Personal damage

I want to take a moment and look at presidential aspirant Donald Trump's latest shenanigan from an entirely different perspective. And I hope that adults here will actually read the OP, think and then comment like real adults.

After Trump called Mexicans "rapists", "drug dealers" and "murderers" and saying of Jeb Bush: "who the hell is gonna vote for this guy?!?" AT HIS PRESIDENTIAL ANNOUNCEMENT SPEECH and since then laying into every candidate he can, after saying that John McCain is not a war hero and then backtracking and saying that well, yeah, he's a hero because he got captured and he (Trump) prefers those who didn't get captured, yadayadayada, we have seen a true-blue food-fight emerge in the GOP, somewhat on the level of 7th graders in the lunchroom.

Now, insulting other candidates is nothing new, but slick politicians have found ways to do this and still do their best to maintain the image that even in the moment that they are insulting someone, they are above the fray. When more than one GOPer, upon being asked if President Obama is really a Christian, answered with "I'll have to take him at his word", that's a nasty insult, but couched in nice words, not at the level of gutter-sluts. And there is plausible deniability in the insult. Bill Clinton insulted Bob Dole in 1996 at the debates when, asked if age played a role in Dole's electability, Clinton answered with "I don't question his age. I question the age of his ideas". Of course Clinton questioned Bob Dole's age, but this was a way to word it without actually having worded it.

So, I'm not under the illusion that pols don't insult each other. They do. In fact, they do it quite regularly. Hell, you should see how rough and tumble it gets in the English House of Commons (their rough equivalent to our House of Representatives)! And pols on all sides have been insulting each other over a long time. This is not just a Republican thing, to be sure.

But Donald Trump took it to new lows yesterday when he released Senator Lindsay Graham's private cell-phone number.

First, Don Trump is definitely one of the richer people in this world, boasting of total assets around 10 Billion. Good for him. That's a big heap of $$$.

But each and every senator is one of the 110-120 most powerful people in our country. No shit. Think about it. After the President, the Vice-President and the Speaker of the HOR (next in line of succession in case of death or removal from office), certain members of the cabinet (like the SOS and SOD) and CIA upper-ups, all 100 Senators would be the next most important people in our country: the life and death of many a law hangs on just 100 elected Senators. It's been said more than once that each Senator gets up in the morning, looks in the mirror and sees a future President standing before him. So, whether or not you like any one certain Senator, he possesses a power that only 100 individuals have in any congressional term and for better or worse, was duly elected by voters from his or her state.

Therefore, giving out the personal, private cellphone number of a sitting (or former, for that member) Senator is no trivial thing to do.

Let's analyse how Trump did this. Here is the video:

Trump starts by saying that Lindsay Graham introduced himself to Trump four years ago and asked Trump to pass along his name to FOX and FRIENDS. Trump went on to say that Graham "begged" for Trump to do this (give him a good reference to FOX and FRIENDS) and then gave Trump his number. He says a lot in between about how he gives everyone money to in order to wield influence. Well, ok. There is a hell of a lot of ego in that, but that's nothing new from Don Trump.

The psychology that Trump is using is something like "I'm the bigger dog than you, so I'm gonna piss on you and neenerneenerneener, you can't do a fucking thing about it". I think that pretty much encapsulates Don Trump. That's it.

And I can live with that, too. That's his style and if that brings him mojo, well, hell, ok.

Now, back to the video:

1:43 "So, Lindsay Graham says to me, please, please, whatever you can do, uhm, now, I'm saying to myself, 'what's this guy, a beggar?', he's like begging me to help him with FOX and FRIENDS. So, I say 'ok' and 'I'll mention your name'. He said 'could you mention my name' and I said 'yes, I'll men--' and he gave me his number and I found the card! I wrote the number down, I don't know if it's the right number, let's try it 202- (laughter begins) 228-XXXX (big laughter), I don't know, maybe, you know, it's been three or four years ago, so maybe it's an old number, 202-228-XXXX. Soooo, I don't know, give it a shot...."

Yepp, that's definitely in the category of "I'm the bigger dog than you, so I'm gonna piss on you and neenerneenerneener, you can't do a fucking thing about it". And in this case, Trump pissed on Graham in his own back yard. Well, ok, he can do that, too. It's a free country. And indeed, Graham has insulted Trump more than once. But he didn't give out Trump's private number.

And - this is a presidential candidate we are talking about here. Wow.

