will do absolutely nothing and won't happen anyway. The Democrats need to nut up and impeach based on obstruction of justice. Period.
go ahead; Impeach Trump & make him the martyr that his GOP cult speaks of .............

caddo kid Just so you know...even if the Dems do go through the Impeachment, it will fail in the Senate. As much as the Hatred for Trump continues...
I am can also guarantee he will continue to ramp up the investigations of the Deep State.
I cannot believe you actually believe in the Mueller Report of all things. It is full of hatred and holes. This is what the Democrats have been going on. Nothing but lies.
But you keep hating Trump. He certainly doesn't care what the Democrats want to do next. At the end, it will be Trump that will get the last laugh. :D
That’s hilarious. You must know who benefits the most from the duopoly. If not, I can’t help you.

Every system has people at the top of it. Thinking changing that can happen just results in different people at the top, and usually with more power.
Yeah. Let’s just forget about it.

Why do you support the criminals in the transnational capitalist class? You have nothing in common with them.

1st, they are not all criminals. Just because they have more $$ than you do doesn't mean they got it through criminal means.

I'm not a jealous wanna-be revolutionary.

And I don't begrudge people their own property when acquired legally.

There will always be people more well off than me, or more powerful than me, or both.
I not jealous or begrudging. I’m just more aware of the truth than you are.

Keep telling yourself that.
I don’t have to. It’s just common knowledge.
I disagree, they MUST impeach, otherwise you're sending the message to future Presidents that they can be as lawless and unconstrained as they want to be.

No I say. No.

I know that it is an issue of Politics versus Ethics/morality......

Ethically, Trump is the MOST deserving of impeachment.....but

Politically, democrats would lose the WH, the House majority and possibly also a few Senate seats.

Tough choice since there is NO republican party left.....just a Trump CULT that must be defeated.
go ahead; Impeach Trump & make him the martyr that his GOP cult speaks of .............

caddo kid Just so you know...even if the Dems do go through the Impeachment, it will fail in the Senate. As much as the Hatred for Trump continues...
I am can also guarantee he will continue to ramp up the investigations of the Deep State.
I cannot believe you actually believe in the Mueller Report of all things. It is full of hatred and holes. This is what the Democrats have been going on. Nothing but lies.
But you keep hating Trump. He certainly doesn't care what the Democrats want to do next. At the end, it will be Trump that will get the last laugh. :D

I KNOW that the Sinate would NOT vote to convict if a vote for impeachment were forwarded from The House.

You're telling me something I already KNOW.

The fact is, Trump violated his oath by partaking in multiple obstructive acts in his attempts to derail Mueller's investigation.
That is a clear 'abuse of power' and The House needs to hold the executive to account for that abuse of power, period.
It is a principle on which The Constitution is based; not based on if The Sinate would vote for, or against.

Hopefully you & others understand it is a matter of principle; nothing else.
The fact is, Trump violated his oath by partaking in multiple obstructive acts in his attempts to derail Mueller's investigation.
That is a clear 'abuse of power' and The House needs to hold the executive to account for that abuse of power, period.
It is a principle on which The Constitution is based; not based on if The Sinate would vote for, or against.

We'll see...
Impeach him and you will find out, you are wrong :D
The fact is, Trump violated his oath by partaking in multiple obstructive acts in his attempts to derail Mueller's investigation.
That is a clear 'abuse of power' and The House needs to hold the executive to account for that abuse of power, period.
It is a principle on which The Constitution is based; not based on if The Sinate would vote for, or against.

We'll see...
Impeach him and you will find out, you are wrong :D

Standing up for principle is not wrong; maybe to you it is wrong but then, I'm not you.
Standing up for principle is not wrong; maybe to you it is wrong but then, I'm not you.

Look, Trump isn't perfect. But you guys haven't even proven that he is even guilty of any wrongdoings. Lol
The Mueller Report is a total sham from the get-go.
Impeachment may prove a "moral victory" for democrats and our system of democracy.....but it would also prove to be a Pyrrhic one.......

Tough choice.
mpeachment may prove a "moral victory" for democrats and our system of democracy.....but it would also prove to be a Pyrrhic one.......

Tough choice.

Actually, it would be a huge failure for the Democrats...
Man, nat4900 you seriously need to get out of the house more and shut off that shitty CNN and BSNBC off :D
It's amazing how incompetent Trump and his admin. are, and how stupid his supporters are, when you consider how effective Trump and his admin. have been.
Trump's advisors (the few left he may have who can still think rationally) are begging for impeachment to start since that may be the ONLY way to make Trump into a "martyr" and get re-elected by his fired up base....and maybe a percentage of independent voters. Impeachment is a VERY divisive issue that can only benefit Trump.....and maybe lose the House majority for democrats.

So, don't impeach Trump........Compel Mueller to testify even if only to read before a TV audience what is spelled out in his report (since Trump cult members refuse to read it.)

Also, compel testimony from the remainder of Mueller's team and let Trump's acolytes lawyer-up as they defy subpoenas brought before a court of jurisdiction.

If democrats can present ambitious bills (such as infrastructure, the lowering prescription drug costs, etc.) AND also taint Trump as the low-life demagogue on a daily basis, democrats will gain the WH, keep control of the House and gain about 10 to 15 seats in the Senate.
I disagree, they MUST impeach, otherwise you're sending the message to future Presidents that they can be as lawless and unconstrained as they want to be.

No I say. No.
Where was the law broken?
when you consider how effective Trump and his admin. have been.

The above moron must be "proud" of:

That built wall paid by Mexico

That new and cheaper HC bill that covers everyone...

Those trade deals that have forced expensive and unheard of subsidies to farmers

The bring NK to its knees....

etc., etc. etc.........LOL
It's amazing how incompetent Trump and his admin. are, and how stupid his supporters are, when you consider how effective Trump and his admin. have been.

Where were all the Democrats and liberals yesterday? Lol
Oh wait....they were all watching repeats of the Mueller Speech. Talk about a waste of air time. Lol

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