POLL: Will Trump tone it down now?

Will Trump tone down the rhetoric now?

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You dont actually believe the dems would respond in kind do you?
What I expect is for both ends to just keep escalating in response, like children on a playground.

What I don't understand is how either child thinks they're really going to "win" this.

Conservatives have tried playing nice for decades and look where it's gotten us. Nowadays the media and democrats are blatantly out to destroy white people and what? We're not allowed to say anything about it?
You can defend yourself and say whatever you want.

If you think that this type of behavior is your only option, I guess that's what you're going to run with.

That's up to you.
What type of behavior? Are you saying Trump should criticize Democrats or the media?
You guys keep asking this. I addressed the behaviors in post 217. You already know what they are.

If you think that constant personal insults, name-calling, mockery and comical hyperbole is the only way a normal person can behave, there is absolutely nothing I can tell you.
Whether it's "normal" isn't the issue. Whether leftwingers deserve it is the issue, and they definitely do deserve it.
Our President is a selfish man-child who is incapable of controlling his impulses

Of course there is no way for him to tone down his hate speech

Hate speech? Says the man that has been doing nothing but calling his fellow Americans vile names all morning.

Our President was elected on a platform of fear and hate

He was elected on Trade and Immigration.

Seriously, rw. Why are you being an asshole?

You can reasonable disagree on Trade and Immigration, but you need to call everyone a racist.

Why are you being an asshole?

You don't have to be to oppose Trump.

YOu can disagree without insulting everyone that dares to disagree with you.

Why are you being such an asshole?
Crooked Donnie was elected on a platform of hate and fear

Fear of Mexicans, fear of Muslims, fear of international alliances
If not for Putin and Comey, we never would have been stuck with the inept tyrant
Those are things every sensible person should be afraid of, moron. Leftwingers give you the impression that they happily stick forks into electric sockets.
Your racist posts are well documented

Hatred of Mexicans, Blacks, Muslims
Defending confederate symbols of hatred and intolerance

You talk a lot of shit, but can't back any of it up.

I asked you a question. Why are you being such an asshole. I want an answer. What the fuck is wrong with you?

You may think that those who call you on your racist posts are assholes

I happen to think that racists such as yourself are assholes and a drain on our society

I pointed out that you cannot back up your shit accusations, and that you are an asshole.

In response do you back up your accusations?

Nope. YOu just make some more unsupported accusations.

You are the asshole here.

I've asked you why. Do you not know why you are an asshole?

What is your relationship with women like? HOw long has it been since you have been laid?

LOL...I swear I read this post after I wrote the following:

POLL: Will Trump tone it down now?

And you turn around and prove my point by mentioning 'asshole' 6 times!?!


I wonder what Freud would have said about that?

Have a nice day.

RW is being an asshole. I've tried to get him to address something seriously, but all he is doing it trolling.

If you support him, you are an asshole too.
i am being honest
What the problem is....you do not like to hear about your racist ranting
No, I don't think Trump will 'tone it down.'

The funny thing is, if he did tone it down, he would help his party GREATLY.
The economy is statistically booming (though not in reality - but most people are too ignorant to realize it), optimism is up (though it shouldn't be) and the Reps seem like they are doing a good job (when neither party actually is). Things look good to the average idiot.
The biggest problem for the Reps/Trump is Trump's big mouth. It is the number one reason why he simply refuses to go over 50% in any respectable poll.
He does not need to 'inflame' his base. They are his no matter what. He needs the rest of America. But as long as he keeps making an ass of himself, they will NEVER vote for him (barring a war).
Were I a Rep, I would LOVE IT if Trump would just shut up completely for the next 2 years.
But he won't - and I guarantee you the Dem powerbrokers would not have it any other way.

If he tones it down, that is the end of his push back against the lies of your vile lib media.

That is what you libs want. For us republicans to just retire from the field so you can lie unchallenged.

That's exactly what they want. What the left is saying is that Republicans should stop criticizing the left.
Hate speech? Says the man that has been doing nothing but calling his fellow Americans vile names all morning.

Our President was elected on a platform of fear and hate

He was elected on Trade and Immigration.

Seriously, rw. Why are you being an asshole?

You can reasonable disagree on Trade and Immigration, but you need to call everyone a racist.

Why are you being an asshole?

You don't have to be to oppose Trump.

YOu can disagree without insulting everyone that dares to disagree with you.

Why are you being such an asshole?
Crooked Donnie was elected on a platform of hate and fear

Fear of Mexicans, fear of Muslims, fear of international alliances
If not for Putin and Comey, we never would have been stuck with the inept tyrant
Those are things every sensible person should be afraid of, moron. Leftwingers give you the impression that they happily stick forks into electric sockets.
You talk a lot of shit, but can't back any of it up.

