Obamacare: What happens when you can't afford to pay?

The T, Zander stop smartening up chumps. Cost containment goals of ACA is to reduce medical costs rapidly by 25-50%. Figuring in the narrow networks of the exchanges and uneconomically low reimbursement rates this trainwreck is going to remove 4-12% of GDP from one of the highest multiple sectors of the economy. Yeah it will be made a deadletter quick but PM me about how to set up a positive carry short hedge for however long the good times roll. The waiting line deathrates we'll see are regrettable in the extreme but no one you are trying to persuade will pay attention to that until the deaths are 6-7 figures.

The DeathPanelDemocrats have a plan:


DENVER, March 28— Elderly people who are terminally ill have a ''duty to die and get out of the way'' instead of trying to prolong their lives by artificial means, Gov. Richard D. Lamm of Colorado said Tuesday."

Stupidity? I've had health insurance for 30 years and have never used it beyond a few office visits once every few years.

Now, thanks to Obamacare, I won't have to worry about paying those pesky monthly premiums. The law requires insurance companies to sell to EVERYONE regardless of pre-existing conditions. If I get sick, I'll sign up then.

Thanks Obamacare!! You just saved me $12,000 a year!!

No you won't. Unless you plan on only getting sick during open enrollment periods.

What are you going to, live in a bubble for 11 months per year?

I have means.

Worst case, I can travel to other countries for medical care at an 80% discount.

Or I can pay $1,285 a month?? for a plan that has huge deductible and co-pays? What am I getting for my money? Not enough.

No thanks bub....

Well, you would get all kinds of free preventive tests and 30 dollar doctor visits with O-Care...Have you forgotten about the one per cent of your income penalty, which doubles every year...sounds like a life of crime...
And do you think using the ER is a more cost effective manner than having health insurance to begin with?

Do you think the ER can provide a full range of healthcare services that someone with insurance can access? (ie. Can you get your chemo therapy treatment at an ER?)

ER's should be triaging people and sending those who are not emergencies or people just there for day to day things away. Pretty simple concept.

Seems that isn't about to happen.

"More people are seeking care in hospital emergency rooms, and the cost of caring for ER patients has soared 17 percent over two years, despite efforts to direct patients with nonurgent problems to primary care doctors instead, according to new state data."
ER visits, costs in Mass. climb - The Boston Globe
ER visits, costs in Mass. climb - The Boston Globe
That is being solved by closing hospitals and ERs through over narrow networks,
So what? Life is full of risk. You could die crossing the street.

But let's assume your scenario happens. We can fly to Mexico, Costa Rica, or any of dozens of other countries that have excellent medical facilities and doctors. We would receive the medical treatment needed at a fraction of the inflated US cost.

then a few months later (assuming we still wanted to live in the US) , we could sign up for Obamacare.

Either way, we're WAY ahead of the game.


PS- Here is an article about "medical tourism" in Costa Rica

You going to "Fly to mexico" when you get in to a car accident? "Nah, I don't need an ambulance....get me on a plane!"

Do you actually think any of this shit through before you say it?

Car accident? BFD. We'll dip into our savings. We're willing to "self insure'. Why does that scare you?

Heart attack, stroke, etc etc.... lol your so called plan is shit.
Pay attention people.

That is YOU and ME paying for this persons healthcare insurance. Not their health care. But their insurance.

This is called 'redistribution'.

Who do you think paid for it before when that person went to an ER instead?
Who do you think is paying for it still? And at an added cost and burden to Me and everyone else who was paying before.

Now we get to pay more than double for the insurance for ourselves, the insurance for others, AND WE GET TO CONTINUE TO PAY FOR THE EMERGENCY ROOM EXPENDITURES.

Yeah, you fucking fixed it alright.

I can't believe how fucking stupid you are defending this shit.