Now, back to Trump's moment in Ames, Iowa last Saturday, just four days ago:

Trump insults a war hero Page 8 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

In that posting, I did a transcript of the key moments of that 26 minute performance:

11:24 "I've contributed to everybody, they've done whatever I said"


13:10 (about Jeb Bush) "can you imagine this guy negotiating with China? Who would you rather have negotiating with China - Trump, or Bush?"


13:37 Questioner no. 2: How does his faith influence how he raises his children? The Don says he was very strict with his children over alcohol, drugs and cigarettes.

16:00 "I was a great father"


16:53 "I know all of the successful people in the world"


17:15 "Love the Mexican people, thousands of them work for me!"


18:02 "I know the richest people in the world, I know the toughest people in the world..."


19:44 Luntz: "What is your relationship with G-d?" Trump: "Well, I pray, I go to church, I do things that are wrong...I'm a business person, I am really great at deals, I own some of the greatest properties in the world... I think G-d helped me" :wtf:

Ok, let's take Donald Trump at his word. If he really knows all of the most important people in the world, then I wonder how they might feel about him giving out someone's private telepone number during an event that was video'd, as a sort of revenge in the middle of a sophomoric food-fight? I wonder how many of those super-rich people, who have also probably given Donald Trump their telephone number, feel about this. And I wonder if they will trust him in the future.

What Trump did may have been good for his form of in-your-face, reality show politics. But it certainly was bad business sense. And he claims to be a great businessman, right?

So, :wtf: ?

It may win him the nomination or at least cause a hung convention, but it won't win him a General Election.

Just imagine a "Pres. Trump", in possession of "the nuclear briefcase". Just imagine that.

And in 3 or 4 years, surely we will hear how the Clinton camp relished every single one of these trumpian-moments. I bet the Clinton team is whooping with glee every moment the Don opens his mouth somewhere. I bet good money that in 3 or 4 years, a book about the Clinton team will come out and a great deal of it will be a recounting of the "Trump factor".

What a circus.

So, back to the OP title itself: did Donald Trump even consider the damage he did to himself yesterday?

I doubt it.

And BTW, did any other GOP candidate make his way to the front page anywhere yesterday? The day before? The day before that? Where are they? Why, they are getting buried with more and more Trumpian Neutron Bombs. That's what is happening to them. As a Democrat, I am glad to see their ship already hitting rocky shores, but as a citizen, I do think it's a shame that our process is getting cheapened this much by an ultra-rich person who will still be ultra-rich and will laugh all the way to the bank. Or maybe not...

Discuss. Is it cool for a candidate to give out private information like this?

Be honest with yourself for once in your life. I don't expect a response because you're trivial

“Whether you love him or you don’t, I felt heard.

OP so you trust some one who deletes 30,000 e mails, fakes a head injury and when finally appears before congress says "what does it matter ?"

A person who stands behind a cheating husband for political gain?

Trump is waking up the crowd, he can't be bought, you can not shut him up and I guess the left hates that, just wait around till he starts attacking Hillary...

That's what you guys are afraid of.

Thanks for responding. No, I am not afraid of Donald Trump. I am laughing at him.

But that's not the issue. Here, I will point you to the dicussion question, since you obviously missed it:

"Is it cool for a candidate to give out private information like this?"

No it is not okay. It was juvenile and shitty thing to do. Goes to show that you cannot trust these people. They are untrustworthy and would just as soon stab their own mothers in the back if they think it would benefit them in any way. This is not just Trump. This goes for MOST if not ALL of our politicians. What a mess!

it is, but it's overblown. Those people change numbers all the time anyway

They do?

People with possibly hundreds of contacts just randomly change their phone numbers?

Must be hard to get their new number to all those people

OP so you trust some one who deletes 30,000 e mails, fakes a head injury and when finally appears before congress says "what does it matter ?"

A person who stands behind a cheating husband for political gain?

Trump is waking up the crowd, he can't be bought, you can not shut him up and I guess the left hates that, just wait around till he starts attacking Hillary...

That's what you guys are afraid of.

Thanks for responding. No, I am not afraid of Donald Trump. I am laughing at him.

But that's not the issue. Here, I will point you to the dicussion question, since you obviously missed it:

"Is it cool for a candidate to give out private information like this?"

In a word, NO!

Anyone that would do what Trump has done, is the lowest form of skunk I can imagine.
he got you mad and got you thinking,

On another political site, was kind of surprised a few black posters I argued with for years support trump because they like what he says about the illegals.

Well, you can agree on points with a person and that doesn't mean that you trust that person to run the country. We need to level the playing field so that our elections are not "rigged" and dominated by the two majority parties and also by the rich. It is virtually impossible for an average American to become an elected official because they cannot compete.
I agree Chris, the only way you can is be bought or a billionaire and not care, that's why people are starting to like trump, he is pissing everyone off and average hard working man with no voice is loving it. After Bush Jr. And Obama who could be worse?

