One Year Later, Donald Trump Shows he's Nothing But Lies

Other than the fact that ALL government emails belong to 'we the people' and the only reason to use a private server is to circumvent those FOIA laws. I report factual information. You on the other hand spew nothing but propaganda which is the very definition of ignorance. As far as insults go, I only insult those who insult me, and your BS posts are an insult to anyone with a brain...which once again, leaves you out.

You think too highly of yourself, the delusion that she used a personal server to avoid FOIA is convenient for you but certainly not the sole reason. If you have ever worked with government email you will quickly find that government systems are ancient, slow, require a special client, are not web-accessible, drop random messages, send you literally hundreds of useless messages every week, are virtually impossible to configure into something more useful and most likely will block any message sent to family members or friends. Remember this is 2009, we are talking about and is also the most likely reason Karl Rove and many others did the very same thing and not a single person within the Republican Party, Congress, or right wing nut group ever made a peep about it.

The alternate view that if you want to get work done in government you set up your own server. That is why private servers proliferate, people want to be successful in their careers.

As to the last line in your screech, your arguments would be a lot more effective if they were in any way accurate or intelligent. You also might try wiping off the viscid slobber of biased drivel.

I agree. She also wanted to hide her illegal dealings with good old Syd Blumenthal, you know the trusted Clinton operative who is so bad that even Obama prohibited hilary from giving him a position at the State Dept.

Basically all you're doing is showing how her use of a private server for EVERYTHING was purely for her to hide her illegal activities from the American Public. Thanks for giving us the opportunity o show just what a conniving scumbag she is!

Maybe the Republican party learned something from that when they conveniently lost 22 million emails the American public should have been able to scrutinize.

Hmmm, the "party" lost them.....Not one of the highest placed government officials. The "party" a non governmental PRIVATE entity, lost their emails......and this compares to GOVERNMENT documents that technically belong to we the

You're flailing now dude....just sayin...

Wow, you are really showing your gross ignorance on this subject. Why don't you read up and we can talk about without all your lousy suppositions,

As soon as you post something that is not an establishment talking point I will be happy to engage you. So far all you have presented are non sequiturs, innuendo, outright fabrication, and of course personal attack. Like I said before, you get what you give and so far you have been just spewing shit.
Lies we got lies ....More lies than a truck load of fishermen...

Trump Tweets FAKE Photo Of Black Supporters After Racist Meltdown

Trump Tweets FAKE Photo Of Black Supporters After Racist Meltdown | Addicting Info | The Knowledge You Crave

The episode is part of a pattern with Trump, who often retweets images created by his supporters that more often than not are either conspiracy theories, complete fakes, racist or some combination of the three. They reflect a lot of the values the presumptive Republican presidential nominee has mainstreamed in his short political career.

Trump has expressed strong belief in the conspiracy theory that President Obama was not born in the United States, that climate change is a hoax created by the Chinese, and in the idea that immigrants are mostly criminals and rapists.

Pushing the photo of fake black supporters comes after a day in which Trump pointed to a black man at a campaign rally in California and referred to him as “my African-American.”

Trump got his tweet photos from here to show fake black support:

Midwest Black Family Reunion at Sawyer Point

We Spoke To The Family In This Trump Tweet And They’re Not Happy

By David Mack

BuzzFeed News Reporter
An hour ago The picture was not taken at a Trump rally, but rather at a black family reunion in Cincinnati last year
You think too highly of yourself, the delusion that she used a personal server to avoid FOIA is convenient for you but certainly not the sole reason. If you have ever worked with government email you will quickly find that government systems are ancient, slow, require a special client, are not web-accessible, drop random messages, send you literally hundreds of useless messages every week, are virtually impossible to configure into something more useful and most likely will block any message sent to family members or friends. Remember this is 2009, we are talking about and is also the most likely reason Karl Rove and many others did the very same thing and not a single person within the Republican Party, Congress, or right wing nut group ever made a peep about it.

The alternate view that if you want to get work done in government you set up your own server. That is why private servers proliferate, people want to be successful in their careers.

As to the last line in your screech, your arguments would be a lot more effective if they were in any way accurate or intelligent. You also might try wiping off the viscid slobber of biased drivel.

I agree. She also wanted to hide her illegal dealings with good old Syd Blumenthal, you know the trusted Clinton operative who is so bad that even Obama prohibited hilary from giving him a position at the State Dept.

Basically all you're doing is showing how her use of a private server for EVERYTHING was purely for her to hide her illegal activities from the American Public. Thanks for giving us the opportunity o show just what a conniving scumbag she is!

Maybe the Republican party learned something from that when they conveniently lost 22 million emails the American public should have been able to scrutinize.

Hmmm, the "party" lost them.....Not one of the highest placed government officials. The "party" a non governmental PRIVATE entity, lost their emails......and this compares to GOVERNMENT documents that technically belong to we the

You're flailing now dude....just sayin...

Wow, you are really showing your gross ignorance on this subject. Why don't you read up and we can talk about without all your lousy suppositions,

As soon as you post something that is not an establishment talking point I will be happy to engage you. So far all you have presented are non sequiturs, innuendo, outright fabrication, and of course personal attack. Like I said before, you get what you give and so far you have been just spewing shit.

Establishment talking point? all I have alleged throughout this thread is that Trump should make good on his promise and that a candidate for the highest office in America should demonstrate by example that he is who he says he is.

There is absolutely no talking point in that. Keeping your word is the very bedrock of trust and the foundation of respect and integrity. Without that, he isn't worthy of the role of president period.

