No, don't impeach,,,,but also don't let up....

Then I assume you are ready to man the barricades?
Nope. Too old now. But I will cheer you on.

Ending the two party duopoly does not need to be violent.

In order to not be violent it needs to start at the lower levels. Another party has to make inroads at the local and State levels first.

No one seems to have the stomach for it though.
I am not so sure about that.

What if several of the D candidates for POTUS decided to leave the party and start a new party? Clearly the D Party is anti-progressive and a corporatist Party. That just might kill the D Party once and for all. It might also cause the death of the R Party. A win-win for all Americans, but those in the 1%.

Because of course the 1% aren't Americans....

Class envy is still class envy, be it from the right or left.
That’s hilarious. You must know who benefits the most from the duopoly. If not, I can’t help you.

Every system has people at the top of it. Thinking changing that can happen just results in different people at the top, and usually with more power.
Too funny!
House Dems work less than 3 days per week, have all the ongoing Trump investigations in motion, may additionally take on impeachment, and the OP delusionally believes they can take on, in his words, ambitious bills.

The OP needs to be monkey hammered....or already has been!
Actually the house has passed over 300 pieces of legislation, McConnell won't bring any of them up in the Senate.

So who can't get anything done?

The Senate is approving judges at a rapid clip. They are saving the judiciary.
The House can't even pass a Budget. Whose job is it to pass the 2020 Budget?
"Saving the judiciary?"

They're stacking it with morons who aren't qualified. It's gonna take decades to undo the damage these idiots will cause.
Care to prove that these people aren't qualified?

Of course not. Mental midgets on The Left never prove anything.

Just because a judge is a Constructionalist instead of an Activist does not mean they are morons.

All SCOTUS Judges should be Constructionalist.

Judges are not supposed to legislate from The Bench, but that is all Liberal Judges ever do.
Its not the left disqualifying them, its the bar association: Like this guy for example. And there is more. Trump leads in disqualified judges.
Even the acting AG wasnt qualified.

Then, there is also 36 year old blogger Brett Talley.

So why don't they fire them? Or is it just an opinion from dumbass liberals ..
Too funny!
House Dems work less than 3 days per week, have all the ongoing Trump investigations in motion, may additionally take on impeachment, and the OP delusionally believes they can take on, in his words, ambitious bills.

The OP needs to be monkey hammered....or already has been!
Actually the house has passed over 300 pieces of legislation, McConnell won't bring any of them up in the Senate.

So who can't get anything done?

The Senate is approving judges at a rapid clip. They are saving the judiciary.
The House can't even pass a Budget. Whose job is it to pass the 2020 Budget?
"Saving the judiciary?"

They're stacking it with morons who aren't qualified. It's gonna take decades to undo the damage these idiots will cause.
Care to prove that these people aren't qualified?

Of course not. Mental midgets on The Left never prove anything.

Just because a judge is a Constructionalist instead of an Activist does not mean they are morons.

All SCOTUS Judges should be Constructionalist.

Judges are not supposed to legislate from The Bench, but that is all Liberal Judges ever do.
Its not the left disqualifying them, its the bar association: Like this guy for example. And there is more. Trump leads in disqualified judges.
Even the acting AG wasnt qualified.

Then, there is also 36 year old blogger Brett Talley.

So the ABA is 100% apolitical?
Too funny!
House Dems work less than 3 days per week, have all the ongoing Trump investigations in motion, may additionally take on impeachment, and the OP delusionally believes they can take on, in his words, ambitious bills.

The OP needs to be monkey hammered....or already has been!
Actually the house has passed over 300 pieces of legislation, McConnell won't bring any of them up in the Senate.

So who can't get anything done?

The Senate is approving judges at a rapid clip. They are saving the judiciary.
The House can't even pass a Budget. Whose job is it to pass the 2020 Budget?
"Saving the judiciary?"

They're stacking it with morons who aren't qualified. It's gonna take decades to undo the damage these idiots will cause.
Care to prove that these people aren't qualified?