Now let's try and answer my actual question this time.
The T, Zander stop smartening up chumps. Cost containment goals of ACA is to reduce medical costs rapidly by 25-50%. Figuring in the narrow networks of the exchanges and uneconomically low reimbursement rates this trainwreck is going to remove 4-12% of GDP from one of the highest multiple sectors of the economy. Yeah it will be made a deadletter quick but PM me about how to set up a positive carry short hedge for however long the good times roll. The waiting line deathrates we'll see are regrettable in the extreme but no one you are trying to persuade will pay attention to that until the deaths are 6-7 figures.

The DeathPanelDemocrats have a plan:


DENVER, March 28— Elderly people who are terminally ill have a ''duty to die and get out of the way'' instead of trying to prolong their lives by artificial means, Gov. Richard D. Lamm of Colorado said Tuesday."
Make sure every older voter shows up and votes the governor out of office and all of their kids and grandkids too. Did this idiot learn politics from an internet site?
prior to the ACA, they had healthcare available to them at the ER and other emergency clinics....at no cost to them.

We, the tax payer was fine with the cost to the taxpayer.

So enough with the "remain uninsured" crap. They may have not had insurance, but we, as a society made sure they had healthcare.

Do you disagree with this?

And do you think using the ER is a more cost effective manner than having health insurance to begin with?

Do you think the ER can provide a full range of healthcare services that someone with insurance can access? (ie. Can you get your chemo therapy treatment at an ER?)

ER's should be triaging people and sending those who are not emergencies or people just there for day to day things away. Pretty simple concept.

And your point is......?
The T, Zander stop smartening up chumps. Cost containment goals of ACA is to reduce medical costs rapidly by 25-50%. Figuring in the narrow networks of the exchanges and uneconomically low reimbursement rates this trainwreck is going to remove 4-12% of GDP from one of the highest multiple sectors of the economy. Yeah it will be made a deadletter quick but PM me about how to set up a positive carry short hedge for however long the good times roll. The waiting line deathrates we'll see are regrettable in the extreme but no one you are trying to persuade will pay attention to that until the deaths are 6-7 figures.

The DeathPanelDemocrats have a plan:


DENVER, March 28— Elderly people who are terminally ill have a ''duty to die and get out of the way'' instead of trying to prolong their lives by artificial means, Gov. Richard D. Lamm of Colorado said Tuesday."
Make sure every older voter shows up and votes the governor out of office and all of their kids and grandkids too. Did this idiot learn politics from an internet site?

there were no internet sites in 1984
No you won't. Unless you plan on only getting sick during open enrollment periods.

What are you going to, live in a bubble for 11 months per year?

I have means.

Worst case, I can travel to other countries for medical care at an 80% discount.

Or I can pay $1,285 a month?? for a plan that has huge deductible and co-pays? What am I getting for my money? Not enough.

No thanks bub....

Well, you would get all kinds of free preventive tests and 30 dollar doctor visits with O-Care...Have you forgotten about the one per cent of your income penalty, which doubles every year...sounds like a life of crime...

It's not a crime to not have health insurance.

The maximum TAX is 2.5% of income with a maximum per family of $2086 starting in 2016 - and indexed to inflation. Here is a chart.


Sooo.....Lemme seee....$13,020 per year in premiums for a lousy plan that I will not use...or $2086 TAX that the IRS will NEVER collect?

If I voluntarily pay the tax and remain healthy for the next 10 years (which is highly probable) I will still save $112,000

if they are unable to collect the TAX (which is highly likely since I am not an "employee" and do not withhold) , I will save $130,020.

Thanks Obamacare!!
You going to "Fly to mexico" when you get in to a car accident? "Nah, I don't need an ambulance....get me on a plane!"

Do you actually think any of this shit through before you say it?

Car accident? BFD. We'll dip into our savings. We're willing to "self insure'. Why does that scare you?

Heart attack, stroke, etc etc.... lol your so called plan is shit.

Thanks for your OPINION. But, I don't live in "fear of the unknown".

