Palin has children. Children fuck up. Ok lets talk everybodys children.

I wonder if she still breast feeds.

And I wonder when you'll graduate from high school or if you're even marginally capable of doing so

I finished high school in the to 10 of a class of over 300 and did so more years ago than you can count. I finished college in 4 years at the age of 21. Been supporting myself since then and didn't burden my parents with college loans having had a full ride through academic and athletic scholarships. Really, I've been funding myself since age 18. When I earned my two advanced degrees, I was working, earning a living, supporting a family, AND providing my own insurance. I didn't expect my parents to do that.
Cool story, bro. Since you are so awesome, can you tell us what the "to 10 of a class" means?

Since you Liberal assholes claim to be so smart, you should have been able to figure out the missing "p" was a typo. So much for your claims of being smart.

What I also don't see you doing is going through the posts of those you agree with and doing the same. That tells me it isn't about you not understanding what I meant but nitpicking what a conservative posted. Again, so much for your claim of Liberals being smarter.
How could you make a type....being so awesomely smart and all.

Don't you mean typo?

Never claimed to be perfect. Difference between me and a Liberal is when I make a mistake, I own up to it and did so in this case. When Liberals make a mistake, they make an excuse.
Still doesn't deflect that I'm telling the truth.

What? That the ACA allows my son to be covered on my policy til he's 26?

You say that like its a bad thing. Which I guess when you're a child who has never paid for health insurance might be the case (if you spend all your time in the rightwingnut blogosphere, of course)

Your so-called "point" is irrelevant.

Your son can't support himself and has to rely on mommy to do it for him?

I can't help it if you hate people who are educated. Not my problem.

Your bitterness infects your political views.
Now that's funny, kids are graduating with degrees that are worthless, but hey they know where the nearest safe zone is. What a bunch of pussies.

They're getting degrees in worthless fields then want the rest of us to invest in it. No thanks.

it's so bizarre how much the right hates education.

I guess you can't make people cheap labor if they're educated.

as for useless degrees, a liberal arts education teaches people how to think. something the person you just posted to can't seem to do. I know the right resents education for the sake of education. you prefer it when people are ignorant.

but are you aware that people are less likely to be terrorists if they're well-educated since they're not as certain that they have all of the answers.

and they aren't as bitter.
What? That the ACA allows my son to be covered on my policy til he's 26?

You say that like its a bad thing. Which I guess when you're a child who has never paid for health insurance might be the case (if you spend all your time in the rightwingnut blogosphere, of course)

Your so-called "point" is irrelevant.

Your son can't support himself and has to rely on mommy to do it for him?

I can't help it if you hate people who are educated. Not my problem.

Your bitterness infects your political views.
Now that's funny, kids are graduating with degrees that are worthless, but hey they know where the nearest safe zone is. What a bunch of pussies.

They're getting degrees in worthless fields then want the rest of us to invest in it. No thanks.

it's so bizarre how much the right hates education.

I guess you can't make people cheap labor if they're educated.

as for useless degrees, a liberal arts education teaches people how to think. something the person you just posted to can't seem to do. I know the right resents education for the sake of education. you prefer it when people are ignorant.
How to think how to get to the nearest safe zone, when someone offends them?
I finished high school in the to 10 of a class of over 300 and did so more years ago than you can count. I finished college in 4 years at the age of 21. Been supporting myself since then and didn't burden my parents with college loans having had a full ride through academic and athletic scholarships. Really, I've been funding myself since age 18. When I earned my two advanced degrees, I was working, earning a living, supporting a family, AND providing my own insurance. I didn't expect my parents to do that.

Band I graduated from middle school in two years installed of 3 graduated in the top of a school with 980 people in my graduating class and a dual degree at one of the best state universities in the country. I paid dome loans for law school where I was on a journal and have worked my butt off all my life.

But no. My job was to go to school. That's what parents do for their kids. I only worked Summer's once I graduated from high school and until I graduated law school.

See if you all weren't so invasive on these subjects I'd say to each his own.

But the rightwing resentment of anything that smacks of depriving the insurance lobby of something seems pathological to me

You had to get loans to go to school? So much for being at the top.

No one owes your son insurance until age 26 and if you think him being on whatever group you're with doesn't cost that group more, the only type attorney you could be is a public defender and we both know how shitty they are.

