POLL: Will Trump tone it down now?

Will Trump tone down the rhetoric now?

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Tone it down?

Did you see him last night his rally when he walked out on stage fist pumping and dancing around and waving and laughing pointing at people giggling.

Then he blamed it on Democrats.

Do you think he’ll pick up the conspiracy of the murderer? Who said the caravan was funded and put together by Jews?

Oh wait, Soros is Jewish. So I guess he already has.
So fist pumping, dancing around, waving and laughing and point at people is offensive somehow? If anyone in this country hates Jews, it's the left.

BTW, during WW II Soros worked for the Nazis hunting down Jews so the Nazis could send them to Auschwitz. That's who you're trying to make into a victim.
More deflection.
No, it's not more deflection.

It's straight to the point, pointing out even after all this hostility and violence stemming from rabid partisanship and violent rhetoric coming from both sides, you still show that partisanship and focusing on and attacking the president is still priority number one for snowflakes and Democrats.

It shows you're giving lip service to civility while marching to Hillary's tune, her calling for you to abandon Civility and continue with Violent intolerance as well as your refusal to hold your own party and leaders equally accountable.

Good lil' snowflake.

Quick, now say something defensive and clever to try to make yourself feel / look better...
My number one priority, because I started a thread?

Okay, sure. You're gonna protect your guy, no matter what. You're trained.

Wingers sure are sensitive, obedient little bunnies.
What did Trump do that deserves to be condemned? Nothing that I can fathom.
Tone it down?

Did you see him last night his rally
President Trump hugged a pastor and a rabbi and gave one of the best speeches condemning anti semitism from any President and so his tone was just perfect!
Yeah his tone is perfect reading from a script written for him BUT sooner or later he opens his GD yapper and his unity bullshit goes out the window
For instance?
More deflection.
No, it's not more deflection.

It's straight to the point, pointing out even after all this hostility and violence stemming from rabid partisanship and violent rhetoric coming from both sides, you still show that partisanship and focusing on and attacking the president is still priority number one for snowflakes and Democrats.

It shows you're giving lip service to civility while marching to Hillary's tune, her calling for you to abandon Civility and continue with Violent intolerance as well as your refusal to hold your own party and leaders equally accountable.

Good lil' snowflake.

Quick, now say something defensive and clever to try to make yourself feel / look better...
That asshole is never going to get it. He called Mark Levin some "extremist" cause he extremely defends the constitution.
Defending the Constitution is hate, don't ya know.
OBVIOUSLY it is a battle of freedom of speech between the press and the President. In my opinion the pathetic elites that pretend to be journalists these days are out of step with the tradition of fine neutral journalism of the past and have become modern day brokers of smug lies.
What did Trump do that deserves to be condemned? Nothing that I can fathom.
I know.
You can't list anything, obviously.
Correct. Nothing that you could fathom. You said it yourself.

We're in complete agreement.
Hmmmm, wrong, you really mean just plain nothing. You're running away from the question. Who do you think you're fooling?
No one. I'm agreeing with you.

If agreeing with you is foolish, so be it.
Please explain this to me. Trump is the president of the United States yes? Trump is a republican yes?
ok so after winning the election he became the president for all of us yes? that's ALL of us yes?
so he holds lots of rally's yes? does he use these rally's to carefully explain what he wants to accomplish, does he rally ALL Americans to learn about his vision for America ?
now that he is president of ALL is it right or fair to just rally his base? to denounce any one who disagrees with him? does this in any way promote unity? well?
What did Trump do that deserves to be condemned? Nothing that I can fathom.
I know.
You can't list anything, obviously.
Correct. Nothing that you could fathom. You said it yourself.

We're in complete agreement.
Hmmmm, wrong, you really mean just plain nothing. You're running away from the question. Who do you think you're fooling?
No one. I'm agreeing with you.

If agreeing with you is foolish, so be it.
You're weaseling, just like a typical leftwinger.
If the Hoover Dam collapses tomorrow it will blamed on Trump. You cannot take these fools serious.
You can't list anything, obviously.
Correct. Nothing that you could fathom. You said it yourself.

We're in complete agreement.
Hmmmm, wrong, you really mean just plain nothing. You're running away from the question. Who do you think you're fooling?
No one. I'm agreeing with you.

If agreeing with you is foolish, so be it.
You're weaseling, just like a typical leftwinger.
I've never had a person get so pissy with me for agreeing with them.

Okay, thanks.
Please explain this to me. Trump is the president of the United States yes? Trump is a republican yes?
ok so after winning the election he became the president for all of us yes? that's ALL of us yes?
so he holds lots of rally's yes? does he use these rally's to carefully explain what he wants to accomplish, does he rally ALL Americans to learn about his vision for America ?
now that he is president of ALL is it right or fair to just rally his base? to denounce any one who disagrees with him? does this in any way promote unity? well?
The purpose of rallies is to win elections, numskull. Their purpose is not to advance the leftwing agenda.
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Yes, I know. For many, this is not a credible question because Trump doesn't say anything wrong, he never says anything wrong, nothing he says is wrong, and there is nothing wrong what he says. You can vote Mango.

For the rest of us, what are the chances he'll be noticeably more careful with his words? I'm voting for we'll see a temporary change, then back to normal.

No way will he change! He's driving the Left and the Media up the wall and Americans are eating it up.
Have liberals stopped pretending that they love Israel yet?


In about ohhhhhh, 5 days?
Please explain this to me. Trump is the president of the United States yes? Trump is a republican yes?
ok so after winning the election he became the president for all of us yes? that's ALL of us yes?
so he holds lots of rally's yes? does he use these rally's to carefully explain what he wants to accomplish, does he rally ALL Americans to learn about his vision for America ?
now that he is president of ALL is it right or fair to just rally his base? to denounce any one who disagrees with him? does this in any way promote unity? well?
The purpose of rallies is to win elections, numskull. Their purpose is not to advance the leftwing agenda.
Everything conservatives do is hate, according to the left.

No exceptions.

When they block speech, any speech by say Ben Shapiro (Orthodox Jew) they consider that noble.

Btw, most Jews (liberal ones) are not kosher, they dont attend Temple, they do not follow the Mosaic Law. That is the Diane Feinsteins of the world. The Amy Schumers of the world. The sarah silvermans of the world.

True Jews (Israelis and faithful Jews that attend Temple) are despised by the left. Not those fake disgraceful Jews who have been dancing around whatever version of the golden calf, since their ancestors danced around the actual golden calf.

Pathetic left. I see through all of your utter bullshit. Anti semitic racist pieces of shit.
BIPAT QUOTE ( The purpose of rallies is to win elections) & then you insult me, did he not win his election? thought he was the president, is he running for some thing else? king maybe?
BIPAT QUOTE ( The purpose of rallies is to win elections) & then you insult me, did he not win his election? thought he was the president, is he running for some thing else? king maybe?
He's trying to help Republicans win their midterm election, moron. Let Trump worry about how he conducts his rallies. It's really none of your fucking business.

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