Planned Parenthood continues to target underaged girls


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2011
"The conversation starts off discussing role-playing games in sexual activity, but the counselor quickly turns to suggesting that the girl try out being a dominatrix or a submissive. When the girl asks what “kink” means, the counselor suggests anal sex and toys, and instructs her to start off with a “taste” and then work up to the “harder things.”
She’s suggesting this to a fifteen-year-old girl. "

"This isn’t feminine empowerment; it’s molding victims who will eventually end up in their clinics. And let’s not forget that taxpayers are handing over nearly a half-billion dollars to PP every year, in part to offer this kind of advice to vulnerable teens."

“In past releases, step two in the handbook is to ignore the exact same abuses we reveal in subsequent videos from additional Planned Parenthood locations across the country. We saw this in our sex-trafficking investigation and our sex-selective abortion investigation, and we’ll probably see it here, too. Planned Parenthood is trying to cast our video as a one-off.
“But throwing one employee under the bus does nothing to solve the abortion giant’s organization-wide problem: their promotion of dangerous sexual activity to teens in their online materials and programs. Lawmakers need to take action immediately to stop forcing taxpayers to support Planned Parenthood, and parents should call their school principals and superintendents to cut off Planned Parenthood’s access to teens in their communities.”
Planned Parenthood: BDSM advocate no longer counseling teens; Update: Live Action derides ?the token firing? strategy; Update: PP lied about termination? « Hot Air
The New American also publishes articles about economics (from a free-enterprise perspective of course!), culture, and history. It is published by American Opinion Publishing, a wholly owned subsidiary of The John Birch Society.
The New American also publishes articles about economics (from a free-enterprise perspective of course!), culture, and history. It is published by American Opinion Publishing, a wholly owned subsidiary of The John Birch Society.

Do you have a point?

The opinion of the author is that it is NOT appropriate for PP *counselors* to advise underage, vulnerable girls the best methods to get into the sex trade.

Does your opinion differ? Please share.
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At this point, I would like to remind the board that duhs' is notoriously, and rabid, anti-Christian, and proud of it.

This is the same genius who maintained that the Bronze age took place in the 1500s. She stuck to her guns on that particular idiocy for DAYS.

And the same poster who has been both male and female in the I suspect is at least ambidextrous regarding sexuality.

So let's see the healthy attitude she has towards guiding 15 year old girls into the sex trade. Everybody maintains the people who aren't Christian and who are pro-choice aren't lunatics. I'm hopeful that duhs will be the first to actually prove that theory.
Planned Parenthood is going to make a MINT off the unescorted kids flooding our borders.

I'll bet they're already at the facilities, giving good trafficking/sex trade advice to all those sick, vulnerable, illegal children. Hooking them up with *sponsors* on a case-by-case basis. Probably for a small kickback and future $$ off on your next 10 abortions coupons.
The New American also publishes articles about economics (from a free-enterprise perspective of course!), culture, and history. It is published by American Opinion Publishing, a wholly owned subsidiary of The John Birch Society.

Do you have a point?

The opinion of the author is that it is NOT appropriate for PP *counselors* to advise underage, vulnerable girls the best methods to get into the sex trade.

Does your opinion differ? Please share.
my point is obvious
you forgot to mention this part, allie...

Planned Parenthood: BDSM advocate no longer counseling teens

Planned Parenthood distanced itself from the advice dispensed at its clinic. They rejected the idea that this is a normal PP counseling session and said that the employee no longer worked for the organization...

the rest of that article is just characterization and insinuation... you have to figure out of millions of people sometimes you have individuals who do or say inappropriate things in any organization... just like sometimes there are bad cops or bad soldiers. right? and when these individuals are exposed, they get let-go and their behavior officially denounced by the organization. so, continuing to pretend as if the denounced behavior is acceptable behavior within the organization is dishonest!
The New American also publishes articles about economics (from a free-enterprise perspective of course!), culture, and history. It is published by American Opinion Publishing, a wholly owned subsidiary of The John Birch Society.

