No Women: You Do NOT Have the Right To Choose

I have always said a fetus is a developing human life. Abortion kills that potential. IMO that is taking a life really. You can throw all the semantics you want at it but that's the truth. If you kill a pregnant woman and her fetus you could be charged with a double homicide in more than 30 states.
I have always said a fetus is a human life in the making. A few strands of DNA are not a human being any more than a blueprint for a house is a house. As for 'potential', I don't buy it, every time you have sex but use birth control you are killing potential human life. So?
I have always said a fetus is a human life in the making. A few strands of DNA are not a human being any more than a blueprint for a house is a house. As for 'potential', I don't buy it, every time you have sex but use birth control you are killing potential human life. So?
Contraception is something to be worshipped as a gift. Those against it have no standing in regards to religion for contraception does not prevent life.
I have always said a fetus is a human life in the making. A few strands of DNA are not a human being any more than a blueprint for a house is a house. As for 'potential', I don't buy it, every time you have sex but use birth control you are killing potential human life. So?
I do not equate birth control with killing a potential human life because it thwarts fertilization which, IMO, is the start of human life. A developing zygote will most likely develop into a new human life if not aborted. Thinking a fertilized egg will NOT most likely develop into a human being is a false narrative, IMO.
I support this:

A woman’s right to make her own choice over her body, health and whether or not to have a child.

Safe, unobstructed, legal abortion with some restrictions.
All this is a focus on the pregnant woman, rather than the # 1 most important player in the scenario > the pre-born person.

NO, there IS NO "woman's right to make her own choice over her body, health and whether or not to have a child." Once the woman has MADE A CHOICE by having sex, the "right" then shifts entirely to the pre-born person.

Maybe I have to repeat things for the benefit of those who don't read the OP - since the pregnant woman has merely a convenience issue, as opposed to life or death to the fetus, the clearly gives the fetus the priority in terms of rights.

There is NO SUCH THING as a "Safe" abortion. ALL abortions are unsafe, and are death to the pre-born person. If you wouldn't support yourself to be aborted, don't wish it for others. All these people who protest for abortions to be allowed, are here alive and protesting, because their mothers didn't have one.
All this is a focus on the pregnant woman, rather than the # 1 most important player in the scenario > the pre-born person.

NO, there IS NO "woman's right to make her own choice over her body, health and whether or not to have a child." Once the woman has MADE A CHOICE by having sex, the "right" then shifts entirely to the pre-born person.

Maybe I have to repeat things for the benefit of those who don't read the OP - since the pregnant woman has merely a convenience issue, as opposed to life or death to the fetus, the clearly gives the fetus the priority in terms of rights.

There is NO SUCH THING as a "Safe" abortion. ALL abortions are unsafe, and are death to the pre-born person. If you wouldn't support yourself to be aborted, don't wish it for others. All these people who protest for abortions to be allowed, are here alive and protesting, because their mothers didn't have one.
Abortion is not for the woman it's for the liberal men who want a warm place to put their dicks with no responsibility.
So if I understand the is a good thing, a desirable thing to have Big Government tell an adult woman what she can and cannot do with her uterus.

That seems like a bit of a flip from normal MAGA-think.
Now Big Government is a good thing? And individual bodily autonomy is a bad thing?

Who knew?

I have always said a fetus is a human life in the making. A few strands of DNA are not a human being any more than a blueprint for a house is a house. As for 'potential', I don't buy it, every time you have sex but use birth control you are killing potential human life. So?
Killing potential human life, isn't nearly the same as killing human life.
So if I understand the is a good thing, a desirable thing to have Big Government tell an adult woman what she can and cannot do with her uterus.

That seems like a bit of a flip from normal MAGA-think.
Now Big Government is a good thing? And individual bodily autonomy is a bad thing?

Who knew?

SCOTUS took the decision out of the hands of Big Government.
So if I understand the is a good thing, a desirable thing to have Big Government tell an adult woman what she can and cannot do with her uterus.

That seems like a bit of a flip from normal MAGA-think.
Now Big Government is a good thing? And individual bodily autonomy is a bad thing?

Who knew?

No, you don't understand the OP. You are bringing another item into the picture (government) that the OP did not say a word about. Understanding the OP is simple. It is about the 8th word in the title > "Right"

Yes, individual bodily autonomy is most certainly a bad thing, when it comes to killing a person. Just ask those thousands of persons whose mothers decided to not have an abortion. Maybe you're one of them.

The right to decide whether or not an abortion is to be had, belongs to the pre-born person whose LIFE is at stake. The pregnant woman has nowhere near that much to deal with.
Well obviously women can't get an abortion in states where it is banned but if they travel to a state where abortion is legal what then?

Are you starting to understand why it is impossible to give a fertilized ovum legal rights yet?
It is NOT impossible to give a fertilized ovum legal rights, and legal rights ARE being given to fetuses, in states all across America.
Well if you read carefully, Leo123 said "a fetus is on their way to life". Sounds to me he is saying it is not yet a kid, it is not yet a person, and I agree.

To say this is not a person is ridiculous. Even as early as 11 weeks, the fetus is almost fully developed. At 6 months, it is hardly distinguishable from a born baby. It is a pre-born PERSON.
It is NOT impossible to give a fertilized ovum legal rights, and legal rights ARE being given to fetuses, in states all across America.
Not really

a fetus has not been given the full compliment of rights as born persons.

If you want to call a fetus a person in the full legal sense then that would necessarily mean that all women must be tested for pregnancy on a regular basis and the that state could incarcerate women if it was deemed she was abusing her fetus by smoking or eating a poor diet. A state could then restrict travel to states where abortion is legal so as to protect the fetus.

The ruling on abortion had absolutely nothing to do with the rights of a fetus
There are pills which guarantee no pregnancy even after unprotected sex and they are not abortion pills. Plan B is highly effective. Every woman should have them at their disposal.
So what about a fertilized egg makes it human?

The issue here isn't whether or not a fertilized ovum is human or not. The issue is when does that fertilized ovum become a person in the legal sense of the word with all the rights benefits and privileges of any other person who has been born .

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