Do you really want to find out, by backing a candidate with all the tact of a porcupine?
What's the harm? Anyone can change their phone number with a simple call to their service provider. In my opinion, it's petty shit not worth air time on the news. It's just early campaign season, and every word is blown up to infer whatever will get laughs or possible votes. Does anyone actually believe that what's said during campaign season is anything other than verbal warfare? People get too wrapped up in this petty back-and-forth sparing. Trump isn't doing anything that hasn't been done before in campaigns. Only difference I see, is trump is saying things that others are afraid to say. All the rest are too damn politically correct, vote whores, and trying to go by scripted time proven BS to sway the general public. Trump is taking the campaign outside the box of usual political rhetoric.

Yup and judging by the poll numbers he's having one hell of a success by just being him.

Guess all the lefty loons better keep that TP handy cause Trump apparently scares the shit outta their lefty asses.
… Why does it matter to Clinton-people if Trump could be trusted or not? Are they about to switch to camp?

WTF are you talking about? Who are the "Clinton" people? If you are referring to me, you would be wrong. I do not support Hilary any more than I support Trump. They are two wings of the same monster.
Wow!!!! How did you get into the picture? I was referring to people with "for Hillary" posters as their signature. You got up on the wrong side of the bed or something, looking for a fight? Calm down, get your cup of coffee and remember, if it doesn't fit..well, don't try to force it on because it is not yours.
OP so you trust some one who deletes 30,000 e mails, fakes a head injury and when finally appears before congress says "what does it matter ?"

A person who stands behind a cheating husband for political gain?

Trump is waking up the crowd, he can't be bought, you can not shut him up and I guess the left hates that, just wait around till he starts attacking Hillary...

That's what you guys are afraid of.

Thanks for responding. No, I am not afraid of Donald Trump. I am laughing at him.

But that's not the issue. Here, I will point you to the dicussion question, since you obviously missed it:

"Is it cool for a candidate to give out private information like this?"

No it is not okay. It was juvenile and shitty thing to do. Goes to show that you cannot trust these people. They are untrustworthy and would just as soon stab their own mothers in the back if they think it would benefit them in any way. This is not just Trump. This goes for MOST if not ALL of our politicians. What a mess!

it is, but it's overblown. Those people change numbers all the time anyway

Graham hasn't changed his phone number yet

Lindsey Graham s phone is still ringing. Now Kelly Ayotte s kids are answering. - The Washington Post

When I say changed numbers, I mean the one he actually uses. I counted a couple years ago and I had 18 phone numbers. I probably have 3 or 4 more now. Only one do I ever personally answer.
OP so you trust some one who deletes 30,000 e mails, fakes a head injury and when finally appears before congress says "what does it matter ?"

A person who stands behind a cheating husband for political gain?

Trump is waking up the crowd, he can't be bought, you can not shut him up and I guess the left hates that, just wait around till he starts attacking Hillary...

That's what you guys are afraid of.

Thanks for responding. No, I am not afraid of Donald Trump. I am laughing at him.

But that's not the issue. Here, I will point you to the dicussion question, since you obviously missed it:

"Is it cool for a candidate to give out private information like this?"

No it is not okay. It was juvenile and shitty thing to do. Goes to show that you cannot trust these people. They are untrustworthy and would just as soon stab their own mothers in the back if they think it would benefit them in any way. This is not just Trump. This goes for MOST if not ALL of our politicians. What a mess!

it is, but it's overblown. Those people change numbers all the time anyway

They do?

People with possibly hundreds of contacts just randomly change their phone numbers?

Must be hard to get their new number to all those people

OP so you trust some one who deletes 30,000 e mails, fakes a head injury and when finally appears before congress says "what does it matter ?"

A person who stands behind a cheating husband for political gain?

Trump is waking up the crowd, he can't be bought, you can not shut him up and I guess the left hates that, just wait around till he starts attacking Hillary...

That's what you guys are afraid of.

Thanks for responding. No, I am not afraid of Donald Trump. I am laughing at him.

But that's not the issue. Here, I will point you to the dicussion question, since you obviously missed it:

"Is it cool for a candidate to give out private information like this?"

In a word, NO!

Anyone that would do what Trump has done, is the lowest form of skunk I can imagine.
he got you mad and got you thinking,

On another political site, was kind of surprised a few black posters I argued with for years support trump because they like what he says about the illegals.