Of course not. Mental midgets on The Left never prove anything.

Just because a judge is a Constructionalist instead of an Activist does not mean they are morons.

All SCOTUS Judges should be Constructionalist.

Judges are not supposed to legislate from The Bench, but that is all Liberal Judges ever do.
Dumbasses on the right always demanding "proof" of shit that's right in front of their eyes if they would just open them.

Trump Picks More ‘Not Qualified’ Judges (1)

The Moscow Mueller Fake Report was The Proof you demanded and you rejected it.


And Herr Mueller knew there was NO COLLUSION 18 months ago.

So why didn't he just stop the Fake Investigation then?

You are making the accusations, so you have to provide The Proof.

That's how this works.
Violating the rules doesn't make you a freedom fighter. It just makes you appear as an unhinged lunatic, bereft of self-control and unwilling to learn from experience. While I agree with you more often than not, your posting style I find patently abysmal.

Skip my threads then......I was never much of a follower of rules.
IS THAT why you support illegal immigration, people doing Heroin right out in public, and shit on the sidewalks of sanctuary cities?
Probably also why you don't care about ensuring the integrity of our elections, and supporting Voter ID.
Trump's advisors (the few left he may have who can still think rationally) are begging for impeachment to start since that may be the ONLY way to make Trump into a "martyr" and get re-elected by his fired up base....and maybe a percentage of independent voters. Impeachment is a VERY divisive issue that can only benefit Trump.....and maybe lose the House majority for democrats.

So, don't impeach Trump........Compel Mueller to testify even if only to read before a TV audience what is spelled out in his report (since Trump cult members refuse to read it.)

Also, compel testimony from the remainder of Mueller's team and let Trump's acolytes lawyer-up as they defy subpoenas brought before a court of jurisdiction.

If democrats can present ambitious bills (such as infrastructure, the lowering prescription drug costs, etc.) AND also taint Trump as the low-life demagogue on a daily basis, democrats will gain the WH, keep control of the House and gain about 10 to 15 seats in the Senate.
Everyone...yes everyone...knows that the current GOP run Senate would never vote to convict. ..even if donnie shot someone on 5th Ave. in broad daylight. Heck, even if donnie shot their mothers on 5th Ave in broad daylight.
Nope. Too old now. But I will cheer you on.

Ending the two party duopoly does not need to be violent.

In order to not be violent it needs to start at the lower levels. Another party has to make inroads at the local and State levels first.

No one seems to have the stomach for it though.
I am not so sure about that.

What if several of the D candidates for POTUS decided to leave the party and start a new party? Clearly the D Party is anti-progressive and a corporatist Party. That just might kill the D Party once and for all. It might also cause the death of the R Party. A win-win for all Americans, but those in the 1%.

Because of course the 1% aren't Americans....

Class envy is still class envy, be it from the right or left.
That’s hilarious. You must know who benefits the most from the duopoly. If not, I can’t help you.

Every system has people at the top of it. Thinking changing that can happen just results in different people at the top, and usually with more power.
Yeah. Let’s just forget about it.

Why do you support the criminals in the transnational capitalist class? You have nothing in common with them.
Well well, look who just tapped other words they should just do their jobs because the electorate is on to them

Just so that you don't think I try to help Trump ass kissers on here......but YOU should know that your dwindling ilk is NOT the "electorate"........

Didn't you watch the 2018 election returns???
You know what's really insulting to donnie's deplorables...the expectation that they actually read Mueller's report. That's the unforgivable sin....insulting their pride in their ignorance.
Actually the house has passed over 300 pieces of legislation, McConnell won't bring any of them up in the Senate.

So who can't get anything done?

The Senate is approving judges at a rapid clip. They are saving the judiciary.
The House can't even pass a Budget. Whose job is it to pass the 2020 Budget?
Maybe if you think putting in judges that believe corporations are people, or that businesses get more rights than individual citizens, or that taking away your home via eminent domain for a private business to come in and make money off of it, is good for our Nation.... but I don't. The next generation of citizens is going to be sh*t out of luck, thanks to appointing those judges imo...