You said initially that you paid for all your insurance. Recently you said most of it. Which one is it? Looks like someone doesn't know or is lying but you went to law school and we both know how attorneys lie.

loans for LAW SCHOOL.


this is why I treat you wingers the way I do.

respect yourselves . maybe then you'll have more respect for others.

I didn't take loans for either graduate degree.

I'm surprised you didn't expect the government to pay it for you.

I don't have respect for people who enable others to do what you support.

You've never said whether or not you like Sanders college tuition plan. Afraid it might say something about you and prove what others are saying?

and I don't respect people who get that it isn't a sin to level the playing field a bit. that isn't a hand's a hand up. and as the first female in my family to go to college, I have zero problem with making it easier for others to afford.

I think it's probably a good idea for public colleges to be free or low cost. beyond that I don't know enough about Bernie's plan. but i'm not voting for Bernie so it's not something i'm focused on.

I do think it's idiocy to make it difficult for people to succeed. not everyone is born with daddy's millions like the people you seem to admire.

It's a hand out when the same people constantly get it handed to them.

YOU do have a problem with making it easier for others to afford. When you support an idea that forces the rest of us to pay for what you want done, you don't support it.

Unless YOU'RE the one making it free or low costs for someone else, your good idea places the price on the rest of us. Pay for all the tuition you want for anyone but it's not your place to have that burden put on others because you like it.

You thinks it's proper to make it easy for people by forcing someone else to give them something. While everyone can't come from a rich family, it doesn't mean the rich owe anything to those that didn't.
What? That the ACA allows my son to be covered on my policy til he's 26?

You say that like its a bad thing. Which I guess when you're a child who has never paid for health insurance might be the case (if you spend all your time in the rightwingnut blogosphere, of course)

Your so-called "point" is irrelevant.

Your son can't support himself and has to rely on mommy to do it for him?

I can't help it if you hate people who are educated. Not my problem.

Your bitterness infects your political views.
Now that's funny, kids are graduating with degrees that are worthless, but hey they know where the nearest safe zone is. What a bunch of pussies.

They're getting degrees in worthless fields then want the rest of us to invest in it. No thanks.

it's so bizarre how much the right hates education.

I guess you can't make people cheap labor if they're educated.

as for useless degrees, a liberal arts education teaches people how to think. something the person you just posted to can't seem to do. I know the right resents education for the sake of education. you prefer it when people are ignorant.

but are you aware that people are less likely to be terrorists if they're well-educated since they're not as certain that they have all of the answers.

and they aren't as bitter.

It's bizarre how you think someone getting a piece of paper in a degree that means nothing is an education. You equate a piece of paper with having one. There are millions that have a high school diploma that can't function but on a 12 - 13 year old level. Listen to many of them speak. It's obvious. They have a piece of paper saying they are educated but are they really educated.

You can't make people functionally literate just because they have a piece of paper.

If a Liberal arts education taught people how to think, we wouldn't have the person as President that we do. They didn't think. They were duped by flashy words and phrases that meant nothing.

Many of the terrorists are well educated and from well to do families. They are bitter unless you think flying planes into a building or blowing up building can be done in a nice way.
Your son can't support himself and has to rely on mommy to do it for him?

I can't help it if you hate people who are educated. Not my problem.

Your bitterness infects your political views.
Now that's funny, kids are graduating with degrees that are worthless, but hey they know where the nearest safe zone is. What a bunch of pussies.

They're getting degrees in worthless fields then want the rest of us to invest in it. No thanks.

it's so bizarre how much the right hates education.

I guess you can't make people cheap labor if they're educated.

as for useless degrees, a liberal arts education teaches people how to think. something the person you just posted to can't seem to do. I know the right resents education for the sake of education. you prefer it when people are ignorant.
How to think how to get to the nearest safe zone, when someone offends them?

I guess those liberal arts degrees taught them to think that a piece of paper saying gun free zone will stop someone.
It appears to be ok. Nixon's bitches. Where's Carters kid? LBJ's girls? We know Chelseas out there and know damn straight her who father is.

But lets rock it. All kids all the time.
No doubt, after all we had a child molester/rapist as president, remember slick willy??
Charges? Convictions?

When have facts ever mattered to the lions.

But look how they managed to deflect from the topic the second it didn't go their way
They call him slick willy for reason...
I can't help it if you hate people who are educated. Not my problem.