I asked you a question. Why are you being such an asshole. I want an answer. What the fuck is wrong with you?

You may think that those who call you on your racist posts are assholes

I happen to think that racists such as yourself are assholes and a drain on our society

I pointed out that you cannot back up your shit accusations, and that you are an asshole.

In response do you back up your accusations?

Nope. YOu just make some more unsupported accusations.

You are the asshole here.

I've asked you why. Do you not know why you are an asshole?

What is your relationship with women like? HOw long has it been since you have been laid?

LOL...I swear I read this post after I wrote the following:

POLL: Will Trump tone it down now?

And you turn around and prove my point by mentioning 'asshole' 6 times!?!


I wonder what Freud would have said about that?

Have a nice day.

RW is being an asshole. I've tried to get him to address something seriously, but all he is doing it trolling.

If you support him, you are an asshole too.
i am being honest
What the problem is....you do not like to hear about your racist ranting
When have you ever been honest about anything?
He attended a black church like tens of millions of other blacks.
Only racists like yourself would object

I hope that not every black church is racist and marxist.

That you are ignoring what I said about the church, and focused on it being black. was just you being a race baiting asshole.

Why are you being an asshole?

You being one of USMBs most racist posters, I have no obligation to address your hate

No, I'm not. THat is just what lib assholes like you, who can't refute what I say, say.

I'm not the one being hateful here, it is you.

Why are you being such an asshole? I am serious. What is wrong with you?
Your racist posts are well documented

Hatred of Mexicans, Blacks, Muslims
Defending confederate symbols of hatred and intolerance
What a load of horseshit.
Goes for you too Fingerboy
What I expect is for both ends to just keep escalating in response, like children on a playground.

What I don't understand is how either child thinks they're really going to "win" this.

Conservatives have tried playing nice for decades and look where it's gotten us. Nowadays the media and democrats are blatantly out to destroy white people and what? We're not allowed to say anything about it?
You can defend yourself and say whatever you want.

If you think that this type of behavior is your only option, I guess that's what you're going to run with.

That's up to you.
What type of behavior? Are you saying Trump should criticize Democrats or the media?
You guys keep asking this. I addressed the behaviors in post 217. You already know what they are.

If you think that constant personal insults, name-calling, mockery and comical hyperbole is the only way a normal person can behave, there is absolutely nothing I can tell you.
Whether it's "normal" isn't the issue. Whether leftwingers deserve it is the issue, and they definitely do deserve it.

Okay, Baby Potus Orange KY Bitch. Drink another Black Label sandy nasty beer and get some sleep. Night night. Beotch.
The king of the one liner troll is at work today..........isn't that right rightwinger.............

Are you amused.................
I hope that not every black church is racist and marxist.

That you are ignoring what I said about the church, and focused on it being black. was just you being a race baiting asshole.

Why are you being an asshole?

You being one of USMBs most racist posters, I have no obligation to address your hate

No, I'm not. THat is just what lib assholes like you, who can't refute what I say, say.

I'm not the one being hateful here, it is you.

Why are you being such an asshole? I am serious. What is wrong with you?
Your racist posts are well documented

Hatred of Mexicans, Blacks, Muslims
Defending confederate symbols of hatred and intolerance
What a load of horseshit.
Goes for you too Fingerboy
That really hurts, NOT!
Yes, I know. For many, this is not a credible question because Trump doesn't say anything wrong, he never says anything wrong, nothing he says is wrong, and there is nothing wrong what he says. You can vote Mango.

For the rest of us, what are the chances he'll be noticeably more careful with his words? I'm voting for we'll see a temporary change, then back to normal.
Trump is responsible for the increase of hate, racism and bigotry. He needs to go before he ignites a civil war.

Nope, that would be the media pushing the hate and violence. They've been singing that tune before trump arrived.
That's what you trumpanzees think....Jewish friends expressing their hate for him, and think he is the prime responsible for this....as a Muslim also I can tell the bigotry is way up there because he emboldened the bigots and racists....he encouraged violence. Fuck him and fuck everyone that voted that POS in.

Yeah, Muslims are real peaceful, how many wars have they been involved in and started, how many terrorist attacks have the orchestrated? Bigotry is way up because Muslims in 2001 attacked America. How many terrorist attacks are they responsible for world wide? Clean up your crap before you go pointing at others.
Th man is an asshole. He wants what he wants & fuck everyone else.

Not hardly. He's only an "asshole" because your girl lost and because he's thwarted your little liberal plans to turn this country into a third-world shithole. Trump wants what is best for this country and fuck everyone and everything else.

