One Third of ObamaCare Co-Ops Have Failed

"One Third of ObamaCare Co-Ops Have Failed"

It's remarkable how most don't get it – willful ignorance, perhaps.

The issue isn't the ACA or whether it's 'successful' or not.

The issue is that there are far too many on the right who want to 'repeal' or 'defund' the ACA and replace it with nothing.

If you think the ACA is a failure, fine – but you need to also offer what you'd replace it with to achieve the goals the Act sought to realize, where 'doing nothing' isn't an option.
"One Third of ObamaCare Co-Ops Have Failed"

It's remarkable how most don't get it – willful ignorance, perhaps.

The issue isn't the ACA or whether it's 'successful' or not.

The issue is that there are far too many on the right who want to 'repeal' or 'defund' the ACA and replace it with nothing.

If you think the ACA is a failure, fine – but you need to also offer what you'd replace it with to achieve the goals the Act sought to realize, where 'doing nothing' isn't an option.
Who says we have to replace it? Nothing in law says that. If anything it goes against the law.
Who says we have to replace it? Nothing in law says that. If anything it goes against the law.

You were going to give us some of those "many more examples," weren't you?
Quid Pro Quo... Show me a LINK to the LAW that SAYS either the United States is OBLIGATED/REQUIRED to provide YOU with healthcare OR quote me from the Bill of Rights where you have THAT right.

Take your time, now go fetch.
Quid Pro Quo... Show me a LINK to the LAW that SAYS either the United States is OBLIGATED/REQUIRED to provide YOU with healthcare OR quote me from the Bill of Rights where you have THAT right.

That wasn't my post. Why do you imagine I'm responsible for defending someone else's position?

Or are you just stalling because you don't even have one example, much less "many"?


even less credible than du and FOX put together

Forbes at 4 and a 1/2 years AFTER it was passed and STILL failing. Its been nothing but on train wreck after another.
Four Years of Obamacare Failures Is Long Enough
Sally Pipes a year and a half ago?
Mar 24, 2014 @ 06:11 PM

Just heard it -- late breaking news... MENSA has revoked your membership
"One Third of ObamaCare Co-Ops Have Failed"

It's remarkable how most don't get it – willful ignorance, perhaps.

The issue isn't the ACA or whether it's 'successful' or not.

The issue is that there are far too many on the right who want to 'repeal' or 'defund' the ACA and replace it with nothing.

If you think the ACA is a failure, fine – but you need to also offer what you'd replace it with to achieve the goals the Act sought to realize, where 'doing nothing' isn't an option.
Who says we have to replace it? Nothing in law says that. If anything it goes against the law.
Republicans say they would replace it. Get with it genius boi
Who says we have to replace it? Nothing in law says that. If anything it goes against the law.

You were going to give us some of those "many more examples," weren't you?
Quid Pro Quo... Show me a LINK to the LAW that SAYS either the United States is OBLIGATED/REQUIRED to provide YOU with healthcare OR quote me from the Bill of Rights where you have THAT right.

Take your time, now go fetch.
WTF? Are you talking to yourself? You appear to be because you keep going off topic as if you are having a one-sided conversation somewhere
Quid Pro Quo... Show me a LINK to the LAW that SAYS either the United States is OBLIGATED/REQUIRED to provide YOU with healthcare OR quote me from the Bill of Rights where you have THAT right.

That wasn't my post. Why do you imagine I'm responsible for defending someone else's position?

Or are you just stalling because you don't even have one example, much less "many"?

I know. weird stuff eh?
Quid Pro Quo... Show me a LINK to the LAW that SAYS either the United States is OBLIGATED/REQUIRED to provide YOU with healthcare OR quote me from the Bill of Rights where you have THAT right.

That wasn't my post. Why do you imagine I'm responsible for defending someone else's position?

Or are you just stalling because you don't even have one example, much less "many"?
I have posted one source from BEFORE it started and one 41/2 years in BOTH calling failure. What RIGHT or LAW says it has to be replaced? Simple question.
I have posted one source from BEFORE it started and one 41/2 years in BOTH calling failure. What RIGHT or LAW says it has to be replaced? Simple question.
Right of Law? Who speaks like that in this day and age?

You're that weird Confederacy gut come back under a different name, aren't ya?

Thought you reminded me of somebody
Former screen name is in my avatar. No Confederate though.
Just me just "FIRES".
I have posted one source from BEFORE it started and one 41/2 years in BOTH calling failure. What RIGHT or LAW says it has to be replaced? Simple question.
Right of Law? Who speaks like that in this day and age?

You're that weird Confederacy gut come back under a different name, aren't ya?

Thought you reminded me of somebody
Former screen name is in my avatar. No Confederate though.
Just me just "FIRES".
you should have met this guy
James Everett | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

he was in a position of authority in the old/new confedaracy. he speaketh liketh you doeth
Republicans have cut any funding to help out Obamacare any way they can. And still,

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