Your bitterness infects your political views.
Now that's funny, kids are graduating with degrees that are worthless, but hey they know where the nearest safe zone is. What a bunch of pussies.

They're getting degrees in worthless fields then want the rest of us to invest in it. No thanks.

it's so bizarre how much the right hates education.

I guess you can't make people cheap labor if they're educated.

as for useless degrees, a liberal arts education teaches people how to think. something the person you just posted to can't seem to do. I know the right resents education for the sake of education. you prefer it when people are ignorant.
How to think how to get to the nearest safe zone, when someone offends them?

I guess those liberal arts degrees taught them to think that a piece of paper saying gun free zone will stop someone.
Interesting. Not heard anyone make that assumption besides you.
It appears to be ok. Nixon's bitches. Where's Carters kid? LBJ's girls? We know Chelseas out there and know damn straight her who father is.

But lets rock it. All kids all the time.
No doubt, after all we had a child molester/rapist as president, remember slick willy??
Charges? Convictions?

When have facts ever mattered to the lions.

But look how they managed to deflect from the topic the second it didn't go their way
They call him slick willy for reason...
Ah...isn't it easy to make accusations without having to come up with any proof?
It appears to be ok. Nixon's bitches. Where's Carters kid? LBJ's girls? We know Chelseas out there and know damn straight her who father is.

But lets rock it. All kids all the time.
No doubt, after all we had a child molester/rapist as president, remember slick willy??
Charges? Convictions?

When have facts ever mattered to the lions.

But look how they managed to deflect from the topic the second it didn't go their way
They call him slick willy for reason...
Ah...isn't it easy to make accusations without having to come up with any proof?
Where there is smoke there is fire... And apologists like you. Silly little progressive that you are.
Now that's funny, kids are graduating with degrees that are worthless, but hey they know where the nearest safe zone is. What a bunch of pussies.

They're getting degrees in worthless fields then want the rest of us to invest in it. No thanks.

it's so bizarre how much the right hates education.

I guess you can't make people cheap labor if they're educated.

as for useless degrees, a liberal arts education teaches people how to think. something the person you just posted to can't seem to do. I know the right resents education for the sake of education. you prefer it when people are ignorant.
How to think how to get to the nearest safe zone, when someone offends them?

I guess those liberal arts degrees taught them to think that a piece of paper saying gun free zone will stop someone.
Interesting. Not heard anyone make that assumption besides you.

Then you're saying those who made something a gun free zone really didn't believe it would be one. So much for their words meaning anything.
It appears to be ok. Nixon's bitches. Where's Carters kid? LBJ's girls? We know Chelseas out there and know damn straight her who father is.

But lets rock it. All kids all the time.
No doubt, after all we had a child molester/rapist as president, remember slick willy??
Charges? Convictions?

When have facts ever mattered to the lions.

But look how they managed to deflect from the topic the second it didn't go their way
They call him slick willy for reason...
Ah...isn't it easy to make accusations without having to come up with any proof?

Plenty of proof if you're willing to look. Maybe you think you'll be next on his list if you support him.
Palin's kids are off limits.

Palin talking about her kids is not.

Palin has always made her kids part of her politics. That makes them fair game. You can't have it both ways.

Adults would just leave children out of it

Then why didn't Palin leave Track out of it? Nobody forced her to bring him into her partisan politics. No one forced her to try to make political points against Obama on Track's back.

Palin 2009: Obama wants to kill my baby

Palin 2016: Obama makes my son beat women
Palin's kids are off limits.

Palin talking about her kids is not.

Palin has always made her kids part of her politics. That makes them fair game. You can't have it both ways.

Adults would just leave children out of it

Then why didn't Palin leave Track out of it? Nobody forced her to bring him into her partisan politics. No one forced her to try to make political points against Obama on Track's back.

Palin 2009: Obama wants to kill my baby

Palin 2016: Obama makes my son beat women

lol, perfect.
An Open Letter to Sarah Palin From a Veteran With PTSD

Chris Mark, a veteran of the U.S. Marine Corps, is a Republican voter and successful business owner. He’s also one of the many veterans familiar with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Mark fought in Operation Continue Hope; the botched 1993 operation in Somalia in which U.S. troops deployed to the region found themselves thoroughly outnumbered and outgunned. More than anything, Mark found Sarah Palin’s defense of her son, Track — who was recently accused of domestic violence — based on his alleged PTSD “abhorrent.”