Rump only wants what is best for Rump and the rest of his criminal family. He doesn't give a fuck about you!
NPC - Non Player Character.

Lol, nobody gives a fuck about you!
Yes, I know. For many, this is not a credible question because Trump doesn't say anything wrong, he never says anything wrong, nothing he says is wrong, and there is nothing wrong what he says. You can vote Mango.

For the rest of us, what are the chances he'll be noticeably more careful with his words? I'm voting for we'll see a temporary change, then back to normal.
Trump is responsible for the increase of hate, racism and bigotry. He needs to go before he ignites a civil war.

Nope, that would be the media pushing the hate and violence. They've been singing that tune before trump arrived.
That's what you trumpanzees think....Jewish friends expressing their hate for him, and think he is the prime responsible for this....as a Muslim also I can tell the bigotry is way up there because he emboldened the bigots and racists....he encouraged violence. Fuck him and fuck everyone that voted that POS in.

Yeah, Muslims are real peaceful, how many wars have they been involved in and started, how many terrorist attacks have the orchestrated? Bigotry is way up because Muslims in 2001 attacked America. How many terrorist attacks are they responsible for world wide? Clean up your crap before you go pointing at others.
How many wars have we been involved in that are none of our business?
Yes, I know. For many, this is not a credible question because Trump doesn't say anything wrong, he never says anything wrong, nothing he says is wrong, and there is nothing wrong what he says. You can vote Mango.

For the rest of us, what are the chances he'll be noticeably more careful with his words? I'm voting for we'll see a temporary change, then back to normal.
Trump is responsible for the increase of hate, racism and bigotry. He needs to go before he ignites a civil war.

Nope, that would be the media pushing the hate and violence. They've been singing that tune before trump arrived.
That's what you trumpanzees think....Jewish friends expressing their hate for him, and think he is the prime responsible for this....as a Muslim also I can tell the bigotry is way up there because he emboldened the bigots and racists....he encouraged violence. Fuck him and fuck everyone that voted that POS in.

Yeah, Muslims are real peaceful, how many wars have they been involved in and started, how many terrorist attacks have the orchestrated? Bigotry is way up because Muslims in 2001 attacked America. How many terrorist attacks are they responsible for world wide? Clean up your crap before you go pointing at others.
How many wars have we been involved in that are none of our business?

Not saying we weren’t, my point is he goes after others yet he and his religion have blood on their hands and dares to criticize others?
Th man is an asshole. He wants what he wants & fuck everyone else.

Not hardly. He's only an "asshole" because your girl lost and because he's thwarted your little liberal plans to turn this country into a third-world shithole. Trump wants what is best for this country and fuck everyone and everything else.

Rump only wants what is best for Rump and the rest of his criminal family. He doesn't give a fuck about you!
NPC - Non Player Character.

NPC? Are you serious? Get back to your video games, pat. There are really some stupid folks on the interwebs.
Shouldn’t both side stop the rhetoric, because it ain’t all one sided!
I agree, and I say it all the time. It's just a shame he doesn't have the capacity to lead the way.

You dont actually believe the dems would respond in kind do you?
What I expect is for both ends to just keep escalating in response, like children on a playground.

What I don't understand is how either child thinks they're really going to "win" this.

You’re on the far right....perhaps you can tell us why.

I don't think Mac is on the far right, CC. He said he voted for hillary. He just seems more centric than the rest of us.
Yeah, it looks like I have another stalker on my hands. It's a weird mix of flattering and creepy.

Candycorn, please stop posting to me. I don't post to you unless in response. Please fixate on someone else. Get me out of your head. Thanks.
Yes, I know. For many, this is not a credible question because Trump doesn't say anything wrong, he never says anything wrong, nothing he says is wrong, and there is nothing wrong what he says. You can vote Mango.

For the rest of us, what are the chances he'll be noticeably more careful with his words? I'm voting for we'll see a temporary change, then back to normal.
Trump is responsible for the increase of hate, racism and bigotry. He needs to go before he ignites a civil war.

Nope, that would be the media pushing the hate and violence. They've been singing that tune before trump arrived.
That's what you trumpanzees think....Jewish friends expressing their hate for him, and think he is the prime responsible for this....as a Muslim also I can tell the bigotry is way up there because he emboldened the bigots and racists....he encouraged violence. Fuck him and fuck everyone that voted that POS in.

