Once invisible, now exposed


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Once invisible, now exposed

Like it or not, the freedoms and liberties of average Americans are in great peril. The sobering reality that all Americans need to grasp is that the establishment elites (aka the Swamp) is about to launch a second strike in its overall plan to overthrow the legally elected choice of millions of voters who demanded that the swamp be drained.... Through the media, the swamp has controlled the topics and discussions and has convinced many Americans that the country does not require a border, that only a racist would be against an illegal invasion, and that President Trump somehow works for the Kremlin and is guilty of treason.... recent Senate hearings and investigations involving a conspiracy between high-ranking members of the FBI and the Department of Justice has unearthed the startling truth that not only does a well established and highly connected Deep State exist, but it attempted a soft coup to overthrow a legally elected president.... The once invisible force behind so many obstacles to freedom has now been unmasked.... This next phase that will commence shortly after the newly elected Congress convenes on January 3, 2019 will expose additional establishment elites bent on keeping their deceitful and criminal activities secret. To do that, they must impeach the president or render ineffective President Trump's agenda, which is to put the power where it belongs: back in the hands of the American people

We are victims of a system that purposely denies Americans knowledge for the sake of values, feelings, and emotions.
The Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA left has had that luxury of incrementalism in their quest to turn our republic in to a socialist state, but it won't work the other way around that form governance. It won't allow the degree of decent a republic does.... The left had that luxury of incrementalism in their quest to turn our republic in to a socialist state, but it won't work the other way around that form a governance won't allow the degree of decent a republic does. The school of hard knocks will teach us all the truth of the left's political agenda. Power. Leftist are fascists given a long enough time line. We heard evidence of that recently from the CA Congressman who said he'd love to control speech! Freedom of Speech, assembly, and Religion are the corner stones of our nation. Then there's another CA Congressman is considering legislation to total confiscate AR-15's, then semi auto weapons and finally all guns.
There is no doubt that this country's problems extend largely from an MSM that now functions as a highly sophisticated version of Orwell's Big Brother. The truth is out there, the facts are out there, but they aren't reaching the public at large - especially the easily led young and independent voters.
It's all a conspiracy!!!
By 'The Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA' no less.


Progressivism is in support of human progress and … Marxism is a particular type of Communism (a theory or system of social organization based on the holding of all property in common, actual ownership being ascribed to the community as a whole or to the state.) That means the differences between a “liberal progressive” and a Marxists are many.
The Democratic Socialists of America is a left-wing organization of democratic socialist, social democratic and labor-oriented members in the United States. The DSA has its roots in the Socialist Party of America, whose most prominent leaders included Eugene V. Debs, Norman Thomas and Michael Harrington. In 1973, Harrington, the leader of a minority faction that had opposed the SPA's rightward shift and transformation into the Social Democrats,

Winner x 8
The Professor
Old Yeller

Informative x 1

Oh, for pity's sake.

Pooty's All-Stars.
Once invisible, now exposed

Like it or not, the freedoms and liberties of average Americans are in great peril. The sobering reality that all Americans need to grasp is that the establishment elites (aka the Swamp) is about to launch a second strike in its overall plan to overthrow the legally elected choice of millions of voters who demanded that the swamp be drained.... Through the media, the swamp has controlled the topics and discussions and has convinced many Americans that the country does not require a border, that only a racist would be against an illegal invasion, and that President Trump somehow works for the Kremlin and is guilty of treason.... recent Senate hearings and investigations involving a conspiracy between high-ranking members of the FBI and the Department of Justice has unearthed the startling truth that not only does a well established and highly connected Deep State exist, but it attempted a soft coup to overthrow a legally elected president.... The once invisible force behind so many obstacles to freedom has now been unmasked.... This next phase that will commence shortly after the newly elected Congress convenes on January 3, 2019 will expose additional establishment elites bent on keeping their deceitful and criminal activities secret. To do that, they must impeach the president or render ineffective President Trump's agenda, which is to put the power where it belongs: back in the hands of the American people

We are victims of a system that purposely denies Americans knowledge for the sake of values, feelings, and emotions.
The Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA left has had that luxury of incrementalism in their quest to turn our republic in to a socialist state, but it won't work the other way around that form governance. It won't allow the degree of decent a republic does.... The left had that luxury of incrementalism in their quest to turn our republic in to a socialist state, but it won't work the other way around that form a governance won't allow the degree of decent a republic does. The school of hard knocks will teach us all the truth of the left's political agenda. Power. Leftist are fascists given a long enough time line. We heard evidence of that recently from the CA Congressman who said he'd love to control speech! Freedom of Speech, assembly, and Religion are the corner stones of our nation. Then there's another CA Congressman is considering legislation to total confiscate AR-15's, then semi auto weapons and finally all guns.
There is no doubt that this country's problems extend largely from an MSM that now functions as a highly sophisticated version of Orwell's Big Brother. The truth is out there, the facts are out there, but they aren't reaching the public at large - especially the easily led young and independent voters.
I agree with you...

...but you could have saved a load of time and just typed:


Pooty's All-Stars.

Don't know about Pooty and his All-Stars.

This is what this is all about:

"This next phase that will commence shortly after the newly elected Congress convenes on January 3, 2019 will expose additional establishment elites bent on keeping their deceitful and criminal activities secret."

The freedoms and liberties of average Americans have nothing whatsoever to do with it. The Trumpletons are being conditioned to bellow at any and all instances of Congressional oversight, you know, the very Checks & Balances Republicans previously thought essential for the proper functioning of the Republic. That has to be decried, just as they are routinely decrying law enforcement, the FBI, intelligence agencies - all out there in a vicious war to destroy the little, poor, widdle Trumpy.

Er, the freedoms and liberties of average Americans, of course.

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