Zone1 No Wonder Why I Had Doubts In God's Existence Before

all three desert religions have an unknown, single individual as their sole source for what they claim are the laws made in heaven - the liar moses and their false 10 commandments - and those people and congregations know they are wrong and use them anyway - shocker.

they as history portrays are those who are evil.
You despise people of Faith. You should focus on those who violate others rights such as the Security Industrial Complex, not those who speak of peace and a better world.
I was just having this conversation with my fiancee. A long time ago I couldn't make up my mind on what I actually believed since there are so many beliefs out there, but that's the problem. I was thinking with my mind instead of my heart and the mind can deceive you and has caused me to doubt in the past, but my heart has never faltered.
The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it? Jeremiah 17:9
Seems to me that religions tend to seek political power to support their beliefs, i.e., a theocracy. Got an example of what you say actually being the case?
Got an example of a theocracy of the Bible ever since the Bible was compiled at the Council of Nicaea in 325?
No they actually all worship a different god

all three desert bibles use the same first books (written) by moses - a single source for all their beliefs.

the same god or not only makes their religions even more fictitious as the phony 10 commandments made up by the liar moses already negates their validity.
You despise people of Faith. You should focus on those who violate others rights such as the Security Industrial Complex, not those who speak of peace and a better world.

faith in what - phony 10 commandments used to persecute and victimize the innocent- you might try something other than a false religion to justify your narrow, self fulfilling point of view. than the heavens.
faith in what - phony 10 commandments used to persecute and victimize the innocent- you might try something other than a false religion to justify your narrow, self fulfilling point of view. than the heavens.
I have a fairly open minded point of view actually. To each their own, I've never attempted to convert anyone in my life.
all three desert bibles use the same first books (written) by moses - a single source for all their beliefs.

the same god or not only makes their religions even more fictitious as the phony 10 commandments made up by the liar moses already negates their validity.

And Jews and Muslims do not worship the god that walked the earth as a human

The god of the NT is NOT the god of the OT according to both Jews and Muslims.

Jews completely disavow Jesus as the human embodiment of God and call him a false prophet

Muslims deny Jesus was God incarnate and only say he was a prophet but not as important a prophet as Mohammed.

Different gods
For most people what makes us happy changes during our lifetime.

I was happy before having kids, but now that I have them they make me happy. Even now that my kids are grown and out of the house, just knowing they exist makes me me happy.
I've been wanting to get back to this when I had more time. One of the reasons I am interested in happiness is because when I was in elementary school I read what Abraham Lincoln said about happiness. It stuck with me. He said:

I've found people are about as happy as they make up their minds to be.

I was happy without kids. I was happy with kids. I've been happy driving, not driving, in my garden, not in my garden. So...what is the deeper reason for being happy? Crepitus said he was naturally happy, which is a step inward to why are we happy. And that is where we stopped or paused. Why are we happy? Is it because we make up our minds to be? Or is it something deeper?

Having given this so much thought over the decades, I wonder if being naturally happy is related to being thankful. It is not so much that my daughters make me happy (though they do), I am so thankful for them. I am thankful for my car, my garden, a chance to do a good job each day. That leads to the question of who do we thank?
The implication that one needs a god to be happy is even weirder than the idea one needs god to be a good person.
No...this is not an "implication" that there has to be someone to be thankful towards. For example, one can be thankful that nature produces such beauty.
That's a textbook example of an external locus of control. It's God's fault.

Jesus didn't teach theology. You place more road blocks in front of you than anyone I know. You are outsmarting yourself with your own cleverness. It's not so much that you are invested in what you believe as it is that you are invested with your inability to be wrong about anything even when presented with overwhelming evidence that you are.
Your arrogance is impressive. You find your 'evidence' overwhelming, I do not.
I don't believe that was the case at all. That is a very superficial interpretation and just coincidentally one that just so happens to match your bias. In other words, you see it that way because that's how you want to see it. Unfortunately for you it doesn't explain why on some instances Jesus said tell no one and on others he said tell everyone.
Did both those happen in John or are you bringing in other Gospels?

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