Do you have a point?

The opinion of the author is that it is NOT appropriate for PP *counselors* to advise underage, vulnerable girls the best methods to get into the sex trade.

Does your opinion differ? Please share.
my point is obvious

Only if your point is that you have dissociative disorder.
At this point, I would like to remind the board that duhs' is notoriously, and rabid, anti-Christian, and proud of it.

This is the same genius who maintained that the Bronze age took place in the 1500s. She stuck to her guns on that particular idiocy for DAYS.

And the same poster who has been both male and female in the I suspect is at least ambidextrous regarding sexuality.

So let's see the healthy attitude she has towards guiding 15 year old girls into the sex trade. Everybody maintains the people who aren't Christian and who are pro-choice aren't lunatics. I'm hopeful that duhs will be the first to actually prove that theory.
dear board the above rant by kosher hag is false and I have not ever portrayed myself as anything but what I am, a man.

the bronze age monk kosher hag is referring to was a mistake I made in dating and more importantly it was apologized for, it did not last for days but hours..

as to being ambidextrous sexuality yes I can use my tongue as well as my dick...
if kosher hag was referring to my given sexuality it's heterosexual and always has been.
in conclusion and I'm running the risk of stating the obvious here, kosher hag is a chronic obsessive psychotic who is only loosely connected to reality..
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Kids funneled into the sex trade? Stop right there. You already had me at 15 year old girls being introduced to BDSM. Save the underage hookers for later.

Remember the first rule of showbiz: always leave them wanting more.
Do you have a point?

The opinion of the author is that it is NOT appropriate for PP *counselors* to advise underage, vulnerable girls the best methods to get into the sex trade.

Does your opinion differ? Please share.
my point is obvious

Only if your point is that you have dissociative disorder.
odd how all nutjobs consistently point out non existent mental disorders in others
you forgot to mention this part, allie...

Planned Parenthood: BDSM advocate no longer counseling teens

Planned Parenthood distanced itself from the advice dispensed at its clinic. They rejected the idea that this is a normal PP counseling session and said that the employee no longer worked for the organization...

the rest of that article is just characterization and insinuation... you have to figure out of millions of people sometimes you have individuals who do or say inappropriate things in any organization... just like sometimes there are bad cops or bad soldiers. right? and when these individuals are exposed, they get let-go and their behavior officially denounced by the organization. so, continuing to pretend as if the denounced behavior is acceptable behavior within the organization is dishonest!

They have that statement xeroxed and standing in piles by the front door of every clinic, so the workers can hand it out every single time this happens.

"....their BDSM training video remains online, and they continue to list “resources” that tell kids that torture sex is totally fine. So what exactly did the staffer in our video do to bring the wrath of Planned Parenthood down on her?

“In past releases, step two in the handbook is to ignore the exact same abuses we reveal in subsequent videos from additional Planned Parenthood locations across the country. We saw this in our sex-trafficking investigation and our sex-selective abortion investigation, and we’ll probably see it here, too."

Planned Parenthood: BDSM advocate no longer counseling teens; Update: Live Action derides ?the token firing? strategy; Update: PP lied about termination? « Hot Air

How many times can it be an *isolated incident*..and still be an isolated incident and not a pattern of behavior.

Boy you people sure reacted differently when PRIESTS were caught behaving inappropriately with was very definitely a CHURCH problem when that was going on...

But this is meh, no biggy.
Planned Parenthood is going to make a MINT off the unescorted kids flooding our borders.

I'll bet they're already at the facilities, giving good trafficking/sex trade advice to all those sick, vulnerable, illegal children. Hooking them up with *sponsors* on a case-by-case basis. Probably for a small kickback and future $$ off on your next 10 abortions coupons.

Did you already forget that you're posting about Planned Parenthood?

And, please, don't pretend you give a flying fuck about those kids. You've never cared about kids before - except if you can use them to further your own SICK agenda.

Seriously, you're among the sickest sickos on this board.

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