1. Corporations are JOBS, good jobs, (jobs are for "people" i.e. corporations help people) they are important to our nation. Overtax them and they move. Look at the moron AOC chasing HQ2 to VA, how stupid was that?
2. Eminent Domain is a very fair trade, the "taking" means that the owners get well compensated. Its progress, its business, its building stuff, its jobs.
3. If the voters don't like the direction of the country they can do a "change election" like 2016 and put in Leftist judges that create law instead of following the laws.
Lol @ "corporations help people".

May be the funniest thing I've heard all week.

My Corporation provides employment for tens of 1,000 s of people World Wide. Aside from my great salary and benefits, they give a lot to charity, they give out scholarships, and donate millions of dollars every year to deserving charities. They sponsor kids in after school programs, pay for tutors, and provide paid internships, and a whole lot of other stuff.

If you as an employee have a charity you support, and you tell the company about it, they will match your donation. That goes for every single employee even if all of them support charities.

They also give us 16 hours of paid time off to work at soup kitchens, or with children or at a shelter to all employees.

So when Left Tards decide they are going to raid our economy to pay for things like guaranteed income, sit on your ass welfare benefits, and make everyone support the 20-30 Million Illegals in this country, and then on top of that dump a load of shit on our country and economy in the form of a Green New Scam, all of that charity goes away, because my company just won't be able to afford it.

Truth is, Liberals want control of charitable monies, in the form of taxes so THEY CAN DECIDE what programs THEY WANT TO SUPPORT.

Just like they do with abortion religious people are forced to pay for, or Union Dues, and other crap that should be voluntary.

Must be a rare company run by liberal types.
Ds are caught between a rock and a hard place. Impeach and risk turning The Don into a martyr and pissing off much of America. Not impeaching risks alienating your base and losing their votes and money.

With any luck, their failure to impeach will lead to the demise of the two party system. That would be awesome.

You wrongly assume that the failure of this system would result in something more to your liking.

History shows us this is usually not the case.
I can’t agree. The two criminal parties really just gangs of lawyers doing the bidding of their donors, the transnational capitalist class. Time to put an end to this abomination.

Then I assume you are ready to man the barricades?
If those barricades are soft couches with beer and cheetos.......:71:
Trump's advisors (the few left he may have who can still think rationally) are begging for impeachment to start since that may be the ONLY way to make Trump into a "martyr" and get re-elected by his fired up base....and maybe a percentage of independent voters. Impeachment is a VERY divisive issue that can only benefit Trump.....and maybe lose the House majority for democrats.

So, don't impeach Trump........Compel Mueller to testify even if only to read before a TV audience what is spelled out in his report (since Trump cult members refuse to read it.)

Also, compel testimony from the remainder of Mueller's team and let Trump's acolytes lawyer-up as they defy subpoenas brought before a court of jurisdiction.

If democrats can present ambitious bills (such as infrastructure, the lowering prescription drug costs, etc.) AND also taint Trump as the low-life demagogue on a daily basis, democrats will gain the WH, keep control of the House and gain about 10 to 15 seats in the Senate.

Your primary complaint of the last two years, was proven to be a lie. Why should your other accusations be given any credibility?

Rhetorical question. I look forward to what gibberish you will post instead of actually addressing it.
Actually the house has passed over 300 pieces of legislation, McConnell won't bring any of them up in the Senate.

So who can't get anything done?

The Senate is approving judges at a rapid clip. They are saving the judiciary.
The House can't even pass a Budget. Whose job is it to pass the 2020 Budget?
"Saving the judiciary?"

They're stacking it with morons who aren't qualified. It's gonna take decades to undo the damage these idiots will cause.
Care to prove that these people aren't qualified?

Of course not. Mental midgets on The Left never prove anything.

Just because a judge is a Constructionalist instead of an Activist does not mean they are morons.

All SCOTUS Judges should be Constructionalist.