We’ve posted Mark’s scathing takedown below.

Dear Mrs. Palin,

I am a former US Marine and US Navy Officer with a Combat Action Ribbon as well as service connected disabilities. I am also a Republican. I have also served with, and am friends with, dozens of combat veterans who suffer daily from various injuries and wounds to include PTSD. I recently read your comments related to PTSD in which you attempted to excuse your son’s arrest on domestic abuse charges and firearm charges by referencing his supposed PTSD. Based upon your previous comments I am not surprised that you would choose to use this very serious condition as a political football and, once again, attempt to divert blame from your own family’s abhorrent, violent behavior.

In 2014 your entire family was involved in a late night ‘drunken brawl’ at a party in which Track Palin (the accused domestic abuser) was involved in a bloody fight. While you publicly stated how proud you were at your children’s violent actions, maybe this should have been a sign that Track has a problem. It is certainly curious that you did not feel the need to reference his supposed PTSD in this situation and instead stated: “…my kids’ defense of family makes my heart soar!” Maybe, instead of encouraging Track’s violence, you should have taken the opportunity to get him help. Maybe, instead of being the result of PTSD, your son was simply trying to uphold the stated Palin family values and “…make your heart soar” by abusing a woman.

PTSD is stigmatized in the media and not well understood by the general public. An estimated 22 veterans commit suicide every day in the United States. This is nearly 8,000 veterans who take their lives every year. Senator Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) stated: “Every day in the United States, 22 veterans succumb to suicide — losing their personal battle to invisible wounds of war.” Veterans who have willingly given so much in service to their country should not have to bear the burden of being further stigmatized by your ignorant and foolish statements.

While I do not propose to speak for all veterans, I am clearly not alone in my views regarding your unfortunate statements. They were unfortunate for the many veterans who face further disdain and discrimination based upon your inaccurate and ignorant portrayal of those who suffer with PTSD as well as the causes of the condition.

While I would personally prefer that you simply avoid public life and simply fade away, if you insist on trying to use your “celebrity status” for a cause, please educate yourself on the facts of PTSD and try to help veterans by using your significant influence in a more productive, and less political manner. There are a number of veteran’s organizations to which you can donate time, money and energy to make a difference.


Chris Mark
If Sarah Palin knew that her son, Track, suffered from PTSD, (Post Traumatic Sarah Disorder) why was she leaving guns all over the house, especially with a special needs son living there?
Why is PTSD Track running around her house carrying an AR15?
No doubt, after all we had a child molester/rapist as president, remember slick willy??
Charges? Convictions?

When have facts ever mattered to the lions.

But look how they managed to deflect from the topic the second it didn't go their way
They call him slick willy for reason...
Ah...isn't it easy to make accusations without having to come up with any proof?
Where there is smoke there is fire... And apologists like you. Silly little progressive that you are.

and isn't it interesting that the people who created that smoke were doing what they said he was.

or should we think a person who served his wife with divorce papers while she was in the hospital after a mastectomy is a decent guy.... especially when that person was bonking his assistant all the while commenting on the morality of another person.

sorry, dude. men who cheat is bi-partisan.

the difference is that people on the left aren't running around pretending to be the arbitors of morality.

maybe when you're old enough to actually have a relationship, your comments will be less boring.
I can't help it if you hate people who are educated. Not my problem.

Your bitterness infects your political views.
Now that's funny, kids are graduating with degrees that are worthless, but hey they know where the nearest safe zone is. What a bunch of pussies.

They're getting degrees in worthless fields then want the rest of us to invest in it. No thanks.

it's so bizarre how much the right hates education.

I guess you can't make people cheap labor if they're educated.

as for useless degrees, a liberal arts education teaches people how to think. something the person you just posted to can't seem to do. I know the right resents education for the sake of education. you prefer it when people are ignorant.
How to think how to get to the nearest safe zone, when someone offends them?

I guess those liberal arts degrees taught them to think that a piece of paper saying gun free zone will stop someone.

no. probably having a liberal arts degree makes you understand that you don't want to live in the wild west....

I don't think I've ever said i'm opposed to guns.

I simply want them away from criminals and crazies, along with over 90% of the population of this country.

but then again, i'm not a shill for gun manufacturers or the NRA.

i don't have a problem with guns, but every idiot owning a gun doesn't make us safer

No, We Won't Be Safer If We All Go Buy Guns. Here's The Data.

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