Well, you can agree on points with a person and that doesn't mean that you trust that person to run the country. We need to level the playing field so that our elections are not "rigged" and dominated by the two majority parties and also by the rich. It is virtually impossible for an average American to become an elected official because they cannot compete.
I agree Chris, the only way you can is be bought or a billionaire and not care, that's why people are starting to like trump, he is pissing everyone off and the average hard working man with no voice is loving it. After Bush Jr. And Obama who could be worse?

Err, sorry, but if you think Mr. Trump cares about the "working man?" You are quite naive. He cares about Donald Trump and that is about it.
OP so you trust some one who deletes 30,000 e mails, fakes a head injury and when finally appears before congress says "what does it matter ?"

A person who stands behind a cheating husband for political gain?

Trump is waking up the crowd, he can't be bought, you can not shut him up and I guess the left hates that, just wait around till he starts attacking Hillary...

That's what you guys are afraid of.

Thanks for responding. No, I am not afraid of Donald Trump. I am laughing at him.

But that's not the issue. Here, I will point you to the dicussion question, since you obviously missed it:

"Is it cool for a candidate to give out private information like this?"

No it is not okay. It was juvenile and shitty thing to do. Goes to show that you cannot trust these people. They are untrustworthy and would just as soon stab their own mothers in the back if they think it would benefit them in any way. This is not just Trump. This goes for MOST if not ALL of our politicians. What a mess!

it is, but it's overblown. Those people change numbers all the time anyway

They do?

People with possibly hundreds of contacts just randomly change their phone numbers?

Must be hard to get their new number to all those people

OP so you trust some one who deletes 30,000 e mails, fakes a head injury and when finally appears before congress says "what does it matter ?"

A person who stands behind a cheating husband for political gain?

Trump is waking up the crowd, he can't be bought, you can not shut him up and I guess the left hates that, just wait around till he starts attacking Hillary...

That's what you guys are afraid of.

Thanks for responding. No, I am not afraid of Donald Trump. I am laughing at him.

But that's not the issue. Here, I will point you to the dicussion question, since you obviously missed it:

"Is it cool for a candidate to give out private information like this?"

In a word, NO!

Anyone that would do what Trump has done, is the lowest form of skunk I can imagine.
he got you mad and got you thinking,

On another political site, was kind of surprised a few black posters I argued with for years support trump because they like what he says about the illegals.

Well, you can agree on points with a person and that doesn't mean that you trust that person to run the country. We need to level the playing field so that our elections are not "rigged" and dominated by the two majority parties and also by the rich. It is virtually impossible for an average American to become an elected official because they cannot compete.
I agree Chris, the only way you can is be bought or a billionaire and not care, that's why people are starting to like trump, he is pissing everyone off and the average hard working man with no voice is loving it. After Bush Jr. And Obama who could be worse?

Just like all the liars, he is going to say what he knows you want to hear. Once he is "in" doesn't matter anymore. He got what he wanted out of you. You know, to get rich in today's world, that is kind of how you have to be. That is why I don't trust rich people.
The point is this: the marginalized lower middle class far right Republicans have found a "voice" in Trump, which means based on the far right whining the last seven years, the whining is going to only increase in sound and decimals.

It will continue as long as DT is in the race. If and when he leaves the race, the sobs will be heart-wrenching. They believe him to be Their Voice.
OP so you trust some one who deletes 30,000 e mails, fakes a head injury and when finally appears before congress says "what does it matter ?"

A person who stands behind a cheating husband for political gain?

Trump is waking up the crowd, he can't be bought, you can not shut him up and I guess the left hates that, just wait around till he starts attacking Hillary...

That's what you guys are afraid of.

Thanks for responding. No, I am not afraid of Donald Trump. I am laughing at him.

But that's not the issue. Here, I will point you to the dicussion question, since you obviously missed it:

"Is it cool for a candidate to give out private information like this?"

No it is not okay. It was juvenile and shitty thing to do. Goes to show that you cannot trust these people. They are untrustworthy and would just as soon stab their own mothers in the back if they think it would benefit them in any way. This is not just Trump. This goes for MOST if not ALL of our politicians. What a mess!

it is, but it's overblown. Those people change numbers all the time anyway

Graham hasn't changed his phone number yet

Lindsey Graham s phone is still ringing. Now Kelly Ayotte s kids are answering. - The Washington Post

When I say changed numbers, I mean the one he actually uses. I counted a couple years ago and I had 18 phone numbers. I probably have 3 or 4 more now. Only one do I ever personally answer.

and the one Graham gave Trump was obviously a private number.