Yeah, Muslims are real peaceful, how many wars have they been involved in and started, how many terrorist attacks have the orchestrated? Bigotry is way up because Muslims in 2001 attacked America. How many terrorist attacks are they responsible for world wide? Clean up your crap before you go pointing at others.
State terrorism started before 2001 dumb ass. Keep rooting for the orange nazi.
Trump is responsible for the increase of hate, racism and bigotry. He needs to go before he ignites a civil war.

Nope, that would be the media pushing the hate and violence. They've been singing that tune before trump arrived.
That's what you trumpanzees think....Jewish friends expressing their hate for him, and think he is the prime responsible for this....as a Muslim also I can tell the bigotry is way up there because he emboldened the bigots and racists....he encouraged violence. Fuck him and fuck everyone that voted that POS in.

Yeah, Muslims are real peaceful, how many wars have they been involved in and started, how many terrorist attacks have the orchestrated? Bigotry is way up because Muslims in 2001 attacked America. How many terrorist attacks are they responsible for world wide? Clean up your crap before you go pointing at others.
How many wars have we been involved in that are none of our business?

Not saying we weren’t, my point is he goes after others yet he and his religion have blood on their hands and dares to criticize others?
My religion had no blood on its hands unless if you beleive that most muslims are terrorists Mr bigot.
The low life you are instead condemning your orange , you come swinging at muslims what a POS.
Th man is an asshole. He wants what he wants & fuck everyone else.

Not hardly. He's only an "asshole" because your girl lost and because he's thwarted your little liberal plans to turn this country into a third-world shithole. Trump wants what is best for this country and fuck everyone and everything else.

Rump only wants what is best for Rump and the rest of his criminal family. He doesn't give a fuck about you!
NPC - Non Player Character.

NPC? Are you serious? Get back to your video games, pat. There are really some stupid folks on the interwebs.
The majority of the country understands video game terms moron, and soon a majority will be playing video games at least a small amount of time.
Nope, that would be the media pushing the hate and violence. They've been singing that tune before trump arrived.
That's what you trumpanzees think....Jewish friends expressing their hate for him, and think he is the prime responsible for this....as a Muslim also I can tell the bigotry is way up there because he emboldened the bigots and racists....he encouraged violence. Fuck him and fuck everyone that voted that POS in.

Yeah, Muslims are real peaceful, how many wars have they been involved in and started, how many terrorist attacks have the orchestrated? Bigotry is way up because Muslims in 2001 attacked America. How many terrorist attacks are they responsible for world wide? Clean up your crap before you go pointing at others.
How many wars have we been involved in that are none of our business?

Not saying we weren’t, my point is he goes after others yet he and his religion have blood on their hands and dares to criticize others?
My religion had no blood unless if you beleive that most muslims are terrorists Mr bigot.
The low life you are instead condemning your orange , you come swinging at muslims what a POS.
Muslims have terrorized and killed off other people for their entire existence.

How the hell do you think Islam got so much influence without missionaries?
Th man is an asshole. He wants what he wants & fuck everyone else.

Not hardly. He's only an "asshole" because your girl lost and because he's thwarted your little liberal plans to turn this country into a third-world shithole. Trump wants what is best for this country and fuck everyone and everything else.

Rump only wants what is best for Rump and the rest of his criminal family. He doesn't give a fuck about you!
NPC - Non Player Character.

NPC? Are you serious? Get back to your video games, pat. There are really some stupid folks on the interwebs.
The majority of the country understands video game terms moron, and soon a majority will be playing video games at least a small amount of time.

Good to know.
Yes, I know. For many, this is not a credible question because Trump doesn't say anything wrong, he never says anything wrong, nothing he says is wrong, and there is nothing wrong what he says. You can vote Mango.

For the rest of us, what are the chances he'll be noticeably more careful with his words? I'm voting for we'll see a temporary change, then back to normal.
Trump is responsible for the increase of hate, racism and bigotry. He needs to go before he ignites a civil war.

Nope, that would be the media pushing the hate and violence. They've been singing that tune before trump arrived.
That's what you trumpanzees think....Jewish friends expressing their hate for him, and think he is the prime responsible for this....as a Muslim also I can tell the bigotry is way up there because he emboldened the bigots and racists....he encouraged violence. Fuck him and fuck everyone that voted that POS in.

Yeah, Muslims are real peaceful, how many wars have they been involved in and started, how many terrorist attacks have the orchestrated? Bigotry is way up because Muslims in 2001 attacked America. How many terrorist attacks are they responsible for world wide? Clean up your crap before you go pointing at others.
State terrorism started before 2001 dumb ass. Keep rooting for the orange nazi.

Dumb ass this has been going on for a nag me, the fact you won’t take an responsibility for your own religion’s atrocities volumes of your racist character. I am rooting for America not you hypocrites.

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