Official USMB Mafia Game #2: Enter the Godfather

If Shaitra and/or R.D. were Scum and I'm sitting at L-1 ( they would know I'm Town), surely one of them would switch and have me lynched.

But Mani is right.....the four I mentioned (who are voting for me) one or two of them have got to be Scum. I won't mind being killed if it cements that fact and Town is able to overtake Scum....but if we keep voting Townies off just because we don't like what they said, we're going to lose.

But if either Shaitra or RD are scum and you are too, they won't switch just to leave one scum around. 1 against 7 would be bad odds for them. My guess is that one of them is the other scum.

At this stage in the game, I think scum are not going to be the hammer vote. They are getting too close to the end of the game. Think about it. They have managed to fool us all this long, just a little longer and they could win.

I don't pretend to know what they'll do

If you and I are scum..why wouldn't one if us have already voted Mertex to avoid this?

If Mertex and I are scum...a hammer would have been just as plausible solution before this discussion. We all expressed a no lynch is a desired outcome

If you and Mertex are scum...I'm really suck at this game :D
Hammer warning

If nobody changes their vote or convinces me otherwise, I'm going to hammer Mertex before I leave today.

That would give at least another hour, but definitely less than two.
I don't pretend to know what they'll do

If you and I are scum..why wouldn't one if us have already voted Mertex to avoid this?

If Mertex and I are scum...a hammer would have been just as plausible solution before this discussion. We all expressed a no lynch is a desired outcome

If you and Mertex are scum...I'm really suck at this game :D

Who wants a no lynch? I haven't agreed to one at this point.
I'm sitting here thinking about who could be scum and the only thing I know for sure is I'm town. I'm pretty positive that MeBelle is town too. I've suspected Mertex at times, but I'm pretty sure she is town too.

I don't know which way to go on Luissa or TN because neither of them post enough to get a feel for them.

Manifold doesn't vote much, but he does seem to be generally helpful when he does. But then, he tends to agree with me so maybe he's scum and just trying to stay on my good side. :dunno:

Aye and R.D. both have been helpful at times too. But these two are the ones that most tickle my scum radar.

I don't believe Aye is Scum. She voted for Rosie beginning with Vote count 1.8 on Day 1 and never changed. On Day 2, she voted for Rosie from count 2.1, and didn't change. If she was Scum surely she wouldn't have sacrificed Rosie....that would be bad strategy. If she turns out to be Scum and they win, I'll rethink my belief, but I just don't think Scum would do that. So, you can rule her out.

Luissa came in after Vote Count 1.5 and didn't vote until Vote Count 1.8 when she voted for Avatar and never changed after that. Didn't vote for Rosie, didn't contribute much. Day 2, she didn't vote until the end, Vote Count 2.3 she and MeBelle were voting for me. Day 3, she didn't vote until the end, when she voted for Sameech. Day 4, didn't vote till Vote Count 4.2 when she voted for SB and kept her vote on SB until Vote Count 4.11 when she switched to WS and kept that till WS was lynched.

tn came in on Day 4, after Vote count 4.4 and didn't vote until Vote Count 4.7 when he voted for ACSY and stayed with Aye until the end when WS was lynched.

MeBelle - On Day 1, Vote Count 1.1 she voted for Mani. On Vote Count 1.5 she wasn't voting, and continued not voting until Vote Count 1.14 when she switched to Rosie, but on Vote Count 1.15 she came in and hammered Avatar. On Day 2, She first voted on Vote Count 2.2, for me (Mertex), and didn't change to end, didn't vote for Rosie. Day 3, she was not voting until Vote Count 3.4 when she voted for Sameech. On Day 4 she didn't vote until Vote Count 4.9 when she voted for me (Mertex) and on Vote Count 4.11 switched to Luissa but on Vote Count 4.12 she switched to WS and stayed till the lynch.