But, now it isn't, is it?
The point is this: the marginalized lower middle class far right Republicans have found a "voice" in Trump, which means based on the far right whining the last seven years, the whining is going to only increase in sound and decimals.

It will continue as long as DT is in the race. If and when he leaves the race, the sobs will be heart-wrenching. They believe him to be Their Voice.

That's sad and also sad that those on the "left" think any one of those candidates represents them too.
I want to take a moment and look at presidential aspirant Donald Trump's latest shenanigan from an entirely different perspective. And I hope that adults here will actually read the OP, think and then comment like real adults.

After Trump called Mexicans "rapists", "drug dealers" and "murderers" and saying of Jeb Bush: "who the hell is gonna vote for this guy?!?" AT HIS PRESIDENTIAL ANNOUNCEMENT SPEECH and since then laying into every candidate he can, after saying that John McCain is not a war hero and then backtracking and saying that well, yeah, he's a hero because he got captured and he (Trump) prefers those who didn't get captured, yadayadayada, we have seen a true-blue food-fight emerge in the GOP, somewhat on the level of 7th graders in the lunchroom.

Now, insulting other candidates is nothing new, but slick politicians have found ways to do this and still do their best to maintain the image that even in the moment that they are insulting someone, they are above the fray. When more than one GOPer, upon being asked if President Obama is really a Christian, answered with "I'll have to take him at his word", that's a nasty insult, but couched in nice words, not at the level of gutter-sluts. And there is plausible deniability in the insult. Bill Clinton insulted Bob Dole in 1996 at the debates when, asked if age played a role in Dole's electability, Clinton answered with "I don't question his age. I question the age of his ideas". Of course Clinton questioned Bob Dole's age, but this was a way to word it without actually having worded it.

So, I'm not under the illusion that pols don't insult each other. They do. In fact, they do it quite regularly. Hell, you should see how rough and tumble it gets in the English House of Commons (their rough equivalent to our House of Representatives)! And pols on all sides have been insulting each other over a long time. This is not just a Republican thing, to be sure.

But Donald Trump took it to new lows yesterday when he released Senator Lindsay Graham's private cell-phone number.

First, Don Trump is definitely one of the richer people in this world, boasting of total assets around 10 Billion. Good for him. That's a big heap of $$$.

But each and every senator is one of the 110-120 most powerful people in our country. No shit. Think about it. After the President, the Vice-President and the Speaker of the HOR (next in line of succession in case of death or removal from office), certain members of the cabinet (like the SOS and SOD) and CIA upper-ups, all 100 Senators would be the next most important people in our country: the life and death of many a law hangs on just 100 elected Senators. It's been said more than once that each Senator gets up in the morning, looks in the mirror and sees a future President standing before him. So, whether or not you like any one certain Senator, he possesses a power that only 100 individuals have in any congressional term and for better or worse, was duly elected by voters from his or her state.

Therefore, giving out the personal, private cellphone number of a sitting (or former, for that member) Senator is no trivial thing to do.

Let's analyse how Trump did this. Here is the video:

Trump starts by saying that Lindsay Graham introduced himself to Trump four years ago and asked Trump to pass along his name to FOX and FRIENDS. Trump went on to say that Graham "begged" for Trump to do this (give him a good reference to FOX and FRIENDS) and then gave Trump his number. He says a lot in between about how he gives everyone money to in order to wield influence. Well, ok. There is a hell of a lot of ego in that, but that's nothing new from Don Trump.

The psychology that Trump is using is something like "I'm the bigger dog than you, so I'm gonna piss on you and neenerneenerneener, you can't do a fucking thing about it". I think that pretty much encapsulates Don Trump. That's it.

And I can live with that, too. That's his style and if that brings him mojo, well, hell, ok.

Now, back to the video:

1:43 "So, Lindsay Graham says to me, please, please, whatever you can do, uhm, now, I'm saying to myself, 'what's this guy, a beggar?', he's like begging me to help him with FOX and FRIENDS. So, I say 'ok' and 'I'll mention your name'. He said 'could you mention my name' and I said 'yes, I'll men--' and he gave me his number and I found the card! I wrote the number down, I don't know if it's the right number, let's try it 202- (laughter begins) 228-XXXX (big laughter), I don't know, maybe, you know, it's been three or four years ago, so maybe it's an old number, 202-228-XXXX. Soooo, I don't know, give it a shot...."

Yepp, that's definitely in the category of "I'm the bigger dog than you, so I'm gonna piss on you and neenerneenerneener, you can't do a fucking thing about it". And in this case, Trump pissed on Graham in his own back yard. Well, ok, he can do that, too. It's a free country. And indeed, Graham has insulted Trump more than once. But he didn't give out Trump's private number.