In the event of a catastrophe we'll pay cash- meanwhile we will be self insured and adding $13,020 per year to our cash pile.
Good luck, hope no one gets cancer or has an accident and you lose everything...
Good luck, hope no one gets cancer or has an accident and you lose everything...

Some people can't afford insurance anymore. They used to have policies, but now have nothing thanks to Obamacare. Some just couldn't afford the rates doubling or tripling. That means all expenses for their health care now come out of their own pocket. If they need care and spend all their money on doctors, they might not be able to afford to pay the fine. If they can't pay the fine, the government can garnish their wages, which would cause even greater hardship or the government can take their property.

Would liberals even feel anything for middle class people who lose their homes because Obamacare made health care too expensive for them and they couldn't afford the fines?

People who were comfortable with what they had now face some tough choices and they could end up losing everything. Pelosi said she thought going to jail was fair for people who failed to pay fines. Yea, that'll teach people not to be able to afford something.

Fucking idiots who support Obamacare because the workers subsidize them. They could care less about those people who are forced by government to sacrifice everything for the benefit of those who only know how to receive and never give.
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Sure, if you live in Pub Propaganda World...

Z, don't worry, you won't have those free preventive care tests, so by the time you find out you have cancer or many other things, it'll be too late anyway. Ah, life with Pubcare...
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Good luck, hope no one gets cancer or has an accident and you lose everything...

Some people can't afford insurance anymore. They used to have policies, but now have nothing thanks to Obamacare. Some just couldn't afford the rates doubling or tripling. That means all expenses for their health care now come out of their own pocket. If they need care and spend all their money on doctors, they might not be able to afford to pay the fine. If they can't pay the fine, the government can garnish their wages, which would cause even greater hardship or the government can take their property.

Would liberals even feel anything for middle class people who lose their homes because Obamacare made health care too expensive for them and they couldn't afford the fines?

People who were comfortable with what they had now face some tough choices and they could end up losing everything. Pelosi said she thought going to jail was fair for people who failed to pay fines. Yea, that'll teach people not to be able to afford something.

Fucking idiots who support Obamacare because the workers subsidize them. They could care less about those people who are forced by government to sacrifice everything for the benefit of those who only know how to receive and never give.
You are talking to a wall. The bodycount will decide the next two elections.
What happens when a person can't afford health insurance that the law now requires?

They don't buy insurance, and end up getting slammed with a tax at the end of the year. Obamacare taxes the poor.

What happens when a person can only afford a plan with the highest possible deductible, in order to keep their monthly premium down?

They can't afford to actually use their health insurance, because they have a little to no disposable income. Thus, they cannot afford the deductibles, co-pays, and co-insurance costs associated with actually going to the doctor. Obamacare directly imposes financial hardships on low income people, which they cannot even benefit from.

What happens when a person can't afford to pay their deductibles, but they have an emergency medical problem and end up in the ER?

They don't have the money, so they don't pay. Obamacare does absolutely nothing to address the problem of increasing costs of health care due to poor and low income people fail to pay medical bills.

So how is it exactly that Democrats can justify supporting this monstrosity?

Hmm, now let's assume Obamacare does not exist. If a family can't afford health insurance, what do they do when one of them gets sick? Who pays? If they get really sick, and the bills go into the hundreds of thousands or even more, who pays?

What you fail to mention is that under Ocare, if you are really poor, you go on Medicaid. If you are a low income earner and do not qualify for Medicaid, then the government subsidizes your premium so that it is affordable enough for you to pay for it. In some cases, you may even receive cost sharing making deductibles very low. The fact is that for low income earners, Obamacare is a Godsend and anyone choosing not to take advantage of it is an idiot. Those who are being hurt by Ocare are those who earn just enough to not receive a subsidy and who are also older. They are getting clobbered by Ocare, because the rates are astronomical for this group of people. This is something that needs to be addressed.

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