Judges are not supposed to legislate from The Bench, but that is all Liberal Judges ever do.
Its not the left disqualifying them, its the bar association: Like this guy for example. And there is more. Trump leads in disqualified judges.
Even the acting AG wasnt qualified.

Then, there is also 36 year old blogger Brett Talley.

So the ABA is 100% apolitical?
Just because you can't do your job without taking your personal politics into consideration doesn't mean the rest us are similarly handicapped.
The Senate is approving judges at a rapid clip. They are saving the judiciary.
The House can't even pass a Budget. Whose job is it to pass the 2020 Budget?
"Saving the judiciary?"

They're stacking it with morons who aren't qualified. It's gonna take decades to undo the damage these idiots will cause.
Care to prove that these people aren't qualified?

Of course not. Mental midgets on The Left never prove anything.

Just because a judge is a Constructionalist instead of an Activist does not mean they are morons.

All SCOTUS Judges should be Constructionalist.

Judges are not supposed to legislate from The Bench, but that is all Liberal Judges ever do.
Its not the left disqualifying them, its the bar association: Like this guy for example. And there is more. Trump leads in disqualified judges.
Even the acting AG wasnt qualified.

Then, there is also 36 year old blogger Brett Talley.

So the ABA is 100% apolitical?
Just because you can't do your job without taking your personal politics into consideration doesn't mean the rest us are similarly handicapped.
You are though.
In order to not be violent it needs to start at the lower levels. Another party has to make inroads at the local and State levels first.

No one seems to have the stomach for it though.
I am not so sure about that.

What if several of the D candidates for POTUS decided to leave the party and start a new party? Clearly the D Party is anti-progressive and a corporatist Party. That just might kill the D Party once and for all. It might also cause the death of the R Party. A win-win for all Americans, but those in the 1%.

Because of course the 1% aren't Americans....

Class envy is still class envy, be it from the right or left.
That’s hilarious. You must know who benefits the most from the duopoly. If not, I can’t help you.

Every system has people at the top of it. Thinking changing that can happen just results in different people at the top, and usually with more power.
Yeah. Let’s just forget about it.

Why do you support the criminals in the transnational capitalist class? You have nothing in common with them.

1st, they are not all criminals. Just because they have more $$ than you do doesn't mean they got it through criminal means.

I'm not a jealous wanna-be revolutionary.

And I don't begrudge people their own property when acquired legally.

There will always be people more well off than me, or more powerful than me, or both.
Ds are caught between a rock and a hard place. Impeach and risk turning The Don into a martyr and pissing off much of America. Not impeaching risks alienating your base and losing their votes and money.

With any luck, their failure to impeach will lead to the demise of the two party system. That would be awesome.

You wrongly assume that the failure of this system would result in something more to your liking.

History shows us this is usually not the case.
I can’t agree. The two criminal parties really just gangs of lawyers doing the bidding of their donors, the transnational capitalist class. Time to put an end to this abomination.

Then I assume you are ready to man the barricades?
If those barricades are soft couches with beer and cheetos.......:71:

That coming from someone who lets the government do their dirty work so their gloves are bloodless is comical.
The Senate is approving judges at a rapid clip. They are saving the judiciary.
The House can't even pass a Budget. Whose job is it to pass the 2020 Budget?
"Saving the judiciary?"

They're stacking it with morons who aren't qualified. It's gonna take decades to undo the damage these idiots will cause.
Care to prove that these people aren't qualified?

Of course not. Mental midgets on The Left never prove anything.

Just because a judge is a Constructionalist instead of an Activist does not mean they are morons.

All SCOTUS Judges should be Constructionalist.

Judges are not supposed to legislate from The Bench, but that is all Liberal Judges ever do.
Its not the left disqualifying them, its the bar association: Like this guy for example. And there is more. Trump leads in disqualified judges.
Even the acting AG wasnt qualified.

Then, there is also 36 year old blogger Brett Talley.

So the ABA is 100% apolitical?
Just because you can't do your job without taking your personal politics into consideration doesn't mean the rest us are similarly handicapped.

Nice non-answer there, loser-boi.

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