And - this is a presidential candidate we are talking about here. Wow.

Now, back to Trump's moment in Ames, Iowa last Saturday, just four days ago:

Trump insults a war hero Page 8 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

In that posting, I did a transcript of the key moments of that 26 minute performance:

11:24 "I've contributed to everybody, they've done whatever I said"


13:10 (about Jeb Bush) "can you imagine this guy negotiating with China? Who would you rather have negotiating with China - Trump, or Bush?"


13:37 Questioner no. 2: How does his faith influence how he raises his children? The Don says he was very strict with his children over alcohol, drugs and cigarettes.

16:00 "I was a great father"


16:53 "I know all of the successful people in the world"


17:15 "Love the Mexican people, thousands of them work for me!"


18:02 "I know the richest people in the world, I know the toughest people in the world..."


19:44 Luntz: "What is your relationship with G-d?" Trump: "Well, I pray, I go to church, I do things that are wrong...I'm a business person, I am really great at deals, I own some of the greatest properties in the world... I think G-d helped me" :wtf:

Ok, let's take Donald Trump at his word. If he really knows all of the most important people in the world, then I wonder how they might feel about him giving out someone's private telepone number during an event that was video'd, as a sort of revenge in the middle of a sophomoric food-fight? I wonder how many of those super-rich people, who have also probably given Donald Trump their telephone number, feel about this. And I wonder if they will trust him in the future.

What Trump did may have been good for his form of in-your-face, reality show politics. But it certainly was bad business sense. And he claims to be a great businessman, right?

So, :wtf: ?

It may win him the nomination or at least cause a hung convention, but it won't win him a General Election.

Just imagine a "Pres. Trump", in possession of "the nuclear briefcase". Just imagine that.

And in 3 or 4 years, surely we will hear how the Clinton camp relished every single one of these trumpian-moments. I bet the Clinton team is whooping with glee every moment the Don opens his mouth somewhere. I bet good money that in 3 or 4 years, a book about the Clinton team will come out and a great deal of it will be a recounting of the "Trump factor".

What a circus.

So, back to the OP title itself: did Donald Trump even consider the damage he did to himself yesterday?

I doubt it.

And BTW, did any other GOP candidate make his way to the front page anywhere yesterday? The day before? The day before that? Where are they? Why, they are getting buried with more and more Trumpian Neutron Bombs. That's what is happening to them. As a Democrat, I am glad to see their ship already hitting rocky shores, but as a citizen, I do think it's a shame that our process is getting cheapened this much by an ultra-rich person who will still be ultra-rich and will laugh all the way to the bank. Or maybe not...

Discuss. Is it cool for a candidate to give out private information like this?

Whow, protect the king and his court, nice.

Kathryn Steinle is just as important then any senator. All which can be replaced.
Thanks for responding. No, I am not afraid of Donald Trump. I am laughing at him.

But that's not the issue. Here, I will point you to the dicussion question, since you obviously missed it:

"Is it cool for a candidate to give out private information like this?"

No it is not okay. It was juvenile and shitty thing to do. Goes to show that you cannot trust these people. They are untrustworthy and would just as soon stab their own mothers in the back if they think it would benefit them in any way. This is not just Trump. This goes for MOST if not ALL of our politicians. What a mess!

it is, but it's overblown. Those people change numbers all the time anyway

They do?

People with possibly hundreds of contacts just randomly change their phone numbers?

Must be hard to get their new number to all those people

Thanks for responding. No, I am not afraid of Donald Trump. I am laughing at him.

But that's not the issue. Here, I will point you to the dicussion question, since you obviously missed it:

"Is it cool for a candidate to give out private information like this?"

In a word, NO!

Anyone that would do what Trump has done, is the lowest form of skunk I can imagine.
he got you mad and got you thinking,

On another political site, was kind of surprised a few black posters I argued with for years support trump because they like what he says about the illegals.

Well, you can agree on points with a person and that doesn't mean that you trust that person to run the country. We need to level the playing field so that our elections are not "rigged" and dominated by the two majority parties and also by the rich. It is virtually impossible for an average American to become an elected official because they cannot compete.
I agree Chris, the only way you can is be bought or a billionaire and not care, that's why people are starting to like trump, he is pissing everyone off and average hard working man with no voice is loving it. After Bush Jr. And Obama who could be worse?

Do you really want to find out, by backing a candidate with all the tact of a porcupine?