Shaitra on Day 1 Vote Count 1.1 voted for Ropey. On Vote Count 1.6 she switched to R.D. until Vote Count 1.13 when she switched to Rosie and stayed with Rosie till end. On Day 2, she first voted on Vote Count 2.2 when she voted for MeBelle and on Vote Count 2.3 she hammered Rosie. (Could be that Mafia knows when one is about to go and throws in a vote to deflect suspicion, so Shaitra isn't ruled out just because she voted for Rosie (at the very last). However, that she stayed with Rosie on Day 1 when most of us were going after Avatar kinda gives her some lee-way.

After all that.....Luissa, MeBelle and tn seem to hold back and then vote for someone that doesn't have too many votes, whether Town or by now, known Scum. Their holding back when they see Townies going after other Townies says scummy. That not voting for a long time does not sound like what Townies would do.

Those voting to lynch WS were: SB, Luissa, Aye, MeBelle, Mani and Shaitra.
I don't pretend to know what they'll do

If you and I are scum..why wouldn't one if us have already voted Mertex to avoid this?

If Mertex and I are scum...a hammer would have been just as plausible solution before this discussion. We all expressed a no lynch is a desired outcome

If you and Mertex are scum...I'm really suck at this game :D

Who wants a no lynch? I haven't agreed to one at this point.

Oops...I skipped a no lynch is NOT a desired outcome.
But if either Shaitra or RD are scum and you are too, they won't switch just to leave one scum around. 1 against 7 would be bad odds for them. My guess is that one of them is the other scum.

At this stage in the game, I think scum are not going to be the hammer vote. They are getting too close to the end of the game. Think about it. They have managed to fool us all this long, just a little longer and they could win.

I don't pretend to know what they'll do

If you and I are scum..why wouldn't one if us have already voted Mertex to avoid this?

If Mertex and I are scum...a hammer would have been just as plausible solution before this discussion. We all expressed a no lynch is a desired outcome

If you and Mertex are scum...I'm really suck at this game :D

Take heart, you don't really suck at this game. :) I know I'm not scum so you have that much right.

The reason I don't think scum would hammer the other at this time is being so close to the end game. Avatar and I talked about it going into the last day and he even told me to hammer him if I had to, to keep suspicion off of myself. But I didn't, and that allowed us to win the game. I know it's only a sample of one, but it's the only experience I have in the matter. :D
I'm here. At work, but popping in when I can.
I'm sitting here thinking about who could be scum and the only thing I know for sure is I'm town. I'm pretty positive that MeBelle is town too. I've suspected Mertex at times, but I'm pretty sure she is town too.

I don't know which way to go on Luissa or TN because neither of them post enough to get a feel for them.

Manifold doesn't vote much, but he does seem to be generally helpful when he does. But then, he tends to agree with me so maybe he's scum and just trying to stay on my good side. :dunno:

Aye and R.D. both have been helpful at times too. But these two are the ones that most tickle my scum radar.

I don't believe Aye is Scum. She voted for Rosie beginning with Vote count 1.8 on Day 1 and never changed. On Day 2, she voted for Rosie from count 2.1, and didn't change. If she was Scum surely she wouldn't have sacrificed Rosie....that would be bad strategy. If she turns out to be Scum and they win, I'll rethink my belief, but I just don't think Scum would do that. So, you can rule her out.

Luissa came in after Vote Count 1.5 and didn't vote until Vote Count 1.8 when she voted for Avatar and never changed after that. Didn't vote for Rosie, didn't contribute much. Day 2, she didn't vote until the end, Vote Count 2.3 she and MeBelle were voting for me. Day 3, she didn't vote until the end, when she voted for Sameech. Day 4, didn't vote till Vote Count 4.2 when she voted for SB and kept her vote on SB until Vote Count 4.11 when she switched to WS and kept that till WS was lynched.

tn came in on Day 4, after Vote count 4.4 and didn't vote until Vote Count 4.7 when he voted for ACSY and stayed with Aye until the end when WS was lynched.