For the record, you were the one who led with personal attacks in our conversations and I am very happy to respond in kind.
I agree. She also wanted to hide her illegal dealings with good old Syd Blumenthal, you know the trusted Clinton operative who is so bad that even Obama prohibited hilary from giving him a position at the State Dept.

Basically all you're doing is showing how her use of a private server for EVERYTHING was purely for her to hide her illegal activities from the American Public. Thanks for giving us the opportunity o show just what a conniving scumbag she is!

Maybe the Republican party learned something from that when they conveniently lost 22 million emails the American public should have been able to scrutinize.

Hmmm, the "party" lost them.....Not one of the highest placed government officials. The "party" a non governmental PRIVATE entity, lost their emails......and this compares to GOVERNMENT documents that technically belong to we the

You're flailing now dude....just sayin...

Wow, you are really showing your gross ignorance on this subject. Why don't you read up and we can talk about without all your lousy suppositions,

As soon as you post something that is not an establishment talking point I will be happy to engage you. So far all you have presented are non sequiturs, innuendo, outright fabrication, and of course personal attack. Like I said before, you get what you give and so far you have been just spewing shit.

Establishment talking point? all I have alleged throughout this thread is that Trump should make good on his promise and that a candidate for the highest office in America should demonstrate by example that he is who he says he is.

There is absolutely no talking point in that. Keeping your word is the very bedrock of trust and the foundation of respect and integrity. Without that, he isn't worthy of the role of president period.

For the record, you were the one who led with personal attacks in our conversations and I am very happy to respond in kind.

You mean like hilary? She has yet to do as she says. Every action she makes is geared towards enriching her and her family. Like I said you hurl nothing but talking points and turn a blind eye to your candidates very obvious criminal behavior. You're a propagandist and nothing else.
Maybe the Republican party learned something from that when they conveniently lost 22 million emails the American public should have been able to scrutinize.

Hmmm, the "party" lost them.....Not one of the highest placed government officials. The "party" a non governmental PRIVATE entity, lost their emails......and this compares to GOVERNMENT documents that technically belong to we the

You're flailing now dude....just sayin...

Wow, you are really showing your gross ignorance on this subject. Why don't you read up and we can talk about without all your lousy suppositions,

As soon as you post something that is not an establishment talking point I will be happy to engage you. So far all you have presented are non sequiturs, innuendo, outright fabrication, and of course personal attack. Like I said before, you get what you give and so far you have been just spewing shit.

Establishment talking point? all I have alleged throughout this thread is that Trump should make good on his promise and that a candidate for the highest office in America should demonstrate by example that he is who he says he is.

There is absolutely no talking point in that. Keeping your word is the very bedrock of trust and the foundation of respect and integrity. Without that, he isn't worthy of the role of president period.

For the record, you were the one who led with personal attacks in our conversations and I am very happy to respond in kind.

You mean like hilary? She has yet to do as she says. Every action she makes is geared towards enriching her and her family. Like I said you hurl nothing but talking points and turn a blind eye to your candidates very obvious criminal behavior. You're a propagandist and nothing else.

I believe that you may be the propagandist here because I haven't mentioned her name a single time in this thread nor have I indicated that she is my candidate. The subject is Trump and if you have trouble staying with the subject, you can always create another thread to address your issues.
Hmmm, the "party" lost them.....Not one of the highest placed government officials. The "party" a non governmental PRIVATE entity, lost their emails......and this compares to GOVERNMENT documents that technically belong to we the

You're flailing now dude....just sayin...

Wow, you are really showing your gross ignorance on this subject. Why don't you read up and we can talk about without all your lousy suppositions,

As soon as you post something that is not an establishment talking point I will be happy to engage you. So far all you have presented are non sequiturs, innuendo, outright fabrication, and of course personal attack. Like I said before, you get what you give and so far you have been just spewing shit.

Establishment talking point? all I have alleged throughout this thread is that Trump should make good on his promise and that a candidate for the highest office in America should demonstrate by example that he is who he says he is.

There is absolutely no talking point in that. Keeping your word is the very bedrock of trust and the foundation of respect and integrity. Without that, he isn't worthy of the role of president period.

For the record, you were the one who led with personal attacks in our conversations and I am very happy to respond in kind.

You mean like hilary? She has yet to do as she says. Every action she makes is geared towards enriching her and her family. Like I said you hurl nothing but talking points and turn a blind eye to your candidates very obvious criminal behavior. You're a propagandist and nothing else.

I believe that you may be the propagandist here because I haven't mentioned her name a single time in this thread nor have I indicated that she is my candidate. The subject is Trump and if you have trouble staying with the subject, you can always create another thread to address your issues.

The ONLY people attacking Trump as hard as you are, are the hilary operatives. They have gone so far as to try and claim that Sanders supporters instigated a riot at the Nevada Dem convention which was an outright lie. Go figure, hilary operatives lying. It's what you do.

And for the record I despise Trump, I am a Sanders supporter due to his anti multi national corporation stance. Unlike hilary who has sold her soul to every corporation that came knocking.
So, to sum up, you focus on who you think I might be with no evidence whatsoever, except you think that Hillary operatives attack and lie and they may have been involved in a crazy plot against Bernie. All this after I told you I haven't brought up her name even once.

Then you have a desperate need to tell me you are a Bernie supporter because Hillary.

All the while not agreeing once that the points I made about Donald Trump were completely 100% valid, while changing the argument to anti-Hillary invective.

I was thinking there might be a descriptive word for this conversation but I can't get past being 'put-on'

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