I feel you, but after an arrogant know it all who followed a deer in the headlights who followed a narcissist who followed a guy so dull he could put his mother to sleep, is it worse then we've been getting?
What was supposed to happen is all the politicians were supposed to pile on Trump. He was supposed to go on the expected apology tour and then go hide.

It didn't happen. Not a single one of these injured politicians didn't ask for the spanking Trump is administering. Not a single one didn't start it.
Thanks for responding. No, I am not afraid of Donald Trump. I am laughing at him.

But that's not the issue. Here, I will point you to the dicussion question, since you obviously missed it:

"Is it cool for a candidate to give out private information like this?"

No it is not okay. It was juvenile and shitty thing to do. Goes to show that you cannot trust these people. They are untrustworthy and would just as soon stab their own mothers in the back if they think it would benefit them in any way. This is not just Trump. This goes for MOST if not ALL of our politicians. What a mess!

it is, but it's overblown. Those people change numbers all the time anyway

They do?

People with possibly hundreds of contacts just randomly change their phone numbers?

Must be hard to get their new number to all those people

Thanks for responding. No, I am not afraid of Donald Trump. I am laughing at him.

But that's not the issue. Here, I will point you to the dicussion question, since you obviously missed it:

"Is it cool for a candidate to give out private information like this?"

In a word, NO!

Anyone that would do what Trump has done, is the lowest form of skunk I can imagine.
he got you mad and got you thinking,

On another political site, was kind of surprised a few black posters I argued with for years support trump because they like what he says about the illegals.

Well, you can agree on points with a person and that doesn't mean that you trust that person to run the country. We need to level the playing field so that our elections are not "rigged" and dominated by the two majority parties and also by the rich. It is virtually impossible for an average American to become an elected official because they cannot compete.
I agree Chris, the only way you can is be bought or a billionaire and not care, that's why people are starting to like trump, he is pissing everyone off and average hard working man with no voice is loving it. After Bush Jr. And Obama who could be worse?

Do you really want to find out, by backing a candidate with all the tact of a porcupine?
have you ever watched this movie? Or read the bio of Patton one of the greatest American generals ever?
Thanks for responding. No, I am not afraid of Donald Trump. I am laughing at him.

But that's not the issue. Here, I will point you to the dicussion question, since you obviously missed it:

"Is it cool for a candidate to give out private information like this?"

No it is not okay. It was juvenile and shitty thing to do. Goes to show that you cannot trust these people. They are untrustworthy and would just as soon stab their own mothers in the back if they think it would benefit them in any way. This is not just Trump. This goes for MOST if not ALL of our politicians. What a mess!

it is, but it's overblown. Those people change numbers all the time anyway

They do?

People with possibly hundreds of contacts just randomly change their phone numbers?

Must be hard to get their new number to all those people

Thanks for responding. No, I am not afraid of Donald Trump. I am laughing at him.

But that's not the issue. Here, I will point you to the dicussion question, since you obviously missed it:

"Is it cool for a candidate to give out private information like this?"

In a word, NO!

Anyone that would do what Trump has done, is the lowest form of skunk I can imagine.
he got you mad and got you thinking,

On another political site, was kind of surprised a few black posters I argued with for years support trump because they like what he says about the illegals.

Well, you can agree on points with a person and that doesn't mean that you trust that person to run the country. We need to level the playing field so that our elections are not "rigged" and dominated by the two majority parties and also by the rich. It is virtually impossible for an average American to become an elected official because they cannot compete.
I agree Chris, the only way you can is be bought or a billionaire and not care, that's why people are starting to like trump, he is pissing everyone off and the average hard working man with no voice is loving it. After Bush Jr. And Obama who could be worse?

Err, sorry, but if you think Mr. Trump cares about the "working man?" You are quite naive. He cares about Donald Trump and that is about it.
No, i do think he cares about the United states, our sovereignty, our status in the world, unlike people like Obama who take us down to the level of Iran. Bernie Sanders is not going to be elected sweetie. His leftist Utopia has already failed in Greece wake up
What's the harm? Anyone can change their phone number with a simple call to their service provider. In my opinion, it's petty shit not worth air time on the news. It's just early campaign season, and every word is blown up to infer whatever will get laughs or possible votes. Does anyone actually believe that what's said during campaign season is anything other than verbal warfare? People get too wrapped up in this petty back-and-forth sparing. Trump isn't doing anything that hasn't been done before in campaigns. Only difference I see, is trump is saying things that others are afraid to say. All the rest are too damn politically correct, vote whores, and trying to go by scripted time proven BS to sway the general public. Trump is taking the campaign outside the box of usual political rhetoric.