MeBelle - On Day 1, Vote Count 1.1 she voted for Mani. On Vote Count 1.5 she wasn't voting, and continued not voting until Vote Count 1.14 when she switched to Rosie, but on Vote Count 1.15 she came in and hammered Avatar. On Day 2, She first voted on Vote Count 2.2, for me (Mertex), and didn't change to end, didn't vote for Rosie. Day 3, she was not voting until Vote Count 3.4 when she voted for Sameech. On Day 4 she didn't vote until Vote Count 4.9 when she voted for me (Mertex) and on Vote Count 4.11 switched to Luissa but on Vote Count 4.12 she switched to WS and stayed till the lynch.

Shaitra on Day 1 Vote Count 1.1 voted for Ropey. On Vote Count 1.6 she switched to R.D. until Vote Count 1.13 when she switched to Rosie and stayed with Rosie till end. On Day 2, she first voted on Vote Count 2.2 when she voted for MeBelle and on Vote Count 2.3 she hammered Rosie. (Could be that Mafia knows when one is about to go and throws in a vote to deflect suspicion, so Shaitra isn't ruled out just because she voted for Rosie (at the very last). However, that she stayed with Rosie on Day 1 when most of us were going after Avatar kinda gives her some lee-way.

After all that.....Luissa, MeBelle and tn seem to hold back and then vote for someone that doesn't have too many votes, whether Town or by now, known Scum. Their holding back when they see Townies going after other Townies says scummy. That not voting for a long time does not sound like what Townies would do.

Those voting to lynch WS were: SB, Luissa, Aye, MeBelle, Mani and Shaitra.

The only reason I voted for WS was to avoid a no-lynch. We had less than 20 minutes before the deadline. Manifold could have voted for Aye and got a lynch but instead put us in a 5-5 tie. That seems scummy to me, which I said earlier today.
You know, the deadline for today wasn't until next Wednesday. There really was no reason to put the lynch in today unless Wake moved up the deadline?
Vote Count 5.2​
“Clever as the Devil and twice as pretty.”

Not Voting (1): manifold♂

Mertex (4): AyeCantSeeYou♀, Luissa♀, tn5421♂, Mebelle60♀
Luissa (3): Shaitra♀, Mertex♀, R.D.♀

~ With 8 players, it takes 5 to lynch!
~ Deadline expires 6/25/14, @ 4pm central.
~ Zone 1 USMB rules are in effect.
~ Only one Scum performed the kill on SB. :D [MENTION=39075]Shaitra[/MENTION]

The Road So Far...​

Town Cop ~
Town Doctor ~
Town Jailkeeper ~ Grandma
Town Bodyguard ~ strollingbones
Vanilla Townie ~
Vanilla Townie ~ Sameech
Vanilla Townie ~
Vanilla Townie ~
Vanilla Townie ~ Avatar4321
Vanilla Townie ~
Vanilla Townie ~ Wolfsister77
Mafia Godfather ~
Mafia Roleblocker ~
Mafia Goon ~ RosieS

1.1 | 1.2 | 1.3 | 1.4 | 1.5 | 1.6 | 1.7 | 1.8 | 1.9 | 1.10 | 1.11 | 1.12 | 1.13 | 1.14 | 1.15
2.1 | 2.2 | 2.3 | 2.4
3.1 | 3.2 | 3.3 | 3.4
4.1 | 4.2 | 4.3 | 4.4 | 4.5 | 4.6 | 4.7 | 4.8 | 4.9 | 4.10 | 4.11 | 4.12 | 4.13 | 4.14

Hmm, the deadline isn't until next Wednesday. Why was Manifold rushing the lynch?
I voted for Mertex because of her twisting things around several times. She was also hostile when posting, which isn't how she normally is outside of this game. If she isn't scum, I'll be very surprised.
I would like for the town cop to investigate RD or Shiatra, please. :)

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