Yup and judging by the poll numbers he's having one hell of a success by just being him.

Guess all the lefty loons better keep that TP handy cause Trump apparently scares the shit outta their lefty asses.

Success with the extreme hard RW base of the Republican party. That's 25% of 30% of the electorate. You do the math.

Meanwhile, among all voters, he is getting creamed ala Goldwater 1964.

Discernment, discernment.
Thanks for responding. No, I am not afraid of Donald Trump. I am laughing at him.

But that's not the issue. Here, I will point you to the dicussion question, since you obviously missed it:

"Is it cool for a candidate to give out private information like this?"

No it is not okay. It was juvenile and shitty thing to do. Goes to show that you cannot trust these people. They are untrustworthy and would just as soon stab their own mothers in the back if they think it would benefit them in any way. This is not just Trump. This goes for MOST if not ALL of our politicians. What a mess!

it is, but it's overblown. Those people change numbers all the time anyway

They do?

People with possibly hundreds of contacts just randomly change their phone numbers?

Must be hard to get their new number to all those people

Thanks for responding. No, I am not afraid of Donald Trump. I am laughing at him.

But that's not the issue. Here, I will point you to the dicussion question, since you obviously missed it:

"Is it cool for a candidate to give out private information like this?"

In a word, NO!

Anyone that would do what Trump has done, is the lowest form of skunk I can imagine.
he got you mad and got you thinking,

On another political site, was kind of surprised a few black posters I argued with for years support trump because they like what he says about the illegals.

Well, you can agree on points with a person and that doesn't mean that you trust that person to run the country. We need to level the playing field so that our elections are not "rigged" and dominated by the two majority parties and also by the rich. It is virtually impossible for an average American to become an elected official because they cannot compete.
I agree Chris, the only way you can is be bought or a billionaire and not care, that's why people are starting to like trump, he is pissing everyone off and the average hard working man with no voice is loving it. After Bush Jr. And Obama who could be worse?

Just like all the liars, he is going to say what he knows you want to hear. Once he is "in" doesn't matter anymore. He got what he wanted out of you. You know, to get rich in today's world, that is kind of how you have to be. That is why I don't trust rich people.

A ridiculous sweeping statement. People get rich in business by serving their customers. Sure, there are good ones and bad ones. But why is it OK to say that about one group of people but not others? What is the difference between that and not trusting "black" people or "Muslims?"
Would you want Donald Trump as president? I wouldn't.

that is just you, there are probably a couple hundred million folks who likes what he is saying and would love to have him as our next president, i sure as hell would, he would get rid of these murderous sanctuary cities and execute the killers and start deporting the worst of the worst, the same kind you liberscum want to protect.

Trump is a very mild version of myself :up:

:up_yours: .... :asshole:
Thanks for responding. No, I am not afraid of Donald Trump. I am laughing at him.

But that's not the issue. Here, I will point you to the dicussion question, since you obviously missed it:

"Is it cool for a candidate to give out private information like this?"

No it is not okay. It was juvenile and shitty thing to do. Goes to show that you cannot trust these people. They are untrustworthy and would just as soon stab their own mothers in the back if they think it would benefit them in any way. This is not just Trump. This goes for MOST if not ALL of our politicians. What a mess!

it is, but it's overblown. Those people change numbers all the time anyway

They do?

People with possibly hundreds of contacts just randomly change their phone numbers?

Must be hard to get their new number to all those people

Thanks for responding. No, I am not afraid of Donald Trump. I am laughing at him.

But that's not the issue. Here, I will point you to the dicussion question, since you obviously missed it:

"Is it cool for a candidate to give out private information like this?"

In a word, NO!

Anyone that would do what Trump has done, is the lowest form of skunk I can imagine.
he got you mad and got you thinking,

On another political site, was kind of surprised a few black posters I argued with for years support trump because they like what he says about the illegals.

Well, you can agree on points with a person and that doesn't mean that you trust that person to run the country. We need to level the playing field so that our elections are not "rigged" and dominated by the two majority parties and also by the rich. It is virtually impossible for an average American to become an elected official because they cannot compete.
I agree Chris, the only way you can is be bought or a billionaire and not care, that's why people are starting to like trump, he is pissing everyone off and the average hard working man with no voice is loving it. After Bush Jr. And Obama who could be worse?

Just like all the liars, he is going to say what he knows you want to hear. Once he is "in" doesn't matter anymore. He got what he wanted out of you. You know, to get rich in today's world, that is kind of how you have to be. That is why I don't trust rich people.

That's sad you and JoeB are on the same page:cuckoo:

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